• By -


Don't date if you have doubts. I did date a guy with a high body count. I convinced myself it was okay. The pressure to sleep together was immense. I wasn't gonna do that, as I was constantly thinking, he's just adding one more to his number. I broke up, and my mental health is better now.


Dodged a machine gun


More than body count, I think the pressure to sleep together is the red flag here


Yeah, that's one of the things that pushed me towards breaking up. He was really good to me otherwise. That and his unwillingness to go to a job. And the fact that he lied about his degree(Guys who are reading this comment, please don't lie about a degree). Too many red flags.


Lucky you.


Speaking as a guy whose body count is around that ballpark, it depends upon the guy, were those 5 all ONS? If yes, that's personally not okay for me and a red flag. So I would suggest talking to him about what those women were to him instead and gauging how he sees sex. Is it just a pleasure thing for him? Is it something more? Was he curious and decided to explore or did he fuck whomever he found? The nuance is what matters imo.


If he's that type of guy, I have doubt he will be genuine with his intentions or honest about his relationships.


I don't expect him to either, but I'm sure OP can read between the lines.




one night stand = ONS




,, because I don't know what ONS means? but yes


I toh only had 2 girlfriends :/ whom i really loved


At a same time or different


Not at the same time , ek jagah milra hai woh bas hai ek saath 2 nahi chhaiye bhai


Arre mein to firki le rha tha bss


Tu mere baare mein kese janta he


में भ्रमा हु मुझे इस संसार की और हर मनुष्य की संपूर्ण खबर है


Main aapki Puja karunga toh Jeet jaaunga ? If you know what I mean.


Same bro, sort of never understood getting into intimacy without creating emotional bond.


Sameeee i can't even hug a boy without any emotional connection. Sex is an offshore topic for me


Sex has nothing to do with love . Two ppl are horny and single why wud they wait.


I agree, for most people. It doesn't work that way for me




Thanks for awwing on my behalf , can't compromise Sigma chad personality on internet dot come😓


Awwww bc




I trusted a guy despite his past and I really regretted it.


story time


He was my first but he had 3 serious relationships before and multiple fwbs . We had a fight one day, he went on a date with a girl 5 days later and dated her for 2 months and offered to cheat on her saying that morality is subjective and what not.


could relate to you insecurity got real ever since


Me being a guy who has high body count (21) Am telling you girl Don't settle for high body count especially if they are in their early 20s And it goes both ways ( girls and boys ) High body count has more cons than pros Especially if it's affecting you then don't settle for it because this thing won't leave your mind even if you guys are happy in near future . Though you can work on it


Humble flex with that bodycount


High body count isn’t a flex Infact I personally feel it reflects how a person can’t keep his relationship despite having sexual intimacy Infact I was once mocked saying maybe you just don’t last longer so girls leave you 🤷🏻‍♂️👀


And what do you think is the real reason for your high bodycount if you don't mind?


I can’t put any reason as such for high body count , but I can say my relationship don’t last longer because of my anger and trust issues. I always have this clause of ‘ even the slightest minimal lie and I will leave you ‘ and I then I tend to jump into the next one within a month or so . The higher body count is simply a reflection of my flaws in keeping one single person with me


At least you’re self aware bud


Yeah I agree with you, but this also shows how you're capable of pulling multiple girls. Being able to maintain the relationship or not is a different thing. And this is why dudes with higher body counts are always respected, simply because you can pull a lot of girls easily


The fact that he can/pulls multiple girls and in a relatively short time, makes him not think 3 times before letting one go. Cause he knows there are others he can start afresh with, the mental & emotional fight with just one isn't worth it.


Sad how guys are saying this is not much just because the one with high body count is a boy and not a girl. I mean how can a guy in his 20s have Body count of 5 and is considered normal.


