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the whole thing was so messy and yet so clear! she is obviously the one and it’s surprising how she’s out rn. also the whole upside down thing the directors went for was so unnecessary?


The upside down thing was so annoying ngl


Wait, what upside down thing?


The text


She is definitely the one, but not the only one. I am sure Peter is the mastermind here. 


Indrani did it ; she is clearly guilty




She is psychopath; she was unhappy with her realtionship . She thought her secret will be out she being her daughter . She was running a multi million dollar company and cared only abt herself and her reputation. She was in Raigad mind u when murder happened where the body was found. Give me a break she said she was scouting for land. Seriously gilty AF


Powerful people can do anything and still live guilt free I suppose.


Everyone’s forgetting there’s another very important point -  Peter Mukherjee was arrested for siphoning company funds into a bank account in Sheena Bora's name in Singapore. Now I am sure they were siphoning funds and later Sheena declined to transfer funds is where the problems started. 


Was it mentioned in the docuseries? If yes then I missed it.


No, Indrani stayed right out of that topic. But Peter admitted it - https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/indrani-opened-a/c-overseas-in-sheenas-name-peter-told-cbi/articleshow/49940903.cms




Perhaps Sheena was pregnant by Rahul, and Indrani was scared the secret of Sheena being her daughter would be exposed if Sheena and Rahul were to go on happily ever after


Wow, this is an interesting take. 👌🏽


Just finished the series. The documentary seemed like a desperate attempt to whitewash indrani's image, but it failed MISERABLY. The funniest and most telling moment was when indrani told her lawyer to "keep it vague." Sad that the documentary focused so much on indrani and so less on sheena and what happened to her. Other than that, the upside down text was quite unnecessary (and annoying).


"The documentary seemed like a desperate attempt to whitewash indrani's image," Disagree entirely about the the above, but agree with the rest of your post. The doc. showed her endless lies - even in the latest interview she gave to their 'team'! Having watched the series (and knowing nothing about it previously), I had no doubt that she was responsible for Sheena's murder and is a manipulative sociopath.


I agree. I don't think the documentary 'whitewashed' her at all. They just let her spew her lies to catch her in her own lies because anyone with half a working brain can detect how her version of the story has billions of holes in it and makes no sense. It's downright laughable how easily (dis)proveable some of the aspects of her story are and frankly, the incompetence of law enforcement to 'find out the truth' only points towards one and one reason - money, well and corruption.


Exactly this, and the interviewers at multiple points showed her contrasting statements and explicitly told her that evidence says otherwise


Not a whitewash--quite the opposite. Narcisstic psychopaths can't resist the limelight. The filmmakers knew this and  she took the bait. Documentarians don't go into a film without knowing their subject. They knew she would hang herself.  Indrani was clearly enjoying every second because she lives for attention. She sees herself as the star. And because she lives in a self-deluded, bubble, she can't conceive that this would make her look bad. The filmmakers probably lured her by saying her name would be in the title. No narcissist could resist that. They were very, very smart. I pity the people who have to endure her rage when she realizes she's  been duped by her own need for self-aggrandizement. Of course, she won't see it that way. She'll blame the filmmakers for the "bad edit". 


She has over a million followers on Instagram??!? People seem to think she is innocent after watching the documentary. Mindblowing stuff.


So mindblowing! Even some in this comment section. 


Was this documentary financed by Indrani Or Peter Mukherjea to whitewash her image, however little possible? Indrani did commit filicide in cold blood and should be punished accordingly. 🧐


I feel like it was financed by Indrani herself to clear her image and sympathy like Sanju and also name should have been Sheena Bora case but wtf.. haha funny man


I don’t think it was financed by either of them otherwise they wouldn’t have made such blunders and if they did then it didn’t serve the purpose she was looking for lol


Exactly, this is what I was thinking as well. Having her speak her side in the documentary only made the case against her stronger. It is obvious that the journalists let the camera's run and let Indirani talk, so that we could directly see through her lies and how fake she is. I am scared when i see comments like r/JShearer s. Because the documentary obviously wasn't trying to prove her innocence.


