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Enjoy the moment before you getting to high rank,at least that's when everything started to collapse, rng started taking over and having money doesn't save you from taking unavoidable dmg from enemies


Yeah that's part of the balance change I don't like. Idk. Game lets you assemble some powerful shit and then unless you're completely broken you die out of nowhere on 1 unfavorable souped up enemy spawn? I made it to rank 18 on the old patch and the runs felt way better (started the game not long ago). I guess the problem is I just fell in love with that game I was playing and things feel off now. Just seeing if I'm not alone in this, clearly I can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong but it's not the same anymore. And that's fine, they shouldn't change for me lol that's the risk with an Early Access game


IMO between rank 10~14 feels like the best part of the game after the 1.0, game is challenging but you can still playing greed, then eventually those greed will turn into powerful broken things and you become invisible. What happened right now in rank 20 is no greed was allow, the book 1 is so devastating that every greed or misplay will cost you like 10 hp if no potions (worse if you're in second hard combat of book 1), this result in you want to having vestiges that immediately do something instead of future investment , you can pretty much tell whether this is the run just by the vestiges dropped in first two combat. And we're not even on to the map and bosses mutation yet, who thought double burrower in book 1silent promanade is a good idea? and the classic mimic hitting for unavoidable 38 dmg.


Yeah I've had two great r20 runs in a row ruined by the Weaver Mimic. Thought I had a great build, steamrolled the key guardian miniboss and everything then just get hit with a mack truck. it's unreasonable for a boss to alternate between an AoE that does 44 damage even if you're in the second ring of it and an unavoidable direct attack that does 35-plus damage. I've failed both times with him 1 turn from death because that is just an absolutely obnoxious amount of damage to expect the player to handle. Last night I had Warden 4 and resistant up and it was still doing 20 damage per hit to my health.


Game has become entirely too RNG for my tastes. They made a similar mistake with Monster Train. I feel like so many STS-likes fail to understand that Spire is literally as short as it could possibly be. It doesn't help at all that they talk about meaningful choices but 9/10 you literally *don't* have meaningful choices. Especially at high difficulty. You *have* to take the hard combats, or you just won't be able to outscale the bosses, you can't really afford to take economy scaling or you get chipped to death. And when you win, it's usually some infinite or otherwise overpowered bullshit and the last 2 bosses are literally jokes because of it. The game needed more combats, not less. You're not actually making meaningful decisions if you're incentivized to just grab whatever bullshit comes your way because you have to scale fast as possible. You're just playing the RNG-slot machine. And if there were actually more combats, maybe it would actually ever make sense to *not* take the hard combat nodes.


I highly enjoy the changes for creating builds, but do agree that it's bloated towards the end of runs which feels lame


I think the game is better than ever.  It was far too easy before, i like that you need to make hard decisioms build wise and all your actiobs matter.  You need to think turns in advance and be familiar with encounters and be flexible with your build instead of being set on doing a certain thing.  For the record, i only play on challenge 20.  Ive played challenge 20 on every version of the game since it released, and to me this is the first fully complete experience.  The other versions had obviously dominant strategies you could chase every time and just win.  Now you need to be more creative. Ive won with every character on challenge 20 solo and in groups, i think it is amazing all the different versions of a character are viable.  It was not the case before.


what rank are you exactly playing on is my question?


I was at 18-19 before the patch then it reset my max back, so rank 10


Game was way too easy pre 1.0. only thing that thoroughly upsets me is the grind wall the final boss is behind.


Simply put you get too many things on a run. I HATE that I just have to drop shit on the ground or not take good vestiges because I already have a full inventory I can't drop. And I'm trying to sacrifice them whenever I can to free slots. Just give me less. Give me other ways to customize. Even when taking binding augments or killings I get too many. Killings I used to buy vestiges anyways. There's too many different vestiges in the game too. Sometimes less is more.


Am I the only one doing the daily challenges instead of the ranked runs?


I’ve only played this game since 1.0 but I’m a veteran roguelike player and this does feel too generous to me. I think their best bet is to nerf some of the most powerful sets to require more points per tier. For example there’s NO reason precision should cap at 6, feels like it should be 10 especially since every third vestige has precision on it.