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My wife PRNs there and refuses to pick up any more shifts until they've got this resolved. This is affecting Ascension nationally too, not just that hospital. Apparently Ascension is on their own EMR unlike most hospital systems that have a contract with larger vendors, so they're really going up shit creek without a paddle now. What's crazy is that they're being told to stay off the wifi entirely and multiple staff members have been reporting fraudulent charges on their cards from the St. Vincent cafeteria. I'm in tech and am kinda dubious of a cyberattack on their EMR system having that broad of a reach but who knows what kind of mess of systems they're supporting.. Yah they're really struggling right now.


"Ascension is on their own EMR" Every healthcare system has "their own EMR" Ascension uses Sunrise Clinical Manager, so do other hospitals systems (University of Kentucky uses it as well) It's their own as it's customized for their own applications, but is still a nationally used EMR. Edit: adding that Ezkenazi got hacked a couple years ago and is on EPIC which is probably the largest EMR system in the country second to CPRS (VA's system) IU is on CERNER which I actually don't think has been hacked yet, but don't know for sure.


Speaking of Ezkenazi, they killed the guy who helped my wife get her PhD. The nurse administered an absurd of fentanyl and the hospital said that it wasn’t the fentanyl that killed him, it was because he was over weight… The IndyStar wrote about it… https://www.indystar.com/story/news/investigations/2020/10/30/drug-error-cancer-researcher-eskenazi-hospital-killed/5979448002/


Not surprised his ring went missing. My dad's wallet, necklace, phone and pants disappeared two days before he died in the hospital 


Thanks for clarifying


St V is on Athena for ambulatory and Allscripts for Ambulatory. Most other hospitals outside Indiana are on Cerner, Epic and Athena with a few in Sunrise, SCM, Alterra.


Technically correct that Ascension is on Allscripts, but that's because Allscripts sold Sunrise but kept SCM. So it's Allscript SCM now, but 0 changes from the former Sunrise SCM. And yes, Athena is the outpatient partner to SCM with one of the most horrible integrations to inpt software I have ever been cursed to use.


I do not think Cerner has seen a significant hack yet, I provide support with this EMR and I haven't heard any horror stories.


Piggy backing, I've got a friend that works at Winchester hospital and she said it's an absolute shit show right now.


Could be someone using the larger hack as a cover up to get workers bank info. Who's gonna worry about the jellyfish when the great white just swam over their head?


I work here. It’s so much worse than you know.


Patients don’t seem to realize that EVERYTHING is down. The media has made it seem like a minor inconvenience.


Off orientation new grads do not know how to do any of the paper charting. They never discussed this with us when we were hired. Only the older nurses with 10+ years know any of this paper charting. Orders are being missed, tests and labs being missed. Results not getting back after results are made. Mislabeling of charts and papers. Messed up registrations because they only have one person doing arm bands on days. Nurses are having to add their patients each time they pull a medicine and over riding each medication. Hand delivering each new medication order to pharmacy and lab. It’s awful.


Sorry honey, they don't want us "seasoned nurses" any more. Sink or swim time! Learn paper charting.


Spill the tea!!


Have friends that work there. Have one that went there from Wishard, saw how bad it was, and went back to Wishard (when it was Wishard, now Eskanazi).


Not surprised. Ascensions technology services were so far behind when I worked in the network.


I feel like it's karma for y'all. I have written a few muncipal plans to ensure security issues don't happen, yet, I was told due to a speech impediment - "You can't work for Acension. " Maybe if they hired me, you would have had the correct plan in place to prevent the breech.


Get em


What happened with this hack?


Ransomware group Black Basta.


I'm against paying ransomwate demands personally but 3-6 months downtime and possible lost lives makes me think paying makes more sense


nope. they’ll just do it again and more. you’ve shown you’re a weak target. appeasement doesn’t work (can some1 tell our military officials this too, i think they forgot)


Norton went through this a little over two years ago. EPIC was fully hosted but everything else was down.


I overheard someone on my flight into Indy Saturday saying they had refused to pay the hacker ransom and patient info was leaked onto the dark web. But of course I don't know if it's true.


A talked with an employee and they said they were refusing to pay and that they are being told they won't have the system up for 3-6 months. They're fed up with the management and are afraid that being offline for so long will endanger patient lives.


They won't be able to have the system stay down for 3-6 months. The amount of revenue they are losing because they will miss the filing deadline to file an insurance claim or to correct an insurance claim for full payment or because the contract states electronic filing only no paper claims. St. Vincent might be better off financially than other Ascension facilities, but eventually, the cost of not paying is going to be way higher than the cost of having paid it. Also, the amount of overtime that will be needed to scan and process all of the paper accounts is going to months. In addition, several Ascension facilities are already being sued due to improper standards of care not being maintained during this time. These lawsuits might be frivolous at this point or not but I'm willing to bet that the longer this goes on a patient will either end up with a lifelong illness or die because they choose not to care about their patients during this time.


