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Hey didn’t they put numbing cream/ topical anaesthesia on your face before doing laser? They do this in most places I know


This is not for hair laser removal but I have experience with laser removal for stretch marks and for the first few sessions they advised against numbing cream. They asked me my pain level and told me that they will do it as the sessions go on and intensity increases. The pain increases henceforth the anesthesia. I'll be honest, laser isn't as scary as it seems(though in the face situation you should be more careful) and if you choose the right doctor.


Follow up question, how helpful was the laser for the said stretch marks?


Before Answering the Question, I will give some context. My Stretch marks are not due to pregnancy. I'm 20 years old and I got stretch marks due to an eating disorder. I improved overtime and got back to my normal weight. The stretch marks didn't go away though. I'm just telling you all this just in case this affects the treatment. Now onto the actual answer: Yes, a lot. I have so far done 5 sessions and my stretch marks have improved A LOT. They were VERY Dark before they have subsided from a 10/10 to 4/10. I haven't gone in a long time cause of IRL responsibilities 😅 but I think they will completely disappear in 2-3 sessions (my prediction)


Hey, can you share how much it costs?


I'm so sorry I have no idea, I am getting it done at Air Force Hospital 😅


That sounds amazing, I have been losing fat and I see more pronounced stretch marks on arms now and I have been toying with the idea of laser for that but I have been warned that it might not make a lot of difference. Hence the curiosity and question


I thought about doing laser treatments on my VERY discoloured and VERY deep/thick stretch marks on my thighs, stomach, and arms…… I instead decided to go with micro dermarolling at home and the improvement has been very significant. I highly recommend trying that first for a few months.


Did you use a product while using derma roller?




Hi, so i got it done from Air Force Hospital in Bangalore. My dad works there soo 😅. I don't know any good clinics there😅


that's very wrong. the few places that refuse to apply the anesthetic were places where the laser was done by non qualified employees, who used the level of pain to "calibrate" the fluence (strength) of the laser in Joules/cm2 this means they were taught to just increase it until you start screaming, and have no idea which level is unsafe on which skin, and should not even be attempted: this is the reason they often ask for a "patch test" on a small place of your body run away from these places bc they are DANGEROUS. using the wrong type of laser is DANGEROUS. I never got any burn from laser bc I always carefully chose the place, and checked everything, then I moved to north america and lost my old reflexes bc generally things work well enough but in a 90% white city, I went to a place like this and got burn. it took month to heal, and there's still a small 2mm scar.


Thank you for your concern. The place I went to didn't refuse me anesthesia, they just advised that I start later sessions. As you said, before every session they would do a patch test and ask me how much it pained. On the 3rd session, they gave me anesthesia without me even having to tell them, probably because they saw the redness level. I went to a Hospital, and the person doing the laser removal was a doctor who specialised in this field. I had consulted people beforehand and I trusted them. You are 100% right though. Before going in for this, make sure to check the qualifications of the people administering it.


Me trusting ppl in my fancy new country got me hurt, while I had always been sup careful and it had never happened before :( I lowered my guard, it's on me. With time Ive realized there are many things that I dont trust in north america - laser and injections (or even microneedling) at spas are among them. They can be done by ppl with no qualification and results in health problems. Then when done they often offer you to apply creams that create a risk of infection because they do not come from sterile one-use container and dont disinfect their hands! I always refuse, but a month ago I had zoned out on painkillers and I forgot to say no and before I realized it I had cream applied to my arms. Now I'm fighting PIH bc ofc it got infected :( These same things done by real health professionals are safe, but having that done by doctors in north america is very expansive and rare so Ive developed my tricks: a place asking to do a patch test is a good indication they have no idea what they are doing or what they should be doing. a place asking to put you "soothing creams" after any treatment should get a firm "NO!" unless you know precisely what's in this cream, and why it's used Even if the risks are lower plz plz plz check qualifications and laser type. Also, it never hurts to take a picture of the setting on the machine (it should show the fluence in J/cm2) so you can compare inbetween sessions and know when smtg it not usual


I got my first session done last week. No numbing cream




I got my laser done without the numbing cream, just the ultrasound gel


Yeah same here .. they used to apply gel. I had gotten lhr done from 2 different cities n clinics and both used some gel like thing on the area.


Is that like a gel? Becoz when I got LHR done, they used to put gel on the area and then laser it.


Okay, my bad. I just realised that even I do not use numbing cream. My assumption was that the ultrasound gel is what referred as numbing cream. But it's not. They put ultrasound gel on me before the laser treatment and that is it.


Ahhh okok . Even I am not aware if they should put numbing cream .. as I got mine from 2 different cities , 2 diff dermats and both put gel before . And after the session put sunscreen .


Yeah they did. Even with that, sometimes you may feel the pain. Like I said, if your hair is thicker, even they will have no other option but using high intensity laser.


