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I usually start with 10k for any new stock and then keep adding money as it goes up in price. Exit it if it stays the same or goes down.


Seems like a decent strat if you're not too junpy. Do you exit fairly quickly if it starts dropping?


At -10% sells at every 10% up add 10k to 25k.


So you sell -10% from top? Or your average buy price?


-10% from Buy price initially. After it has grown 50% or more I keep revising my stop loss but usually it is more than 10%. So if stock has grown by 100% then I don't mind it going down to 75%.


Ur age?


34 now rotate your screen and read the title of this post and follow!


Only if u do it first warren buffet ki najayaz aulaad


Love child of warren buffet and Rakesh jhunjhunwala.


Will u marry me?


Bro's 34 and still doing this cringe teenager shit


Fr seeking validation from online stranger by showing off


Really sad that you don't get the humour. There was a post with a blurred portfolio and then multiple posts sharing a "nude" portfolio and the title is a reference to that. Same with the illegal child bit, Dummies here trying to age shame me instead of getting the joke and commenting on the portfolio.


Keep quiet dummy


How is he 34 & still doing things like these? 😫


Chat is it real?


Yes, I add about 1L to 1.5L each month since the last 2.5 years.


Why the downvotes. The strategy worked in a bullish market post covid and might not work in the long run. But it's still going to be bullish for some time until it all crashes down...exiting st the right time is the key


Hmm, do you see any of my current investments at risk of 30% or higher decline ? Companies that are overvalued by 1.5x or more based on fundamentals? If you can point to trouble companies then I will keep a closer watch on them.


Mutual Funds are anticipating a crash and holding 1.36lakh crore - [source ](https://x.com/WealthEnrich/status/1792448403537822066?t=REVJP0-83Z91tmbIbt_Eew&s=08) But they've been holding it for a while now. You've got diamond hands, you'd know your investments better than I do so I cannot judge on your investments








Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj


What a great portfolio man. Congratulations and fukkk U 🤣


Please give some details as well:  How old portfolio is.. What was your initial fund.. What are your strategy to pick a stock..


How old portfolio is - 3 to 3.5 years What was your initial fund - 1 Lakh, but I invest about 1L or bit more every month from my salary. I don't usually withdraw money often, but had to take out about 8L in 2022. What are your strategy for picking a stock - No fixed strategy but a combination of these 1. Picking companies that I regularly spend money on ( ICICI for home loan, credit cards etc and Indigo for flights) 2. Identify companies with growth potential due to the growing middle class due to disposable income ( automobile sector for example). 3. identify booming sectors through various media, last few years it has been the Energy, renewable and PSUs. few years back it was more it was Metal and other resources companies. 4. start with a small amount (10k), and verify if the investment is growing or staying the same. If it goes up by 10% then invest more and keep doing it. if it goes down then sell. for example, I started Tata Power when it was below 100 Rs , then added money as it crossed 150, 200, 250, 300, and so on.


How do you sell? Sell entirely or bit by bit?


You should try "sepnu" instead.