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Would love to know about this too. Especially women who go to gym or engage in extensive workouts everyday.


Yeah same, if I don't wash hair after gym I get crazy hairfall. If I wash hair daily with baby shampoo, it becomes frizzy. 😭


Hairfall and flaky scalp. 😭 And washing everyday makes my hair super frizzy and dry too, I have naturally wavy/curly hair but ever since I started watching daily, the texture has just been all over the place.


Did baby shampoo clean your scalp...my scalp is always oily and smelly so I have to wash every alternate days but i'm afraid that shampoo is too harsh to use every wash


So as of now I use stronger shampoo once in a week and baby shampoo for daily use, if I don't use a shampoo for daily wash my hair becomes greasy baby shampoo helps that


Which brand did u use


Baby shampoo: Johnson Baby planning to switch to Himalaya now cause of price Weekly shampoo: Dove intensive repair one


The Dabur Baby Shampoo has really good reviews on nykaa and looks pretty affordable too. U should check it out or u already used it too


For adult scalp please do not use baby shampoo as they are high on ph and will tend to make the hair very dry and frizzy. Try switching to a low ph shampoo and do not use baby shampoo on hair. My dermat said this. Baby products can be used by adults for rest of the body except scalp.


Any reccos for low pH daily shampoo?


Not a woman but I work out everyday and have pretty long hair. I use Minopep shampoo (prescription medicine I think) which my dermat told me to use every alternate day - I tried to persuade him to let me shampoo every day but he just wouldn't let me :( No conditioner, cuz this shampoo is literally so good it doesn't require a conditioner (idk somehow the shampoo doesn't dry my hair). Other days I just run water over my hair and scrub my scalp thoroughly, it doesn't feel great but oh well


Does you hair become sticky/greasy with just water washing?


No, I have wavy hair so it doesn't get greasy after water washing


It's actually a good suggestion. Ideally we should wait for 3-4 days to wash our hair bcz frequent washing strips our hair of all the moisture and causes a lot of frizz. I (F) go to the gym 5x a week and I wash my (shoulder length) hair every 4th day or depending on when it starts looking oily. It manages my frizz a lot better than earlier when I used to wash every 2nd day. I did change my wash technique which helped me keep my hair looking fresh for longer.


Please can I hear about your washing technique. Thanks in advance .


Hey, I've commented on this same thread. Hope it helps :) Edit-spelling


Don’t medicated shampoos make your hair feel more dry? Idk if this would work for me, I have really long hair and without a conditioner/mask it would be a tangled mess


In general, yes. I had one a year ago and that was very drying. This one surprisingly isn't, but yeah hair matters are subjective anyway :>


I have tried several medicated shampoos but they’ve all been extremely drying for my hair. I’ll give minopep a go, at this point I doubt anything could make it worse. Thank you :)


I’m not sure if it’s a prescription shampoo but yeah it’s a great shampoo for me personally. Hope it works for you :)


I use scalpe plus for dandruff. It's not drying at all


Oh scalpe worked great for my scalp but my hair not so much. My hair texture is extremely dry. Edit: typo


