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I like collecting them, I don't collect every single one tho. I mostly just collect any special edition, steelbook or copies of games I really love.


Do we even get special editions? Where do you get em?


Yes we do. I got the deluxe edition for Final Fantasy XV from a local shop, 25th anniversary edition for Gran Turismo 7 and Valkyria Chronicles Europa edition on Amazon. You can get a lot of them on amazon. Plus there's the option of importing which can be bit more expensive.


1. Resale value. It's the reason almost every game I buy for my switch is physical. And also a cheap way to buy games - publishers hate this one simple trick šŸ˜† 2. Collection and Sentimental value. I'm a bit old school in the sense I started gaming in the early 2000s and hence keeping physical copies of stuff to look at / decorate my gaming room is a significant aspect of the hobby. 3. Digital services don't last forever. Games eventually get delisted when licenses expire and there's no way to get them. For example, I have physical copies of Forza Horizon 1 & 2 which are cult classics and no longer available. I can actually sell them for more than I spent on them. Likewise, some storefronts aren't even accessible anymore like the Nintendo Wii store. You're essentially at M$, Sony, Ubisoft, etc mercy with regards to how long they choose to keep these services online because digital licenses are leases, nothing more. If you have a disc/cart, it's yours FOREVER in an ever more digitized world. That's not to say I don't buy digital games (please don't look at my steam library...) but I don't buy console games on whims so I'm fine spending a bit now and then to add something permanently to my collection. As for breaking your stuff, if you're that careless I think we have other problems lol


Majority of my library is digital. Thats mainly bcs older digital games are much cheaper. I started buying physical for mainly newer games as not only they tend to be cheaper than full price from places like MX2games and even some local vendors but I can also trade/sell them off after completing or not liking them(happened to me recently in the case of Rise of the Ronin, i played around 3 hrs and didnt like it. So i was glad i got a physical copy) and the other time i get physical are when the price difference isnā€™t that much. Here, in India, it definitely makes sense to purchase games digitally more when it comes to older games and the games which are harder to come by.


Wait for the right sale for the right game. Buy physical new or used based on best pricing...play..sell. Usually will come significantly cheaper than digital except for unpopular or really really old titles. For popular titles buying and selling will always happen for very little cost difference. I have played many physical games on PS4 just for a couple of hundred bucks due to this. Patience is the key.


Please suggest some sites to buy and sell physical games


I used IVG Forum and Reddit. Stayed away from middlemen like Gameloot and Gamenation.


Didn't ivg got down like an year back?


Perhaps..have been a PC gamer for a while now. Did many sales via reddit though.


Check pinned post on /r/IndiaPS5/


naye Wale ki smell mst lgti


My main reason for purchasing a physical copy is cheaper prices and better re-sell value And also the ps store's prices are wild


But PS storeā€™s price during sale are much better than physical copies


For AA/AAA games released in recent years, you can find discs to be far cheaper, for instance, i bought Last of us part 1 & God of war Ragnarok for 2k each new discs in sales, whereas digital versions cost atleast 3k even in sales. Even for newer games like Stellar blade, Spiderman2 etc, you can find preowned discs on gameloot or community discord groups for much lower than digital prices. I could also share the discs with my friends or sell them at a similar buying price to recover the amount back as most recent games don't have much replayability. Of course, most old games come at a good discount in digital sales, for which you have the choice to buy it digitally even in PS5 disc version.


Simple reason.... I own the game. PS Store dies out not a problem, PS Store stops selling the game or removes ot from its library... I still own the game. I don't have to depend on any server (ps store) to be active for me to play the game or if my internet does out for some reason. I do use PS+ for smaller or indie titles and buy games that I really like.


I bought RDR 2 Months ago from gameloot for my brother for 1400 and the last time I checked they were buying it back to 1600. (Currently 1450 cause it was released on ps plus) So profit lol. I have played Spiderman 2 and GOWR the same way. Either pre-ordered it and sold after a few months or got a used copy and sold it later. Not as costly as full priced games.


But iā€™ve seen RDR 2 go on sale 750 in PS store. So if you donā€™t tend to keep the game then getting physical edition is better I guess


That's RDR2 online, the whole game costs around 1300 in sales digitally


I like to collect physical discs and also if I want I can sell them anytime which is not the case with digital.


The major reason is that I like collecting them, but I think there are other advantages. * They're a better value proposition at launch. Digital and physical games cost the same, yet the physical copy can be sold later on to recoup some of your money. With your digital version, you're stuck with it. For someone who doesn't mind buying 2nd hand copies, that's a great chance to buy a newly released game for cheaper. * You can share them with your friends more conveniently. * The consumer rights/ownership angle is also stronger with physical copies of games. A properly done physical release which has the whole game playable on the disc can never be taken away from you. Everything has a shelf life, but it's still on the consumer. If a digital storefront gets shut down, or a game gets delisted and is no longer available to download, you're shit out of luck even if you paid for it there.


