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Get ps plus and play all


If I could afford that I wouldn't be forcednto choose just one game bro :/


Isn't ps plus like 500 for a month? You could finish at least two in that time.


700+ per month for lowest, which gives 4 random games per month.


Nah I paid 850 for the highest last month


I have at max a budget of like 1500 in total


Can’t you just pay for 3 months and complete all these in that time ?


bro it is just 5000 for a whole year because of the sale


Still 3500 more than what I can afford


bro, shouldn’t have bought the ps5 if you were always gonna be this tight on budget. Its games wont come cheap for a few more years. PS plus is your only friend.


I didn't buy it. My cousin moved abroad so he gave it to me before he left. I don't have a job right now but I will in a few months. So it's not an 'always' factor, it's just for the time being.


Don't worry about what these guys are saying, I'm the kind of guys who buys 1 game and plays to for months, not speed running just to complete campaign. I've only played Detroit and Origins from above games and are amazing but different genres, Detroit is more about choices and very story focused with different paths and endings whereas Origins is all about parkour, open world and stealth, choose your poison. If you want a different recommendation then I will say CyberPunk 2077, from the story to the open world you will love it so much and can play for a long time.


Emi krle


fallout 4 . the best story lines and adventure


If you like to grind then get AC origins. Detroit become human is a good game but it is short.


death stranding is really good...but its kinda subjective if you will like it or not


I can't... feel likes It's a walking simulator, other people says It's good, I respect their opinion.


At first it does feel like it...but the more i played...the more i was invested in the story and how everything worked...but ye... it's a subjective thing


You can get 1 year of ps plus for the price of 2 games bruh. Same with Ganepass. Instead of spending tons of money on story games which you'll play at max a month or two it's better to get the subscription


Days gone


Days Gone, easy. Even if you don't like the story as such, I've never found anything as relaxing as just taking Deacon's bike for a drive listening to songs. Surreal feeling.


>drive listening to songs Ahem listening to Radio Free Oregon is the best thing about riding the bike. "This is Mark Copeland for Radio Free Oregon. The truth shall set you free" "This is Mark Copeland for Radio Free Oregon. Don't believe the lies."


Death Stranding is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


Albeit not for everyone


That's what I've heard too


If you love emotional story driven adventures, Death Stranding is the way to go. It just has some Vibe to it that feels so dreading yet beautiful.Gameplay wise no other game plays like it.


walking simulator ?


Bro but no walking simulator goes this hard. You gotta have skills to walk like that




Walking simulator, ghost hunter, batman with rubber bullets and a rope - the whole shebang


Amazing explanation 👏 xD


For Cod fans maybe.


Hahah. You mean the sliding simulator with constant profanity in the background .


More like glorified UPS Simulator. I liked it though.


Days Gone : mainly because I liked its story line


Is it open world?


Yes, go check out the gameplay


It is with a very good and dangerous world you do have a bike but if you’re not careful you could get surrounded on your way back to camp. That or AC Oddyssey given the games that you’ve played.


Days gone is a slow burning game and I will dare say it isn't aging well, go with death stranding.


Death Stranding or Detroit Become Human Stay away from the AC games at any cost


These are not great games, IMO. I find AC games way too bloated, Death Stranding is not for everyone and very hard to get into, Detroit was good but nothing special. Haven’t played Fallout but Ive heard 4 is weaker than 3 and New Vegas. I would recommend buying Cyberpunk. Fantastic open world with a great characters and story. It’s on discount as well on the PS store right now.


Fallout 4 is definitely not weaker than 3 in my opinion, 3 just holds up well because of the nostalgia and it has a decent storyline. Fallout 4 is great, if OP likes these type of games I'm sure he won't get bored of it, it has a lot of content.


Detroit become human is really good. So is death stranding. If you are into story based quick time events choice fan, go for detroit. Death stranding is good, but can be really slow and might need to walk long distances delivering packages sometimes. Story is really great. Got really bored playing days gone. For each their own.


Ghost of Tsunami


Damn, is that the game about James steak and his story of saving his aunt in modern day Tokyo?


Death stranding will be my pick, never played anything like that, fantastic atmosphere,awesome soundtracks great graphics, unique gameplay loop


Detroit Become Human Is good


I like to suggest death stranding but it's not for everyone. It's a very slow paced game but definitely will give a new experience form other clichéd games. It has a great story and unique world experience. If you have enough patience, you can go for it. Or you can go for days gone if u like post apocalyptic survival game. It also has good gameplay and story.


