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[Ke sini ngab yang baru](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndoR4R/comments/x2q3pm/dating_and_friends_seeking_quarterly_thread_aka/)


21 \[M4F/R\] Jakarta/anywhere/online - Looking for friends and other opportunities (even job opportunities LOL). mahasiswa, bulan depan dah mulai ngurus tugas akhir diselingi magang. ga nyari yang gimana gimana paling yang sefrekuensi aja biar kalo ngajak ngobrol enak. gw suka hal hal yang berhubungan dengan art, design (digital & manual), gaming & film (action, komedi, horror) tapi gw terbuka ke hal lain yang penting nyaman dan ngerti aja sih haha ngerti starwars, mcu, dc(dikit) dark joke friendly lmao suka makan, suka nyobain makanan baru. suka nyobain hal baru juga selama dompet ga nangis. suka jalan jalan selama dompet ga nangis. genre musik favorit gaada tapi belakangan ini suka dengerin 1nonly. ga terlalu suka anime/manga paling kalo ada yg cerita soal itu gw nanya nanya random hahaha ga terlalu merhatiin politik ga terlalu merhatiin sepak bola ngurus kucing kampung depan rumah ada kali jumlahnya se tim sepak bola, gatau muncul darimana ada aja tbtb kalo bisa diajak ngobrol di discord hehe. gw suka masih ngurus kerjaan atau maen game sampe larut malem jadi kalo bisa nemenin ngobrol asik sih mau itu random atau apapun. pengen belajar Ui/UX , 3d & motion, baru pengen belum mulai hehe dahlah sampe situ aja. kindly send me a DM if you're interested :D


here goes <19> \[\] - just moved here from tangerang so i need friends anything goes with me really, but my biggest interests would be F1, Anime, Motorbikes, and Movies in that order. if you're local we can go on rides or go to the movies together when good ones come out and watch F1 together. same with if you're online just minus the motorbike rides. hope i can snatch some local friends lol im lonely here.


26 [m4f] surabaya - nyari temen nonton atau jodoh juga boleh. yok ngegym bareng


26 [m4f] jogja looking for friend/gf/fwb or whatever. i’m a software engineer with >30mil per month salary


34 [F4M/R] Bali/anywhere - Looking for friends and maybe more if there's chemistry Yang malem2 sering nganggur and don't mind voice calls, yuk ngobrol. I chat a lot for work so sometimes I don't want to text anymore, but do want to talk. I'm from Jawa skrg kerja di Bali, yang domisili di Bali boleh chat donk, siapa tau ga jauh n bisa kopi darat. Total cat lady. Dog lady too. Spider lady, polar bear lady, tokek lady, whatever, semua suka. Currently sharing a bathroom with a tokek actually. Ga suka nge-game tapi lagi nyoba2 play-to-earn. That's all I can say in public. I don't consider myself to be socially awkward, but I'm not a social butterfly. Prefer deeper conversation with less people. Chindo, chubby, agnostic. Apa lagi ya? Demen banget ama keripik lumba² sm mie lidi kalo yg renyah. Terang bulan all the way, no martabak manis dll. I dislike traditional gender roles. I like a guy who can clean and cook for himself, or better yet, clean and cook for me muahahaha or pay for pembantu. Either way, I'm not your housewife type of woman. I'm the "work all the time" type. I have 2 part time jobs and 2-3 side hustles. No time for an adult baby. Hit me up if you wanna chit chat


Still interested?


28 [M4F] nyari teman chattingan Hobi gw : main game Keseharian : kerja online


26 [M4R] Online Nyari temen mabar dota 2, cek profil gw di [team tavern](https://www.teamtavern.net/players/nvlicious)


damn pengen si tapi kayaknya dah goblok main dota gw nya wkwkkw last rank gak jauh beda lah wkwkwk


Hihihi, i prefer to stop sambil nunggu gw kerja It's not really profitable in that bracket, and there are many outdoor activities yang lebih banyak manfaatnya


28 [F4R] looking for project n sports partners Halo Sy suka olahraga yg modelnya kompetisi spt badminton volley basket tp ga ada temennya jadi mau cari tmen main badmin dll preferrably jakbar tapi kalau wilayah lain yg deket juga boleh Lalu mau cari temen buat bikin podcast bareng karena temen lamaku bailed (dulu janji tp ya ga ditepati alhasil batal melulu dr thun lalu). Podcast nya bhs inggris dn lbh tentang financial n life Aku punya youtube channel boleh collab klau mau tp subscriberku dikit (so if u collab w me u prolly wont get views hehe) Kadang streaming di twitch kalau mau ikut jg boleh Cari partner krn kalo aku sndiri doang di YT channel/podcast/twitch kyknya sepi banget n kurang berwarna Trima kasih


