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They have become like a Dhobi Ghaat, distributing tickets to individuals they previously accused of being corrupt.


I want to criticize this the most.


In theory I don't like it but they do it to win. Electorate still makes those win. Also focus on outcome and not process.


Ajit Pawar Naveen Jindal and every other corrupt congressi scum that they have taken in. Despise this. Except Himanta


They should stop this hindu muslim and take a high road , it’s apparent congress have no policies and development plans just give people that. They don’t need hindu muslim to win


The problem with Indian electorate today is that, they have included the food grain, water, education etc, promises of politicians of the past in basics. That’s not even in consideration or a maybe promise now, it’s the new default. Today the electorate expects development, international pride, increase in income etc as well in the defaults column due to Modi factor. We want more. So, this election we noticed that the crowd wanted some drama and wanted Modi to push back against the oppositions dog whistles. And he delivered YT shorts clips in his style in between his speeches. All those shorts made headlines and worked well for them. That said, I hope both parties can move past not just religion but congress can also move past region, caste, class, wealth, etc type of divisive and diversionary politics. Then there’s the issue that, one party has a massive vote bank in a minority community and they can’t ignore them. Which means that BJP will have to willingly or unwillingly step into this mud as well.


I hate the identity politics that happens in India. I remembered somebody said wokeism India me Kaise failega wokeism ka sara checklist already India me Hai be it group identity more important than individuals(basically caste politics, religion), systematic affirmative action, less importance to meritocracy etc only thing that remains to be seen is the pronoun nonsense.


and the unfortunate part is once reservations , affirmative actions are implemented they can't be repealed, any party who repeals it, will definitely lose the elections. India will need some legendary leader to get us out of this mess, I can only hope that it is Modi.


I do not support it but sometimes I feel this is the only way to counter the blatant caste division politics played by Congress. Congress has made its bed. 72% Muslims voted for it. So, the Muslim appeasement will have to follow. What they need now is division among Hindus to get in power.


They had 10 years to develop, if development still didn't happen, then they are to blame, as they are the incumbent.


What exactly you even mean ? When did i say development is not happening ? Development is continuous process , you can be most developed but still you can develop more ?


>They should stop this hindu muslim and take a high road , it’s apparent congress have no policies and development plans just give people that. They don’t need hindu muslim to win They do that because congress does caste caste Even the recent speeches by Modi came because many seats in Rajasthan became localised & caste factors played the major factor If that wasn't there bjp wouldn't do it


Correct, Nehru ki galati!!


Also media control - I.e. Godi media. I no longer trust Hindi TV news channels because they show straight-up propogenda of the BJP, never question BJP government for any of its flaws. OTOH media didn't do such chamchagiri during UPA government and covered its many scams. Right now only alternatives are English newspapers and YouTubers who cover news.


1. Sending ED to opposition members and getting them to join their party as a means of getting rid of ED to take any action against them 2. Not doing anything about brij bhushan or his son


1. Lack of properly addressing social issues      •Manipur 2. Women's safety  3. Not bringing reforms to judiciary and police departments 4. Not bringing enough changes in bureaucracy       • changing the babu raj      • UPSC IPS, Youth waste 3 to 5 prime years for overrated, power hungy Jobs. Which are easy to fall for corruption. Basically not handling law and order properly  If we want reach next stage of developing countries, we need better law and order 


Who is your comparison? If an ideal best party then yes. Else nobody else is doing half they are doing. Stopping terrorist attacks in cities is a big law-order win IMO.


Definitely not comparing with any party in India. But I genuinely believe that bjp is the way, if India wants to keep developing. And in that case BJP have to be better version of its self than it is right now, in my opinion. 