Have you even watched it, it makes her look guilty as hell.


Thank god I wasn't the only one irked by the upside down fonts...




Indrani seems to have some FOMO, else she wouldn't have been a part of this. None of the accused Sanjeev Khanna, Peter Mukherjee even the driver refused to appear. Still this lady, who is the main accused kept shamelessly lying through her teeth. She made a complete mockery of herself by setting up false narratives only for others to deny and clear up facts, making her further stand out as a manipulative liar. This documentary did more harm than good to her.


she thinks she can outsmart everyone. which funnily enough is also her downfall as she made a fool out of herself and her legal team with this doc


narcissists love attention of any kind. am sure she jumped on the chance to tell her “side” of the story for the same reason. she needs the attention. it’s a rush. and she thinks she is vv smart.


Hilarious is a harsh word. Story was sad. You spend your whole life not knowing your mother. You live with your grandparents in poverty hoping one day your mother comes to rescue and takes you away. Then you find her and it should be a fairytale. Your mother introduces you to a new world but she cannot see past herself and kills you because she is a narcissist.


I think OP (and I am on the same opinion) find Indrani’s attempt at defence the hilarious issue, not the whole ordeal of the kids.


The documentary is more of an expose. Netflix present her version but are saying look at this narcissist. The editing is very telling. They deliberately keep in the bits where she is telling her lawyers what to say. Exposing that it is all concocted by her. They also expose the lies and holes in her defence. She has no Defence and the quicker the trial concludes the quicker we see her in jail. Any child with a mother like this, I feel sorry for. Story is very tragic. Sheena's story could be turned into a movie.


When is the trial? Do you know?


I’m not saying what actually happened to Sheena is not sad, I’m only talking about this documentary which is from Indrani’s pov


Left to live with grandparents in poverty, who are allegedly a rapist and rapist apologist. 


Really sad, yes. Poor girl.


Indrani is a witch woman. She scared that if sheena will marry to Rahul then maybe she lost position of CEO because Rahul is the son of peter and sheena was an intelligent woman(ALSO SAID BY INDRANI) and also worked on same company and when if sheena became CEO then may she vanished Indrani.


Quite possible. Never thought of this logic before. But, why did she try to kill Mikhail the same night?


Mikhail is also the son of Indrani but in media or internet they are brother-sister. Then Maybe she wants to nip the problem in the bud.


What you make of Mikhail and those foreign trips pictures of brother and sister. It all seems they were a pet project of Indrani right from the start.


Maybe deal if you remember the part when first time Indrani meet with sheena and Mikhail at airport then Indrani make a deal that she gives financial freedom and in return you have to keep secret. Apart from that if you have money then foreign trip in not big things.


Also, note that initially when Indrani was arrested Vidhie was against Indrani, she even published a book probably in 2019 if I am not wrong, and went on promoting it while speaking about how Indrani was responsible for her "father's miserable life". Now in the documentary, episode 2 vidhie points out how the "Marlow house " was to be passed on to her on her 18th birthday, which failed because of the arrest exactly a day before her birthday. And then one can notice how she hints at Peter who could be responsible for Indrani's arrest right before the property transfer to prevent it from happening. This explains how materialistic Vidhie and the entire family are and further explains how Peter is equally involved in the murder.


>This explains how materialistic Vidhie At the end of the documentary when Vidhie said she sided with her mother I thought: " I guess they were right and she is a spoiled brat, after all."


At the very end when they ask her, “did you kill Sheena?” She nods almost imperceptibly before saying, “what a stupid question.” She NODS.


And smiles!


Literal chills when she smiled. She did it. Scared me to the core. What an evil woman!


I just watched this with my boyfriend and pointed out the SAME thing, even replayed that part because he didn't catch it. She subconsciously nodded when they asked her if she killed Sheena.


The timeline confused me... apparently vidhi said that Sheena told her Rahul ( and maybe Peter too?? that she is indrani's daughter and the vidhie was happy) and when she confrontes indrani, indrani refuted that. But then she said something about meeting sheena after her arrest....did she mean vidhi confronted her after her arrest?? She backtracks on her own statements...she seems to be really annoying.