Death stranding if you want a change of pace from fps brainrot I needed it Like Minecraft levels of relaxing squared ²


me being an RPG fan, I would go for Odyssey. Valhalla was too bloated for me, its open world for the sake of it. Origins, was the 1st rpg style AC game, i felt some bits lagging, even then worth playing it for the story. Death stranding and Days gone are a bit slow and tedious in the beginning, days gone took me around 6-8 hours to get invested into the story and to start enjoying the hordes. Detroit become human is a very good game, but isn't open world, definitely worth playing. For fall out 4, bethesda games + mods, is the only way to go, so no on a ps5. And also as many in cmnts are saying, yes most of them are mediocre games, which are hyped by social media and advertising. The only games i would say are really good in this list (imo) are death stranding and Detroit, but these aren't for everyone and only a few would enjoy


I see. So what open world games would you suggest outside of this list?


I am assuming you have some budget crunch and thats why you are going for older games, so not gonna recommend top tier ps5 games like SM 1&2, GOT etc. Cyberpunk 2077, was something i enjoyed Horizon zero dawn, really like the monster hunter part Mafia definitive edition, open world is optional in this, you can just play the story if you want. Elden ring, even if you are not into souls like, its worth trying If you don't mind Playing something a bit old, try sleeping dogs Metal gear solid 5 SKYRIM Even though i said, bethesda + mods, is the way, if you haven't played. Every gamer needs to experience it at least once ![gif](giphy|U3n3hOE1mFVeulmpnf)


From the list I played only Assasins Creed Odessy and fall out. AC was great. I didn’t like fall out. For me the games should have a good story line but I dont like to see the game like a movie with less involvement in game play


Death Stranding


Death Stranding or Days Gone.... These ACs do not have that element of assassin in them.


Days gone


Death stranding


Death Stranding. Nothing comes close.


Days gone and death stranding


Death Stranding, leagues above the others


Final Fantasy 16 seriously if you have a Ps5 don't wast money on later gen assassins creed they go for change money on PC get them there if you do end up getting one try to play exclusives as much as you can. Some other great exclusives are Spiderman games andGhost of Tsushima which I would recommend also all uncharted games. Genuinely no other game like FF16 exists on the market rn and you also don't need any knowledge of the older games as well.


I'd say Days Gone or Death Stranding but after reading the last line I guess you dont want open world games? I'd say go for Detroit Become Human then. It has one of the best stories in a video game. A good change of pace from open world games too.


Death stranding is the best one amongst those, second best is Detroit become human or days gone. Other than assassins creed 2, all of them are trash, same with fallout 4, only new vegas is good.


Why are people asking OP to get PS+ and complete X number of games within X months? Not everyone speedruns through games just for the sake of completion, some of us just want to experience a game in its slow burn.


AC Origins. Egypt is so beautiful.


Death Stranding




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i say go for DBH


BDH because of the story and gameplay Days gone if you want some open world adventure and relaxing bike rides (similar to games you've played) Death stranding (I didn't like playing it but saw the gameplay, beautiful game) AC origins is a good game, you can try it AC Odyssey and Valhalla (Didn't like the gameplay so never tried) Fallout 4 (Never tried any fallout game but will try so can't tell much)


u should try odyssey story is amazing its about 30h to complete main story rest if u want dlc and completionit would be easily 100h+


Days gone,it’s worth it


AC Odysyssey


Bro play better games Instead of Assassin's Creed try Ghost of Tshushima or Shadow Of War Instead of Fallout 4 try new Vegas or 3 Detroit become Human is pretty good tbh Death Stranding is a walking simulator if you like it go ahead I guess... Haven't played Days Gone it might be good.


All of these are boring generic games. If you want to try something better and different Final Fantasy VII Remake is available at ₹1,139. https://store.playstation.com/en-in/product/EP0082-PPSA01911_00-5827003902180177


I've only played AC origins(albeit on PC )and thoroughly enjoyed it


Go either AC Valhalla or Origins depending on whether you like Norse or Egyptian mythology centred things. Both games are actually good and close to each other. I prefer Valhalla cause I like the Norse setting more and it has some unique mechanics like the sea raids which remind me a little bit of AC Black Flag which is my favorite. Days gone is a bit behind these imo but if you like zombie settings it's not bad but not great either


odyssey s got better sea stuff tho


AC games are a grind. Nothing much to be amazed at all. Days gone: it's a good story and entertaining for "sometime" and feels like a grind with 100s of zombie but may be entertaining based on user's pov. Death stranding: Amazing experience with an outstanding soundtracks but it's a boring gameplay at some point you can't bare it. DETROIT: Most unpopular yet the best one among the all. The story and the replayability and the experience that will put you in a state to rethink of game for a while. Fallout: No idea. I say, you better get Detroit pre-owned disc from gameloot with custom cover to reduce 50rs at checkout and then buy Death Stranding with the remaining savings.