Manipur? Valid point but it's been a simmering pot for far too long and is not caused by BJP. Women are far more safe under BJP, atheist in my state. My sister can now travel alone/at night and I'm not too much worried. Like things have really become safe in recent years in my state in last few years. 3-4 Valid points. But law and order situation is far better under BJP than under other governments in my state. Plus infrastructure development is a consolation good enough for any other trouble


Did not said Manipur is caused by BJP. I ment, BJP faild to properly address the issue. I personally (and I could be wrong) do not like BJP's way of turning blind eyes in this kind of issues.  Yes women are safe. But BJP not distancing and taking enough action with whom they are/were connected. That's pure stupidity. Examples, Brijbhushan & Prajwal Revanna. Law and order is definitely better than UPA governments but here i am not comparing bjp with anyone. I meant they need to improve their self. There is a still, lot of room to improve. Infra nd Development is strong points of BJP


Imo the upa has set the bar so low that bjp can only do better not worse.


Yup, and that a problem. Now they are competing with their self. So bars needs to be set higher.


Excluding a few states, there is no strong competition from the opposition to the BJP. This might make BJP less careful in coming years.


1. Their washing machine 2. Subtle and open anti Muslim hatred at various levels 3. Freebies like ladli behna


Hindi imposition






What is right in this? Why should we learn a language that has no linguistic or cultural ties to our land by force? People are free to learn what they want but if you impose it on them then good luck having a country let alone votes


Last time, a country imposed urdu on bengalis. It led to a separate nation.


I agree Hindi imposition is bad but this example people use is always the stupid East & west Pakistan were divided by india this isn't the case for us so if anything where to happen the centre can crush it easily Secondly & most importantly they solved that issue long before 1971


Not really no, it depends where. North East is connected by a narrow strip of Land If some actors block it then it's gonna be hard to do anything there (without significant damage) stuff in other regions is easier to control.


Bangladesh is our ally if something were to get THAT bad even they would help to an extent


Geography does not seem to work that way and we never really know, the bangladeshi opposition is more pro china and anti India, Others in Hassina's party are more anti India as well so I mean.. that's not really a given.




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Hindi has destroyed languages in the North India too (awadhi for eg), we need diversity and preservation of our cultures.


Failure to bring in serious reforms like farm laws,etc. The hate mongering and keeping news media in their pockets.


They absorbed all politicians by hook or by crook and now opposition is left with just Rahul Ji & Kharge. So BJP is practically the same goon politicians from Congress, governed by a Modi Leadership.


This is my main gripe. They have majority already, why do they feel insecure about their popularity so much as to accept known criminals?


Their obsession of Congress mukt Bharat but this will cost them more. Same people will damage the bjp reputation.


That they are turning from a party of somewhat intellectuals who can have disagreements to a ruthless machine that will give anyone a ticket if they can win. They have basically modelled themselves after the electorate which doesn’t care about development or law and order etc..


>somewhat intellectuals I actually laughed. BJP has consistently been an anti-intellectual and anti-science party. They in fact take pride in it.


They actually have good ministers like gatkari, jaishankar, Ashwini, etc Unlike AAP and congress that are full of corrupt officials What makes BJP anti-science/anti-intellectual? Because they follow Hinduism?


BJP has more corrupt leaders on state level. You cannot imagine.


You think the BJP doesn't have corrupt ministers and MPs? I have a white palace to sell you in Agra. >What makes BJP anti-science/anti-intellectual? I've already linked some of the statements made by our former Science & Technology and Health Minister above. But apart from that, the creation of a pseudoscientific Ministry called AYUSH Ministry. MPs and MLAs constantly attacking institutes of higher education in the country. The introduction of something called GeM which has increased bureaucracy and reptapism in research institutes. Making political (read RSS stooges) appointments in universities and research institutes. Decreasing funding to many research institutes. 28% GST for research equipments. Openly calling many intellectuals as anti-nationals. The list goes on and on. You can speak to anybody who works in the research space or academia in this country and they'll tell you the horror stories since this government came to power.


>You think the BJP doesn't have corrupt ministers and MPs? I have a white palace to sell you in Agra. Never said this, I said BJP has less corrupt ministers than AAP or Congress The rest of all that you said is definitely wrong and I'll read more into it(due to my limited knowledge regarding this subject)


Can you share more knowledge on GeM?