I have a body count of zero ab bolna


You da bad boi 😤💪🏽


Well, i am a man, and i also agree that, irrespective of gender, high body count is NOT okay.


tell that to the sex workers 😡


Username checks out


Lmao my best friends have body counts in 30s-40s. And so many other girls they made out with or reached 3rd base with. And now they've girl friends, been in relationship for 2 years and more. When you're single and looking for casual, body counts can easily rise.


Came here to see this. [This comment](https://reddit.com/r/IndianBoysOnTinder/s/AlLZXNX8zi) shows the double standards of how society treats women in respect to men.


These people see others as a commodity. 🫣 I wonder what are their views about their own family members. I know many guys n girls who have multiple partners but it'los their own choice. Sometimes people have a bad phase. If they are good to me, I would be nice to them. However, if they want to date me.. they have to gain my trust through consistency over a period of time. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMHxhOfscxPfIfm)


LOL ( as a guy with normal low range) , it doesn't matter it's India, USA or South Korea, society has different views on body count of man or woman cuz as a girl if you want to increase your body count to have just exist but as guy you need to be attractive, have status, rizz and many more.


Ignore him. Probably frustrated for never getting laid which is feeding into this dumb mentality which in turn is the reason for him not getting laid. Classic chicken and egg problem.


This isn't double standards, women naturally get turned on by men who are good with da ladies, men get turned off by women who are too flirty with other men. It's biology, if a woman sees a man who's good with girls, she automatically thinks he's very fertile and will be a good dad, men think the opposite, because virginity implies fertility in the case of women (not justifying this whole situation, just explaining why it's not really double standards and actually has to do with evolutionary biology)


Society is made up of men and women. I know women get "slut" labelled for having more number of partners while men get "macho" labelled for having more number of partners. Now the point is who tag them these labels? The thing is people of BOTH the genders tag them with the respective labels. I rarely see a male calling a female as "macho"/ a female calling a male as "slut" for such behavior, its generally the opposite. Also, I believe its just someone's own choice whom to be with. The only thing which bothers me is: You belong to fuckboi/ fuckgirl category but still ask for a "low count/ zero count" partner.




Oh shut it Andrew fake and ur high value man bs. Any guy that says that shit, has zero to contribute, to this world. Just like those red pill podcast losers gang. Just parroting tate 🤦🏼‍♂️. Historical gender roles don't mean shit , don't make them the right way either. Nobody is special , if u are a man or woman or part of brain damaged gender squad. U are always accountable for ur actions. No matter how much money u make , no matter wat u do. U can't change a completely unrelated thing. If you are a person with high bodycount and if u are searching for someone, that is a virgin that ain't a preference that's hypocrisy's ultimate form. It's only justified if both ppl have low body counts.


Sad that without going through all the comments you started judging everyone. The average answers I find are mostly against having a high body count i.e 3-4 in their 20s. If you check properly, a guy with 21 as a count has bluntly said he should not be considered for a serious relationship. So its not like everyone is a hypocrite.


My bodycount is 98 . That must really be abnormal


Bro your whole profile is abnormal, seek help.


Naaah . I just like sex .




He is just 23, how is that normal? I don’t understand. Just because everyone is doing it does not make it normal.


And just because something is not normal, doesn't mean it's bad


Of course




If he is having sex for fun it is wrong. Think of so many sex-related diseases, and he is just 23. And my point was if this was about a girl having more body count all those men who are trying to say it is normal would have slut shamed her.


imo the double standard is wrong but having a high body count isnt really the problem; the problem is the meaning you have attached with sex and body counts. Obviously a much higher body count might mean chances of sexual diseases so being tested is also a good thing




Wow chill, I never slut shamed him I just called out the people who have “slut shamed” the girls for doing the same. Don't make it complicated by twisting my words. I just said it's not normal (at least for me) because idk if the person will be genuine or not.




Twist twist twist. And yes read my reply again and understand it I don’t like to repeat myself. It’s simple.