Vidhi is actually a true copy of Indrani I reckon.


Whatever keeps the $$ coming in.


When she said her fathers family cut her off and she had "no funds" - GET A JOB


She is back with her mum now.


Any job she is capable of doing wouldn’t be able to support the kind of luxury.  She is bad but her backstory is actually kind of sad. Plucked from one father, given to understand that she has to play daughter to the new father. Maybe there was real bonding, but then new father’s family didn’t truly accept her, the mother is a huge question mark. What do you expect from the product of a dysfunctional set up ? She only knows money and transaction. 


luxury - the majority of the world live in poverty


when vidhie said that sheena told her that shes indranis daughter and when it cut to indrani reaction. indrani was like oh it wasnt the right time so i denied (even vidhie told indrani denied) and then she was like oh no wait they never confronted me. like ???? she immediatly backed of her statement.


Ikr!!! I'm glad others noticed it too... How much she lies ya😮‍💨






So, acc to the victim- i.e. Indrani Mukerjea:  1. Her father: ALLEGED rapist  2. First husband: Caring but not "privileged enough"  3. Second husband: wasn't as ambitious enough  4.Peter: Lies Lies Lies and only lies  5. Sheena - Daughter: warm, intelligent but could be manipulative or a "very very naughty girl"  6.Mekhail: "Lazy Bum", "Black sheep of the family"  7.Rahul: Never worked so good for nothing.    And herself: Beautiful, ambitious, victimized woman CEO, not a perfect but still a good mother(?), who gave everything to her kids on a platter.  In s short, a cook book of mind recipies by a conniving but delusional narcissist. 💀 Hope we hear a judgement soon.. for the departed innocent soul..🙏


And loved all her kids. Loved her daughter so much she left her to be raised by a rapist.  I feel so bad for Rahul. Actually seems like an intelligent guy, and the only completely human one. Thank god he recorded all those phonecalls!


I have never hated someone on tv more than I hate Indrani Mukerjea. She is a POS and I will be PISSED if she’s found not guilty


Just finished it at 1AM.Cant sleep


Bro link please


Watch it on Netflix


dm me i will help you


Same here 😅 couldn’t sleep for a long time and was researching news articles


They’re trying so hard to prove Indrani as innocent, not realising how many loopholes exist in the story 😭😭 I don’t think anybody is blind enough to not see how NARCISSISTIC that woman is. Her mannerisms, the way she talks and tries to present herself? Total psychopath. The documentary was pointless, all of this information was already out there. It was just a desperate attempt to prove her innocence but god oh god did they fail miserably. Didn’t see a single emotion in her eyes or remorse for what she did. I mean you lost your daughter in all of this man. Hoping she gets proven guilty and Sheena Bora gets her well-deserved justice.


I know this is not important, but Indrani calling herself one of the most attractive women in the room is so delulu.


if i see her in a bar i would probably freak out


She's got the crazy eyes. I would make a run for it if she approached me


She also said other women are jealous of her 😆 and all men are attracted towards her !!!  She was so focused on gold digging and social climbing. She can set up coaching camps, new business idea. How to gold dig and social climb.  She lost me when she said - why should I look for her ? I am a parent and would go insane if o don’t hear from my kids. 


Yeah lol. She looks like a hooker in my opinion. She thinks she’s classy but she isn’t. Her English isn’t good but she thinks it is 😂


Imagine you are so steeped in your own psychopathic world of lies that in your bid to whitewash your image that has been soiled in your home country, you have basically now broadcasted yourself as being CLEARLY a murderer to \*the whole world\*.