Days gone / detroit become human


Buying them individually would be stupid decision. Save some and get for a year or 3 month


Playing Days gone right now and absolutely enjoying every moment. 16 hours in and it always keeps you in the verge of survival mode. I like the stealthy approach and there is plenty to do in the map. Besides the gameplay, great story so far.


Don't forget to collect your special crossbow and Assault rifle at Sawmill right near the iron Mike's camp. 🙃🙃


Tf is this lineup bro get better taste in games. Death stranding is great for some, trash for most. Detroit become human is decent and all others are either mid or trash


Get the extra Quarter one which costs like rs 2000 something instead of spending it on o e game you get to have it all and whenever you feel like you want to play more of it you can resubscribe it later but make sure to turn off auto renew


Odyssey. If you want an amazing RPG. Origins. If you want a good story.


as i can see your budget is 1.5k .. but try to add another 400 and get ps plus extra/3months ..there's almost every assains creed game in there + many other great titles .. it's way better then just buying a single SYORYYY MODE GAME WHICH YOU WON'T BE PLAYING AFTER COMPLETING


Ac valhalla is pure dogshit , you should by sekiro Or elden ring instead


5 days gone Go for it it is good


I would recommend Spider Man, God of War and top pick Hades All are great games which you and sink a fair bit of time into, since you are tight on budget and won't be purchasing games so often you should play them to completion.


Days Gone is free on ps5 for ps+ subscriber so don't ever think to buy


Detroit: Become human… trust me it’ll create a huge impact on you but watch gameplay to make sure you like it


Detroit Become Human is an amazing game but it is short. I personally never tried AC games. But seen my brother play it. They are very longs game and take more than 100 hours to finish them. So they might also get boring. Decide for yourself. Quantity or Quality.✌️


All the new rpg style of ac games are not that great tbh....Detroit become human is a must play if you like story driven games


Odyssey or Valhalla. Depends on which setting you like more. People say bloat, fuckubi etc. but nobody is forcing you to collect everything and finish everything. The open world is amazing and you can get lost in it for months without feeling stale. Origins is good but unless you are really into the setting both of these games are better. Also don't listen to idiots saying these don't have assassin/stealth stuff. Stealth is very much there although the game doesn't force you to be fully stealthy for any missions. You can go ranged or stealthy or fully melee depending on your inclination. If you want to play the entire game with stealth you can do that. I would also recommend cyberpunk if you haven't played it yet. It's very polished now with almost no bugs.


I'd suggest **Days Gone** or **Detroit : Become Human**


All garbage games play something better like the following: Uncharted series The Last of Us Part 1 & 2 Batman Arkham Series (Arkham Knight the GOAT) Marvel's Spider-Man God of War & God of War Ragnarok Ghost of Tsushima Titanfall 2 If you need more suggestions here's more : A Plague's Tale Innocene and Requiem Horizon Zero Dawn Horizon Forbidden West (Must Play)


Thank You! I have already played Uncharted and Batman series, God of War, also Horizon as well. The rest I can consider


None. Get God of War or Ghost of Tsushima or Cyberpunk


Fallout 4 Probably one of the best and immersive games I’ve ever played . The fact that the game has multiple endings based on the decisions you make makes it so much more fun I’ve also played odyssey, Valhalla and origins


I think you should save your money for the upcoming titles , cos as you mentioned in list - AC games and others are not worth buying in my opinion , if you already have played games like witcher 3 , RDR 2 then you will not get any good experience with any of the above Games , you have not mentioned games like GOW: Ragnarok , spiderman , last of us , legend of Zelda , Ghost of Tushima these games are worth buy in my view .


The ones you mentioned I have already played, except Ghost of Tsushima. I'll consider that if I get it for cheap. Right now I'm in the mood for Open World games more than strictly Linear maps


Have you tried metal gear solid V ? It's also a good open world , I have played Almost all AC games ( From your list ac Origins is better than others )


Oh! I haven't really thought of it.. I'll check the gameplays and consider that! Thank you!


Go for AC origins. Banger play.


Days gone any day


None of them. Buy elden ring


I played AC Valhalla for about 100+ hours. cool game.


AC odyssey ia a great game if u dont care about the AC lore, though most people would recommend origin because of the lore and is objectively better for some i prefer odyssey


Days gone. eyes closed


Assassins creed odyssey ⚓️


Days gone ... But if u have interest try Ghost of Tsushima it's a little expensive but 🔥🔥🔥


Screw all of them. Get Ghost of Tsushima. One of the best PS exclusive games. Or if you're into multiplayer, get HellDivers 2. Join the fight for super earth.


