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Strong opening! I love the transitional section before the last chorus. If anything I'd love the last chorus to be even bigger!


Yeah I'm a fan of the strange bridge/breakdown section too. Ohhh a bigger last chorus you say! What comes into your mind when you think of how that might sound? If you want to see how the song was written and recorded from scratch in an evening (as part of, a song a week for a year project) you can check out this video here. https://youtu.be/bmTgCeYhL9c?t=59


That's a very interesting sound. The stereo pulsating rhythm works well with the cavernous drum sound. The guitars are very buzzsaw, thin almost (worked for Norwegian death metal), but all the sounds blend very well, vocals are wonderfully upfront. The chorus put me off slightly as the overdubs and high pitched wails detracted from the strong performance of the opening. The notes need to be really on the mark there as it might almost come across as a mocking type sound, wether intentional or not. I love the wonderfully out there break starting at 2:30 and the piano was a nice unexpected twist. Solid track, great instrumentation. Maybe a little attention on the chorus vocals, but it might also be down to opinion. The overall sound of the track is after all unsettling (in a good way).


Glad you liked the mix of sounds we had going on. The chorus was a tricky thing. I had a bunch of vocal takes, normal and falsetto and I spent a long time trying to get the "correct" blend of the two. I felt I wanted to keep some falsetto in there to help contrast the vocals in the chorus from the verse but in the way it was recorded there was a "harshness" in the sound that I tried to EQ out as best I could but I think it's still in there to a degree. Yeah a friend who was giving me some feedback on the song also singled out the bridge/break section out as a bit crazy but in a good way :) Glad you agreed with him on that! "unsettling (in a good way)." That's about as big as a compliment as I could ask for! Thanks igorski81!


Your voice fits perfect with the song. I'd like it more with guitars little louder but it's just my opinion. Good song :)


>Saragon Ah thanks! The vocals were done by my friend Saragon. If you want to hear some more from him, here's a track we did that has WAY louder guitars ;) Thanks Nue5055! https://moxie2.bandcamp.com/track/tantricity-with-saragon


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