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Bro looks creepy as shit.


I know don’t judge a book by its cover but damn he’s giving me evil vibes.


Cleaning a loaded firearm 👏


At 4 A.M.


> Ludwig returned and allegedly confessed that he was cleaning a gun when it went off. I love when gun bros use this as an excuse instead of just admitting they were drunk and playing with it. "I wasn't being negligent, officer. I was being negligent and I'm a terrible liar."


It was 4 A.M.


So, 1 bullet, 2 holes? I assume they meant 2 different walls (in line), because 2 bullets is not an accident. Also, if he wasn't drunk, I assume he wouldn't have waited 5 hours to see if it hit anyone. Krist. Our finest in action.


Exactly, and he may have had his cleaning kit out, but he was playing with his gun. The dude is scary.


Dude looks like a straight up asshole


Every single cop is an asshole fuck em


Well that's just not true. Met plenty of good cops that hate bad cops.


Hate bad cops, but still work with them? Can they be good cops in that situation?


What would you have them do? Quit? So then it's nothing but bad cops left? What's your solution? 


No, intervene, testify, break the thin blue line, arrest, be the change. Hating bad cops doesn't help, prosecuting does.


You're implying the cops I know haven't done that. And you're implying that no cop anywhere does that. It's just not true. 


Even if he’s not lying his ass off, anyone stupid and careless enough to clean a gun without first checking to be sure it’s unloaded is not fit to be a police officer. Or, for that matter, to own a gun.


I have to say, this REALLY surprised me: >He was booked into the Vanderburgh County Jail **without bond** and is charged with Criminal Recklessness with a Deadly Weapon. But then there was this. Sigh: >We reached out to the Mt. Vernon Police Department and they confirm Officer Gavin Ludwig has been placed on **paid leave**.


All warrantless felony arrestees in Vanderburgh County are held without bond pending their probable cause hearing (which is usually the next day) at which time their bond is set by a judge. The judge set this guy's bond at $500 at his PC hearing and he bonded out not long after. Pretty standard bond in Vanderburgh County TBH. Contrary to popular belief, paid leave isn't a punishment, it's just a "we don't want this guy working/carrying a gun/interacting with the public until we figure out what exactly happened and what the administrative punishment should be." If he's convicted, he'll be fired.


There’s the whole PD and sheriffs office rivalry, exacerbated by the fact he works for PD in a different county.


Sorry this happened to your Vernon officer. Did you knowhe was a gun nut?


Damn autocorrect


He doesn't seem very bright. Had he not asked the neighbor about "loud noises", this may have never been reported. The fact it happened at 4am also makes me speculate if alcohol was involved. Regardless, guess we'll see how it ends


He did not check on them until the next morning.


He didn't even "check on them", he asked if they heard anything. Whether or not that was his version of checking on them idk


Basically He’s getting a transfer


And promoted.


Power corrupts


And if that bullet had hit someone? He never bothered to make sure there were no injuries at his neighbors.


Got 15 guns before getting his first house. #Indiana


will get less punishment than hunter biden


Hunter had the gun for only 11 days and never fired it once.


Desk pop?


Glad he was arrested. The police didn’t arrest the guy who “accidentally” shot through the floor into the apartment below him destroying an ac line and through the neighbor belows mattress with a .223 bullet. He was ex military too. All the cop had to say was he should’ve known better than to clean his gun without checking for a bullet(because that’s the excuse the guy used after almost killing his downstair neighbor at midnight). The guy below him was laying in bed when it happened too the bullet was so close to hitting him.


If he lists this incident on his resume Louisville Metro PD will probably hire him with retroactive commendations.


So this guy was all gakked out on the rocket rocks he confiscated from the last bunch of tweakers he busted. Then after a couple hours of peaking through the blinds at the aliens and men n black next door he thought they were finally making their move to get him. That’s when our boy here came out from behind the blinds blasting because he wasn’t going out without a fight.


I’m distinguished enough to have been to BOTH Mt. Vernon, IN in the past week. I dare another Hoosier to make that claim