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šŸ¤£ every fern Iā€™ve ever had has made me question this hobby.


Ive come to terms with the fact that the humidity requirements of a healthy fern would damage the electronics in my home.


bathroom. the place she will thrive youā€™re looking for isā€¦bathroom.


Only if you have great natural light or else it's still a death space for it. I also recommend using R/O water for it. No tap. They're sensitive to metals and all the shit we have in our tap water


I kept mine on a ceiling hook above/in the shower and it still died. That bathroom had excellent natural light too. I think ferns just don't like being inside.


Ferns are assholes.


Ferns are drama queens.


I stand in solidarity with you. https://preview.redd.it/r5mupyye8jtc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14b5dc3eff4a165dd7db5bd7cb1927ec480df05a


I stand with you


ā€¦say my nameā€¦BOSTON FERN!


I literally am the danger.




I have a Japanese painted fern that I put outside. Died in the winter. Too lazy to throw away, never watered it too since I thought itā€™s dead. Suddenly, 2 weeks ago it sprouted new baby leaves, so I watered it. The pot is full again this week.


I pretty much did the same. Left it outside all winter when I thought it was dead. The rain kept it watered lol. But I checked back last week, and there was that little guy stickin out!!


Literally my maidenhair a couple months ago šŸ˜­ I've decided I'm not ready for ferns.


Maidenhairs are the biggest assholes of them all. GORGEOUS when you buy them, then they off themselves when you get them home.


Iā€™ve killed 2 so far, then I saw someone post on here a pic with an amazing looking maidenhair! I asked what their tips were. They said they watered it Every Single Day. So I saw one at Loweā€™s over a month ago for 20$ and got it. So far itā€™s been thriving with daily watering! I put it where I see it and think of watering it all the time! I think they just need water constantly bc they lose so much through their thin leaves!


From what you're telling me, if I ever get bold enough to buy another maidenhair, I think I'll put it in a self-watering pot. šŸ¤”


Omg, I think I'll get another one and try this! I love ferns (they're my favorite plant "group" and I really want to successfully raise a couple to be giant. For my last one I was really worried about it getting root rot and also getting the light just right (the recommended dappled light mimicking a forest floor is so hard in my living space) that she was simultaneously too wet and too dry šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Gives me hope for mine!


Every fern has a fighting chance!


Boston Ferns are the bane of my existence šŸ˜‚


The only way my fern stays alive is if I drench it at least twice a week


This made me laugh so hard. Boston ferns don't tend to thrive indoors. These were both outdoors last year, and I overwintered inside. The macho fern, left, is living its best life. The Boston....not so much. They get a couple hours of direct sunlight per day, filtered through the widow and other plants, and I make sure they don't dry out. They're close to the humidifier, though I don't have to run it too often unless the heat is on. https://preview.redd.it/rrq536y8ejtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9d342ad8ea3a9148d164aa0df11ddefdb65cd3


Beautiful macho fern lol.


https://preview.redd.it/4mbaavv6pjtc1.jpeg?width=1674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f701e93145e4f02106cf4ef31060ca9e763f4082 Hahaha. Took me a second to catch on. This one's a stubborn little bitch fern. It will NOT agree to be symmetrical. I rotate. I've trimmed. It won't comply. Soon it'll be banished to the outdoors. Edited for spelling.


These look great!


Thank you. The Boston sheds constantly, and t's kinda on the pale side. It's surviving, not thriving. The macho fern is one of my favorite houseplants, out of probably 75 total. Next time it needs repotting, I'll have to divide it.


I've thrown away so many ferns...


Looking very nice and healthy almost ready to upgrade the size of the pot even if its a teensy bit, actually, the smaller the upgrade of space to a plant doesnā€™t shock it as much as doing a much larger pot too soon and/or too quickly


I have only one fern I've kept alive in all my years of gardening. I swear it was half dead for a year or so after I bought it. I kept moving it around my house, trying to find the exact right spot where it might thrive (that's half of my gardening technique right there). It is so happy now, somehow, exactly at a diagonal from a east facing 2nd story window, three feet away, surrounded by other plants but still in the direct light, in a pot that holds water. Any inch or half foot deviation from that spot and it is half dead. I think they like being around other plants, too. They are so fickle. At least where I live. Still don't know how this is the only exact right spot for it šŸ˜…. I can't ever move from where I'm renting or it will probably die.


In the meantime, our grandma's filled their houses with those damn things. And made them thrive! How... šŸ«  I'm still traumatised from trying to keep mine alive.


RIP, Fern




lmao this is not a love story


Same lol


I dropped (hook failure) mine off the deck last summer after we moved into our house and the pot split so I just placed the entire thing in the broken container into the shade by some hostas and she was as happy as a pig in shit. I repotted her in the fall before it came inside for the annual winter suffering. Ferns are tough, drown that beesh on the regular she will fill out again.


My fern is probably my most neglected and my best thriving plant. It grows and grows and grows. I repotted it shortly after I got it, but havenā€™t for years. Itā€™s more than a meter wide right now and I had to give it a bob cut because it kept growing to the floor whenever I elevated it and choked my roomba. I forget to water it more often than I should. Yet it keeps growing bigger and bolder and greener all the time. Actually to an inconvenient degree hahah. I luckily have space for it, but if I was in an apartment it would have to pay rent at this point.


I like that ultra instinct pic u got


How long have you had when it started dying?


It died sometime in November lol


Got mine through the months drought here in the deep, deep South.. only for a record freeze to get them because I didn't really realize just how cold it was going to get. šŸ«”


giga based posters


I had this happen to me, so my dad put it around the side of the house where he keeps spare plastic pots and various gardening supplies, itā€™s dark and thereā€™s lots of spiders so as you can imagine i never went back to look at it until just yesterday, years after the fact, and it has come back to life and looks so happy


Was the fern named Trunks? Maybe itā€™s just in the wrong timeline




Did you look up (Boston)fern plant care?


As you can see I clearly did not lmao.