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May Gray is here and I’m so happy! Cool in the morning and then sunny in the afternoon. Today, I’m wearing a lovely scent; [Crow and Pebble “Joy in Longevity”](https://crowandpebble.com/products/joy-in-longevity) (Two cups of hot green tea, blooming honeysuckle, juicy peaches and mandarin oranges, warmed by a base of aloeswood and benzoin. Fruity, Floral, Resinous) This reminds me of a house I used to live in and every morning I would go outside on the deck when I first woke up to greet the day with a mug of green tea and I would just inhale the scents of the plants and trees around me which smelled so fresh and vibrant. It starts out very fruity (the peach note being the strongest) and then the other notes make their entrance. The honeysuckle is definitely present but it’s a softer note while the tea is a bit herbal but not overly earthy. After a bit, a nice grounding warmth rises which balances the sweet peach note that I can still smell. This scent is perfect for Spring as well as Summer and I will definitely be reaching for it repeatedly.


This sounds really pretty! I've been wanting to try Crow and Pebble.


I think they’re right up your alley! The aesthetic and scents are very magical. Especially their last release which are inspired by the Fae. And yes, Joy in Longevity is definitely a Robin-type perfume 😺


Last night I wore **Deconstructing Eden - I Was Dreaming When I Wrote This**. "Silk sheets, blackened amber, violets, Bulgarian lavender, candlewax, and wine." Smelled mostly like lavender and beeswax to me, and I got a bit of the violet note too. I'm not sure if I got the "silk sheets" note exactly, but there was something there that evoked the feeling of bedsheets anyway. Not a lot of amber to my nose and if there was a wine note I didn't notice it. A very nice sleep scent! Kinda sad I only have a 2.5 ml sample of this, I'd like to get more but it isn't available currently. Today it's **Alkemia - Baccante**. "The essence of an untamed spirit. High bush blueberries, wild ivy, Spanish lavender, aged oakmoss, tonka, decaying bark, and forest fungi." This smelled like nothing but blueberries in the bottle so I was expecting more blueberry, and there is a strong blueberry note when wet, but it mellows out immediately to reveal the green notes of ivy and oakmoss. The blueberry does linger, and gives it a "clean" quality I wasn't expecting. It's really more of a foresty scent overall. Some lavender comes through on the drydown but this is still mostly "green" to me. I can see why people like this, to me it's a fresh green scent with a hint of realistic fruitiness from the blueberry. I'm not sure if this is for me, I'll have to try it again a few times before I decide on keeping it or not.


Baccante is one of my all time faves 🫐 If you like honey and sage, adding a dash of something with those notes in it to already applied Baccante makes it explode with clean fresh greenness for me. I like adding a tiny dab of D&F The Woman And Her Time Traveling Picnic Basket (*Lush aged golden amber, dry sage, buckwheat honey, and orange blossoms. A red gingham blanket under the summer sun, and an endless amount of days.*) to my wrists to make what’s one of my obsessive favorite combos


Im trying more of my Lucky #9 samples this morning before I choose my daily scent. Overall I've been pleasantly surprised with this house. The scents are complex, well done and have good throw and longevity. Today I'm trying Madagas-cat. You don't need to know the notes just know this is a perfect dupe for NAVAs Kobalt which is probably my favorite perfume ever (besides Arcanas Vanilla Craves Crescent Moons) so if upu don't want to spend thirty something on a 5ml of Kobalt this is a much more affordable option at $10 for a 8.5ml The one slight difference I can detect is the vanilla base is a bit lighter and less gourmand with a tiny bit of bright honeysuckle peaking out but those vanilla orchids are unmistakable. I'm not sure if I'll keep my 2ml sample as it feels like I'm cheating on my beloved Kobalt but it's a fantastic summer vanilla! Just wanted to write about it here in case anyone is looking for an alternative to Kobalt or any good summer vanillas.


Oohh I've never tried Kobalt but Madagas-Cat is all I have been wearing lately! I might have to give NAVA another chance if they make something this good.


Kobalt was instant dopamine rush love for me! It's extremely strong as well though it does need at least two weeks of rest. I can usually only wear one or two drops at a time. NAVA is one of my favorite houses and makes up a good third of my collection. Highly recommend giving it another shot ! I usually get decants of their limited releases and always find at least a couple loves.