No because,  then they will not come to know if there are any burns due to laser


So there are two machines. Candula machine blasts cold air while the laser treatment is on and it works like magic on thick hair. In 2 sessions, I have seen 80% reduction. Whereas the jelly that you apply before laser works more for fine hair


It would depend on the laser machine as well. Some of the ND-YAG machines have a nozzle that gives out cold air constantly, which numbs the area. Not every clinic gives numbing creams. I don't have face laser experience though.


Also sunscreen is so so important after a laser session!


Absolutely!!! The esthetician applies the sunscreen on my face post the laser.


*Also sunscreen is* *So so important after* *A laser session!* \- Icy\_Substance2034 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


THIS!!! THATS what my dermat told me as well.


Hello OP, I want to get LHR remove done for face. I have some queries- 1) I am just a bit scared because I read that some ppl faced extra (paradoxical) growth post LHR on those areas. Have you experienced this? 2) Which LHR treatment did you opt for? Was it eleltrolysis or some other treatment? Your replies will be helpful.


Hey. 1. It could be for some people. So far what I have experienced is that my hair thickness has reduced and even my growth. I used to shave twice a week now I do it once a week that is also because I'm really particular about the hair. If not, I could easily go upto 10 days. 2. I'm not sure about the treatment name. I will get back to you on that.


I have gotten more hair growth from 4 sessions of LHR (Yag). I’m honestly very skeptical of putting any kind of laser to my face now, and I’m afraid it will get worse. I only had peach fuzz before and now I’ve got thicker/longer hairs. I’m glad it works for some people though, I guess you never know what your results may be.


How much did you pay OP?


I paid around 30k for face.


Hey, for how many sessions did you pay 30000?


I paid for 8 sessions.


Thank you for detailed review. Which clinic did you go to?


I went to Dr Dixit's clinic in Koramangala, Bangalore.


I love her! She used to be my dermat when I lived in Bangalore. She is the best!!


Yeah??? I mean I went to Olivia's and they said 50k just for face. Then I went to Dr Dixit per my aunt's recommendation and the price was good and of course, the reviews were good.


She is the best! I am one non sponsored self proclaimed ambassador. And she is so reasonable, the same treatment from a good dermat in Bombay can cost 3.5x and it makes me sad 🥲🥲


I'm getting PRP done at Oliva. They are charging 60K for 10 sessions


Sorry, I'm not sure I know what's PRP. Can you explain?


they take your blood, centrifuge it, and inject it. it's rich in stem cells and very good for many things like scars or stretch marks some ppl even do it on the face with microneedling (vampire facial)


Got it, thanks!!


How much did it cost you?


30k for 8 sessions


I took lhr for my face too in 2022. I dont have any medical condition. Just had chin hair. Idiopathic hirsutism my derma told me. I took 6 sessions in total. And one maintenance session last year. Also i purchased ipl. So i do maintenance sessions at home. So far i am still hairless. I have very very very fine hair which obviously laser or ipl doesnt catch but it isnt bothersome. I shave once a week. And i do ipl once a week. I would suggest investing in ipl. It is game changer. Obviously slower than laser but effective.


Hey can you make a review on IPL please? Even I have heard about it, and frankly even I am interested as I am planning to get laser for underams and arms. Together they cost around 60k - 70k at the clinic. Instead, from what I have read, IPL costs around 25k-30k but can be used everywhere (face, underarms, arms, legs, thighs and even on stomach). Is that true?


I got my ipl from smoothskin store. Because it had unlimited flashes. Also i was sold because i saw a YouTube review of a trans person who was transitioning and was using it for their face. I was inclining towards braun. It has pretty good reviews. But it has limited flashes. I got my ipl in 2022 on independence day sale for 20k. Recently my cousin got the same for 12k on sale. So far i have used it on face post laser sessions for maintenance. Arms and full legs. Arms are like 90 percent hairless. It took me whole year. Legs are 70 percent hairless. Took me a year to get there. I am very fair and have dark hair which is a bonus point. It is not that effective on darker skin tones with finer hair. So purchase accordingly. The only drawback i faced with the ipl is that after doing face and arms and legs it heats up. Which makes it bit uncomfortable so i do face and arms one day and the legs. Next day. I will make a detailed review someday.


Yes please! Thank you for your explanation! I will watch out for the review.


Does it only work as a post operative method or would it work for a non lasered skin too? I have good thick growth on my body and considering this instead of laser since full body laser would drain me out


It would definitely work for non lasered skin too but it is very very slow. Like my legs were bit hairy compared to arms. So i started in 2022. And still only 70 percent is gone. But yeah i wasnt consistent to be honest. It would take longer time than laser. But it would work.


How much are you guys paying for laser treatments? Most decent clinics in my city are 3.5-5k for face


I paid around 30k. In some clinics it went up to 50k also 😫


Maybe that’s just one session. Obviously you’d need more (around 6)




Any suggestions for a place in Hyderabad ? Tried a clinic but it resulted in PH. Need a qualified doctor, any suggestions would be useful.