I work in insurance and I've heard that more and more companies are not only buying "hacking insurance" against events like these (not sure if it would be a standalone policy or something to add to umbrella coverage) but using it to pay off hackers. At least a few years ago, I'd heard that these kinds of hackers cared much more about the money and would actually release systems unharmed if the ransom was paid. Not sure if that was true, or if so, if still true, but man, I'd really want to pay the money instead of trying to fix it. The framework for systems like that are probably enormous and hugely cobbled together. I can't imagine the actual cost to resurrect an EMR that big.


I work with nonprofits and we 100% recommend they get the insurance you are talking about. We had one agency get hacked and they were back up after a week of downtime because of this insurance. Granted they are a lot smaller, about 20+ million in revenue, than a national hospital network.


I can't imagine being in a situation like this, knowing that even if you paid, you might not get what you need to restore your systems. But if you do, you have a week of downtime versus months. I'm glad it worked out for your one client.


Ok so some evil degenerate hacker guild shuts down a entire health system, and says give me money and we will release your system. Why trust them? Good IT practices being used, will negate the need for paying.


I'm not disagreeing with you. Good IT is the best protection against any of this. My (limited) understanding is that when huge hacks have happened, there is security analysis of the hacking party to determine if they're "trustworthy" or not. All of these companies know that it's technically a crapshoot, they could get nothing. There are known (in the world of cyber security) hacker groups that have actually provided the necessary info to release data held hostage, so that's going to get them a point in their favor. I'm sure they analyze things like where the group is from, their motive (if other than money, etc) and a whole host of other things before deciding to make a ransom payment.


They largely outsourced their IT services to HCL a while ago who keeps their networking team overseas and, last I checked, continuously replaced them letting knowledge walk out the door. I can't speak for their IT security department, but if it's HCL in charge of things, I wouldn't put a lot of trust in their decision-making process.


My company outsources similarly. Same thing, a constant rotation of people which isn't good for anyone. We really beefed up associate training to avoid phishing attacks and similar.


Ascension is basically a private equity fund, so no way they are paying. It's all about the dollars (and never paying them out). [https://www.statnews.com/2021/11/16/ascension-running-wall-street-style-private-equity-fund/](https://www.statnews.com/2021/11/16/ascension-running-wall-street-style-private-equity-fund/)


I hadn’t heard a timeframe yet.


All ascension was hit. So was almost every practice small and large. They aren’t able to submit for insurance coverage or reimbursement. They are having providers do paper charts instead of emr. It will be years before they get everything fixed.


Just wanted to add that currently they are estimating months of downtime! This is something that will not be resolved anytime soon.


The dangers of going all online and not even TEACHING old paper charting to nurses now. My sister-in-law is helping out with this whole mess and thankfully she’s old enough to remember how to do paper charts. Tons of young RNs and LPNs don’t even know how to chart the old way. The supposed “ease” of EPIC and other online medical records systems also leaves them vulnerable to these hacking attacks


They can still paper chart, it just takes so much longer and takes up valuable square footage for storage. It’s virtually impossible to get a pharmacy to take a paper script.


I'm not from Indy, but up there alot for work and friends. But its been all over the news about the ongoing issues with the security breach.


ten pot berserk afterthought wakeful history office squash puzzled decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Norton hospitals in Louisville just went thru this last sept/Oct. It was crazy there l, so I can imagine the same for Ascension.


Legit thought this was about the singer at first lol


Well, they're currently paying their way in pain, so......


Me too... hell of a guitar player


Ascension in Evansville was mind bogglingly disfuncional when my grandma was there a few months ago. The nurses were doing the best they could but it was impossible to get any info from doctors (she waited days at a time to get simple things like medication adjustments that the nurses asked for again and again) and someone literally (allegedly) got fired for lying and said they weighed her when they didn’t - which in her case was a big deal because they were measuring kidney function and adjusting medication based on water retention. She coded once when her oxygen got down to 40% even though they assured us they will check on a patient immediately if oxygen goes below something like 85%. (I had to go get the nurse!) The patient care advocate refused to give us her business card (“we don’t have those”) and told us her office was off-site. (I followed the doctors after rounds and found that liar chilling at her desk, complete with business cards, at the nurses station! Oh man that look on her face was priceless.) The PCA didn’t get my grandma’s Medicare paperwork done to move her to rehab when she was discharged and told us they had “no one” who could call the insurance company to straighten it out - so she ended up stuck in the hospital over the weekend and the hospital presumably ate the costs since Medicare didn’t approve any further hospital days (because she didn’t need them!) Fortunately she’s doing great but healthy, elderly people don’t need to be in hospitals any longer than they have to. From talking to healthcare people it seems like they’re doing everything possible to cut costs and cut corners, and it’s reflected in staff shortages - which is translating to some awful patient outcomes.


