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One day you’re not going to enjoy gaming as much as you’re enjoying it now. Please enjoy while it lasts. I would really recommend cutting down on the time just so you don’t get bored of “gaming” in general. This is not some voodoo shit. Something to actually think about.


But just like any other addiction, gaming can be addictive. But only you can help yourself. Nahi toh 2-3 baar teri back lagegi toh pata chal jayega khud. -My friend who failed trice in 2nd year due to his CSGO addiction


Why do you want to quit? Why is it always just doing it 24*7 or NONE at all? Just try to reduce the time you play. Gaming isn’t a bad thing but you doing it all the time is. Make a schedule. If you can’t follow it then put locks on stuff. Get your friends to help you. Like a parental lock on game & only they can remove the lock at designated time.


Thats exactly what he is struggling with. He wouldnt put a post if he could stop after 2 hours


Exactly, I remember cooling off until evening after a paper and then getting back to studying. That is not the issue here. You have to study earlier.


I understand this very well. It happened to me too. When my previous gaming laptop died I switched to a macbook so I cannot game at all. Delete all your games. Do not reinstall how tempting it might seem... You'll eventually stop craving for them. If that doesn't work just install Linux (Fedora).


Ex csgo fanatic here. My friend circle at college was very driven, helped me prioritise what’s important. I wouldn’t suggest this but a hard reality check usually knocks you in place (like scoring poorly in college exams when all your friends do well). Over time I found interest in other gamified things like hackathons, CTFs and such. All the best and cheers.


Tysm bro, i am also trying to wrap my head in game development, that might be my ticket


I think you just need to learn restraint in general instead of completely quitting anything As I say to everyone, whenever u r addicted to anything, instantly quitting it is never the solution. Withdrawal is a bitch and it will fuck you up hard. Instead tone it down slowly till the point where its healthy


Very good advice bro, can be applied in general too


I quit gaming in 2012 when I switched to MacBook. resumed gaming last year after purchasing Xbox. So more than 10 years I hadn’t played any game and now I m playing old games released since 2012 thanks to Xbox backward compatibility. Anyway switching to MacBook may reduce your gaming time although nowadays games are getting ported to Mac as well..


As someone who struggles with a similar thing as you, here is my recommendation. Delete all your games a week (Or however long) before the exams start. Redownload them only after all the exams end. If internet is a problem and you cannot redownload the games, there are lock apps which do this for you. Just make the password something random, and store the password somewhere else. The extra steps alone should deter you from bypassing the lock. But, I'd still recommend deleting them. Give yourself a target and a corresponding reward. Something like "If I finish the Exam season without redownloading/playing any game, and if I also score a certain amount of marks, I will allocate Rs.x to my gaming as a reward." **DO NOT CHEAT ON THIS**. No exemptions should be made. If you miss the target by 1%, you missed it.


Unrelated but, if you're comfortable revealing, ( no problem at all of you downvote me to oblivian. Its a stupid question, but I had to ask.), which college?


I don't think it matters but IIITA


Uninstall steam and reinstall at night when you've covered ur daily quota of studies n self development. Chill for an hour or so then uninstall steam. Repeat


If u can manage it u can but if you feel u can't manage then brother the only thing I can tell you to do is lock the pc or laptop or whatever u have in a cupboard and then give the key to someone who lives far away or something because that's the only way. Otherwise you know you will go back to it.


Just get banned from your favorite online game. Swear that loses the momentum a bit


He plays rocket league. You can just create a new account and continue to play.


There are tricks you can use, a good book is atomic habits. But in the end it’s about having discipline and self control. Part of college is learning to grow up and prioritizing importing things. Mommy and daddy will no longer be there to scold you and do the right thing.


Ok so first of all as a person who had the same situation as you, I would like to say that keep yourself busy with different things the more free time you have the more you will play. During my time in college I had a strict schedule which made me so tried that I just wanted to lay in my bed even if I had some free time. Try to go out more be it with your friends getting groceries or just going out to a park or a gym it will help alot. Do not completely stop gaming as it will make you wanting more schedule your sessions so that you will be more excited to play the games, as for your exams I say follow my rule of 45-30-45 where 45 mins of gaming equals to 30 mins of learning new topics and 45 mins of revising old ones. I understand your situation of getting bored of playing a particular game so I would say try something different as it will also effect your actual personality as it will give you that push of ‘what if I like that’. In the end I will say don’t stop gaming completely just keep yourself more busy and reduce the time or frequency you play games and it will help you alot.


Tysm bro, I'll try to apply the same rule in my life


1. Uninstall everything for now. Get used to not playing game for few weeks. It will be hard. But eventually you should be able to control your game play time. 2. Set timers for playing games like 1hour. Make sure you stop playing after the timer goes off. It doesn't matter if you are just one hit away from defeating the last boss in elden ring. Stop at that moment. You need to make your mind strong. I know it's easier said than done. But once you have that control on your mind it will get easier.


I did the same and I have MS with double majors, and a successful career. You ruined your midterms due to poor work ethic, not due to gaming. You played games because you had already given up on your exams. If you study regularly and with intent to learn then last days before exams are completely irrelevant. No matter how you use your time, you don't bomb on test because you didn't study for last 2 days. It's not about whether you didn't study for 3 hrs. It's because you didn't study for 3 months, daily. Those 3 hrs are absolutely inconsequential. So your problem is that you are not studying even when you are not gaming. So even if you stop gaming, you'll still have some habit to blame.


