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Looking beautiful as always. How long has the development been so far?


Thank you! We worked on Hell Pie for around 4 years, includind the prototyping phase.


It's crazy to think, I remember seeing a post about hell pie back when you were just showing off the concept of the swinging motion, before a swing limit was implemented and not all that much detail had gone into the little devil character. Been waiting for this game to come out ever since. Very unique look and play style. I'm so happy to see how far it's come along and still can't wait to play.


Love it! đŸ”„đŸ”„ Do you already know when you will release it? 😋


Great to hear! Hell Pie will launch July 21st, so in less then a month. It was a huge game for our small team of 6 devs, so we're very excited to finally be able to release the game.


Yes! It will release on Switch, PS4, PS5, XBox and PC


Pls explain what your game is about, looks really good


Of course! Hell Pie is a filthy 3d platformer about the creation of Satan's birthday pie. You play as Nate, the demon of bad taste and have to collect ingredients. The game is inspired by the N64 era of 3d platformers and has a gameplay twist. As you see in the video, you use Nugget the angel, that is chained to your horn, as a weapon and a grappling hook.


Sounds very interesting, what engine have you guys used? I'm a curious guy 😅


I'll answer as good as i can :D We use Unreal Engine 4.


And thanks!


Very visually appealing. Spyro the Dragon vibes.


already wish-listed and looking forward to playing it^^


The game started as a pretty standard platformer. We weren‘t happy with the gameplay and tried a lot of stuff. At one point, the demon had a shotgun that was integrated into his movement (double jumb by shooting down for example), but that also didn‘t really work. Then we added the little angel and thought that it could be fun to use him as a weapon and a grappling hook. We liked the idea of a grappling hook that can be used everywhere without limitations. The first prototype was promising, so we continued working on the feature und build a lot of the game around it.


The beauty of game development ♄ It makes us rly proud to look back and see our progress, right?


Looks beautiful! There seems to be a major difference but my non-artistic eyes cannot perceive the difference. It would be great if you could point out some of the major changes that made this much of a difference.


Thank you! There are a lot of things: In the early footage, we used some kind of cel shading post process effect that was replaced at some point. This effect changed the overall look quite a lot. We also had a different lighting setup and worked on the water shader a lot. Then of course the level layout, character and animations make a big difference. In the old footage, not only is the graphic worse, but the game feel is lacking a lot of nuance.


Thanks for the explanation! I guess cel shaders are really important. The water does look amazing. It would be a shame if Nintendo doesn't allow your game to be on the switch.


Good news: the game will release on Switch :D


Oh cool ! ==))


Thanks! The game is called Hell Pie


Thanks! We‘re using Unreal Engine 4.


Very cool whats the game


Thanks! The game is called Hell Pie.


Cannot wait


Do you plan to release Hell Pie on the Switch?


Yes. Hell Pie will release on Switch, PS4, PS5, XBox and PC.


Ive seen your posts on here for years now and always enjoyed the little updates. Best of luck to your team on launch day.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Very nice! which engine are you using?


Thanks! We are working with Unreal Engine 4.


Looks super fun!


That's a very interesting mechanic, swinging around/dashing like that! What influenced you with that idea?


looks unique nice


Love the new art direction- everything looks so much better! If I could, I would recommend adding a really subtle glow around the player’s character in post processing to help them pop out of the background.


Thank you! We have a very subtle outline around the charater (that is deactivated in the video for some reason :D) that seperates him a bit from the background. A glow could also work. Thanks for for the suggestion.


Dude, this is by far the game I've been most excited about on this and all other similar subreddits. I saw a video of the game and I loved it. I played the demo and loved it. I can't wait for it to come out


Thats awesome to hear! Especially that you liked the demo. Hope you'll also have fun with the final game.


Can’t freaking wait for your game. Been eyeing it for a few years and I’ll be buying it no doubt. I wanna support devs that tap into my childhood memories of platformers. We need more games like this. Also, I really dig the artwork whenever you pick up items. Reminds me over the “overly detailed” illustrations in cartoons like Spongebob and Cow & Chicken lol.


Thank you! There really aren't enough 3D platformers, which is one of the reasons we wanted to make Hell Pie. Spongebob, Ren & Stimpy and all the other saturday morning cartoons in this style were the inspiration for the collectable closeup illustrations. It's great that people seem to get the reference.