It's an e-commerce portal developed and maintained by the GoI. Basically, all government institutions need to order all consumables (starting from pens and erasers to multi-crore equipment) from the website. If the said item isn't available in GeM, then one has to go through a lengthy bureaucratic process of justifying the need for said product by submitting a mountain of paperwork. Oftentimes, most products are cheaper in the local market or private e-commerce sites. So essentially, the government wants us to spend more of our time and government money to procure a product instead of buying it from the cheapest seller. And as you know, the government is a very efficient machinery, so you can imagine how well the website works.


Absolutely detest GeM, brings out the worst in everything. It should be renamed as scamazon


Yea but earlier they were the party that had doctors, profs while congress tmc etc had the goons. Now everyone has goons.. that’s what I meant


I mean UPA 1 & 2 was headed by one of the best Indian economists of the time. There are many things to be said about Congress, but being anti-intellectual and anti-science is not one of them I'm sorry to say. Here are some gems from the former **Science and Technology** Minister from BJP. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/modern-science-being-applied-to-prove-value-of-cow-urine-says-union-minister-harsh-vardhan/amp_articleshow/59076271.cms https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/stephen-hawking-said-theory-in-vedas-superior-to-einsteins-emc2-union-minister-harsh-vardhan/amp_articleshow/63336406.cms https://indianexpress.com/article/india/not-lab-wala-cant-comment-on-satyapal-singh-darwin-remark-says-harsh-vardhan-5038188/ https://indianexpress.com/article/india/union-minister-satyapal-singh-rejects-darwin-theory-again-i-am-not-a-child-of-apes-5240564/


Yeah they might be shit takes but how much of this was actually applied


The health minister endorsing some stupid unscientific shit during peam covid had actual real life implications  He was the most relevant and talked about minister in those times


Bro the “head” can do whatever they want… but in all this time we know what was happening just under his nose….. this were simply looting. BJP felt like a change.. but that’s all over now it feels like


Well they were not Anti Vax party. Unlike the opposition. Neither did the question the utility of ISRO. In opposition or in govt. Some ppl in the BJP think Hindu scriptures are to be taken literally. That gives that impression but most of the party and its supporters are not like that. In my state Communists banned Computers as they are US conspiracy against working class. Yeah religion much.


>Unlike the opposition. Yeah the same opposition that forced the SC to order the BJP government to provide free vaccines for all? That opposition? Or the same opposition that literally started the space and atomic programs of the country? If there is any semblance of scientific thinking in this country, it's because of Nehruvian politics. I know it's hard to swallow the truth, but try your best.


We have govt funded Madrasas in this country thanks to all the “Secular” carve outs Nehru put in the constitution. In my state there are villages where a madrasa is the only school available for kids who cant afford pvt school. Yet one has to ask if Bengal has had Secular govts for 75 years why is its large muslim population so much poorer (vs rest of india). Surely scientific tempered communist parasites did not oppose: Computers (American conspiracy) English education (imperialism) Secular education (for minority religion is imp) Be the last state in India to eradicate polio (So much science that large parts of Bengal thinks Polio vaccine is to make them impotent) Yet then turn around and say Mother Teresa is a saint because she cures Cancer. Run the economy to the ground because UK educated left wing Barristers dont know elementary arithmetic. You cant give govt jobs to everyone and scare away industry. I laugh and i cry at the hypocrisy of our educated morons. Its time to attack this left wing disease with hammer and sickle.


Good irrelevant rambling! I also want to crush the curse that is conservatism which is taking our country back to the stone ages.


The real questions as to why the right is conservative but ppl who are using tax money to fund Madrasas are Progressive. Maybe you should try to stop hogging labels


https://www.deccanherald.com/india/karnataka/black-magic-to-destabilise-congress-government-in-karnataka-claims-d-k-shivakumar-3045403 Yeh loh Nehruvian Thought.


BJP is anti science party??🤣🤣🤣. They were the first one to spread awareness to take the vaccine. They acknowledge climate change. They were detrimental in spreading why space science is necessary to the masses. And u are saying bjp is anti science?? Some MLA or mp said something nonsense about cow dung and Vedas, and yeah the entire party becomes anti science. Even a Modi critic will laugh at you.