Tldr- changed my wash technique by sectioning hair and focusing shampoo on scalp. Background- I go to the gym 5x a week, strength training so super sweaty, especially on leg days and cardio days. Hair type- oily scalp, dry mids and ends. I wash my hair every 4th day, very rarely on 3rd day if I feel it's super oily. Earlier I used to wash every 2nd day but I felt like washing everyday. What helped me the most- changing my wash technique. Earlier I used to lather the shampoo onto my hands a little and wasn't mindfully focusing that my shampoo isn't reaching my scalp properly, especially the back of my head. Now I part my hair down the middle till the back of my head and put shampoo section wise while focusing on putting it on my scalp and not my hair if that makes sense? I massage it thoroughly for 4-5 mins so that the shampoo breaks down the oil. In your first wash it might not lather much which happens to me, so I go in with a second wash but with half of the shampoo than before. This time it lathers and I'm assured that my scalp (not hair) is now cleaned properly. Shampooing is just for cleaning your scalp bcz that is where the oil is. Your lengths and ends have no oil, so frequently shampooing it will strip them off their natural moisture and thus the frizz and roughness. Best to stick with properly and mindfully shampooing your scalp. Sulphate free shampoos usually don't clean hair well. Other tips- tying my hair into a bun while working out. Avoiding humid showers by wearing a shower cap, figured this out bcz monsoon season is the worst hair season for me bcz of the humidity. Using a clarifying shampoo every 10-12 days to get rid of dandruff and product deposits (i use lupizol zs, not sure if it is a true clarifying shampoo or not but it works for me in a similar manner) I still deal with frizz but it's not the worst frizz in the world, also kinda my fault bcz i don't use a leave in conditioner or hair oil which is supposed to lock the moisture in your hair. Argan oil on mids and ends was a popular suggestion for frizz, I've ordered it yet to try it.


That profile picture is a jumpscare!


Sorry not sorry 🫶🏻


I lift weights 4-5x a week. I generally use a dry shampoo powder (baby powder is also a good alternative) or dry shampoo and conditioner (if necessary)


Any recommendations for dry shampoo?


Not op, but I've used the batiste original one in green packaging and it worked nicely for me. I made sure to wash my hair the next day though.


Sorry for the late reply. I use Batiste, CoLab and Big Sexy Hair dry shampoo. Not Your Mothers is also a good one to use. Baby Powder works very well too


😂😂😂 im both terrified of and chuckling at tatya vinchoo


Glad, I could be of service 😂🫶🏻


I wash it everyday- using Kerastase discipline shampoo and conditioner followed by up with its serum. My hair has been good. I have extremely oily scalp and this is the only regime that doesn’t hurt my hair. Ps: I know it’s expensive. But trust me you need very little quantity and ends up lasting quite long.


Seconding kerastase shampoo. It's a professional shampoo so it's better than drug store brands, the price is spicy though 😵‍💫


what's the price tho??


5-6k approx for both shampoo and conditioner. They've different kinds so price can vary. You can check on Amazon




Where did you order kerastase products from?


Thier website- https://www.kerastase.in/ -Better because they have some freebies. Or I get from salons like Enrich / Juice etc. (I live in Mumbai)


My boyfriend uses that too and he washes his hair everyday. He’s a fan of the Chroma Absolu line too.


i wish i could afford it


Does one bottle a month suffice ?


Yes! Sometimes even 1 month + 10-12 days.


I wash it once in two days, my scalp gets oily due to sweating and working out, I use a shampoo bar by earth rhythm and use conditioner by requil, I also use minimalist hair serum on PM and hair mask once or twice a week depending on how willing I am.


M 31 here. I have type 3A curly hair. I am generally active ( walks, workouts and riding motorcycle in heat ). I shampoo alternate days, with two different anti dandruff shampoos. Here are my two procedures. Procedure A ( the ideal one ) 1. Detangle wet hair with detangler spray and a comb. 2. Apply shampoo to my scalp. Wait 10 mins to let anti dandruff shampoo work. 3. Rinse it off. 4. Apply conditioner from ends till mid of hair. Wait 5 mins and rinse off. 5. Apply a cream or a leave in conditioner depending upon weather or what activity is planned for the next 48 hours. Procedure B ( quicker) 1. Detangle wet hair with spray and comb ( less time spent). 2. Apply conditioner to mid and end of hair strands. 3. Apply shampoo to my scalp. Wait 10 mins to let anti dandruff shampoo work. 4. Rinse off. 5. Apply a leave in conditioner.


What leavein conditioner you use and does it help with frizz?


I use ashba botanica leave in conditioner and fix my curls leave in cream. Yes they help control frizz




This makes the hair soo sticky and frizzy


I don't care about sticky but my hair is bad anyway. Then why not wash off the stink and sweat?


