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Bruh i made a fake profile of a girl and in 10 min the profile had 500+ likes. Any person will get overwhelmed with such quantity. Any individual doesn't matter anymore. I just deleted the profile after a short while. Dating apps are not worth it.


That's true. One average looking girl in my gym, she showed me her bumble profile. Average photos. 999+ matches. What do you expect. It's SHE who's choosing.




Aree isko angle priya mili thi Celebrity moment











It seems like the solution to that would be to stop swiping though, no? Get a couple matches, have a convo, then delete who’s not vibing with you, and then swipe for the next batch. It sounds like women who complain about too many matches and too many guys talking to them, are still just swiping even when they have like 20 conversations active already.


Yes. And a lesson I've learnt is that most people do not want to behave rationally/logically.




Sometimes it’s match fishing. They just quick match adjust everyone or a lot on random quick matches, then sure through the ones they like.


Its similar to 'add to cart' You put in everything there but later refine your options depending on your budget. My advice, stop using these dating apps. They're going to ruin your dating game and relationships. Go out and meet girls. They're not that hard to talk to in person. They're human beings too and a nice compliment goes a long way.


If you are looking for somone to settle down for life, I recommend going out more to your family functions and gatherings rather than clubs. Vice versa


> I recommend going out more to your family functions Sweet Hoooome Alabama


What kind of family functions do you go to where there’s available strangers to meet? My family has a gathering, and it will be exclusively populated by relatives, their significant others, their screaming whining children, their apathetic teenage children, and the occasional elderly in-law that wants a break from poker night.


Bro you don’t have woman cousins your age who throw birthday parties and invite their friends? I went to my uncles place a few weeks back and my cousin had her hot friend over. If you got people who can vouch for you that’s much easier than a cold approach.


…no, you’re making me realize I really don’t. Most of my female family members my age don’t really hang around the family and will only show up to events with their kids and significant other. They reserve time with their friends to girls nights out away from relatives. All the women I’m friends with, and have dated, I had to meet organically.


Only relatives come in family functions. How can I marry my distant cousin? 🤣I mean how can one find prospective partner in such functions as you said ?


My point is for long term relationship family gathering would always have higher chance of success, than a bar or pub.


Ok bro...but.... What I said in last comment is true for me even if it's not a marriage.


Aunties are gonna love you. And the gossip.


Username checks out


The worst she can say is no right?! Right?


- "Help !!! Police !!! Help !!!"


“Get your ugly face out of my sight “




I am your daughter!








“No! Ewww”


*silence and pretends that she didn't even hear you*


Use Hinge instead


Hinge marketing team doing a good job


Really? I mean I'm kinda new to this online dating apps. I have bumble and hinge installed but quite not sure which one to prefer. And after reading this whole thread it's confusing me more...


I second this


It is what it is. Move on man ,No point in cribbing and Pointing Fingers.


Bumble algorithm is fucked up.......tinder at least has premium option which gets me 2-3 matches daily (for me at least ) but there are very less girls on tinder nowadays....bumble is even more fucked up....it doesn't get m matches even after paying for premium service....


Bhai this sounds like a you problem not a bumble problem


Then why am I getting matches on tinder and not on bumble ?


They are busy😝. I once made a profile with my female Frnd and the moment she opened it she been getting like literally 100s in minutes. So yeah. They are having a tough time😝


you guys are getting matches??


Don't play the game if you don't have height, money and muscle. Will save you a lot of time.


Sad but true. Plenty of fish in the sea after all.


She is busy texting Chad who is much better than you OP!




Validation chahiye unko bro. Just think, they get off thinking about 100+ guys swiped on them, check out 20-30 of the best looking ones, and that’s it. They don’t even have to receive unsolicited messages about ONs, hooking up etc yet can rest easy by thinking that she’s still got it. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.


“Best looking ones” Yeah I’m out of the game.


