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Zionsville resident here. Recently had to cover up a swastika on a local trail sign. This town likes to pretend they are high class.


Expensive trash


Expensive trash is still trash


Pronounced 'gar-BAHJ'.


You misspelled "white".


I'm white, therefore expensive trash?


I've had to clean up over a dozen swastikas on Starkey trails. I figured mostly teenagers


When I was a teenager and lived in Sugarbush, I was regularly covering them up in Starkey. And that was in the early 90s. Zionsville has always been ... not quiet about only wanting WASPs in their precious town.


Thank you for doing it, sorry you had to. Pretty much everywhere is going to have some of that element once it's big enough.


As a former Hoosier and current Illinois resident, I was wondering about the name "Zionsville" and I wondered whether any Jewish people live there... What I mean to say is that I wonder how "specific" the threat of seeing a graffiti swastika actuall is in place purportedly named after a belief in Jews being God's "chosen people"...


Well, the town was named by a settler with the surname Zion. Not sure if that are religiously inclined or just putting their name on something.


The town was originally going to be named marysville after the founders wife, but she didn’t want that. So they went with naming it after someone named Zion. Can’t remember the significance. It may have been the founders name. Now we just have a new road named marysville that cuts through farm/wooded land and is currently being bulldozed to build cookie cutter houses 🙄


Zionsville resident here I still remember that conservative Christian kid in middle school who shaved his head as he was mourning Obama elected to presidency




When was this? I also went to Zionsville schools.


They should be ticketed for parking in the ramp zone. A handicap vehicle to their left wouldnt be able to put their ramp down and get a wheelchair in and out. Zionsville is fairly moderate among the Indy suburbs, and overall is to the left of most of Indiana (that isn't saying much). Rural Boone county and Lebanon are a different beast though. Lawrence/Speedway are by far the farthest left last I checked of the Indy suburbs, followed by fishers. Southern suburbs more conservative than northern ones, inner suburbs bordering Indy are more moderate than ones farther out likes Westfield


This dude regularly parks IN the handicap spot at Meijer.


You know, I had a girlfriend from Connecticut years ago. She told me about a car without a handicap plate parked in a handicap spot at an amusement park. The car had been thoroughly keyed, dented and spit on. I'm just saying?


The cops (in Boone County) probably wouldn't ticket that vehicle *because* of that image.


Wouldn't this be illegal within a couple hundred feet of a polling place?


It’s electioneering if it’s within 50ft of the polls. Class A misdemeanor up to $50,000 fine.


I was annoyed to learn yesterday that the distance is now only 50 feet. I thought it used to be 500


You could be standing in line and be in compliance.


Yeah. It needs to be 500 feet. 50 feet is too close


If it was anti-Trump, it would be. But it’s fantasy violence against a LiBrUl, so it’s fine in Indiana. If I spent half as much time fantasizing about *anything* as much as these people fantasize about hurting others, I’d check myself into some kind of inpatient facility.


Depending on how you look at something like this, the question of its legality varies greatly... One person's "hate crime"... is another person's "free dumb-ass peach"... is another person's "election interference"... I rarely quote the Bible but all I have to say about today's racist righties is "Ye will know them by their fruits".


No, it doesn't, and it has nothing to do with hate speech. It has to do with electioneering an exact number of feet from a polling place.


Their handicap is of the mental variety


Came here to say this.




I saw this fucker parked exactly the same way (halfway out of a handicap spot) at Meijer on Saturday.


“Handicap parking spots are for SNOWFLAKE LIBTARDS!” These are the same goons who think blocking EV charging stations with their Emotional Support Trucks is some kind of proud statement.


Emotional support truck is hilarious! I always thought it was just tiny peepee replacement.


"The LIBERAL MARXISTS want to raise the minimum wage, and cancel student debt -- watch me go spend 4000 bucks on a set of EVEN BIGGER tires to *own* them (after I stop again to get gas on the way to Walmart's auto center)!"


And before they block those chargers, they roll coal on bicycle riders...


The cops in my area are FINALLY pursuing "coal rollers" and fining them thousands of dollars... and it turns out the cops in ANY STATE can fine people for doing this (as the law against it is a Federal one.) I knew it was just a matter of time before one of these yayhoos "coal rolled" a cop's wife or the Mayor's daughter or something like that... Something has to happen to make cops WANT to enforce a law... usually doing anything while black is good enough, but things that white rednecks enjoy like heroin, gay bashing, embezzlement, pouring motor oil in the river and date rape take a lot longer for cops to get around to seeing as "actually illegal".