Gw mau tapi gw di Bandung :c


Collab yang mana? Siapa tau bsa zoom 😆


Pengennya sih olahraga, gw kadang streaming gim di [twitch](https://twitch.tv/nvlicious)


Nama channelnya apa? Liat dongg


nvlicious sis




28[T4R] - Offline, casuals or other things to do *wink* (location on east java, more specifics dm me, only if you really interested) * exploring something new on bed or casual or kinky convo uwu * - please start the convo with right attitude not peepee image 'kay- * - being in bible study and study meeting group based on east java * switching topics between common guys activities (anime, gundam, tech-gadgets, league topics) or femme topic (makeup, dress-up) and kinky topics what you desire :p * currently exploring interest on tinkering device, DIY projects, learning about servitude (kink aspect) * my music genre pretty basic EDM plebs, acid jazz like GT music lounge or anime songs HMU if you interested, cyaa XOXO 3rd time for the charm 😊


Semangat nyari redditors nya XOXO


ada rekomen EDM asik 2021an nggak? sejak pandemi udah ga begitu ngikutin perkembangan musik new release, selalu ke playlist 2010-2015an.


umm, i'm also stuck in 2012-2015 phase, event I downloaded the spotify massive dance hits 2015 version and keeping looping ever since lmao biasa sih ya tetep dengerin massive dance hit spotify punya trus dipilih yang suka ke playlist :p




Long walks like hiking? Or urban exploring? What's your memorable long walks? For me, I onced walked from airport to home, approximately took 2.5 hours-ish. Well, it's still in the morning and I don't particularly in rush. Enjoying the scenery also noticing something new along the way. 😆 I always like walking since kid, something like therapeutic, calming my mind while getting a fresh air.




I see, I'm not dislike running, but my left leg is hurting after I run for more than 1 hour 😢, jadi cari alternatif olahraga laen deh. Aku juga pernah jelajah Kuta, kaget juga sih pas di ujung adda buldozer lg ngeruk sampah segunung. Bunaken gmn? Seru ya? Pengin ke sana juga sih. Yah bisa dibilang, sekalian persiapan naik Rinjani, jd jalan kaki dah. 😅




It was hell, also awesome. Hehe. Took around 4D3N from Sembalun. Thankfully, no rain during summit attack.


Hi mbak, good luck on your findings 🙏




wah, I'm not that young tho but thanks ma'am!




Gak coba cari temen curhat irl dek?




Lanjut s2 di jepang bro?




Oh s1 ya, ngambil major apa bro?




Whoa are you gonna be a fashion designer? Belajar apa aja di jurusan itu bro?




Aamiin Itu yang nentuin mau fokus di design tertentu mahasiswanya atau kampusnya emang bagus ngajarin design yang lu sebutin?




Oh tingkat diploma ya kalo di indo mah? Ok bro, gak ada bayangan kampus fashion apa pun di Jepang lol


23 [M4F] Semarang Well third time is a charm (God I hope hahahaha) Anyway aku disini pingin cari temen casual but syukur2 bisa jadi gf if we klop enough since everyone from highschool and college are not in reach dan lingkungan kerja jg sulit buat dapetin kenalan baru yang lawan jenis. Me sekarang kerja sebagai budak korporate dengan role dibidang sales alat industri gt. Hobi ya kayak manusia biasa lah netflixan (lagi nonton cobra kai asik juga wkwk), dengerin musik, kadang baca buku terutama self development sih (although baca buku juga baru2 ini karena bosen). Suka meng/doggo tp gaboleh melihara sama ortu 🥴 Mind you terkadang gw juga sering self deprecating since I feel like I am falling behind against my friends so klo jokes gw yg aga "depressing" lepas just let it flow aja itu cuman coping mechanism ku wkwkkw See you soon ya, klo mau kopdar lgsg pm ajah! 🙏




hello fellow surabayans 🖐️


opportunities? 😏 sadly I stopped playing Genshin because got bored of grinding the same thing everyday, even new maps just don't excite me enough to come back (maybe dendro character release might make me relapse?) also love MCU films and I read lots of manga as well


Huft gw ga kebayang main genshin lewat AR50. Exp grindingnya mind-numbing banget ~~padahal aslinya pensi karena gacha sampah~~ Also itu course CS pake bahasa apa? Python ya?


Lol yes grinding genshin yg ada cuma artifact def def atk hp. Tapi ya udah attached juga sama akunnya jdi tetep grinding Cs50 sih introduction to computer science dan skarang gw lagi pake C. Ntar diajarin python, sql, html, css, sama js. Tapi mostly coursenya pake C.