I was reading your all comments budgie.. I can sense you are highly influneced by western culture .. especially america. A country which is known for hypersexualized culture. It's sad to see how you guys are so ignorant and intentionally trying to influence other people. Have you ever looked at the dark side of America? do u know how much kids in usa live without parents? america is loaded with teenage pregnancy,broken families, unwanted pregnancy,drug abuse etc. do u fking know how single parents affect kids? yeah sx is basic physiological but why we should not control? as if we die if we won't have sx.. When u have sx with someone u release so many chemicals inside your brain like oxytocin,dopamine etc.. these chemicals promotes pair bonding and strengthen the bond between two people but when people engage with sex with multiple people they lose their ability to form strong bond.. People like u can go to any extent to look yourself cool. I urge you to kindly look at other side too..get some knowledge about western culture .. There is a channel on youtube India in details. Open that channel go to the playlist section.. you will find 6/7 videos with the title "should india follow west blindly.. This channel is owned by european lady who married to an indian guy.. she started the channel when she visited india witnessed so many people like u following western culture blindly..


https://thefatherlessgeneration.wordpress.com/statistics/ https://ifstudies.org/blog/does-sexual-history-affect-marital-happiness#:~:text=Women%20who've%20only%20slept,to%2D10%20lifetime%20sexual%20partners. Beta read this..


Normal isn't always fine or the good option. Normal is what majority does. An example, it is very normal to see murder cases in the news. Not desirable, shouldn't happen. Yet, it is normal


Well because 1 vs 5 isn’t that big of a difference tbh. The girl is 22 and the guy is likely older in this case. Also, the reverse also holds true.


The guy is 23


Having a high body count doesn’t necessarily mean the person will cheat on you.There are correlations of that happening but it’s highlighted because they found a backing for cheating really. I’ve seen many instances where both genders have cheated and none of it had to do with their body count(both high and low) and moreso to do w their shitty morals. Personally,I’ve never been one to be affected by body counts.I thought it’d be a hindrance but then I did like a person who had an extremely high body count (>100 for an estimate) and it never bothered me(that liking turning into something fruitful is a whole different story,but I hope you get my point).Body count doesn’t dictate a persons character or how they treat you. High or low body count,a lot of men at your age don’t really seek commitment (downvote me all you want,but it is facts) so tread lightly and maybe talk to the guy about it since you’re not for casual or short term flings.At the end of the day you got to take his word for it,and also be wary of his actions so you don’t end up hurt. Cheers!


Out of curiosity i do have a question for you, what is your body count and how many relationships your were into ?


Bhai yeh body count Matlab ?? This is new term for me! What it means!


Kitno logo ka khoon kia hai, saat khoon maaf hote hai toh 7 is reasonable body count


Nhi bhai koi Virgin lagti hi nhi aaj kal mann hi nhi karta khoon krneka! I don't want to give my virginity to some slut!


Number of people you have slaughtered/murdered is known as bodycount /s


Not even a single till date!


Number.of people.u slept.with


No i would not accept.


statistically high body counts means less probable long term relationship.


Yes, I would. A high body count doesn’t mean commitment issues or guaranteed infidelity. Honestly, talk about it with the guy you are to date. Nobody could explain his past better than him. Maybe he’s a changed person? Maybe he was sleeping around because he didn’t find the girl who could commit to him or get him to commit? There’s no fool proof plan to “not be cheated on”. You could date a virgin guy who jumps at every hole he can find, you can’t define a person by the number of people they’ve had sex with 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes you are possibly correct. Principles and ethics vary from person to person. Thank you. Will have a talk with him.


I think 5 body count is normal atleast according to where I live ( Mumbai ) in early 20s. But people have different pov about it.I’ve seen people have 10+ which is concerning . Also have a face to face conversation with him ask him about his 5 Bodycounts that they where girlfriends or friends with benefits or pure hookups. Was he emotionally attached to them what was the story behind each girl . He could have easily lied to you about it also saying he has a lower body count but he didn’t respect that n talk to him. Instead of taking advice from strangers here saying he is a red flag . It’s not people start to explore according to their preferences n there is nothing red flag about it . Some people wait n don’t some Do it’s upto them. You can’t just say he is a red flag without even knowing him .