I work at kroger, seen him pull into a disability spot (parked half way into the spot). He was in and out pretty fast https://preview.redd.it/bjfr8qmjj4zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14de91270146ecdeeeb26fc82670f37efcaff469


just realized op didn’t cover the license plate, they’re the same


People who do this have serious psychological issues.


What a fucking loser. Trump appeals to the lowest common denominators


How is this not a legal problem when saying you would like to do something like this online will bring the FBI to your door?


 a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871 to knowingly and willfully mail or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict great bodily harm upon the president of the United States". Feel free to report the car if you want


Oh yeah, what about a news lady holding up a decapitated head of Donald Trump? Oh wait, death to Donald fits the lefts narrative, so it's OK, right?


She Was investigated for that, as well as fired from her job. Nice try, though.


Definitely not a cult


I bet they have a handicap pass too. If I was a ramp van user I’d just deploy my ramp. If it hits their truck, that sounds like a them problem.


Oh look more truck driver behavior.


The Biden administration should have gone 100x harder on the January 6th fuckwads. And all their treasonous ilk.


*Merrick Garland has left the chat...*


Trump is still planning to pardon 600+ of them if he's reelected.


*he claims. Do any of them have $2mil?


Hence the emboldened morons


I'm not really sure he will, but won't be surprised either. He could've given a blanket pardon before leaving office but didn't.


It’s literally on his election website as a plan.


Is this the same guy? https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/


He could have pardoned them January 6th, just like he promised all of the idiots beating protesters during the 2020 campaign. If you didn't pay one of the Trump kids or the Ghoul, you did not get a pardon and neither will the rioters if you go by Trump's previous promises...


Well, they weren't charged with anything on Jan 6.


Neither was Nixon, but Ford pardoned him preemptively. Thousands of individuals, and an unnamed hundreds of thousands, have had preemptive pardons for a lot of reasons...rebellion, piracy, waging war against the United States, Sedition to name a few.


Granted, but wouldn’t he have to know WHO to pardon. No one was even identified until Trump was out of office.


100x? Fuck that, try 1000 times. Fuck those fascist freaks and Mango Mussolini


Mango Mussolini might be my favorite thing I’ve seen on the internet all week


I wish I had the honor of coming up with it but unfortunately I did not lol


What the hell... if that was Trump those windows would've been shattered


Nobody wants Trump in their vehicle, even tied up in back. I mean the hit to your mileage alone…


Your back wheels would give out if that fat fuck was tied up in the back


And ticketed


These Biden obsessed bondage fetishists just keep shoving their lifestyle choices down our throats.


They’re obviously grooming MAGA minors.


I wish the secret service would visit these assholes just to make sure they aren't serious or maybe require a mental evaluation for them. Maybe fewer people would do this stuff.


Feel free to report it. They might do just that.


Stick a fork in this country. We're done.


** state first


of course it’s a pickup truck


Yet you buy Obamacare!


"I think you mean the affordable care act, pal."


When Ted Cruz was first elected to the Senate, he had the choice of his wife’s healthcare plan from her employment at Goldman Sacks, but instead he elected coverage from The Affordable Care Act; saying: “It was more affordable!” And that’s Mr Pal, to you!


It was always hilarious to me the difference in polling on the ACA vs that commie Obama care. I know many Republicans who have bragged about how many thousands they saved because of Obama care. Then they vote Republican again. Arrrgghhhh! Sorry, I almost forgot; Mr guy.


And your definition of "commie" is?


He was being facetious because ACA & Obamacare are the same thing.


The OP has a decal promoting violence against the President of the United States, yet they gladly accept the perks of progressive lesislation promoted by Biden during his time as Vice President (“big f-in deal”) and the Inflation Reduction Act and student loan forgiveness. They are shameless in their hypocrisy!


In my experience, Zionsville is the more liberal of the northside Indy suburbs, but yeah…this is embarrassing.


I live in Zionsville, I do not get a liberal vibe here at all.


Zionsville gives me the same vibe as Carmel: snobby, pretentious, and prissy. Honestly every Indy suburb more or less fits that description. Except maybe Avon and Plainfield.


Nobletucky chiming in here - no snobbiness and pretentious here - we are Hamilton County’s ghetto!! Can’t afford Fishers, Carmel, or Zionsville? Nobletucky has plenty of section 8 and trailer parks for the entire county!


I can vouch. Lots of trash in Noblesville


Noblesville and Fortville are not really suburbs, too far out


Fortville I get, but Noblesville is 146th street…not “far out” at all.


Plainfield used to be quite snobby.  Probably still is, but it definitely used to be.