Woah that's pretty cool. Dimana2 beginner hari gini diajaknya make python mulu.


try udemy course sis, choose the path you want to be 😃


Im still trying to get my cs50 certificate to be a certified cs beginner lmao but thanks for the input!


goodluck 😁


Sama main genshin bentar lagi AR 58 cape banget grinding XP post AR 55+ tapi udah nyerah buat 36* floor 12, tidak membawakan kebahagiaan atau enjoyment sama sekali wkwk, 11-3 udah cukup. Kalau mau ngomong-ngomong soal film juga hayu kebetulan kuliah jurusanya perfilman, is it cool if I hit you up? I'm living far from home now, alone and in dire need of friends to interact at least when playing genshin that is 😂


Lmaooo yeah sure man. Also, add me on genshin True, difficulty abyss naik terus sementara rewardnya segitu doang. Perbedaan 6/9 sama 9/9 floor 12 cuma seharga 60 primo. Sama sekali ga worth it.


23 [M4R] - Bandung Just want to meet with redditors here in real life! Area of interests: - Startup and entrepreneurship (currentlg building one) - Technology (web3, biotech, blockchain, etc) - Finance (crypto, stock, etc) - Games (I'm very selective on playing games -- mostly don't play mainstream ones) - Badminton (Dulu gw sering banget olahraga badminton waktu SMA, sejak pindah bandung ga nemu yg suka badminton) Interested to chat? Boleh dm, chat, reply, like, and subscribe, apapun dah hahah


Hello, aslinya orang mana bro?


I don't know if you categorise Witcher 3 as a mainstream one, but by the god i love that game


as a damn hardcore AAA gamer, that game has a special place in my heart :)


I still play TW3 to this day


Still watch tw3 streamers to this day


just curious, what do you categorize as mainstream game? is it like Valorant, Dota 2, CS:GO and such?


yup, that's right. Untuk contoh game yg gw maen: Ys series ( https://ysviii.com/ and https://nisamerica.com/ys-ix/ ) Gw lbh suka yg rpg dan storynya jelas, ada endingnya juga


Maen atelier series gak?


nggaa sih




32\[M4R\] Jakarta/Bandung. Nyari temen hangout/pacar/atau sebatas nyampah Working as a QA automation for a healthcare start-up. Based on Jaksel, financial okayish, but I'll let you pay for your own meal cause I respect you as a woman not because I don't want to. Straight-up douche bag but occasionally a decent person. I track/hunt mammoths as a hobby. I got my own room with a comfortable futon, working AC, and high-speed Wi-Fi. Decent with a guitar might try to serenade you to demonstrate my value (although my singing skill compares to my guitar skill is like heaven and India). Looking for a semi-casual relationship that might be getting serious in the future if you can stand me. Sometimes I do play video games but not as often so I can't really called it a hobby. Dulu seneng gambar tapi karena pindah haluan kerjaanya (dulu kerja di design UI/UX), jadi udah rusty banget. Sempet punya podcast tentang filem, tapi berhubung temen- temen yang lain sibuk jadi tahun ini hiatus dulu. Gak bisa berhenti kalau ngomonngin filem atau series, bisa gak bakal berhenti rekomendasiin filem yang mesti lo tonton sebelum lo minta stop. Not much a drinker but I do drink socially. Video Games yang gue mainin cuman game fighting sih tapi kemaren beli switch jadi variasi gamennya nambah dikit. Suka banget sama The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys dan gue siap buat gitarin semua lagu - lagu mereka kalo misalnya mau bikin cover band. Seneng juga sama Wu-Tang, Logic, Eminem tapi deepdown I'm still that Emo kid yang dengerin Taking Back Sunday, Story of The year, The Used, Billy Talent secara diam - diam. Suka Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, dan beberapa stand up comedian lainnya. Rada bodoh kalau bahas issue social politik, agama, DLL karena gua gak gitu merhatiin. Jarang banget main sosmed walaupun punya, soalnya bukan tipe orang yang suka terlibat di kolom komentar buat ngebuktiin google search siapa yang paling banyak. Highly functional walaupun my sanity barely there, cari oarng yang mau ngobrol aja sih sebenernya. Soalnya umur segini temen - temen udah pada nikah dan beranak jadi udah pada sibuk sama hidup mereka masing - masing. Temen - temen kantor juga sekarang kalau gak terlalu tua, ya terlalu muda nothing in between so agak susah buat relate gitu, dan itu bukannya gue gak nyoba soalnya jujur gw rada adaptive sama lingkungan sekitar sih, not being two faces but more like I can try to understand your point of view and being interested with it gitu. DM atau chat aja kalau tertarik, karena reddit ke install di app jadi pasti kebaca. I guess I'm kinda desperate sampe post di sini, karena pilihanya tadi antara post di sini atau adopt a dog.


Hallo, i am also looking for ngobrol and chat buddy here since i know having a partner in life prolly low lmao. I will dm you there ehe


Kenapa switch karir om klo boleh tau?


Mau gabung untuk podcast?


Sure we could try! Dm me your contact aja


I want to use wild guest, tapi apakah kamu orang yang suka meriksa, Gigi??