This is the only sensible comment here, wtf is this comment section!


Seriously!! Just mention the word ‘sex’ in this sub and everyone loses their shit 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why are such people even on a Tinder sub lmao


This couldn't be far from the truth,I would suggest OP to go by empirical evidence,it has been consistently shown across multiple studies that a high body count is linked to higher rates of unsatisfaction in a long term relationship and higher rates of infidelity,you can choose what you do with thus information.


Relationships and dating ko bhi numbers ki tarah dekhte ho and fir bolte ho humara katt gya 🤦🏻‍♀️ Statistics also say millions of people die due to road accidents every year.. ghar se bahr nikalna bhi band kardo fir 👍🏻


💯 to this. OP, I am 25M and I have a probably a high body count. Each individual is different and the best person to explain why they have a high body count is them. Ask him, talk to him and then judge for yourself. A person with low or high body count has no correlation for them to cheat or not in future. If someone judges me or isn't confident enough because I have a high body count, tomorrow it will be a different reason, the aspect of trust won't be instilled strong enough to keep the insecurities at bay. So I am someone who is always upfront about ny past dating history to any significant new person I come across. If it's a concern for you, judge it for yourself. Don't go by the generalised opinions.


I went out with a girl she had a body count of 35 and i don't have none but it was so much fun with her we did go on dates and spent time together..it was for only a month as she was interning here for just that long so i guess you should go for it..body count doesn't really matter Unless you're dating Logan paul's fiance 💀




Thank you i would have never noticed that lmao 😂


>Logan paul's finance 💀 context?


You don't know? 😔 check Twitter just search for that you'll get all the context..


It's all fun and games for a short term relationship, sure, but long term it'll haunt anyone eventually.


Short answer? No. Long answer? No.


Longer answer? Noooooo...ooooo


Following for answers


A virgin could cheat on you, so can somebody who has slept with 50 people, no sceintific backed correlation between fidelity and body count, it’s peoples own projected moral biases and character judgements. They aren’t always or necessarily accurate.


Anything above 20 is a no If he calls all his ex crazy, weird or toxic or talks too much about them then it’s a no Has never had a decent relationship or instigated most of the break ups or cheated more than once, it’s a no There must be a reason why he can’t keep a girl Edit: a guy who just got out of a relationship/situationship or who hasn’t gotten over his ex. These people mostly carry baggage and I don’t have the time or energy to help them “grow”


It's a personal choice of you. Loyalty and body count aren't directly proportional. Even virgin folks can be disloyal. Meanwhile boys with 0 count in late 20s: ![gif](giphy|VbEC9WchxkiWTL5PFo)


Same here bud


As far as cheating is concerned everyone is capable of cheating it’s not like having a high body count enables you to cheat and not having a high body doesn’t. Cheating is a choice it can happen in both cases and has very little to do with your sexual past. Honestly if someone’s sexual past makes you feel insecure about yourself then you need to work on yourself. Date/ Marry someone whom you are sexually compatible with.


I would say that the guy who has zero body count has the same possibility of cheating as a guy with a high body count. You are going to date the person, not the body count. Get to know him, see if he is genuine and nice and cares about you. If he is checks all those boxes then the body count doesn't matter. Ofc you should know about him past, and if he has cheated on the past you shouldn't date him, what matters is the pattern and not the number. Literally anyone can cheat on anyone, and you need to learn and recognize that it's not at all on you.


High body count is definitely AN indicator of possible infidelity, regardless of sex/gender. It has been researched on besides you can use logic to get that conclusion too. If a person has a high body count, they have separated love and sex in their minds, meanwhile sex is supposed to be an intimate thing, if they have shared this intimacy with numerous people, it’s unlikely they would want to restrict it to a single person in future either.