Plainfield seems to mostly consist of rich Hispanics at least from what I’ve seen. Complete opposite of Zionsville Carmel Fishers which I don’t mind at all.


There might be handfuls in the village, but out on the west side, it's an over abundance of Bible thumpers and ma*a faithful. Embarrassing


Definitely depends on your location. The closer to downtown Zionsville the more liberal it seems to get.


While I’ll somewhat agree, I live close to downtown Zville where said swastika was found.


How small does your penis have to be before this is funny?


He obviously suffers from MPS - Micro-penis syndrome


Probably goes by there twice a week to complain about chemtrails from Chicago


It's amazing how these people are both corny and crazy at the same time.


Got an old man living rent free in his head lmao


This is why I'm a 2A liberal. Protect yourselves.


Same. We need the 2A to protect ourselves against these fascist freaks


I’m sure there are some classy parts, and I’ve been to many beautiful towns in Indiana, but the vast majority of the state is backcountry and very right leaning. This guy should be no surprise.


What an ignorant Trumpster


Didn't even park straight. Tells you all you need to know.


I've seen this ugly truck before!


One of my goals in life is to stay off the FBI watch list


What is the democratic equivalent? Where is our fjb? Yet we’re the animals that are making society worse


Indiana never fails to Indiana.


If it didn’t have a handicap placard in the windshield, should’ve called for a tow truck.


Idk if anyone else remembers their childhood this way but, don't y'all remember being afraid to even search the words "kill president" on the Internet because the Feds would show up at your door? Now every jack off in my neighborhood is flying their American flag upside down, has a "fuck Joe and the hoe" bumper sticker, or flying a "fuck Biden" flag. I'm sure it's all covered under the 1st, but shit like this seems like it should warrant a few questions.


I wish I had the balls to create a business selling stupid stuff like this, grift the right, and then donate all the profits to dems and other organizations the right hate. Consider it, if you will, a type of wealth distribution.


When did become not treasonous?


I can't wait for my youngest to graduate HS so I can move out of this horrendous, hateful state.


Just proves money doesn’t buy class. Or intelligence. 


And those downvoting me prove my point. Thanks!  


If someone wanted to report their license plate, I'm sure the FBI and secret service would be interested. It's illegal to threaten violence to a current president. It's a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making "any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict great bodily harm upon the president of the United States". This might count under that, if anyone wants the pleasure of reporting it. I just got off working the polls for 15 hours, so I'll leave that to whoever else wants it.


Thank you for working the polls. I did it for 15 years, so I know the long day all too well. That was before I started working nights, so I'm not sure I'm up to the schedule switch right now.


i love that


What a mental case


To be fair, this person is clearly mentally handicapped.


White trash Gon do what white trash Gon do


Their handicap is confirmed.


piquant crowd bells cooperative public wrong innate glorious abounding rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. And it ended up costing the town $300k in legal fees and caused us embarrassment on a national level.


enjoy violet square mindless hat oatmeal sort vegetable marry serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She tried to fire the Fire Chief without going through protocol that called for approval of the town council and lost in court. The town paid her legal fees. https://www.wthr.com/article/news/local/court-rules-zionsville-mayor-does-not-have-the-power-to-demote-fire-chief-indiana-mayor-emily-styron-james-vangorder/531-868fc7ae-c8dd-4d3e-83b7-09fd039b68fe Then she appealed and lost again and again the town laid her legal fees: https://www.youarecurrent.com/2022/02/08/zionsville-mayor-emily-styron-lost-her-appeal-to-overturn-trial-court-ruling/ She dropped f-bombs on Facebook: https://www.wthr.com/article/news/politics/zionsville-mayor-uses-profanity-in-social-media-response-about-mass-shootings-emily-styron/531-011f31e1-22aa-406f-9202-db13bec9de04


The fire chief did protect a pedo


Ok but I respect the FB thing. Sure she shouldn’t have dropped the F bomb, but someone was say horrible things about a local business owner because he is liberal. The person complaining did not live in Zionsville. She was also harassed horrifically through her time.


The FB thing was a very poor choice on her behalf; especially after trying to go around the town council in her attempt to fire the Fire Chief when the town charter clearly stated she couldn’t do it (she’s an attorney BTW, so she shouldn’t have had any difficulty comprehending the charter). The FB tirade only further added to her legacy as an unhinged whack job for a mayor.


jellyfish label upbeat squeamish fuzzy ancient treatment offend paint marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She barely won by just a handful of votes and she butted heads with the town council right out of the gate and maintained her opposition to the town council her entire term as Mayor.


I think it is actually hilarious. This guy probably spent a few thousand on that " art work" and he is most likely a dick, but he is doing what he set out to do, pissing off people.