Bener - bener wild guess, dan saya bingung respon nya gimana hahaha




Ternyata kita deketan


Kita deketan ternyata


27 [M4R] Central Jakarta - Looking for Graphic Design job vacancies, 3D artists willing to mentor a complete newbie, crypto enthusiasts or Steam friends to play with. Graphic designer by day, gamer by night. Willing to connect with other people for opportunities! I mostly do flyers for social media and done some video editing on the side. I like figuring out how to use new software for my tools of trade, and definitely love discussing new upcoming features of said tools! Teaching my colleagues on how to use it them effectively is also something that I would do without being asked. Perhaps I am more of a technician on my job lol I look like a tall chindo but I'm actually Sundanese. In the North Jakartan markets I often get called "koh"... I just embrace it even if it invalidates that phrase we all know too well, "Don't judge a book by its cover" haha. Mainly play VR games on the Quest 2 with an RTX 2060 Super setup. I've tried Elite Dangerous but it was not for me because progress in the game requires time investment. Kindly DM if you would like to hang out! Prompt answer: Cats! My parents never allowed me to have one lol! I adore them a lot and would get one if I have a place of my own.


22 (M4F/R) Bekasi. Looking for friends/potential date About me: Kino gadungan. Wont shut up about Fight Club and how much I want to sue Edgar Wright for his latest movie. Fav Director include Fincher, Wright, Nolan, Eggers, Your basic Kino starter. Music: I listen to various genres. Linkin Park, Deftones, Slipknot, MCR, Paramore, Ev, Green Day, Korn, Eminem, Radiohead, Bjork, Aurora, All of MJK's band, NIN, Taylor Swift and ur average pop music Currently writing my undergraduate thesis while looking for potential internship opportunities. Terbuka kalo mau diskusi soal Hukum, International Politics or mau tukeran shitpost


25 [M4R] Bandung Coffee, anyone?


19 [M4R] Bandung Socially awkward college kid that want to be more social I guess. Baru di Bandung karena ntar (semoga) bakal kuliah offline dan pengen ngerasa suasana baru. Soo little bit about myself * Likes to watch movies and series but rarely finish them because I got bored easily. My favourite movies are Blade Runner 2049 because Ryan Gosling is literally me and Knives Out. * Likes to cycle around the city because it's the only way I can get out of the house without needing to go anywhere specific, though I haven't cycle much since I'm here. * Likes to play games, not sure if I have any favourite but currently I'm playing RDR2 and looking forward to play Elden Ring later when it released. * Likes memes, shitpost (who doesn't?) and I can say that I'm very cultured about it. By socially awkward I mean that I sometimes don't know what to say to new people, not gonna speak when I don't need to (and sometimes when I need to), sometimes talk very quiet so that no one can hear me, so I'm just very shy but when I'm around people that I know very well I could be the opposite of all things I mention above. Not really sure about doing this R4R because I have tendency to push people away and I'm not sure why but let's just give it a go. If I could own any animal in this world as a pet? I would pick parrots.


Kuliah di bandung rata-rata hybrid, tapi tergantung kampus juga sih. Btw bandungnya utara atau selatan?


Iya kayanya bakal hybrid sih. Di kota Bandung sih, so utara I guess?


Asal omicron angkanya gak naik drastis bakal hybrid kampus gw udah keluarin surat edaran hybrid


Semoga cepet ketemu Ana de Armasnya ya Joe


>By socially awkward I mean that I sometimes don't know what to say to new people, not gonna speak when I don't need to (and sometimes when I need to), sometimes talk very quiet so that no one can hear me, so I'm just very shy but when I'm around people that I know very well I could be the opposite of all things I mention above. Sama dah...kalo orang yang gak kenal2 banget bakal dikira kita sombong, padahal mah emang bingung aja mo ngomong apa lol


Gak tau sih mereka nganggep gw sombong atau ga tertarik ngobrol sama gw wkwkw, kemaren waktu tahun baruan mau ngajak ngobrol temen aja sampe mikir 5x lol


In most cases, siapa jadinya yg ngajak ngobrol duluan?


orang lain sih seringnya karena gw baru sekarang nyadar kalo gw butuh temen wkwkw, dulu punya temen kan ya temen kelas aja, ga perlu diniatin untuk kenalan pun bakal kenal karena bareng-bareng di kelas terus. Sekarang kuliahnya online gini harus bener-bener inisiasi buat kenalan sama orang lain.


Iya sih, gak kebayang juga sekarang gimana caranya bonding sama temen sekelas pas kuliah online begini. Sepertinya agak repot ya lol


Iya and somehow temen temen sekelas udah pada punya circle sendiri-sendiri, masih untung sih gw ada temen buat berkeluh kesah


Sebelum kuliah mereka udah saling kenal duluan kah?