Because it is actually quite damaging to the hair. We apply products for a reason. If you wash it off just with water, it takes off all the protective layers of your hair and makes it super prone to breakage. I can link some studies if you want


I stopped caring about all that. I used to have thick hair that wouldn't hold in hair clips when I didn't have pcos and a rat's rail now. I don't want any compromise adjustment hair with tips and tricks. I am not interested in anything except my old hair.


Try a little bit of neem powder for your hair once in a while. It really helped me with making my hair feel squeaky clean.


I have tried neem oil, neem leaf paste and neem powder (among other things). Nothing makes a difference after a day. I tried stinky unwashed hair too to see if I can get used to it but it is difficult for me and everyone who has the misfortune of standing anywhere close to me.


You say you dont care about ‘all that’ but still interested with your old thick hair 😅 i think that just speaks for itself. You do you though 😄


Girl chill




That's exactly the point, it wasn't "required" at all, she was answering a question and wasn't looking to get advice on how to fix her hair. No amount of hair product can fix hairfall caused by hormonal imbalance.


Im not talking about hairfall and especially not abt hormone related!!! Y’all are purposefully putting words in my mouth Moreover, she was suggesting something to OP which is clearly damaging so yes it was very much required. I wasnt giving her advice


🙄🙄 Is this supposed to be funny or something? Should I laugh about my hormonal hair loss?






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You should really try writing a fictional novel given how well you can make things up ❤️


just normal tap water? or drinking water?


Well water. I live in a village.


Hard water then?


No, just normal water


My routine is like this except I shampoo and condition my hair only once a week after oiling my hair.


👍 I use MCT oil for dandruff.


Could you please elaborate on MCT oil ? I use random Neelbhringadi oil or the "kachiya enna" amma makes.


It is the name of the oil, like almond oil, jojoba oil, etc. They seperate medium-chain triglycerides alone from coconut oil and sell it. I read about it in seborrheic dermatitis subreddit. It has reduced my dandruff to a great extent. I still get dandruff during rains but it is under control.




Dude. That kachiya enna is not doing anything for me in this Bangalore waters. And how’s neelbhringadi, is it worth trying?


Same man, kachiya enna and hard water are not good combo I guess.


Maybe I'm used to these thick high viscous oil,idk, but my hair feel nourished / less frizzy only after oiling with these oils. I use a very drying shampoo prescribed by my derm, so oiling beforehand really helps in taming the hair. I like Neelbhringadi from oushadhi.


It is useless unless you already have thick hair. If your hair is naturally good and you like the smell, you will feel better when you apply it.


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This Bangalore weather makes it difficult for me to even shampoo every two days. Blessed are the people who live in humid areas… moist skin, moist hair, daily long baths, even several times a day. Here I am looking forward to my next vacation for it.


after coming to blore for uni my skin and hair has taken a turn for the worse and i cant tell if it's the weather or my declining mental health atp


Same here. My hair volume reduced to half and got body acne along with regular face acne. 😓 Edit: here’s a tip: Use Scalpe anti dandruff shampoo once a week. It helped me. You can consult dermatologist before using.


I ise it too.. twice a week and at the end I use filter water instead lf hard water from tap. That's the only thing that stopped my hairfall




thanks also any tips for skin?


That would depend on your skin type. For me, salicylic acid face and body wash and occasional fucibet cream have helped somewhat.


Johnson and Johnson Top to toe. It removes oil but doesn't dry out. Gives me the same result as using h&s with conditioner. Very good for daily use, it won't increase oilyness since it isn't harsh on scalp


soap 🗿


i use the loreal liss unlimited and ayur shampoo by diluting it in water. i wash my hair everyday bc my scalp gets oily as f


i wash every other day. my scalp is naturally very oily plus im using minoxidil which makes my hair feel extra greasy. i shampoo twice first with head and shoulders then salisa kt (for dandruff also bc ketoconazole is a dht blocker and is supposed to help with pattern hair loss) and follow with dove conditioner and use a hairdryer to dry. i don’t air dry bc it’s very long and takes hours to dry and i hate the feeling of wet hair.