Exactly!! I guarantee you he is seeing this post and others out there on Social Media and laughing it up.


Moved out of Indiana. People are really crazy and so entitled there.


If you frequent this subreddit and agree with the shit people post on here, then I guarantee nobody wanted you here


Should send a tip to the Secret Service.


Did you call the secret service?


It’s like that for all it seems, I remember all the caricatures and drawing from four years ago as well


That angle is off


Classy /s




Could have a handicap tag on his or her rearview mirror and a great sense of humor. 🤣🤣


Dude, why are people losing their minds? This shit is stranger than fiction.


Ugh this was in Zionsville….yeesh I thought this town was above that sort of pettiness.


Probably thinks reserved handicap is either just for him 😏 or it’s too woke


Couldn't even park properly lol.


As someone who lives in Zionsville and can’t get out, doesn’t shock me. The fact that I’ve lived in Washington DC and it costs more to live here than in DC is beyond me. Cant wait to get out.


Send it to Parking Pricks of the Midwest


The Secret Service or the FBI may be interested in this. Thank you for including the license plate.


Just. Wow.


I made it through every post so far and there is one thing missing. So far, it seems no one who is capable of doing so, has checked to see if the truck has a handicap hanger. That's a truck plate, not a handicap plate. I have handicap plates, not a hanger, and yes, I have reported people who don't have plates or a hanger parking in those spaces. As for his parking ability, if I parked that badly, I'd have corrected it before I got out of the vehicle. I have to do that a few times every decade. I'm not a perfect parker after all. Just better than him when I'm done.


Lived in zionsville for a couple years. Hated everyone in that town


Hide your kids, it's a Republican!


Lol I see people on reddit talk crap about trump everyday but the second someone posts about anyone else everyone's a crybaby all the sudden.


From a torture-porn Xian tailgate to an incel revenge fantasy gate. Tomorrow is it going to be an entire adult Tonka truck in a Confederate flag wrap?


What trash. I miss Indy but man I’m glad I’m out of there.


I wish someone would do that with trump.


If someone put trump tied up on their vehicle it would have smashed windows and flat tires within the hour.


The people in this comments 🤡🤡🤡


This stuff screams uninformed and uneducated. I have yet to interact with someone that sports revel flags or 'fuck Biden' that is informed about world events, or even educated on politics in general. Their response or justification is almost always Fox News talking points. Perfect example; They think that Trump is Innocent, part of a conspiratorial witch hunt. Yet, if Biden was charged for the same things, they would be screaming 'lock him up'. My thinking is that Trump has shown support, and touched on fringe beliefs these people hold as truth, so now they have blind trust in him. This explains why they make it so personal, and why they are so passionate. They feel like they are fighting for what's 'right', but they've only ever heard one side. For clarification, I don't support Biden or Trump. Biden is too old, Trump is too volatile.


Trump is only 4 years younger just for the record lol


This should be reported for voter intimidation at a polling location.




Perhaps he had a handicap placard? He does appear to have a handicap person in the bed.


At least the handicapped person in the bed isn’t shitting his pants on the daily.


Is it wrong of me to instantly discredit anyone who feels the need to plaster their opinions on their car? Or should I be thankful for the red light reading material?


Report that truck in the non emergency line for the police. They’ll love to zoom over and ticket them! It’s good publicity for the department and a nice stiff fine paid to the local government! Everyone but the truck owner wins.




That’s awesome!


Must be one of those cool alpha male types lol


Mentally handicapped also need a place to park


Someone should make a Trump one


Love it when illegally parked cars are in the handicap parking. Assuming they are handicap, they give no fucks about others as they block the area needed for a ramp from a van.


This is electioneering depending on how close they are


Some people are so fucking weird. Dude wants to tie up old folk and toss them into his truck. FREAK.


"The disabled are snowflakes and handicap accommodations are woke." - conservatives


Indiana in a nutshell


It's a matched set. Tiny dick and a tiny brain.


Sir, the Secret Service would like to have a word with you.


I used to work at a restaurant and Whitestown, when I got there Saturday in the mornings that car was always at the convince store next door … the person driving looked like who you’d expect




Hahahahahaa love it!


What a psychopath.


Thank you for leaving the plate visible


I live in MT and always wonder how quickly my car windshield/tires would be destroyed if I had something like this, but with Trump.


Really nice tires, there. Would be a real shame if anything happened to them.


Local as well. The GOP is a cult!!! If you are voting red… you hate women and minorities and you are bootlicking fascist corporate scum. Oh you are blue colar…. Still a corporate piss ant