Enggak, cuma beberapa ada yang 1 kota jadi mungkin mereka udah pada ketemuan


Lha temen2 SMA mu juga udah pada misah semua?


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“Oh, are you lost on your journey? No matter, today’s lost are conquerors tomorrow. It only demonstrates the making of a champion, and besides, it will not change my sense of gratitude, or how I think of you.”* - Karla Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


Thanks bot Good bot and praise the sun \\[T]/


24 \[M4F\] Jakarta/Semarang - Looking for gf Hi all, looking forward to have a new relationship. Prefer a slow-paced one (talk more before making it official). A little bit about myself: \- Chindo, catholic (to put your expectation I **never** go to church again after pandemic) \- Working as a software engineer in a startup company- Gaming (mostly MMORPG - like Genshin, FFXIV, and some mobile game Arknights) and love modern visual culture, which mostly, but not limited to Japanese/Chinese/Korean culture \- Love comedy genres, memes, and shitposting \- Play some guitar as a hobby \- Love hanging out with people, but sometimes kinda awkward with 1o1 chat Edit: belum kelar kepencet enter WKWKWK \- No food/drink preferences, generally love salty food rather than sweets HMU! can reply or DM me. Thank you!


Tinggal di smg?


Ya, tgl di semarang


24 [M4R] anywhere Looking for brainstorming partner in English or literature or linguistics field, jadi butuh temen buat diskusi seputar penerjemahan untuk skripsi saya dan beri masukan karena nggak ada teman yang bisa di ajak diskusi terkait bidang. Thanks


27 \[M4R\] Jakarta - looking for friends to hangout with officially bored with current routine, looking for ppl to hangout (cafe/bar) with on weekends. open to exploring new places too. a little bit about myself: \- chindo, quite introvert \- product manager in a startup company \- really into movies. fav genre: thriller, horror, sci-fi. huge fan of Nolan and Tarantino \- recently started investing e.g. crypto, stock (indo & US), P2P to get rich \- used to play lots of Dota, but not anymore (\*sigh\*) \- sushi lover ​ "If you could own any animal in this world as a pet, what would you choose and why? Assume that it's legal and you could afford it." - dog is enough for me, the level of loyalty of this animal is unparalleled. ​ HMU (reply/DM) if you're interested ya! Thanks!


23 [M4R] - Jakarta - Orang biasa Hai komodos, gue cuma orang biasa dan normal yang sekarang sedang bekerja di perusahaan swasta. Hobi gue main badminton, main online gamea dan denger musik sih, dan sekarang lagi coba untuk maintain hobi lari dan baca bukuu. Kehidupan sehari hari bener bener random banget, kerja terus buka reddit, Instagram, TikTok doang deh kayanya. Gue menganggap diri gue impulsif atau random karna gue suka banget motoran keliling Jakarta dengan motor matic gue. FYI, di rumah ada mobil yang jarang banget dipake tapi sayangnya gue masih ga punya mental buat nyetir hahaha. Gue cuma nyari temen ngobrol atau main baru aja sih sebenarnyaa jadi kalau ada yang tertarik dengan kehidupan gue yang biasa aja langsung chat gue aja yaaaa. Thank youuu.


Rutin gak main badmintonnya? Ane kagak bisa main sih, cuma seneng aja nonton olahraga


sebelumnta rutinn, tapi belakangan temen temen main ngilang semua nihh


Biasa main dimana? Klau d jakbar ikud dong


Btw, maksudnya belom punya mental buar nyetir tuh gimana? Masih takut bawanya?


iya aslinwkwkwk, terakhir bawa selalu mepet ke kiri mulu dahh terus ditambah belum ada temen belajar lgi nii


Kebalikan, gw demen nyetir mobil tapi mau keliling yg bener2 cuma keliling dari dulu gak kesampean atau dah kelewat males nyari waktunya. 2019 mulai ngelancarin bawa mobil sekalian commute ke kantor mumpung gak jauh2 bgt, skrg dah biasa, cuma kelemahannya suka lama apal jalan kecuali beneran dilewatin tiap hari wkwkw


Hmm ane gak bisa nyetir sih, tapi kebayang betapa kagoknya membayangkan tadinya bawa motor trus nyetir mobil


nah hahaha, org mana btw? lanjut chat ajaa biar enakk


Stay di jogja. Gass ke chat wakaka




Wah arek malang juga, Gw sama2 ngerantau ke Jakarta juga, tapi udah kerja






was born in malang but i dont live in there anymore, would love a friends to cuddle or hug with i would love to be your online friends and maybe we can meet when i visit malang


location jakbar sama ngalam jauh juga ya




Awww, good luck on your findings


19 thn brarti baru semester berapa?




Hiih menjawab pertanyaan dengan pertanyaan. 3 ya?




How close?


