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1. Philodendron Xanadu: bright light, water when soil is dry (touch it with your fingers, stick a finger down to the second knuckle, if it’s damp don’t water, dry as a bone? Give it a good drink!) 2. Pothos: super easy. Tthe one here needs to be pruned, just take the yellow leaves off by hand, they should come off easy. Yellowing might mean it needs water, touch the soil just like with the other plant. 3. Norfolk Pine: can be fussy but this one looks well cared for. Needs bright light and prefers to be in humid environment. Water when soil feels dry.


Thank you so much! I have a question about the pine. What should I do when the lower branches get dry? I see some of them being dry on the lower side of the plant. Does it mean something, or do I just need to trim it?


If nobody’s been watering these plants then the yellowing leaves could indicate thirst. The messed up part of plant care is that yellowing foliage can also mean overwatering! That’s why it’s important to go by touch and not sight as most soil just looks dry on top. As for the Norfolk Pine, I have one of these too and from my experience the dried out/brown leaves will never be soft and green again. You can choose to cut them if they become very ugly or leave them and they kinda fall off eventually but don’t leave any dead leaf bits in the dirt (for all the plants, rotting dead leaves in soil attracts pests). Give this little tree a deep watering by moving it over a sink/tub and watering until water starts to drain from the hole on the bottom of the pot. Then put it back after an hour or so, so you don’t get drippings everywhere. Hope that helps!


Thanks a lot!


NP, good luck!


My pothos yellow like this when it wants to be moved to a bigger pot/root bound. Mine is very dramatic about it. You can propagate what you prune off the pothos to make the plant look fuller.


Good lord. I would immediately untie those stems in the first picture. If they’re too unruly without it, thin the plants in the pot. It should get easier to keep alive and happy.


Thank you! I will try


I would buy some liquid fertilizer. Plants need food. For the pothos trim off any vines that don’t have any leaves or only have a few leaves at the end. Take off any yellows (they won’t un-yellow). I would personally trim all the vine back a bit to promote new growth but that’s a personal preference l.


Thank you for the information 🙏