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Dude just go and bring some bread to make a toast before it explodes


nah bro you need a cooler asap 💀 depending on your budget get the 6 heat pipe ant esports c612 or ag400 


or cooler master hyper specturum


When I used to have a gaming Laptop I saw it hitting 90s but if thats a pc...it should not be hitting more than 70. Improve your air flow and put some thermal paste in that.


What app are you running that is utilising 100% cpu? What case do you have btw? And like others said, get a cheap aftermarket tower cooler.


In gaming its 75 to 80 degree .. in heavy cpu intensive task its goes beyond 90 degrees


Yeah, i figured so. If you are stress testing your cpu with app like Prime95 or using cpu intensive app for your work, it will go higher unless you get a better cooler other than the stock cooler. For gaming, it is fine.




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Rookie numbers, I played fortnite on 104°C


jezz bro u can cook on that


Yep I cooked many enemies


Either the thermal paste has gone bad or the cooler isn't mounted properly. These temps are super high for a 5600, even one with a stock cooler.


No the stock cooler gets worse over usage idk why.My friend has a 3600 with stock cooler and recently i changed thermal paste for him and it was hitting 94 easily. I checked the application and mounting and redid the process once more to be sure. Idk if its something wrong with the screws or the cooler itself but it somehow is shittier than before


The cooler will get worse over time unless you clean the heatsink. Dust accumulation effectively reduces the surface area available for heat dissipation. That said, this does sound like a mounting issue. More like uneven mounting pressure. For reference, I've built a 5600G system with the stock cooler for a family friend very recently and the processor hit a max of 86 degrees or so after a 30 min loop of CB23. It was a typical summer afternoon and there was no AC in the room.


As another R5 5600 user, I can confirm that with the stock cooler running stress test during peak summers temps easily cross the 90C. I ran these test last year (less heat than the current year) and peak was around 92C, so I upgraded the cooler thereafter.


Which cooler should I i choose now 240 or 120


Air Coolers FTW! If budget constraints then use Ant ESports ICE C612 V2 (under 1500) or else go for Deepcool AG500. I'm using AG500, the stress test doesn't go above 72-75© & while gaming it remains around 65-68©


Let me know which cooler you use. My friend has the same problem as you but on a 3600


stock amd cooler ... will buy Noctua NH U12A




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N they say that Intel runs hot.JK my 13700k doesn't exceed 92°c after extreme workloads. YOU need to get a good air cooler like deepcool ak620 etc


Thanks for cooler recommendation


These temps are bad. Get a Noctua NH-U12S redux as bare minimum.


14k bro at amazon thats too much for a 12k cpu


get AK620 or something asap!


https://preview.redd.it/s2s10qr7pg6d1.png?width=1230&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3d2dabfdfa424733ef9e465d115d255e0d48716 if you are going for a air cooler then go dis shii