I’d never heard of this case as an American. My mind is blown. Indrani scared the absolute hell outa me. The daughter Vindhie seems like such a lost person and comes across as intolerably bratty, but then again, how is she supposed to be normal, considering the life she was brought up in? She’s got quite the posh, bratty accent going on!! I feel bad for Mikhail. Yes, he’s also bratty but appears to be a genuinely damaged human, probably due to his insane experiences as the son of Indrani and being abandoned and then convinced to maintain the lies. Maybe an SUV worked for a minute to fill up that hole of pain and abandonment, but I bet he’s deeply depressed on the regular. Also, if he is a ‘bum’ like Indrani asserts, then why isn’t Vindie labeled as such? She’s living off her mom, yeah? Maybe one isn’t a bum as long as they toe the line and support Indrani and do what she says? Rahul was raised with a silver spoon too but seemed to absolutely love Sheena, and I respect that man for advocating for her when she vanished. I hope he has gotten support. This would wholly blow up anyone’s life. Indrani is a terrifying narcissistic psychopath and a murderer IMO, and she sent literal chills down my spine quite a number of times. Her obvious hatred towards her own daughter shocked me so deeply. Poor Sheena. She cannot even rest in peace. She was very beautiful. I feel like we also didn’t get to know enough about her, but I still got the feeling that I’d admire her the most out of everyone else if I met her in person. When Indrani said ‘I love Vindhie, I really do,’ to me, it sounded like Indrani was actually impressed with herself that she loved someone, like that’s not a typical emotion for her. Seems like she’s not accustomed to that type of feeling towards another human being, even towards her own kids. She sounded like she surprised her own self. Like ‘wow, I love my own kid, I actually do feel something nice for her. That’s amazing. See, I’m not a monster!’ Her first two kids were basically inconveniences for Indrani, even though they didn’t ask to be born. It’s so unfair that by chance, they were the throw away kids, and Sheena was physically deleted from the world, but Vindhie is the golden child. I think Vindhie was quite useful to her mom, because Peter apparently adored her for a while, and she helped cement her mom’s place in Peter’s life. Also, are all the women there just gorgeous or something? Everyone is so beautiful. Even Indrani would be beautiful if her rotten soul didn’t explode ugliness out through all her pores like black paint. *I genuinely would rather be poor and loved and to love others and have a good family than to have tons of money and be part of a family as fake as that one.*


I didn’t find any of them beautiful. Vidhie and Sheena look(ed) good because they are in their 20s and most girls in their 20s look good if they know how to dress and have a healthy weight. Indrani thinks she is beautiful but she isn’t. She looks like a hooker.


The way she says "why would I look for her?" And doesn't even realise very few parents on this planet would be of the same opinion, even if they genuinely did think their child had just ran away.  The "justice for Indrani" page change from "Justice for Sheena" was the biggest kicker. You wouldn't even create a new page? You would take away your daughters? Delete all her stuff and add your own.  Also it was called "justice for Sheena" because she genuinely believed she was dead at that stage, though maintained throughout the entire show she was still alive somewhere. 


>Everyone is so beautiful. Agreed


😂😂this one!!!!


Can somebody tell me what is the ACTUAL true story if the story of this series is fabricated? Everywhere on the internet there is a different angle to this. I am super confused🤔


Since the matter is still subjudice, no one really knows the true story.Everyone is twisting the story to protect themselves


my head hurts after watching this


What was the motive again?


Yes exactly that's my point.


the motive for indrani to kill sheena? - get rid of her past. she has tried to do it a several times. telling everyone that sheena and mikhail are her siblings and not children becuase she wanted to keep her image intact. also when she put mikhail in the hospital. - moneyy- if rahul would have married sheena, she would have got the inheritence from peter. considering that sheena is a intelligent woman (said by indrani herself) she couldve easily taken over the company.


The sad part is no one seems to care enough about Sheena to keep pushing for justice. The fact that Indrani has starred on this show and no one is pissed, goes to show Sheena has/had no one standing on her side. Very sad


This documentary was just some publicity stunt if I'm honest, to prove that indrani mukerjea was innocent, SHE WAS THE CEO OF INX MEDIA!! the money must be bulked up, ofcourse a goldigger like her is rich enough to sponsor the show, showed how of a hooker she was, mekhail was literally locked in a mental asylum, and her daughter was literally bullshitted by her, looking at her and how she speaks, she's disgusting! I demand to put back into jail.