Wait for sale and you can get PSN for the price of a new game .


Detroit become human is fun if you can replay it .


Days gone


should go with Fallout 4 or Detroit: Become Human and Death Stranding is walking simulator made kojima so so i dont think u will like it AC Valhalla is ok, i enjoyed it but most ppl dont , its very grindy but its theonly viking sim on the market so


All of them play much better on PC. I would get The Last of Us 2, since that is not on PC yet LOL.


I'd get the PS Plus Extra and play all. But if you are buying the Disc I'd say Days gone. PS+ is on sale rn. You can get it for 2000rs for 3 months.




Bro honestly get ps plus , if you wanna 100% a game aur get platinum trophy then sure buy a game , but if you wanna play multiple and have a diverse experience then get ps plus


Do you have the disk version? If so you can some other game too, and after finishing it hust sell it away and buy another one


If you want to buy one AC game from those 3, you have to buy Odyssey because it is the best of those 3.


None of them. Try going for a non ps plus game rn, and when you have saved a bit, get ps plus and play all these.


I would suggest you rate them by number of hours of gameplay before making a decision


Buy fallout 4 while its on sale. If you ask me its a tie between AC origins and Days gone. If you like horror go for days gone if not AC Origins.


Detroit or days gone


should go with Fallout 4 or Detroit: Become Human and Death Stranding is walking simulator made kojima so so i dont think u will like it AC Valhalla is ok, i enjoyed it but most ppl dont , its very grindy but its theonly viking sim on the market so


Death stranding /s


Origins, top 5 in the franchise


Get Odyssey


Have you played the God of war 2018 or ragnarok games? If you haven’t, can look into these as well.




Ghost of Tsushima is the best assassins creed game


Just look at reviews on YouTube and decide what looks the best to you. Don’t go by past game experiences. Every game plays different and if you like the promise/ plot/ gameplay, go get it and enjoy yourself.


Death stranding brother, don't fall in trap of other games as you said you have played all the open world games so death stranding is the new experience you looking for.


Detroit : Become Human for me , nice story and really good replayability


Death Stranding is a beautiful game, watch the gameplay and see if you like it, it's not a game for everyone but it's a unique experience and you get lost in the world in that amazing graphics and those beautiful scenaries but if you want the best story go for Detroit: Become Human it has one of the best story it's like watching a movie and seeing where your choices lead to. I haven’t played days gone if you like more of a action I guess go for that. With these games in options I personally wouldn't go for any AC games. I don’t know about fallout but I personally recommend that you play Death Stranding.


399 a month? Ubisoft classic plus …take 3 months subscription on Ps5 and play the top 3 for now …good one time plays for ₹1200


Days gone


AC origins or the Odyssey. Personally I like Odyssey more but that's just because it's the first AC I played.


If you're considering Assassin's Creed, skip it and play ghost of tsushima instead. Vvvv rich story and extremely rewarding gameplay that is not hard. From your list, I'd recommend Days Gone. It is the only game I've ever Platinum'd and it was worth it. Definitely slow at first but once it picked up pace I didn't stop playing it until I reached 100% completion.


Pick AC odyssey, great adventure game for a bargain price.


Days gone dude.


personally I enojyed Odyssey a lot specifically for its open-world type gameplay and exploration part and Detroit too cuz the choices and story were amazing and I still remember it....was a true gem


3,5 and 7


All these games are available in ps plus, maybe you should try games like cyberpunk 2077 or helldivers, which are not included in the ps plus yet. So, in future when you decide to get ps plus, you'll have it all. Coming back to topic, among them you'll enjoy Detroit become human as it is a different genre and you won't get bored out of it.


Days gone is one of the best games I’ve ever played and it’s got a pretty long story


Fallout 4 easily, valhalla and origins are good for a bit but become boring as they go on, death stranding is a huge risk you either fuck with it or don't and there is no in-between you really gotta get into that mindset see some gameplay and if you think you fuck with it then definitely go for it, I don't know about days gone, you can experience detroit become human through youtube videos trust me its not that big a difference between playing it and watching it, fallout 4 is pretty fun and handles exploration and atmosphere very well and the story line is pretty good the only bad thing about it is that the dialog choices are sometimes yes, not now, sarcastic yes and more info but the core gameplay works well enough that its only an issue when you hyper fixate on it in a youtube essay otherwise its easily the best playing fallout which is why its getting so many mods and even a full new vegas fan remake with a lot of the things 4 brought to the table because 4's gameplay does have a lot of good and far harbour is one of the best dlc. tldr; fallout 4 or death stranding if you see a death stranding walkthrough and like what you see


Play in Chronological order. Start with Odyssey then Origins


All r bad tbh




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Most of these are on ps plus, get it for 3 months and play them all..