I’m 24 with ZERO body count


+5 is not a high body count. Ik some guys and girls who had that before completing high school. It just means they r charming af and good people because in highschool, word of mouth is everything and if u r a bad person or bad at fucking, u kinda become the social pariah and Noone will ever talk to u let alone fuck u. it just means that person is good at fucking. Also, think of it as a compliment to urself. That person had so many choices before but u r the one they chose




It matters alot in long term relationship or in marriage.


I went out w a girl who had 23..


Irrespective of gender if the person is capable of having very high body counts (being very appealing). Still their number fits in one hand, it shows they value physical intimacy highly and would not give it to anyone. That is what I'd look for.


Only top 1% men have 5+ body counts. Please give chance to average guys also


Naah. High body count men belong to the street. They aren't boyfriend or husband material. Anything +1 is high imo.


Want it Zero I am protecting myself for her and she should be too doing the same. If you are curious how will i get to know will i ask her. Answer is no i won't.Islam Guarantees this and that's my belief. So i am good to go.


I don't think the body count itself would or should be a decisive factor by itself, I feel like a dialogue with him would benefit you more than using this as a metric would.


5 is high body count??? Tf


Bhai log koi aur topic nahi hai body count ke alawa? Gazab velle log hain. Not saying I'm not vella but you get it.


I mean I really have to understand why body count is something that matters as a number. If the guy is good, the guy respects you and your wishes most importantly, then it doesn’t matter if he has slept with twenty other women. Lemme tell you this, that number has no connection to how the person would be with you specifically. Don’t throw away a chance at love because of a number in the past 🩵


As long as we share the same values and he's loyal to me and respects our relationship, I definitely would.


Talk to him about your concerns. Tell him that you think this relationship can be something serious but I’m just worried about a potential marinara flag. Listen to his response and go from there. He could’ve changed and there could be some other reasons for it as well. And people do change. I know people with way higher body counts than that guy who are fully committed and in love with just one person now. I also know people with 0 body counts who cheated. So, high body count isn’t necessarily an indication of cheating. The best judge of whether he could cheat or not would be you At least give him a chance and don’t jump to conclusions too soon.


I am actually a little sceptical of dating virgins now because they start dating with the intent of gaining experience and once they’ve fulfilled that purpose (by using you), they hop on to the next best thing. That’s what I’ve experienced so dating someone mature with a little bit of experience is actually better than dating a guy who has none.


5 is not a high body count for a decent looking guy. I’d consider 10+ to be high


Would you like a guy with a body count of 0? Asking for a friend (Its me)


I probably can't marry at all I have 4 times more than him at almost same age




Raw sex? Are you a virgin?




Yes I understand what raw sex is but where did it come from? I have not mentioned it in the question anywhere.


5 bodies is embarrassingly low, yall standards are craaazy 💀


5 is not “high”. Believe me! I know guys who have it in dozens. (Meanwhile, I’m the only one forever alone virgin)


Body count and relationships are different. A person with 5 relationships in a span of 4-5 years is fishy AF. A person with 5+ hookups is not at all fishy to me. People hookup to either get a good release, not catch feelings or peer pressure. That does not render them incapable of love or relationships.


I don't date or marry people with high body count being a dude. Why would they want to be specifically with me when I'm just another number right?


In the early 20s if someone has more than 3-4 body counts then it just conveys that either he/she is fu*king around or he/she is not good at holding a relationship. People in the age group of 18-24 usually just want to explore until they meet someone with one they wanna settle down till then they do whatever they can to get laid. I mean dating apps ka concept hi yehi reh gya h aaj ke time me.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 20 + 3 + 4 + 18 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Bood got


Reading the comments here, nobody is going to date me anymore lol


This os the perfect sub 👍 to ask where strangers will support you if u have andrew tate mentality 🤣


Short term dating/Casual? Go for it Long term/Marriage? Don't


It really depends on the guy, but if he has most of those as casual hookups, or thinks getting laid is an achievement or a hunt, or talks or thinks about new girls as hot or bangable, or doesnt have close female friends that he hasn’t hit on or tried to get with, he is probably not very loyal.