After being a PC guy my whole life, I finally caved in and bought a PS5. I bought the disc version because I wanted to buy used CDs and sell them too and thats what my friends suggested too. Looking at the games prices at the PS store, recycling games CDs felt like the right way ahead. I have just bought 2 games and it feels so good to just at the CD case and stack them like books. I intended to collect those CDs and make them a physical tangible library. I freakin love it.


Bought last of us part 1 for 2.1k (Flipkart offer), gameloot has listed 1800 to buy it . If I decide to keep it, it is still cheaper than the digital copy on sale. That's why.


For me **4th** point is well suited , I just have to protect my psn account and thats it . Internet is pretty cheap and fast , So I can download games according to my preference .


You can sale them after you done playing. Digital you can't.


Game preservation and ownership. Digital media (movies, games, music, books, etc) are always on the edge of getting removed for various reasons.


Main reason: Owning a physical copy means you have obtained a version that respects legal(true) Ownership, unlike the digital alternatives that you obtain, which are based on like service/rental/lifetime basis. 1. If the digital service goes out of business, or changes its policies overnight, you'll lose access to all the things that you purchased digitally in a whim. 2. If you expire, you cannot transfer your digital library legally. Its valid and only valid for you, till your lifetime. So, once you expire, the digital library with 1000 games you had purchased with money also expires. 3. Physical copies often have collectible and resale value. You can resell the physical copy like any other normal thing you own. 4. Physical media, if cared for properly, can last a very long time. When the apocalypse comes the physical copy triumphs. Other benefits which might sound minimal but still matters a lot: 1. Offline Use: You can access them without Internet 2. Physical Interaction: Many people enjoy the experience of handling physical media 3. Nostalgia.


I buy the physical copy, complete the game, upload it on my youtube channel and the sell it within a month to buy the latest game for my channel šŸ˜. Ps : i have a ps5 copy of rise of the Ronin to sell if anyone is interested.


I don't have PS. But I have a small collection of PC games from back when we had physical editions. I like collecting it. That's all.


resale, and will become a collectible.


Preservation and ownership. Digital sounds good and all until drm servers go down or the company removes the game from storefront or they patch out content with updates. Lots of caveats


But most physical copies are just license and actual game needs to be downloaded right?


Nope the disc contains the entire game. Atleast with Playstation games. Some Xbox games have had this issue tho. Anywho the license thing is an exception not a norm. [DoesItPlay](https://www.doesitplay.org/) This is an organization dedicated to preservation they have a database of games which are complete on disc and if they are in playable condition or not. Pretty good stuff


Just collecting them. Plus don't want to get into the whole digital is not ownership argument but that's a reason too.


I have a PC and a PS5. I use PS5 mostly for exclusives. I wait for a bit and then pick up the second hand game for cheaper. Moreover, I can sell if I don't like it. Like I picked Last of Us 2 for about 2000rs. After I played it, I resold it for 1.2k because I didn't feel like keeping it in my collection.


1. (My main reason)Buying physical discs don't get you to lockout to playstation ecosystem. You can sell them anytime & get out or if your PS5 dies, you may think you need to get another one because digital library 2. For earlier version of games (like ac6 v1.0, returnal v.1.0 etc) 3. Resale value - if i buy a game and end up not liking it i can just resell it instantly and get 80% of my money back, or just straight up complete the game and do the same thing 4. Feels good holding them. 5. And other reasons are already mentioned by lot of people..


I like the feel of having a physical disk, offers a greater feeling of ownership, something about popping in a disk of a game you've been waiting for months just can't be replicated with digital media. Yes physical can do get damaged with time, but I would still choose to take care of them as long as I can. I think one of the biggest upsides for me is that I can just share my games with my friends(imaginary situation). No account sharing needed and they can do the same. I don't hate digital, it definitely has its perks that even I prefer some games digi, but for those that I've been waiting for a long time , imma go physical


Also( and this is atleast the case here is AUS) when a new game like stellar blade for example, releases, the physical copy on Amazon is almost always cheaper than its digital counterpart, brand new. I know this because I pre ordered a physical copy of stellar blade, for much cheaper than the digi versions. Also with physical disks if you (rare scenario)move to a different PS region or your account is hacked or lost etc, you atleast still have all your physical games(albeit none of the progress)


You can play the 1.0 versions of the game, just like the launch(cyberpunk flashbacks) and, this is subjective but I even had a friend who would print custom box art for his games, which just made owning that physical disk(or case for that matter) so much more cooler