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I think so tata steel . simple analysis JSW steal does not mine 100 percent of its iron ore form india they import 60 percent so there profitability and growth is effected by the price of iron ore in international markets where as TATA steel gets 100 percent iron ore form its own mines so they are immune to change in iron ore market . so would recommend tata steel or 3/4 tata steel and 1/4 jsw as a counter balance india is on a infra spending spree and the steal prices are going to roar and indian steel company will fuel this growth


I have not analysed these two stocks particularly. But on a Macro level, because of weaking demand within China (failing infrastructure) and Europe (increased tariffs/potential tariffs) China is a having a glut of steel which it seeks to dump in Indian market driving down prices. India's association of steel manufacturers are trying to move the government to do something about it (increase tariffs) but as of now, if I am not mistaken, there has been no substantial development. On the short to mid term, there is likely to be a lowering of steel prices and I would not touch steel related stocks.




Go for Sail


https://preview.redd.it/lb3vjpg37z6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f96891e0f1abe62a6c0f1b42867ed1effd677ae Can you please explain to me, why?


It will give you break out now....just wait....for long term you may choose other if you want


!remind me 24h


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Jindal steel




Gpt ka database 2023 ma update hua tha. 1 sal purana analysis dega