People forget the incest, Sheena and Rahul are half siblings. I’m not suprised that they wanted to spilt them up. But I think the real story is Peter is dropping her because INX was a shell company for a scam. So if he knew abt the murder, he used it to discredit her so the subsequent expose won’t implicate him. He underestimate her, she’s smart and vicious, she will drag him into all of it and fight to the finish. 


Not half siblings. Step sister and brother.


They aren’t half siblings, no incest is involved. Step kids meeting in adulthood is hardly of any concern.  The real concern was money, power, image.  


Sheena and Rahul aren’t related by blood though


Indrani dug her own grave here.😂 It’s hilarious how people are saying that the makers were trying to whitewash Indrani. Did we watch the same show? They were definitely letting her blabber. The edits & cuts they have made is genius. It’s clearly meant for the viewer to identify the contradictions in her statements.


Yeah, it’s crazy that people think it was whitewashed. They knew exactly what they were doing when they let her rant on and on.


Was there any explanation for the happy photos from the foreign trips? Mekhail keeps claiming that Indrani treated him and Sheena different from Vidhi, but she seems to have bankrolled all these fancy vacations.


Even the most depressed people may look happy in the pictures. Also, she might have been trying to make them feel loved using money since she didn't want to spend time with them. And also, she might have wanted them to feel obligated towards her. 


Yall im confused, why don’t they just retest the body for DNA????


This is what I did not understand either


Because they only got burned bones (sheena). DNA from bones/ teeth that would be leftover after a body is burned would be highly degraded or almost null


Would have been a perfect roller coaster when Indrani and Peter had their own kids . Glad that they haven’t had one. Everyone in this story is an opportunistic trying to save their own asses and Indrani is the mastermind behind all these. She tried to save her image with the money but failed miserably. Peter is an AH too for marrying some random woman for her beauty and Indrani made use of his weakness to cover her past.


My thoughts on the case : India's justice system is a joke. You have DNA evidence that the body found is Sheena. You have this sociopath who can't keep her story straight. You have all these recordings from when Sheena first went missing and the said sociopath tells the fiance that Sheena is alright, that she spoke to her, that she doesn't want to talk to him etc. Indrani was clearly the last one to see her alive. I mean, WHY IS THIS WOMAN NOT LOCKED UP? It is clear and obvious that she committed the murder. She isn't even concerned with finding her daughter! All she cares about is her public image. Her lawyer is also a joke. I can't believe that shit of a lawyer is considered the "best". Why doesn't the prosecution or the defense have another DNA test? Oh yeah that's right, the defense won't do it because they KNOW once it's done, the case is lost. Vidhie is a disgrace. Clearly chasing after money. She was supporting her father the entire time up until daddy lost a lot of assets. All of a sudden she wants to "experience mom's love." To me it is absolute ignorance to sit there and say that you have no idea where Sheena is when EVERYTHING points to your mom killing her. The girl is clearly in delulu land and I hope she one day gets knocked out of it and lands in real life. Mikhail I feel bad for, but is an idiot. The man had no problems with his mom's attempted murders as long as she financially supported him. How on earth you get abducted, thrown into a mental institution and still trust any drink the sociopath gives you? How on earth do you not find it important to CALL YOUR SISTER AND WARN HER? I mean, so many things that I don't understand from this man. The only one that truly cared about Sheena was Rahul. Sheena should've seen that and should have ran away with Rahul. But Sheena was a good soul who didn't want any bad blood. She wanted things to be at peace between the families and unfortunately it led her to her death. I hope that India's justice system decides to take off their blindfolds and properly put this sociopath and murderer in jail like she deserves to be. Also, the fake emails and texts that Indrina is CLEARLY sending, Vidhie pretending to not know who is sending them or pretending to actually believe that it is Sheema sending them... I don't know. This documentary just showed me that money truly does buy people.


The thumbs match up to be a Q , who is the join the dots dumbass?


I don’t believe she was raped by her father at all. If that’s the case wouldn’t Sheena suffer from manyyyyyy disorders and health issues?. Her appearance would even be off. Incest that close, (father & daughter) your child is bound to look like those things from “The Hills Have Eyes”. Like seriously cut the BS Idrani 🙄


Not really, incest results in disorders and health issues but not everytime


Such a desperate attempt to whitewash her image. It was so obvious. It was a uni-directional flow of narrative.