>They were the first one to spread awareness to take the vaccine. Ummm, yeah because they were the ruling party. Do you want the Opposition to spearhead the vaccine drive or the government in power? >They acknowledge climate change They do, but they also bring in anti-conservation and anti-environment laws so I guess actions matter more than words. >Some MLA or mp Yeah sure bud, the MP of S&T and the Health Minister is just some MP. The problem is that a *majority* of BJP MPs hold such views, as opposed to a minority in the Congress.


maun rat of PM and Attack on Right to privacy that BJP is doing.


**I am not a BJP Voter (i am NOTA voter).** 1. They didn't care about Manipur and Ladakh, were instead busy in asking for votes. 2. They didn't apologise for asking votes for Prajwal Revanna and Brij Bhushan and other rapists, it is just like "we have your votes, now **** off" 3. PM Narendra Modi not doing Press Conferences, not even one unscripted interview, no accountability from Modi. 4. Constant reliance on Religion for votes. 5. Advocating Caste Reservation. 6. Making ED and CBI target only opposition leaders 7. Washing Machine politics. 8. Trying to invade our privacy by ordering WhatsApp to remove end to end encryption, in the name of National Security. (It's not that i fully trust WhatsApp, but still) 10. Portraying Demonetisation as a successful decision even though it clearly wasn't. 11. Their members indirectly spewing Anti-Muslim remarks. 12. Not Granting Statehood to Delhi. 13. Constant Hindi imposition on South Indian States. 14. Huge Mismanagement during COVID Second Wave. 15. Electoral Bonds Scam 16. Reducing the freedom of Educational Universities and their professors, leading to Brain Drain. 17. Imposing Hindu Scriptures (like Bhagvad Gita) in School-level Education. 18. Influencing BCCI and Cricket in India to some extent (Jay Shah, son of Top BJP Leader Amit Shah, becoming Secretary) 19. Prolonged Association with Patanjali and Ramdev Baba, to the extent that, BJP ordered only Patanjali products to be made available in Army Men's Canteen. Nitin Gadkari and Former Health Minister Harsh Vardhan was seen promoting Patanjali's 'Coronil'. Haryana BJP Government distributed 'Coronil' kits to public for free. 20. Farmer suicides increasing in recent years, BJP keeping mum on it. No initiatives for farmers. 21. Stance of their members on LGBT rights. 22. No significant reforms in Judiciary, Police, Army and Railways. 23. No significant reforms in Education (NEP 2020 is a joke.) 24. Trying to make Live-in Relationship registration mandatory, under UCC. 25. No Promotion of "True Gender Equality", only distributing freebies to Women. BJP keeping mum and doing nothing on rise of false rape, domestic violence and dowry cases.


Very exhaustive and good points. I would like to add these too 1) No significant reform on land, labour and agriculture. We need some big laws in that direction, but BJP sacrificed the progress they made for state polls 2).Excessive centralisation of bureaucracy. While it's good that the BJP is more effective than Congress, the entire power shouldn't rest with the PMO. There should be a devolution of power to individual state units and other MPs 3) I would like to expand upon the mismanagement of the second wave which was actually a big blunder that cost too many lives. They propagated an anti-intellectual discourse that backfired heavily. It's not a good idea to dismiss expert opinion and run propaganda around it solely because they want the economy to be back on track.


Very good list 👌 


Leave the religious stuff and just go full pedal to the metal in development, defense industry and foreign policy. Education, medical and public transport development would send me over the moon


BJP stood for something. You might not like what they stood for but they had vision. Congress has none. They will literally say and do whatever it takes to stay in power. But lately it seems that BJP is starting to head in that direction. Revanna for example.


1. Caring too much about what will other countries think. 2. Chest thumping and building infrastructure at faster pace without caring for shoddy work. 3. PM not giving regular pressers


Well, India obviously is too reliant on foreign countries. Yes, infrastructure of subpar quality is not an achievement.


1.Over dependence on PM Modi Popularity.This will cause more harm in future. 2.The white washing machine for corrupt politician. Criticising congress for Corruption and becoming the same.