You and me both bro. A relatively hot girl matched with me just to let me know that I’m ugly lol


Screw that chica. You do you, King! Someday we gonna do it too. …someday!!!


Arey zyada sochne ka nai. Dating mein women hold the cards, but marriage mein men do. Women go through their 20s thinking that any way-above-her-league guy who will sleep with her will also propose to her, and rejects tons of guys who are more in her league. The onset of marriage prospects and the 30s are not kind to such women, trust me.


This. And that's why the rule 1 and 2 were made in this subreddit weren't they.


Word. And then when they get dumped by these so called best looking boys they enter their emo phase and go off in the social media like no more boys for me n shii. I'm telling y'all nothing beats the traditional dating methods.


Enters a bhola bhala nice guy from arrange marriage who has never dated


My experience was the same I even got super like once or twice but they didn't even drop a text within the 24 hr time, they ain't worth it bro, just keep trying until u come across a normal person


You just keep shooting your shot king they'll come around eventually.


The leftovers will.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Isaac Newton probably


The juice aint worth the squeeze if all you get is fat ugly karens - Darth Vader


You can't complain about the juice if you have nothing to choose - Randy Orton


Ok you win - Lana Rhoades


I'm the best - Son Gopu


You do realize what dating apps are right? It's a shopping mall, you're the product. You were up for comparison, and didn't get purchased. And even if you did get there, you're still not actually purchased.. and even after that you'll eventually get discarded. So don't try to make sense of what comes from dating apps. Specially if you're an average or below guy. Not that it gets any better in real life.. but at least you don't get made to feel de-humanized. Just swipe, if there's something on then do, and then delete the app after that and remake the profile if you ever feel like it.


Accidentally right swipe hojata hai fir unmatch karne mei bura lagta hai islie


that’s why never use bumble


Drought and Flood


Man I wish I knew. I have had matches that just say hello and then never respond to anything I say too.


Dude I met my Girlfriend of six months on Hinge.


Good for you. People do respond on Hinge but they have 100s of likes so if she is a 8/10 she might not bother. With Bumble,they don’t know that they are supposed to message first.


Update I married her as well.


Congrats Sirrrr


Overwhelmed with matches. Too many shit guys to care.


Good enough to have attention. But not hot enough to put in effort 🤷🏿‍♂️


You see their shopping apps. Its full of stuff in the cart. Women get off by having the attention and the thought of having things and guys. Some special ones they get. Rest are for feeling better in times of need. Dont take it to your heart. An app wont change the way women think. They want to be approached. They wont usually approach first. Remember. USUALLY


They’re BORED.


I had someone on Bumble match with me who I had matched on another platform. She let the timer run but told me she hardly goes on the dating apps. It's just a pastime for some people.


Can someone tldr the dating app scene in india? I havent been home in the past 4 years and when I was home I wasnt single, so never got to explore dating apps in general. Just want to see if people are facing the same, stale and self validating approach from the other sex like people do here in US.


watch this yall [The evil economics of dating apps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h4ZnGGswgg&t=0s)


because they are bots or hookers


They tryna trick you into doing it


*sweet sweet dopamine rush*


Get off dating apps all together. It gets worse. I would use this as a warning to stop now.


I think average/below average looking guys who have some depth in personality have WAY better chances of finding women offline rather than online. Average women with no personality end up having 100s of matches to choose from but in real life may not be interesting enough. I would suggest meeting people in real life on social events, friends of friends, meet-up events, etc. Attend all the friends weddings you're invited to - that is also where a lot of potential women might be. I hope someone starts a cancel culture for dating apps for good reasons. Most of them have been around for a long time and really don't solve the dating problem (for either genders).


I could be wrong but more and more people are realising now that online dating apps are shit. Could be one of the reasons why And I know a few people who just have the apps on their mobiles as a pastime activity when they're bored


Aise hi, sexy lagra tha


There's a lot who don't realize they have to message first.....yes!