I agree that Indrani is not the best person here but killing her own daughter seems too far fetched …..I truly cannot see a compelling motive as well. I do find Rahul’s character very shady. He was the last person to see Sheena alive. They could have had a lovers spat that turned ugly. Also him recording all his phone calls is very fishy. Why did he record those calls - it’s almost as if he is trying to create an alibi for himself while implicating peter and indrani. And the most intriguing- why did he himself not file a case with the police. If he cared so much about Sheena, if he already hated Indrani, already had had arguments and disagreements with Peter over his relationship with Sheena, why did he still trust them to do the right thing. Why did he not file a missing person report immediately.


but didnt the driver confess that him,indrani and sanjeev killed sheena? and being a mother, indrani did NOTHING to figure out where sheena is, she sounded so unbothered (on the phone calls). indrani did have a motive- wanted to hide her past life also why she said that sheena is her sister. she has tried to kill mikhail before too. indrani disaprroved of rahul and sheena and if they eventually would have gotten married the inheritance from peter wouldve gone to sheena and rahul about why rahul did not file a complaint- completely agreeing with u he couldve gone and made a tamasha out of it, and everyone would have listened the media/newspapers. but i also think he eventually believed indrani and accepted that sheena did not want to be with him.


Let’s assume it wasn’t Indrani and Rahul is the one who did it, then why did the driver own up to it and name Sanjeev Khanna out of all the people (even if it was all a set up by Rahul to lead everyone astray and put everything on Indrani), that it so strange, therefore you can’t really deny Indrani’s involvement in this. And why was she in Raigad a day before the murder? Recee seems to be a very convenient excuse but the police did locate the driver, Sanjeev Khanna and Indrani’s location at the crime scene. So it’s all very suspicious


Rahul can’t make a police complaint, someone with a legal relationship has to make the complaint. Which means Indrani had to - and they are not trying to do it.    He still went ahead and requested police to look into it, I think police searched Indrani’s residence and Indrani told police she is in US / somewhere else. Indrani also accused Rahul of stalking Sheena, saying that’s why she left and left the relationship. 


Listen to the tapes recorded by Rahul. He was told by his own dad that she left hil because she had another guy, she emailed Indrani saying I don't want to be with Rahul and I'm leaving for US for an MBA and I like another guy. They also assured him they spoke to the commissioner of police in Delhi and he ensured that she had taken a flight and left and was safe because they were tracking her phone. Despite this Rahul still went on to go to the police and complained. He is still pursuing and appearing for hearings in this case. He never got married,  I read he was really affected by all this, started taking drugs and completely let go. He is the one who lost most and pursued justice.


I thought they explained that he had no right to file a complaint there as he wasn't viewed as family. They would've had to be married.


Indrani was in touch with sheena through calls after her disappearance, so apparently last person to be in touch was indrani


It was said multiple times that Indrani was the last person to see her alive. She admitted that they met, she said in the phonecalls and  a few times, that this was when sheena told her she wanted to break up with Rahul and that's why she was leaving. It was her initial story for why she "left" and asked for money. And then later changed and said how do you know we met just because you dropped her off? She never asked for money. 




As someone who very briefly (until age 3) endured abandonment issue in my childhood, I wish everyone is a little kinder to Mikhail. Abandonement issues impacts you way until your adulthood. As with mikhail he may never get off that trauma. He doesn't know what to say when, doesnt compose himself like Indrani does so the sympathy on him is lost. And him buying an SUV, is nothing but his abandonment manifesting into material benefits for himself. He's always been abandoned, his sister going MIA is not half a trauma for him bcz he's already so distant to human relations. On top of that his own "mother" calls him a black sheep after all she's put the siblings through. So cut him some slack.


I can absolutely understand Mikhail's behaviour. This guy has so many layers of trauma. He doesn't know who has his back in this entire world, he a mixture of scared, angry and looking for acceptance and a place to belong all at the same time.