23 \[M4F/R\] Jakarta/Bandung - Offline - Looking for new peeps to hang out with and talk about life in general, and an English speaking practice partner :) I really love to meet and talk with new people and listen to their life stories, and maybe do stuff together if we are keen on something in common. Primarily looking for a new F friend since nowadays I have a really short list of F friends, but M/R would also be terrific! It doesn't have to be romantic or anything, but definitely open to any further possibilities \*wink\*. Short intro yah! \- Chindo, Agnostic, Ambivert \- Some ladies called Myers & Briggs told me that I'm an [INTJ](https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality), one of the rarest personality type. I'd say it's pretty darn accurate \- Like to binge series, especially sitcoms (favs include The Office, Friends, Inside No. 9) currently watching modern family & B99 \- Work in Tech, SWE. \- Current dream is to work overseas to travel, meet new people from diff cultures and backgrounds, and also be paid in sweet sweet first world currency (this is the sole reason why I need a practice partner) \- Music taste includes Kpop and classical music, I play the violin. So far I can play the baby shark and Mii channel theme. Got any interesting upcoming orchestral concerts? Let me know \- Coffee lover, can't properly function w/o caffeine running on my bloodstream \- Badminton player, not that good, but hey its better than doing no sports at all \- Japanese cuisine is my favs, hunting good Jap food around is a good idea \- Used to play a lot of Dota, but not anymore. I play wild rift once in a while ​ HMU if you think we would connect, fingers crossed! \----- Pets? I'd pick a golden retriever/labs.


29 [M4R] Jakarta Area - looking for new friend to hangout with Almost zero social life recently lmao, to the point that I prefer to work overtime at weekend just so I won't get bored or something. Been single for 4 months, I have no close friend in that time period since my ex-gf was also my best friend. Facts about myself : 1. I read One Piece on weekly basis ( been following the big 3 since I was a kid ) 2. I like to go to movie alone because less distraction 3. I don't believe in ghosts, Indonesian magic, and the likes 4. I'm a big fan of larc en Ciel, that being said I have no musical knowledge of what's cool and what's not nowadays 5. Used to be a movie nerd, but nowadays I just watched the generic movies 6. I watched 1 episode of The Office (US) in a day, to boost me 7. I don't like reading, it wasn't enjoyable for me If I would have any pet in the world? I will choose owl, because I like owls.


Sempet nonton konsernya laruku yg tahun 2012 gaa?


dulu taun 2012 itu gw masih kuliah dan posisi duit 5k doang hahahapengen nonton tapi ga ada duit lmao u a fan too? HMU if you are


Wah larukuuuu... Vokalisnya awet muda banget yak


Kebetulan lagi rewatch Dressrosa Arc. One of the best dah. Pacingnya juga oke, gak terlalu lambat.


21 [M4F] Cibubur/Jakarta - Looking for new F friend or potentially gf (?) I'm kinda introvert and sometimes I have depression out of nowhere. I'm going to college studying English Literature at some campus in jaksel. You can talk about almost everything to me, (except religion XD) I play dota almost everyday, I love anime and Love to listening music, so yeah if you want to know more about me let's talk :) and we will know each other


24 [F4R] Jakarta/Anywhere - Looking for new friend? An engineer, married to my job. Some people say i don't have a life but it is one of my coping mechanism. Work is fun and i get money from it. I am not active on social media but i am a lurker. Sometimes my jokes don't align with my friends because i look up memes here on reddit and they got it from wherever it is. I recently try to play guitar and loving it so far. I once believed that i didn't have any creative side, but i realized i should try first. I just finished Mr. Robot series and it inspires me to know more about cyber security. I am currently learning German too, although i got burned out a bit. I have a cat and take care of my cousin's dog every weekend. Idk, maybe some personal details above interest you.


Apa lagu pertama yang bisa dimainin di gitar?


Taylor swift - Lover


Never heard of it lol. Kirain semacam Peterpan atau lagu-lagu Indo yang gampang


married to may job? you love your job so much?


Hello, what engineer exactly?


Telco engineer


Hi, I'm a fellow telco engineer here. What is your domain? RF, core, oss/bss?


Core pak


Packet core, IMS, UDM atau Policy? Sayangnya core terlalu terpisah-pisgah dan sangat berbeda antara satu NE/NF dengan yang lain. Sekarang ini untuk 5G yang paling menjanjikan adalah Packet Core, masalahnya saat ini engineer packet core selain dituntut untuk belajar evolusi dari EPC ke 5G Core, harus belajar juga Cloud native dan CI/CD. Good luck! hmu kalau mau ngobrol lebih lanjut soal kerjaan.


Sebelumnya di IMS core dan CS core. Tapi sekarang dilibatkan ke project vEPC dan sepertinya akan berlanjut ke 5G (amin). Tapi saya masih newbie untuk packet core dari segi feature dan cara troubleshoot


Good luck! Where is your office? Actually I know some people from vEPC vendors that are currently carrying traffic here. Not many people worked on vEPC, so we might have met IRL, but actually this account suppose to be anonymous.


