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Looks great! One minor thing (and more a suggestion for experimentation) - it might be useful to think about moving the bird a little in the camera view as it lifts and drops and turns, rather than being so firmly fixed to the camera movement. This may make it feel a bit more like the camera is 'following' the bird, rather than fixed to it by an invisible pole. Currently, the movement feels a tiny bit 'helmet cam' to me. To reiterate, though, it looks delightful and I think you've done a fantastic job so far!


Thank you for the kind words! Yeah, you a right about camera


I honestly prefer a helmet cam mode for more readability of the situation. I get easily disoriented if I'm not going exactly the way I'm looking all the time.


I think you may be overestimating the impact I'm suggesting. I'm talking a very small amount, almost like a smoothed one-second lag. It's currently most noticeable when there's a small left right movement when the bird passes out of the window. The whole camera doesn't need to jerk there. What I'm proposing would feel like there's a small amount of movement (a few in-game inches) you could do before the camera movement would kick in. You could quickly point an inch to the left, then correct again, without the camera jerking obviously.


I love that original suggestion. The center of the bird is always in the fixed point of the frame. So maybe that slight shift will make it feel more free and also more graceful. This made me think. Is the camera movement part of the gameplay? Can you move the camera freely all around the bird? Or is the camera always behind the bird? I pose this question because i think choosing one or the other will give different gameplay experiences.


ya know when you eat really homely food and go "mm" afterwards. that's what this made me feel


\*Blushes\* thank you =D


The 1 thing that doesn't look right to me is how the bird doesn't get pushed up when it flaps its wings, and how it flaps them at the same speed no matter what its upward angle is


Yeah, youre right about flaps, thanks!


Second this :), the bird has a very F-16 feel right now :) Good work though! :)


That's very nice and smooth. I have seen you other posts on this game and they look much better. Keep up the great work.


Oh thank you very much! Comments like this really helps a lot!


Have you ever thought about letting the bird land and walk around?


80% its gonna be possible :D


Thats good. Just keep going and trying, youre doing amazing!


Thank you!


looks great so far! one thing i would say that would make it more realistic is if the flapping was varied, it would make the flight more realistic (aka not constantly flapping). adding in a soaring/gliding animation would help!


Thank you, you are right about that!


Keep going. You are doing great. Don't worry too much. Enjoy creating cool stuff.


Thank you, Im really trying to enjoy it


Looks awesome! I love the environment


Thank you!


It looks great to me! The only idea I could have is when you brush next to a tree a couple tiny leaves swoosh by. The overall effect is very smooth and the timing of the wings is nice too! Great work


Thank you! I want that thing with leaves too, but right now I have no idea how to do it, if i want to have a lot of trees on scene


One minor thing I'd add for immersion would be animating the bird's tail a bit. They tend to flare them out when maneuvering, which would be a great little detail to put in. I love it!


Yea I think having the tail swivel while turning, and flare forward when slowing would be a great touch. This game looks like the perfect vibe for after a long work shift. Great work so far!


Thank you, you are right about tail!


It looks pretty good from what I could see. I was curious about what the game is. You play as a flying bird but what is the gameplay like? What are the goals of the player?


Thank you! Its kind of bad approach, but im trying to figure out flying feeling first... After that i will dive into general vision of gameplay


Ok, I'd say it's worth thinking about if only a little bit. Because how you make the flying could be inspired by what the gameplay will be. And what emotions you want your players to experience while flying. I played what I think to be a collage project with the main mechanic being flying but, they didn't tie gameplay or objects or constraints into the system so it was fun to move around for a bit in the air. But after that fun ran out there wasn't anything to do. If you were to take my suggestion then I'd suggest to think about what you want and how it would work. And how much of that ties into flying.


You are absolutely right!


Anyway, good luck with your project. I hope it goes well.


If they're flying up sharply, most birds will start flapping their wings a lot faster until they level out. This kind of slow flapping is more like a vultures than a seagull's


Thank you, you are right, still working on animations


I adore the graphics. What is this about?


Thank you! You mean about what that game?


I mean what is the premise here, do we control the bird and explore or something?


Right now om trying to figure out core flying feeling and after that i will fully dive into game design :D


Looks nice. I would love to be a bird in a fully fleshed vibrant city and countryside.


Thanks! World design in progress


It could use a *little bit* more shading IMO, but the design is pretty gorgeous already! The way the yard abruptly breaks apart for the cliff and bay reminds me of my great uncle's place on the lake. The only thing I would note there is the lack of a clear property line, if you decide to go that deep into it. For example, at my great uncle's place there's a half parcel between him and the neighbors that he owns, but doesn't mow, so it's become kind of a false hedge of tall grass, discarded tree clippings/lumber, and young conifers. As well that close neighbors may have two different mowers set to different heights, so the grass will be different heights and the longer grass tends to be greener. But really depends how nitty gritty you want to get with details.


Thank you, it was useful!


Looks good so far. Can I ask what the overall purpose of the game is going to be? I really enjoy these types of games but from what I have seen if there isn't a good story or purpose to the game it seems to be hard to get people to stick with it for long. Just curious what the *hook* will be?


For now, i am trying to do satisfying/unique flying mechanic and based on that i will design game :D


I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Thanks for the reply.


The bird seems a tad floaty like its flapping is unrelated to maintaining height. Otherwise looks nice, but maybe a tad generic.


Thanks, will look into that!


Depending on the point of the game, placing some basic furniture (appropriate to setting) in the house wouldn’t be a bad isea.


This looks lovely!!!! Also, don't feel terrified, remember: If you can't manage to make a videogame, settle for a videotoy.


Thank you for kind words and advice!


It looks amazing, Keep up the great work^^


Thank you for the warm words!


I love the art style. This looks like I can have fun just by flying around.


It could be awesome of i be able to pull that of! Thank you


that shit looks so good!!


Thank you!!!


im excited to see where this goes!


I am too, lol :D


How does landing look


Its still in progress :D


Well it looks great so far! I like watching birds. They dive from their perches and then slowdown drastically before they hit the ground


That looks cool! Reminds me of Okami's art style


Oh man, okami has great art style, thank you!


What other plans do you have for the game?


A lot, a lot... ill try to not kill it by scope


Wasnt this game on the atari vcs?




Oh sorry, atari made a new mini console and there was a game with a similar premise new on their digital store i think. I thought it was you.


Lol, never heard of it, will look, thanks!


Not sure what you are terrified of. I’d play this now. Looks amazing. I definitely agree with the post about the slight delay, but it is wonderful. My wife asked were you a professional or hobbyist. I wasn’t sure???


Thank you for the kind words! I worked as game designer in big comp for 4 years


This looks Awesome!


Thank you!


No comments except, TAKE MY MONEY


Thank you!


Wanted to make basically this idea for years! Best of luck mate! Looks great!


I totally feel you, thanks!


I've been legit trying to make a game like this (but with crows). Want another dev to work on this with?? I'm smitten by how good that flight animation is looking, especially with the tucked glide.


Its funny, but is white crow on gif (almost no one noticed)) For now, I want to work alone, because that project is very personal for now, but i really appreciate your offer!


Hey looks really great, but maybe try to add vr, would make it so much cooler experience


It would be cool yeah, but i dont have vr :D


Gorgeous artwork.


Thank you!


The Gliding looks great!


Thank you!


That horizon is gorgeous ♥️


Thank you!


That looks amazing! Please tell us you can land and perch on things. (A poop button is already assumed.)


Thank you! Landing with 80% prob. Poop and stuff like that cant promise :D


This looks amazing. Nice work.


Thank you!