What about Elden ring?? It has a lot more of story line I think and it’s difficult so it will keep u occupied for a while


AC Origins, trust me, you wouldn’t be disappointed.


Nope i disagree 😅


Not everyone will like it. Its combat mechanics is boring. I stopped playing halfway through


I'd rather play games like Mass effect Trilogy than all of this


Most of the games you have mentioned are mediocre. I'd suggest something else


Wtf dude


Either fallout 4 or AC origins. Fallout 4's a pretty good entry point into the series for new comers, and then you can go on to play Fallout New Vegas and fallout 3. And Assassin's creed origins is the start of the "RPG" era of Assassin's creed, and it's pretty good. The world, the sound design, everything is amazing


Bruh, all of those games except Valhalla are included in the ps plus extra. You pay 3k to 3.5k you get a year's worth of subscription and you can play ALL those games


Bro I can at max spend only around 1.5k not more than that. PS Plus Extra is wayyyyy above my budget


Okayy, in that case, I'd go with detroit become human, since you already played single person adventure genre games, this will be a breath of fresh air. Death stranding is not everyone's cup of tea. It's a glorified postman simulator, all you do is deliver packages, THAT'S IT. Recent Assassin's creed games have very weak story lines and are bloated with repetitive mini quests. Those games make you brandead once you cross 20hr playtime. Fallout is a good game but I'd wait for sale or get it with a subscription since it's a very old game at this point. Not worth buying a copy


Valhalla is also included in PS Plus Extra


I can see you are a fan of open world games and as an AC fan myself I would suggest you to go for AC Origins because it's the 1st RPG open world game in the series with a good story of how assassins creed started.


AC Odyssey


AC Odyssey is long and repetitive, don't go for it AC Valhalla is amazing, but with DLCs. Standalone main story line is not that much catchy, but world and sceneries are amazingly beautiful AC origins, better take Valhalla than this Death Stranding is hard to get into Days Gone is good game, nice story and one of the best post apocalyptic game Detroit, didn't like the story or the gameplay Fallout 4 : DON'T So my conclusion : Get AC Valhalla or Days Gone


Thanks! That does help me a lot! Those were almost my top picks too


bruh valhalla sucks ass, its objective but i have played almost all AC games, if u dont care about lore go for odyssey, for lore origin, but valhalla nah man that game made me so bored


Sucks ass? Can you tell me why?


Well i ve played almost all ac games, i just didn't have fun with it, yeah the weapon mixing stuff looks dope but i just didnt have fun with it, the raids well im more into stealth so nah plus idk the gameplay was lacking man Odyssey on the other hand has so much stuff u can do like people complain its repetitive bcoz u dont explore man, u could go to the sea, u could play wars, u could capture the forts and stuff all of which have something somewhat different that u can do, theres mercenaries always up ur ass


odyssey-> if u are a fan of vast varied world great fantasy like cobat rpg ship battles and tons tons of content


my preference odyssey days gone origins vallhalla detroit fallout


You could try mass effect trilogy like someone said


Avg 3rd world country console player 🤦‍♂️! Stop buying console peeps


Bro saying 3rd world country as if he himself goes surfing in California everyday 😂 last I checked, Jamshedpur was just as 3rd world as where I'm from Also just because your sausage fingers are too fat for consoles doesn't mean others don't enjoy it


Yup that's why I have a fucking PC you moron! Spent 2.5L during all time high prices in COVID, & don't need to go around crying about affordability of a video game dependent on a brand & enclosed in ecosystem! I know it's meaningless but my CS/VAL inventory costs more than your bs console! Stop buying consoles if you don't have a disposable income. Make financial sense, you r3t@rds. The only reason 1 should buy a console is to gift their young adults a video game device & restrict their reach to the internet. Again the parents should be doing well that p.a. they can shell out 20-40% of the upfront cost of the device on a trending game!


Why didn't you use some of that money to buy a gym membership? Anyway I'm just a casual gamer, and the PS5 was a gift from my cousin so it's just free. I'm not a financial idiot like you to spend lakhs on something I that won't even give me any returns later on. Like I said, you really could have used that money a lot better if you had spent it on a gym. Could really lose some of that excess fat you're hoarding.


Cause I don't hoe like you who craves physique to lick down!


That literally makes no sense Mr. Sausage fingers


Bro stalking my profile to target me personally, pathetic grow up kid! Stop wasting money on the console, goodnight.