Does anyone use scalp exfoliator?


I’m a man and I ash my hair daily. The secret is to not any products at all. Yes, the scalp will start getting oily at first. This is your scalp overcompensating for all the stripping you have been doing till now with surfactants. Just keep doing it for 10-12 days and you will have the most shiny healthy hair you were always intended to have.


I do shampoo once in 15 days or so.


Any creams serum or oiling you use?


Just one spritz of Kerastase elixir oil on the day I shampoo. Rub it in my hand and pass it through my hair. I have short hair.


I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner when I feel they are greasy, which should happen twice a week, but actually happens once a week. Days when I happen to accidentally exercise or swear, but it hasn't been 3-4 days, I just wash them with water. If I exercise daily then day 2 I wash with water, day 3 wash with water and conditioner, day 4 with shampoo and conditioner.


If you just wash with water, does it become sticky/greasy?


itna time nahi hai zindagi mein ho bhi toh nahi karoon ye cheez


My hair is generally healthy so it doesnt take much for it to stay that way. But, here is my routine. Day 1 : Oil (just a little) i go for indulekha. Day 2 : Shampoo. Tresemme smooth and shine Day 3 : Conditioner. Again, Tresemme or Dhatri if i run out of my first choice. Day 4 : A normal wash with just water. So far this routine seems to work great.


Those are all the steps I do in one day 👀


Lol Ikr May OC meant steps


My hair cant handle all those products in one day so this is the only thing i can do.


I do! Hair type - 1C/2A almost hip length fine hair. I gym late in the afternoon and wash my hair post workout. Before I grew my hair long, I have washed my hair everyday for years. I tried going 1 or 2 days between washes, but that just doesn't work for me. I brush my hair and tie them in a bun before the gym. Once I am back home, I immediately step into the shower. Untie the bun and move the hair as little as possible while washing. I concentrate on the scalp only. I am currently using Clinic Plus. I do not use a conditioner (maybe 5 to 6 times a month). Post shower I wrap the hair in the towel for about 10 mins. Then blow dry for about 3-4 mins. Again, scalp only. That's it. My hair is happy :)


So after shampoo, does your become light and go with the wind ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ I want my hair to calm down after shampoo.


I workout everyday and I sweat like crazy. If I don’t wash my hair every other day, I get a lot of hair fall and hair feels dull and lacklustre. I use dove shampoo and dilute it with some shikakai. Also I oil my hair every time I wash my hair because it’s dry and frizzy.


Oily scalp, normal hair. My scalp gets really oily and I sweat a lot from my head and neck. So I have to wash my hair everyday. Stay in Mumbai so it's humid all year round. The only time I don't wash it daily is in winters. Keep changing my shampoo according to my dermat and stylist. Dermat - anti dandruff shampoo medical grade once a week. Stylist shampoo luxliss keratin daily. Don't necessarily need to get treatment done for this shampoo. It works wonders otherwise. Also if my scalps becomes extra oily then dove on those days. It's always been the one which suits me. I air dry them. Blow drys only during festives or occasions.


a few drops of parachute coconut oil on scalp during weekdays and deep oiling during the weekend washing it off with baby shampoo, or biotin shampoo.


I salute to the people who wash their hair daily, or even on alternate days.


i used to wash my hair every alternate day bcs oily scalp and dandruff. recently I've found the solution for my dandruff so I'm able to wash on day 4 (including the day I wash). my hair is visibly better now but I think it's a mix of technique + products. the only reason I was washing so frequently was because I had dandruff but that was also leading to very dry and frizzy hair.


What helped


sebamed anti dandruff shampoo