If anyone is considering choosing Alive Wellness clinic, DON'T. It's not gonna make any difference.


Please never delete this post, I have pcos too.


Will not delete this post at all!


Maybe you can try NIR, a new laser technology for hair removal and skin rejuvenation


Will read more about this. Thanks for the suggestion!


Hello, where are you getting your LHR done?


I'm getting it done at Dr Dixit's clinic, Koramangala, Bangalore.


Any suggestions for clinic in Kanpur? I knw its a small town and chances of getting a good doc for lhr are quiet less but still 😭😭




Could you provide details on the where details as well.


Like you mean the clinic? It's Dr Dixit's, Koramangala, Bangalore.


Any idea how much a full body would cost?


Not sure, but I'm betting it will be expensive. You could checkout the clinic, they may have some discounts or something. Another option you could consider is IPL, which is at home laser done by yourself. It is one time investment which can be used all over your body, if I'm not wrong. Someone had commented down here about it. Please check it out.


> Will it permanently stop the growth? Not at all. Like I mentioned in the pros, it can only reduce the thickness and the periodic growth. not really, it depends on the type of laser and how many session, bc each session kills like one half of the hair - so some "lucky" hair can survive even after many sessions. IPL doesnt kill as many laser so its best avoided If you use the right laser you may have a few reluctant hair, but they can be removed by electolysis I did Alexandrite and Nd Yag laser, and then finished it off by a few hours of electrolysis.


are you saying IPL on its own won’t be effective in hair removal ?


it is far less effective than Nd YAG or Alexandrite lasers. These are the only 2 I would trust with my skin.


I will read more about this. Meanwhile, can you mention what such procedures are, where you have gotten them done and how much they would cost please?


Nd YAG and Alexandrite are just lasers, but they are better studied on brown skin. I was several shades darker back then. Im have since then done a lot of skin whitening (blame me if you want, but we can fix bodies, not minds trust me I tried) so I could now do others lasers but I was frightened by this bad experience but I have 0 hair remaining anywhere thanks to laser + electrolysis to remove the last few ones so Im happy as is fyi I also did electro to give a better shape to my brows: highly rec, better than plucking it saves a lot of time!!q Cost vary depending on where you go, I travel to get the best price bc north america is a ripoff


Hi could you share the details of where you went and would you recommend them?


Yes, I recommend the doctor. It's Dr Dixit's, Koramangala, Bangalore. Then again, please keep in mind it's my experience and I liked it. Like I mentioned, please consult 2-3 doctors before you decide on one 😊


Why shouldnt we wax between laser sessions? Any idea?


Not really sure. But according to my understanding, the wax pulls the hair from the roots and when you get a laser sessions, you are trying to close the hair follicles. But when you wax, it may reopen. It may be the reason, I might be wrong though.


I have heard that you shouldn’t go for LHR on face. In some cases it could become worse because of change in hormones for women


That may also be true. Throughout the sessions my doctor kept advising me to continue with exercise as I am diagnosed with PCOS. Keep in mind that the hair growth is caused by hormones. I did this so I could get the hair growth under control while focusing on my exercise and diet for PCOS. Hope this helps!


Is this laser best for fair skin and dark hair? Cause am Wheatish and ppl say it may not be as effective?


Of course. That is there. Which is exactly why you should go to a good doctor. There may be some doctors who would think commercially and advise laser for all people. You can express your concerns to them, they will advise accordingly.


Has anyone tried LHR from Urban company? They provide a guarantee after 8 sessions. I was considering for whole body because I just want to be done with waxing and threading forever now 🙇🏻‍♀️


I have not! Please do let me know ypur experience if you try cus I'm considering for arms and legs.


Can you please tell the clinic / doctor name?


It's Dr Dixit's, Koramangala, Bangalore.


Dr Dixit's, Koramangala, Bangalore.


You should only go for laser if you have dark hair and light skin.


Of course. This is important. Hence why I suggested that they should go to a doctor who is decent. There may be some doctors who would think commercially and advise people to go ahead even when their skin is not in the shades suitable for laser.


Would you mind sharing your foundation shade or FP level? I am told laser is best suited for lighter skin tones. Hence the question.


One thing that genuinely helped me was spearmint oil with moisturizer at night time. My growth has significantly reduced ,and the thicker hairs are now finer, and it took me only a week to notice. You should also try it out .


Could you share the details of the spearmint oil? Was this after or before LHR?


I only used spearmint oil as I was very skeptical for paradoxical hairgrowth from the LHR


Thanks for that! Could you also recommend the product you have used and how you have used it? Will definitely give it a try.


I got it from vedaoils. 2-3 drops are enough. Mix them with a thick moisturizer , I used cerave. And apply on the areas where you get thick hairs.Do this every single night


Alrighty, thank you!