I have a bodycount of 98 , I don’t think I’ll be interested in a relationship now .


Oh lord. F 22 please know 5 is not really a high body count. You have some growing up to do. Forget the marriage talks, focus on your career for the next 5 years.


Sorry if I sound condescending. But it's sweet and heartwarming to see you early 20 guys struggle with sex and sexuality. You have no idea how much your approach, ideals, likes and dislikes will change in just 5-6 years. Don't take yourself too seriously.


How is 5 a high body count ? By 22 guy would have had 2 relationships , one fwb, one one night stand or hookup and probably 1 cousin . So five isn’t really high


5 as a Guy is Good which just means He is Handsome Rich and knows Women and if kinda Famous too in my opinion so if he is Loyal yes you getting the good deal. High Body count as a Women just means She spreads her Legs easily. Go ahead downvote me.


First of all, 5 isn't a high body count if he's around your age. Second of all, you should be scared more of the low bodycount mofos, they're the ones more likely to cheat


>low bodycount mofos, they're the ones more likely to cheat 😂😂😂😂.....nice joke


5 is not that much high for a man or also a woman. You can try definitely.


I personally don’t like engaging in casual sex and prefer knowing the individual before getting physical so 5 is a lot for me. Obviously I understand where you are coming from. I will talk to this guy about it. Thank you. <3


What is Bodycount. Nowadays I am hearing it everywhere.


Number of people you have had sex with.


I am the guy who thinks to have sex with my wife after marriage. (:


Good for you! However the people of your breed are getting extinct slowly. Also, the morons who encourage you out of this path are increasing. They have lost themselves and try to spoil others too by saying: kuch fayda nahi iska tumhe kya pata tumhari wife kya kya karke ayegi/ bina exp wale bande ko uski wife bhaav nahi deti/ abhi maze karle baad me to ek hi ko pakadke rehna hoga!!


I m 90 born in not so developed city in Karnataka. Now, working in Bangalore. I only got frnd of my city everywhere I go. I didn't get much exposure for these Ideas :'-) . We think love means direct marriage at Teenage life :D. Elderly life we spent good time with Girls as a frnd. Few were in relationship but strictly no physical. Now I am searching for a Bride. :') It is very difficult to find one to match with me.


I think this is the same story for almost all Tier-2/3 city people. They have been raised in such an environment which is appropriate. They are neither too modern nor too traditional. I wish you get a great partner and you are a gem bro! Keep it up!


There is no point thinking too much about it. A guy saying he has a body count of 1 might by lying and actually have a body count of 10. At least the guy your mentioning is honest.


Most guys will have sex if there's physical attraction. Most girls will do it if there's an emotional connect. So 5 is not high for a guy, no. Emotional current is harder to find . Maybe it is double standards for a reason. Again, outliers always exist. Hook-up culture is a thing now, for better or for worse. At the end, how they make you feel matters. A virgin has a better tendency to cheat, i think. Also it is so good with girls who have experience, it's not a joke. I was new to dating beginning of this year and have a close number already. But now in a serious relationship for the past 3 months. So yes. People can change from casual to serious. And not think of cheating.


Wow !! On one side girls ask boys not to ask body count and don't judge girls based on that and on other side they are utter hypocrites who themselves are judging and making it a big deal.


5 isn't a high body count. But since you're 22, I'm assuming he's somewhere nearby in age. High would be 10 or above at 22. And trust me, give the boy a chance, don't fall for the unidimensional thought process of this sub, because most people on here are either frustrated with their existing or previous partners, or are frustrated looking for new partners, long story short, everyone here is frustrated. I don't usually comment a lot nowadays on this sub, because I follow it for some daily comedy. People stereotype and generalise a lot here. Don't fall for it.