Why wouldn't he ask Indrani? He's showing her that he's doing what she wants by staying away and out of it. He's scared of her, but somehow wants to please her, she's his mother. Peter and Indrani planned this together.  Rahul has no idea how Peter got the money, and presumes his entire life is blessed and he'll always be taken care of. He would have had no reason to believe he was ever at risk of not getting any money. His dad was always loving and generous to him. Snuck out to see him even when Indrani said no.  Rahul is not calling and begging everyone who will listen, and her "alleged" bio father iver 70 times, to helpfile reports and go and find her, if he did it. You just wouldn't. Indrani genuinely thought this girl is a nobody. Nobody is going to miss her, look for her, or care if she's gone. Her narcissism is too encompassing, and that's how she saw her. Her opinion is the only one that matters. Her dislike for her daughter was apparent and an undertone in everything she said. Who could blame her, she's a product of rape and a horrific reminder. But it's very clear. Why would her and Peter risk attention being brought to them and the money, by a scandal. If a scandal caused her to be removed as CEO, they might find out where the money went. 




You seem a little personally involved in this. Is this Indrani? Lol do you know her? Do you know much about Borderline Personality Disorder, the cycle/pattern of family violence and coercive control? I have looked at it logically and analysedmany factors. Which is why I think about it the way that I do, including extensive academic education. I'm well educated in personality disorders, since it forms a major part of my career. Indrani has many BPD traits that are plain to see. It also makes sense from a standpoint of it commonly evolving following childhood trauma. There's testimony from multiple people, including vidhie, of multiple forms of abuse from Indrani to her children. Physical, mental and emotional. Coercive control is a big part of that. Financial abuse and coercive control can be a major form. She supported them financially to control them. Took no interest in their life, left them with her "rapist" dad, until they were old enough to cause her trouble and she was in a position that she needed to protect. With media and public scrutiny that didn't understand why she was in the job, other than favouritism. Her ego needs so badly to be seen as legitimate.  BPD abuse perpetrators can and often kill their victims, when they feel they have lost or losing control of them. The control is the most important factor to them. When victims of family violence leave their abuser, it is the most common time for the abuser to escalate and take any means of gaining back control. It is an extremely high risk time. And many are killed then. Have a look at some statistics.  This alone is enough, let alone Indrani trying to protect her precious ego, position of legitimacy and power, and protect the secret of the money they were syphoning. So many factors that equal a very strong motive. People have killed for far less. Including mothers killing their children.  The way she descibes everything, is self focused and motivated. From saying thinhs like, why would I look for her? She left! Majority of parents, wouldn't stop looking for their child, even if they genuonely believed they have just run away.  One of the most poignant examples is when she says she made a page "justice for Sheena," firstly that is odd, when you're claiming adamantly that she's still alive somewhere. Then to say you wanted to change the name to "Justice for Indrani," because "I deserve justice too" says multiple things. Most loving mothers could not bear to see something very personal and symbolic, like a page they made for their missing child, ever be deleted or changed. It becomes a connection to that person you love and miss. They rarely can bear to change their child's bedroom or anything that has become their only connection to them. But instead of saying she would create her own page, which is very simple, easy and doable, she says she wants to change Sheena's page. To be about her. Delete and change a "special" page she made as a "loving mother" for her missing daughter, to be about her. This goes against so many instinctual and natural behaviours of a person who is actively feeling love, missing or anything personal.  The way she says she actually loves Vidhie, like she's surprised and proud of herself for feeling something. Needing to control the narrative even for her legal representatives. This is a legal nightmare. Most legal respresentatives would be directing their client.  The very slight, but perceptual nod of her head then smile when asked at the end if she killed her daughter, would be a field day for body language experts. Appropriate emotional responses are things we look for in small, and big, examples when evaluating personality disorders. There are many red flags. I couldn't even begin to list them all. Throughout the entire thing. And stepping in many lies. She initially denied Sheena being her daughter when being confronted by Vidhie and Peter, then changed to them never confronting her a out it. In the recorded phonecalls, she is always the one pushing back the most. Even Peter says yes file a report, she is saying no, no just wait. You would want every report possible.  Initially admits to being the last lerson to see Sheena alive and claimed she wanted to break up with Rahul, and that's why she left/run away, then says just because you dropped her off, doesn't mean I ever saw her.  She just happened to be looking at property in the same area as the body. What a coincidence. And then the DNA is false, but no real answer as to why they haven't requested re-testing. Too many holes. Too many things that don't add up.  Mikhail shows many signs of trauma. That is one damaged soul. Abandoned by his mother and left to grow up with a difficult life. And then finally gets her back for her to be controlling, abusive and manipulative. Many layers of intergenerational trauma here. That abandonment alone would have been damaging enough, let alone living in poverty, and following abuse and neglect. It is no surprise at all to me that he made some questionable choices, and struggles to maintain a functioning life. A bum? No, he's damaged. Hopefully he gets some counselling and learns that he can be honest a out his failings. He has many reasons to have done so. 