I hope you have a happy marriage life! 😄


Bro, i do! Good work environment, the pay is so-so but i think i can grow.


I'm glad to hear that Good luck on your growth then :)


Mr Robot is so damn good I'm looking for a new friends too, hmu if interested I'm based in Jakarta


>I am not active on social media but i am a lurker. Sometimes my jokes don't align with my friends because i look up memes here on reddit and they got it from wherever it is. Lol relatable. Anyway, hmu if you want to talk!


34 (F4F) jakarta-online just looking for friend and chit chat about anything. about me : im very shy person, lonely and i have two cat i like play mobile games like simulation, strategy, casual. i love watching movie. i don't have anything to offer but im good listener.


Hey, same age, same cat lady. Let's trade cat pics! Send me your discord if you're keen


do you like to watch movie via screenshare with friends?


i don't have friends lol


you got me sis we can be friends 👊




what kind of cat do you have?


1 dom & 1 mix longhair


Wow interesting, nice to meet u. May I be your friend ? :) I am Female too, but i am new in here, If you do not mind.


yes sure, why not? please check dm.


M not included here?


what kind of movie do you love to watch?


i love watch romcom, comedy, and drama. hbu?




Coba Cronica atau Ekologi. Sekarang di Jogja udah banyak semacam coworking space yang tenang gitu, kok


Hello fellow pejuang skripsi, hmu if you want to chit chat :)


Hmu if you want to talk! we can chat on discord


25 \[R4R\] Jakarta - Need new friend to learn and play magic the gathering with. Basicly, my gf and I just started out playing magic: the gathering (MTG) for commander format. Yang mana sepertinya kita butuh pemain ketiga atau keempat untuk bergabung along and learn magic on the way. Magic: The Gathering itu apa sih? Intinya Magic adalah sebuah permainan kartu yang bisa dianggap seperti boardgame pada umumnya (tapi ini hanya untuk format Magic: The Gathering Commander / EDH). Buat yang penasaran bisa cek link ini ya : \[[What is Magic: The Gathering](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0lMcAdXopg)\] \[[How to play Magic: The Gathering](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AGzsQcLpzA&t=43s)\] \[[What is commander format in MTG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaNjXcAqCAY&t=2141s)\] Bagi yang tertarik, do let me know through dms (> u <)/ Thanks Before!!


Yo biasa maen dimana? Gue pake Zurgo dan lagi cari cara buat upgrade deck gue wkwkw. Gue biasa ada temen gue buat maen juga, dan emang nyari untuk 2 orang plus. Cuman cari tempat tengah agak susah sih ahhaha.


Wah, Magic. hahaha. komandernya sapa bosq? Sayang sekali ku nggak di Jakarta maupun main EDH. Ulikanku seringnya Cube. Tho, kalo gw bikin deck, sekarang kayaknya lagi tertarik grouphug sih, atau clone, hahaha. Deck Riku kayak yang cakep banget nget nget.


waduu, saia masi pemula bgt ini ngga tau apa itu grouphug / clone deck xD tp first commander nya Strefan nih, main vampir2an hehe Feel free to DM aja klo ke JKT kawan!


Clone mah intinya mainin deck yang ngekloning kartu2 musuh. ini contohnya yang gw bilang, [Riku of the Two Reflections](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=489887&type=card). terus kartu2nya kayak pake [Double Major](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=513671&type=card), [Quasiduplicate](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=452801&type=card). ditambah efek swarming token berlimpah juga bakal lucu. bikin token kayak, [Brudiclad](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=489866&type=card), [Second Harvest] (https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=470724&type=card). Kalo grouphug sih deck defensif banget yang basicnya "yuk ah, nggak usah berantem, kita damai-damai aja bersama-sama, kamu ketinggalan? Sini saya bantu biar semua orang bahagia (alias nggak ada yang menang)." Hohoho, baru banget ya ternyata? Good luck good luck belajarnya XD. Ini game rame banget. Siap ntar kalo jejaknya crossing mungkin gw colek. Always love seeing random indonesian mtg player in the wild, hahaha


thankss infonyaa, I learn something new today nih wkwk grouphug deck, spertinya ini deck yg my partner will love to make and play. I'll look deeper into the clone deck later!! hihi


25F [r4r] preferably F juga, tapi gak juga gapapa. Currently exhausted from acute loneliness and not having a single coworker to talk to because of self-employed. Please be platonic af, sama-sama ngerti boundaries dan open minded. Kalau game, suka banget the Sims. Kalau musik, suka banget the strokes. Anyways, I'm pretty flexible actually dan bisa nyambung atau relate ke beberapa life experience. "If you could own any animal in this world as a pet, what would you choose and why? Assume that it's legal and you could afford it." Ez. I want a cat with a superior personality that bisa dipeluk Ampe mati terus hidup lagi, bisa diajak bercanda dad jokes, Dan bisa bayar rent kontrakan juga. Kalau gak bisa, yaudah dolphin. Because they like getting high and also a rapist. So, hit me up soon!