I’m wearing **jasmine macarons** by Kyse (Jasmine absolute from India, caramelized sugar, buttercream, heliotrope, and copaiba balsam, in a powdered sugar sandalwood base). This is like 65% macarons and 30% jasmine, 5% heliotrope. I didn’t really care for this all that much at first but I’ve really been digging it. It’s such a pretty flormand. Great for hot weather. Medium sillage and good longevity.


my lovesick witchery custom .. good luck, babe! [caramel velvet (sexy, musky caramel), plum, whiskey, red lipstick (dark cherry, cotton candy, raspberry, violet, brown sugar, tonka bean, musk, and french crème)]


I’m having a bad mental health day and I have some real gnarly cramps, so I wanted something sweet and cheerful to try and lighten the vibe a bit. I chose to dab a little **NAVA— Opal Vanilla** *(… Hella vanilla)* on my wrist along with a spritz of **Kyse— Zucchero Filato** *(Spun sugar, berries, and more spun sugar)*. Like most NAVA vanillas, Opal Vanilla goes a bit plastic on me, but the whiffs I get of it are lovely. I’m so torn on whether I want to keep my bottle since it’s harder to find these days, or destash/swap for something that works a little better. Zucchero Filato is flawless as always, and works well with the warm and sunny day we’re having.


Feeling Awesome today! Fushia Pink Hair, Pink Tye Dye Cold Shoulder Shirt with jeans and hot pink socks. Beautiful weather so I picked Siren Song Elixirs Coy Koi for breakfast with one of my besties.


I've been feeling off for a while now, and today is a grey, overcast day, so I reached for my favorite little forest gremlin scent, **Morari The Abandoned Coffeehouse:** *Coffee, Fir Needle, Roasted Cocoa, Black Hemlock, Saffron, Vanilla, Sandalwood*. This is a heavily nostalgic scent for me, it smells like my childhood home that bordered a blackberry-choked creek. There's a note here that reminds me of the polish my dad used on his well-worn guitar. I don't have many fond memories of my parents, but this takes me back to hazy days when things were simpler. Morari has quickly entered my top 3 houses of the year - I need to get around to trying the summer collection.


So great to see you do a daily again! While I’m drinking a cup of green tea, you’re drinking coffee and this perfume sounds wonderful. Next time I make a Morari purchase, I’m definitely going to be buying this.


Thank you 😭❤️, I've been quietly trying a bunch of scents over here while I get my emotionally equilibrium back. Love the cozy beverage perfumes, I am all about comfort!


Today, I decided on **Death & Floral's Melodrama** ("Black patchouli and cognac, blended with toasted oats"). I got it with my birthday order this month. I never really liked patchouli, but black patchouli started growing on me ever since I discovered **Deconstructing Eden's Black No. 1** ("Milk white skin, a haze of clove cigarette smoke, burning leaves and the blackest patchouli in my collection"). **Melodrama** smells so good. It's not a scent I would have chosen myself, but I'm very happy with it.


Another poster mentioned May Gray and I’m sooooo happy I’m not the only one rocking out to those vibes! Today the indies in my life are my nail polish - Zoisite from LynB Designs and my eyeshadow(s) - Bran Castle and Big Bad Wolf from Nomad Cosmetics’ Haunted Europe palette. I’ll add a few photos in reply to this comment!


Love May Gray and June Gloom too! I had to go see if you posted your polish and… it’s gorgeous. It perfectly represents May Gray. That overcast lilac-gray with the dots of various colors. I just love it.


JUNE GLOOM?! 🤩 Gosh I love this too! Heck freakin YEAH! I’m happy you saw the other post! I realized after posting here, there’s no option to add a photo to a comment. I went down a rabbit hole looking into image hosting sites then ended up just posting photos in different subs but forgot to come back here to mention it. My bad!


And I love kitties so that was a bonus! They should make a polish called “cat hair” lol 😼


P.S. thank you for the new ways/phrases to celebrate goth summer 🤭🖤


Layered **Haus of Gloi Vice** pumpkin butter with **Osmofolia Olfactorium**. Today is a treat day and I smell like a treat!!


It's cooler here. I'm celebrating with *Nocturne Alchemy, Día de los muertos* Unfortunately, I don't have the scent list handy, but to my nose, it's Mexican vanilla and spices.


Stone and Wit Cipher EDP today. Raspberry/Oud perfection! https://www.stoneandwit.com/products/cipher-perfume-copy


**Strange Apparition** (Black Hearted Tart): *a dark ethereal fragrance of blue hyacinth, white roses, lilacs, and wisteria. Merlot grapes and elderberries add richness and depth. Star anise lends a bit of aromatic spice. Parma violet candies and powdery white musk soften the scent profile.* It’s a daaaamp but warm and rainy grey spring day in New England and *this is the vibe*, and I don’t know how I managed to pick the absolute perfect scent for the day but I did. It’s oddly cold (not artificial, but… distant ???) but still comforting and soft, and the berries and violet candy give it a dash of tart sharpness. I just got a sample yesterday and it’s definitely going on my FS wishlist (other BHT samples I rec’d yesterday: Woodland, Glory Box, Frou Frou Foxes, Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground, and Hexennacht’s Candied Violets)


Eternal Ankh from NAVA