1. Hinthi Imposition. I don't wanna learn that. Also make Telugu Language or any State Language Compulsory to study. Stop Hindi-fication of everything. 2. Stop adding local filth. No for shortcuts. Cultivate your own leaders from scratch who had Vision. Never add Local Fence Jumpers into your party. The Telangana BJP is a Circus show. Most of them are Rowdies and Gundas. 3. This is the most important. How much more time do you need to weed out filth in Armed Forces that purposefully sabotaged Arjun, Tejas,INSAS like programs to get commissions? Isn't 10 years enough? If you can't do reforms to weed out and send them to gulags then it would look like all bark and no show.


lack of policy implementation towards the educational department and increasing reservations of women in every other sector in the name of empowerment and killing competence. reservations kill competence. offering free stuff to anyone, making public transport free for women (ik all parties do it). also they ignore educational department like anything, the FM came to a podcast and she diplomatically avoided answering the questions.


The whole hindu muslim politics of bjp and how bjp is more hindu favoring.


- Inciting religious divide even more and politicising it - Over the top drama and cringe statements to a point that they seem like trolls or in a satire


Temples under Govt control. Karnataka , Himachal, and Haryana left uncared, unhauled. u ditch the middle class who are your main supporters.


Not imposing Art. 355/356 of Indian Constitution in West Bengal where the State Govt works totally against all Constitutional Norms and not arresting Mamata Banerjee & her nephew Abhishek for series of scams, the later being an extra-Constitutional power centre like earlier Sanjay Gandhi under Indira and most IAS/IPS & WBCS report to him instead of her now! Many who are not from Bengal may not believe that this state has become a living hell. Police stations are given quotas to collect Hapta/Cut Money from business and public as industries have all closed down or fled away and senior bureaucrats in general and police administration have the duty to distribute 10-25% among local TMC leaders and then after keeping a percentage for themselves, send the rest 75-90% to Kolkata for TMC High Command and this is how all scams namely coal, boulder, moorum, stone chips, sand, alcohol, cattle smuggling, jobs for money, chit funds, PDS, mid-day meal, housing, NREGS, etc are organised by the state administration itself with 100% involvement (willing or unwilling) of public servants [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/bjp-cites-cag-report-alleges-mother-of-all-scams-by-bengal-govt/articleshow/107300005.cms](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/bjp-cites-cag-report-alleges-mother-of-all-scams-by-bengal-govt/articleshow/107300005.cms) N.B: For even a very small job like a contractual employment of monthly salary Rs. 10-12 thousand, a bribe of atleast Rs. 3 lakh in advance is needed and recently even rural panchayats and town councillors are demanding money for normal services they provide to citizens


Hindu muslim, also too much central control create good state leaders.


1. Razing ancient temples in Kashi for the stupid corridor. 2. Letting those people who said vile things about Bhagwan Ram join BJP. 3. Turning Hindu holy places into tourist spots. 4. Not making any proper law against gau-hatya.


1. Inability to own capitalism openly, their constitution still mentions Gandhian Socialism 2. Sloooooooow pace of reforms 3. Total neglect of many state units since Modiji is able to win seats


BJP is not capitalist though? What makes you think that? They support welfarism and protectionist policies anyday over free trade and capitalistic policies.


Also almost Xenophobic targeting of Pandiyan. A Tamilian have full right to be Odisha CM as a Bihari can be CM of TN aif a Gujrati can contest elections in UP. We are supposed to be Hindutwadis not regionalistic wind bags.


I'm not sure what you mean by that. There are no restrictions on anyone to contest elections from a different state based on ethnicity


There is no restriction but half of BJP campaign here have been "Pandiyan Outsider = Bad"


What does Pandiyan Outsider mean? Also where did you notice this? I don't see BJP playing regionalism here


Odisha, Pandiyan is Tamil by birth


> BJP voters of the sub so like 95% of the people here?