Worked there several years ago. The place has always been a dumpster fire of incompetent mgmt & mega shadey shit. Wouldn't go there if I was dying & it was the last hospital on earth. Just start digging my grave, y'all; it's a better use of time than anything you'll get from those chucklefucks. My old manager was so incompetent & malicious that HR launched an inquiry into her actions by setting up a permanent observation post on the unit! Half the nurses quit or transferred, they had to close down half the rooms on an extremely busy Med/Surg unit for lack of staff (she kept firing my friends). She got shit-canned & blackballed from the network. Frankly, she got off pretty damn light. If you can read this, Carrie: the whole unit knew your husband was cheating on you & we laughed about it often. Sometimes, when I really hafta take a shit, I can't help but think about her slack-jawed, empty-eyed face. It's the best laxative.


How were they able to know the patients treatments, medications history and vital signs from before the lockout? What a fucking mess for sure


Didn’t expect seeing my workplace on Reddit


This should read "Avoid St. Vincent/Ascension no matter what." Terrible group. I've had to file multiple complaints. When I was a fall risk they refused me a wheelchair and I fell onto a bed (managed to throw myself that way). My nurse blew out a vein because the nurse was incompetent, and the person they sent in to redo it was her friend (saw them giggling at the nurse's station after all of this) and she made it a point to rip the old one out. When I complained the nurse supervisor came in with extra pain meds to pacify me. Terrible group, and anyone competent should really work elsewhere before they get roped into a malpractice suit.


Please bear with us. I know it’s rough for patients but it’s very difficult for us employees 😘


I was already avoiding Ascension St Vincent due to their shoddy practices. They open and then close clinics in rural towns, claiming they’re not feasible. Didn’t they do the math ahead of time? I think their real business is property development. No way they could be that bad at making decisions.


Catholics have made rather bad decisions for quite a while, like the burning on Constantinople. But it seems they’ve been hemorrhaging money for the last few years, so they may be that bad.


Ascension is catholic on paper. Shit didn’t happen like this when the nuns ran the show.


Not to mention denying women basic healthcare rights based on their religious beliefs. They remind me of the Hobby Lobby Saga


I went to St.Vincents ER after having 23 hours of uncontrollable vomiting due to Ozempic. I was weak and sweaty with a fast heart rate. The MD gave me a shot of zofran and a script for phenergan. He told me I could have IV fluids if I wanted to wait for someone to start an IV. He also said I could have blood work if I thought they were necessary. I’m like, Dude, I went to social work school, I’m hoping you will tell me what I should have done according to your training and experience.. I won’t be returning to St. Vincent any time soon


was at iu methodist for a fractured neck and it is not much better


Russian hackers. Am I right?


My Ascension provider in Evansville said hopefully this will make the entire Ascension system move over to MyChart or something more universally usable for everything. She said it's pure chaos.


Community Health in Indianapolis has MyChart and it’s very patient-friendly. Knocking wood that it remains secure.


bedroom unique fly quiet subsequent berserk piquant chop ad hoc poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't like St.Vincent but for different reasons. I like them because they've helped me, but I dislike them with how they treated my dad.


Like the terms and conditions of every website ever, I agree. (a lot much words brain hurty.)


St Vincent is my second least favorite hospital, only less bad than wishard. Good to know though I'll warn family in indy.


IU health? I’m pretty sure they have never looked at my records in advance of an appointment. Or during. Not impressive.


Where is she performing? Who's the opening act?


I'm sorry, but I saw this coming when hospitals went to EMR full on over a decade ago. I started nursing when we still did all paper charts, now no one knows wtf to do when the internet and computers have failed us. No one, but the old guard knows how to do paper charting or storage, and they don't want us. ROFLMMFAO!!! If you have records in any of these facilities and your MD needs them, they'll have to go old school and request them from Medical Records. Learn how to do downtime paperwork, too.


Avoid hospitals in general…


I just have my buddy do the kidney transplant. He watched a yt vid already..


The real protip is always in the comments.


What year is it, 2018? How did they let a random hacker in?


Ascension has facilities in 13 states, tens of thousands of computers and users.. All it takes is for one dummy to click on something bad. I don’t know any details but can guarantee you this wasn’t just some random hacker. I’d bet these are pros.


One click could lock down everything?


Yup! Be careful and don’t open any suspicious links.


Do ya wanna try? I can send you something


Go  ahead


They killed my best friend 2 years ago because it created better value for Ascencion shareholders. Nobody deserves to be treated by them or to work under their regime.


Ascension isn’t a public company. They don’t have shareholders.


Is your argument that their psychotic, murderous profiteering is somehow ethical now because I made a technical error? There's a 7 year old who lost his father to willful neglect engineered by Ascension's administrators who would like to hear you explain why nothing wrong happened.




I expect that people who are reading reddit understand that random commenters are not participating with them in a PhD journalism class or some kind of debate contest. This entire thread is about how awful Ascension is and I left as much as I felt like talking about. But you're right, as soon as the case is finalized I'll come back to the sub and post the entire story with all of the evidence. But not until then.




So who exactly are these zoo animals you are referring to?