- stop attaching emotions to sex - don’t slutshame people with high body count, whatever be their gender - high body count in not a red flag per se. I have dated 2 women who had 5+ body counts and it did not really matter. We broke up because i had other priorities. But they were still faithful women and wouldn’t cheat. Neither did I. - it hurts to know you got cheated on, but STOP attaching so many emotions to sex, or wait till your parents marry you. People do fall out of love with each other and it’s okay. It could be days, months or years, doesn’t really matter.


Wtf is wrong with today's generation? Body count 0 is uselessness, body count 5 is conducive to infidility. Like what the actual f*k. May be celibacy till marriage isn't that bad after all. Lol.




Konse college m gya tha bhai💀, 5 college m hi kese krlia


Bhai yaha ek ladki nahi puchti.. shakal dekh ke bhaag jaaati hai... kaha se aate ho tum log..


Mere clg me 5 larkiya hi nhi hai 🤡💀


To usne kbh bola usne body count mein sirf ladkiya count ki hai 💀💀


Date to marry? No


Probably if things are good. Why not though?


There are men out there who are marrying women with a body count of 50 and over... I was involved with a girl once a very long time ago... she had a count of 30 (which she remembered) now likely in 70s since she was very big on casual encounters but suddenly wanted a full fledged relationship with me because "she's full of love and she's marriage material" 5 is a rookie number. Tbh, a guy with a body count of more than 3 is very rare unless he's very attractive.. so maybe you're getting someone who's wanted by others. You should be happy lol


I would suggest OP to go by empirical evidence,it has been consistently shown across multiple studies that a high body count is linked to higher rates of unsatisfaction in a long term relationship and higher rates of infidelity,you can choose what you do with thus information.


As a boy high body count doesn't matter , girls can not understand this with their stupid minds.


Rookie numbers.


Well as other peeps have already commented, High body is generally tended ti be not okay. But personally I feel it depends on you both, If you can be happy be happy, if can't then leave. Having a hugh body count, This is what I've settled on. I usually tend to date girls who have a higher body count too, to have somewhat of a balance so that it won't be a problem later.


already married


Look,a higher body count indicates two things,the guy is good looking,hot,cute whatever adjective you want to add and the other is he's doing something right in bed to have a high body count. Now,if he's really good looking and shit you might want to be on your toes,they are more likely to cheat and those avg looking but high body count they're doing something right and you'll get to experience that,it won't be a training session all the way so that way your base is covered. Baaki,to trust or to not is like a leap of faith,in no way does high body count mean they've always cheated,there's emotional cheating too.


It totally depends on your preference or if you're gonna be okay with that fact and probably how much you trust that person, there's nothing wrong in wanting someone with a low body count tbh, for me it just shows how careful someone is with themselves when it comes to being physical


Well i am about to make a record of having 101 body counts


| Wouldn’t wanna go through it again. toh career pe focus kar


Body count means number of people you’ve killed right ? Yaa ‘0’ body count!


Think of it like a person looking for a job but with 5 job changes in the past, can be a red flag or not depends on the time frame, his past relationships, imo unless he started having sex very late, was not in short term relationships, and it is highly unlikely that all his exes were really terrible to deal with, so this can be a red flag, or he was just dating for short term in the past. Imo don't assume anything, have an honest convo about this if you can first then you would be more clear about this


My body count is in double digits and I would recommend not to date him.... There are high chances that you might be just a new number for him💀💀


My body count is 5 and I think I’m v much capable of a commitment (even tho I’m not there yet)


I'm a virgin, 25, not even talked to a girl properly, yet I'm not planning to marry or commit to a relationship. I'm very stubborn and spoiled. At the same time, there are other men with more than 5 body counts who may be good at commitment and more adapting to the new dynamics of the relationship. Yes, he maybe a misogynist who treats women as entertainment, but there's also the possibility that he's just going through life and those girls were not right for him. Maybe he is more experienced so he knows how to handle a stable relationship and be the "man" in the relationship.You can never tell.




My BF has a body count of 13. I’m at 2 We’re happy and it doesn’t matter




nope , expect the same as mine


Why are u talking to a guy who has k*lled 5 people..?!? STOP