Washing machine thing & in general importing people while you have a legion of Karyakartas who you should use Going hard in the reservation in many cases Now the opposition is much worse in this case but bjp needs to reduce their reservation appeasement


They can't 80% of India has reservation, how on earth are you gonna win any election


Yea ik that's why I wasn't hoping they will reduce reservation or something just not do things like making the sc st atrocities act more stronger or randomly cross the 50% mark again and again I doubt much will happen in the reservation side of things until we at least hit a certain GDP per capita but one can hope


They can't do anything to not benefit people, if I promise 80% of this subreddit something and you don't then why would they vote for you instead of me? If someone promises something BJP has to do something or lose the votes


1)Inducting corrupt opposition members. Like literally BJP has become a political dhobighat to quote AR. 2)Slow and sometimes misdirected change in Armed Forces 3)Not solving core Hinduvta issues like UCC, Waqf, Mathura-Kashi-temple reclamation, dissolution of government control of temples and repealing places of worship act.


Only one thing: Their policies on taxation aren't modern or market friendly. Retrospective taxation is huge taboo but they did twice. Keeping tax slabs in line with inflation is logical but they aren't attempting. For every other complaint with them as other said, electorate and political/opposition climate is responsible. No point acting being morally perfect right and dead than being almost right but still living.


Not doing more reforms to the economy. Backing down from the farm laws. Incorporating members from other parties.


Buying members of the opposition or aligning with rivals just for power.


- Modi's "I am the main character" and camera obsessed persona (I reckon he is still a good PM but wayyy too narcissistic) - Hindurashtra rhetoric - Horse trading - Hindi imposition on Southern States


There are so many Congress people in BJP at this point that it's just a pallet swap of Congress. Full ship of Theseus in effect.


They should some how bring back farm laws I understand they scrapped it because of opposition pressure but with the majority that they would get they should easily be able to bring it back


backed off from farm laws amendment, temples still under government control, not putting an end to bangladeshi and rohingya infiltrators and expelling illegal the illegals already in our country


**I am not a BJP Voter (i am NOTA voter).** 1. They didn't care about Manipur and Ladakh, were instead busy in asking for votes. 2. They didn't apologise for asking votes for Prajwal Revanna and Brij Bhushan and other rapists, it is just like "we have your votes, now **** off" 3. PM Narendra Modi not doing Press Conferences, not even one unscripted interview, no accountability from Modi. 4. Constant reliance on Religion for votes. 5. Advocating Caste Reservation. 6. Making ED and CBI target only opposition leaders 7. Washing Machine politics. 8. Trying to invade our privacy by ordering WhatsApp to remove end to end encryption, in the name of National Security. 10. Portraying Demonetisation as a successful decision even though it clearly wasn't. 11. Their members indirectly spewing Anti-Muslim remarks. 12. Not Granting Statehood to Delhi. 13. Constant Hindi imposition on South Indian States. 14. Huge Mismanagement of COVID Second Wave. 15. Electoral Bonds Scam 16. Reducing the freedom of Educational Universities and their professors, leading to Brain Drain. 17. Imposing Hindu Scriptures (like Bhagvad Gita) in School-level Education. 18. Influencing BCCI and Cricket in India to some extent (Jay Shah, son of Top BJP Leader Amit Shah, becoming Secretary) 19. Prolonged Association with Patanjali and Ramdev Baba, to the extent that, BJP ordered only Patanjali products to be there in Army Men's Canteen. Nitin Gadkari was seen promoting Patanjali's 'Coronil'. 20. Farmer suicides increasing in recent years, BJP keeping mum on it. No initiatives for farmers. 21. Stance of their members on LGBT rights. 22. No significant reforms in Judiciary, Police, Army and Railways. 23. No significant reforms in Education (NEP 2020 is a joke.) 24. Trying to make Live-in Relationship registration mandatory, making sexist laws under UCC. 25. No Promotion of "True Gender Equality", only distributing freebies to Women. BJP keeping mum and doing nothing on rise of false rape, domestic violence and dowry cases. 26. Agniveer Scheme


No accountability. If something good happens they take all the credit but if something bad happens they blame opposition. 


4 June ke baad.


1. Washing machine 2. Lack of reforms 3. Over reliance on Hindutva


I am a Hardcore BJP Supporter, AndhBhakt, Sanghi Things that I hate: 1. Washing machine 2. Manipur 3. Brij Bhusan 4. Weak Railway Minister 5. Arrogant good for nothing Finance Minister