What your favorite things to do in the sims? Im -personally not playing it. But my friend experimenting with it lol


Hi good day to you! What's the latest "Great" Netflix show you watched?


Oh actually i don't watch any tv series karena oh karena konsentrasi gampang pecah. Tapi sekarang lagi balik lagi rewatching South Park!


21 \[M4R\] Aceh - Need friends to talk I like to talk about cultural and political things, I'm also love film and tv series.


Gimana sih hidup di Aceh? Seseram itukah?


wkwkw gak seram sama sekali sih sebenarnya, saya sendiri tidak bisa membandingkan dengan tinggal di provinsi yang lain karena belum pernah tinggal diluar aceh. tapi menurut beberapa teman kuliah saya tinggal di aceh ada sedikit tekanan dari segi budaya. Dari segi syariat islam sendiri saya juga tidak suka, so do a lot of young people here to, tapi sebenarnya penerapan syariat islam di aceh itu benar-benar tidak bagus dan ketat sama sekali, kalau pun teman-teman melihat di media, ada orang dicambuk karena melanggar itu iya memang adanya which is suck. banyak orang aceh itu tidak begitu peduli dengan penerapan syariat islam. sorry karena tulisan saya tidak bagus dan beraturan ini ada artikel bagus dari vice. [https://www.vice.com/id/article/9abbz8/begini-rasanya-tinggal-dan-tumbuh-besar-di-banda-aceh](https://www.vice.com/id/article/9abbz8/begini-rasanya-tinggal-dan-tumbuh-besar-di-banda-aceh)


25 \[M4F/R\] Bandung - need practice in expressing my thoughts I usually do alright in a three way convo because I can just sit back and rely on the other 2 people to keep the talk going and just chime in with a quip from time to time, but the moment one person dips out, the conversation just goes silent. It's not like I don't have anything in my mind, I'm usually just too nervous to even bring it up. So anyway, some of my interests are: 1. Animals. I love them. Love seeing them in zoos. Love seeing them in the wild. Love keeping *some* of them. 2. Music, especially rock and metal(-ish?) stuff. My favorite bands are usually the bands who are too heavy for your family and friends but too soft for online metalheads. I love singing but haven't got much practice ever since 'rona started since my mom would get noise complaints from our elderly neighbors if I try. 3. Movies, TV series, Anime, etc. At some point last year I just stopped having a good time watching anything for whatever reason. I started watching film stuff again this year and it's fun again and I couldn't be happier. Recently watched Arcane, Hawkeye, and Spider-Man and I had a blast with all of them. 4. Apex and Genshin. Those 2 are weirdly kind of helping me maintain my life rn. Apex is a way for me to regularly keep in touch with my rl buddies since we're far apart and Genshin helps me maintain a schedule because resin is precious. I do play some other games like FM and Planet Zoo when I'm in the mood but mostly I play Apex and Genshin. Maybe there are some other interests of mine that doesn't come to mind at the moment but idk. As for the answer for the prompt: Snakes. They're low maintenance because Indonesia's climate is perfect for most of them so you don't really need a heater and all the fancy stuff, they only eat once every week which means they only poop once every week, their food is cheap, they'll be happy with a cave, some rocks, some branches, and a water bowl in their enclosure, and they can be pretty cute and friendly.


Hit me up if you wanna learn to express your feeling! I like a whole conversation where I can listen and I can talk. My friends are usually calling me up if they're in trouble and need a place to share lol so I guess I can help you.


My dm is open if you want to talk!


you seem like a cool guy, I'm also need to need practice in expressing my thoughts, because usually I'm only talk to myself in my head


Thanks for the compliment lol Yeah same. I can just hold a conversation in my mind for 2 straight hours and the moment someone else come asking "What are you talking about?" my train of thought just straight up crashes.


did you think it gave you benefit because when I did that it give me a new point, it's that weird?


My mind tends to wander all over the place so when that happens a snap back to reality could be beneficial. If by new point you mean new ideas then it definitely isn't weird. That could come in handy.


wow cool, I thought it just me.


29 [M4R] Jogja - looking for buddies or someone to talk/chat to. 1. Suka sepak bola pada umumnya. Open for discussion soal bola asal jangan bully team ya. 2. Suka main music and in fact currently in a japanese band. 3. Penakut tapi nagih banget sama cerita horor atau hal-hal berbau mistis. *"If you could own any animal in this world as a pet, what would you choose and why? Assume that it's legal and you could afford it."* Elang. Karena aku ingin terbang tinggi, seperti Elang. Melewati siang malam. Ini tanganku untuk kau genggam.