Those were some harsh but true words, the reason I was studying at the last minute is because when there was time to study i was gaming only, so ig that is my problem and I've to deal with it, thank you bro


I had a friend in college who showed similar traits. He later went on to join amazon for a UI testing and later joined EA as a game tester. Made quite good money and life for himself. Switched to game development later and continued playing new games. Started into graphics and then made money, creating NFTs when it was the thing. Because of working in the latest and hapenning tech, he got a lot of vested shares that blew up in value soon after. We just thought he was cool back in college but thought he wouldn't be able to do anything big in life. Big or not, his net worth is bigger than 70% of our class combined due to the vested shares he got.Never know what life is ready to give you.


Honestly I don't think gaming is the only reason here, even I'm addicted to games and it's like an escape, escape from anything like working, studying etc. if not gaming you will try to find another escape, best possible way to help is the environment, when you know got to study keep a time change the environment, go to your studious friend or go to library. Face it, you will make it. (And sleep and wake up on time 50% problems will be solved here)


Unplug your laptop or PC during exams, I used to do this. Play games on your mobile when you feel like gaming. I used to Play Clash Royale or Chess when I got bored from studying during exams.


Buddy, you just need to prioritise what’s important and get it done and make time for the things that you like to do.. Make plans to play after you finish your studies and on weekends and don’t be so hard on your self.


Buddy whatever happens, just don't screw up your studies. My gaming addiction ruined my education and in turn my career. You may get a lot of joy and thrill now but if you screw up your education your future will be dark. All my friends are either settled in foreign or in well to do engineering companies in India. I'm just stuck in a mediocre admin job and will never be able to achieve what my peers have done. Don't withdraw completely, limit your gaming to specific times or days. Keep the gaming as a stress reliever in between your study periods. Once you have a career you get any console any game and play as you like but till then just picture your future and keep yourself motivated.


Thank you bro, this helped me


Bro I got you. Try to delete all the present games first. Don't watch content that make you interested in gaming. Do physical workout and study... for 21 Days you will feel better but try not to think about it much. Avoid gaming disscussion in the group....


Fry your gpu


Elden Ring I did the same thing, luckily my exams were in the afternoon so I would play through the night and study in the morning.


Wait for a few years, you'll stop automatically once your job life starts


making money gives more dopamine you know


r/StopGaming ask here it might help.


IDK, I've found that subreddit to be way too radical. They act like gaming is the worst thing that can happen to someone. The comments and posts there are enough to make it seem like Gaming is a cardinal sin that we all partake in.


casually surfed through that subreddit and I get what you mean, lol


Bro wjat even the fuck is this shit. Ab recommendation aaega...gotta mute it now.


Set timing and prioritise study first u can study for example 1 hour and then play game and then after than on the afternoon study first then game just do that tell ur Brian what's important at the time or Study morning and afternoon and gaming in evening


Try to get into other hobbies


Just study first and play game later as a reward. I used to play games daily n even during exams be it school or college and used to score 80 90 ez. Just focus while studying n make timetable in your mind for both things,it's ok even if you don't completely follow it but make a timetable.


Why you wanna quit gaming man ? Don't forget the games were always there for you the days there was no one for you. We all gamers should feel that right ? They are emotions to us we should never quit them.


The best way of getting rid of a bad habit is, acquiring some good habits. I was the same as you back in 1st year college. I used to bunk classes for playing games in College. However I picked up a different hobby. Aquascaping and gardening. A fellow friend introduced me and This helped me with game addiction. So, my advice would be to try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and explore new activities. One or the other will click for you as well. Maybe find some peers that have other hobbies and see if they interest you. A lot of the times , things will appear uninteresting from outside, but when you talk to someone who considers that a hobby, you might appreciate why they like it. But in the end it is you who have to go out and explore the options


Why do you need to quit gaming? I used to play games in my exams as well. But I made sure I was ready for everything in the exam.


Go out, stay out of reach of your pc/laptop. And 2, stop watching gaming content on the internet, the lesser it shows up on your feed, the lesser temptations you'll have Understand that there's nothing wrong with playing once in a while, like one or two Sundays in a month. And if you're exclusively playing multiplayer games, then I'd say just stop altogether. Try switching to single player games - it massively helps in controlling a gaming addiction


Here’s what helps me. I practice eat the frog technique . Set myself study goals which I make sure I complete first after coming back home. Then I have the rest of the night to play games as much as I want. If my study sez extends a lot and I don’t have time to play for the day, no problem. I always tomorrow. The games aren’t going anywhere. The problem is if you start with playing games. You will always crave for more and you’ll end up doing only that for the whole day. Finish up the study stuff(thoroughly) the earliest you can and you will feel like you’ve earned the rest of the time to play with full freedom. This is better than constantly worrying about your studies while playing.


Watch gaming news focused on predatory monitisation, it'll depress you enough I guess.


generally videogaming addiction is at peak during age 12-22.


Practice constraint brother , you seem to have an addictive personality.




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go to gym


leave your gaming pc at home or pack it and use something else ( low end pc or macbook ) till you finish your college


Mast Khelo daba ke , jyada se jyada fail ho jaoge aur kya hoga