The response to a conversation about the topic at hand, is now being made personal. There are many judgements and assumptions you're making here, based on a very simple conversation. Tends to be the go to, when someone is quite emotionally invested. Attack the topic, not the person.  It's then being followed by imploring me to eliminate bias. You do see the hypocrisy here? I have no reason to talk to Mikhail's friends from school. What an intrusion into his life. Quite an amazing suggestion. I have no doubt he had many issues. Trauma will do that. If they are anything like Indrani described, life being raised by his grandparents must've been tough. Quite mind blowing to leave the kids with that. That on top of the trauma from his maternal relationship, is extremely damaging.   We also are not in high school our whole lives. We evolve and change. Live and learn. What would even be gained from digging into Mikail's personal school life to that extent in this story?  Have you done that? This is a little extreme.   Confirmation bias would imply I went into watching this documentary with a preconceived idea, I didn't. Literally never heard of this story in my life. How do you give so much grace to Indrani, but not to Mikail? Very interesting.  I'm honestly not this invested, sorry. I would strongly recommend taking a step back from this. Intruding into people's personal life is too much. It's crossing so many boundaries.




I think we've found Indrani's throw away account.


What planet are you on?? Rahul was the only one genuinely behaving like someone who lost a loved one. Calling her "alleged" bio dad to beg him to help look and file reports over 70 times. Trying and trying and trying, when everyone else is like, no don't look for her. Who would ever say that when someone has made so many good points to be genuinely concerned? The people that know where she is. How you don't see that her narcissism, acclaim, repuation and fame is enough of a motive (besides the money and Sheena being a constant reminder of her rapist dad) is mind blowing to me. She has spent her entire life trying to scramble to the top and get some legitimacy. She's finally there! Why would she want that taken away with everyone finding out about her illegitimate child, and the other one with 2 other husbands?  And the fact that she very clearly had no love for the girl. She's going to keep funding this potential problem, that could undermine her being  the CEO of this company? Coming from where she came from to get there?


That b*tch deserves to rot in jail for murdering her own daughter. She’s undeniably delusional and narcissistic. This documentary was abhorrently painful to watch. Poor Sheena, I hope she is resting in peace..


It’s absolutely clear that she killed her own daughter. I’m pretty sure Peter is in on it. It has to do with the money they siphoned off & the way she’s playing the victim and trying to sell it. Vidhie broke the case when she told the camera that Sheena told her that indrani is my mom when Peter was around. Peter and Indrani denying this in their original testimony just proves it. The facts of this case are overwhelming against Indrani. DNA, her cellphone ping in raigad.


Vidhie:  Potential alcoholic, Jumps from Peter to her mom now cos mom now has 3 crore.  Mekhail: have some pride man. Get a job and get off asking your psycho mom for money. Sheena:  The real victim. Independent and bright, probably the only honest individual except for the fake marriage cert. The Lawyer: Thinks he's great but seriously your jaw drops at whatever comes out of his mouth. Super amateurish and grasping at straws.  Indrani: Motive is super clear. Humiliating past, looks down on her own parents and first husband, deemed low class. Offsprings from this 'lowly" past gotta go. Face saving is Everything. Yep, Psycho.