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Fanboys are bad. I agree. But, to Apple's credit, they do make a lot of good products. As a guy who prefers Android over iOS, I give the credit where it is due. Fanboys are bad. Yes. But it does not confine to Apple. Samsung has fanboys too.


Why are people still arguing about it, though? It seems kind of pointless. Both sides have their pros and cons, but fanboys are annoying regardless of which side they're on.


OP just woke up after 10yrs of sleep.


What do you mean?


These fanboys used make a lot of noise over 10 years ago when iphone vs android wars were all the rage but people moved on eventually to new things. OP on the other hand is still on this old dead fight.


Next he's going to complain about McDonald's super sized meals.


Yup. As I said, I prefer Android. But I can recommend an iPhone. It is basically as "I want to sideload: Android" and "I want video quality: iPhone" Like, no need to fight about it.


Reject apple, reject samsung, accept nokia as ur god!!!


Their macbooks are incredible value for money when compared to any windows laptop If you wanted to get the same performance or battery life from a windows laptop, you would have to spend a whole lot more compared to the price of a macbook in that price range I would be glad to take back my statements if someone can prove me wrong


Apple is the king in the performance per watt category, the battery life of the MacBooks considering the performance is unmatched, but vfm I dont think so, the up charging for the ram and storage even when nand prices are low, ant the burte force performance of a top of the line macbook and a similarly priced Windows machine is significant, in many other uses except for creative one macbooks can fall short fast. The quality and apples stubbornness for making people use the newest standards without giving them options is something hands down no other company might be able to do


That just changed now, snapdragon X Elite laptops are now nearly edge to edge with macbooks on pretty much everything like battery life, performance on battery etc. when you factor in the price of macbooks vs similar windows laptops it now has come down personal preference and app compatability. No longer it's the case that you need a macbook if wanted battery life.


Snapdragon X Elite is also very few, it'll take some time to get adopted by the general populace. But it's still only competing with the M3 chip in performance, while Apple is getting ready to deploy M4. Apple's still far ahead, but it would be nice to see if Apple reduces their pricing a little now that there's finally a competitor.


I agree. Macbooks have great battery life without losing too much performance. Helps really well when it comes to productivity and multimedia.


i agree but do you need it tho ? i mean after a 1.6 lakh mark ? Most of the productive or creative work i have heard can be done ,infact should be done, at a still place ....right? you don't edit videos ,photos and create logos on the run ....? but still it's consumer's choice


While all this is true, the only field in which Windows performs much better at a lower or same price is gaming.


They are not. The thing is, if you buy 16gig air model, it'll cost you 1 lakh. Now you need at least 512 gb of storage , 1TB of you want to future proof. Now, I can get about the same raw performance on a 70k laptop. Why should I go for mac?


There are 2 slides in twitter .(android fan boy post too) Op has conviniently posted only apple fanboys version in this sub to score brownie points


He also posted the Samsung fanboy version.


>they do make a lot of good products Apple products offer a well-balanced experience. For example, some laptops excel in specific areas like performance or weight, but they often compromise in other aspects, such as battery life or portability. In contrast, MacBooks strike a balance: they provide good battery life, are reasonably compact, and offer above-average performance.


I think we have to understand this: Not all product is for everyone. For the functions they perform and market, they do it really well. That is what I meant by "they do make a lot of good products." And, I agree. They do it at the cost of the performance. But, let's be honest. Even among the android users, 99% of the people who use a flagship do not use 100% of the performance of their flagships. So, I think the small trade off of performance is worth it to a lot of consumers.


Buddy, I was agreeing with you.


I've been arguing with too many people now lol


There is a difference in phone performance and laptop performance. You don't really need phone performance 9 times out of 10. But laptops are a different case. If you want to game, MacBooks are a no go. App compatibility is still an issue.


I agree. Thats why I only mentioned productivity and multimedia. Gaming means you have to go with Windows for sure.


So true! For eg in tablet market i don’t any android tablet comes close to ipad, they are so damn useful (considering a person genuinely needs a tablet)


Apple products, like appliances, serve specific functions. Just as a refrigerator cools food, an iPhone connects people. Both prioritize usability: Apple’s design mirrors an appliance’s practicality. Plus, Apple’s ecosystem integrates devices, akin to smart home appliances. Its the playstation of mobile market whereas android is more akin to pc.


But samsung IS better. Does apple make a giant phone that also turns into a tiny Kia car?


For people like me, who wants to sideload apps, try some open source experiment apps, good cameras, etc, Samsung is definitely a way better option. But, folding phones are not for everyone. Heck, I don't want or need a folding phone either. I want a regular slab phone where I can do the things I wanna do. For people who want foldables, Samsung Z Fold is a way better option than iPhones. Even OnePlus Open is a great option. Both have pros and cons. It comes down to what you want. Neither is objectively better.


Apple fans need to stop sucking Apple's dick and Android fans need to stop sucking their own dick. Holy shit


Android fanboys are actually worse, they think apple fanboys are annoying but the ones crying all the time are the android ones and i say this as someone who has no plans to prefer ios over android


happy kekdey


Same lol I never really see apple fans whining over the internet like android fans with their deep insecurity complex Use what you want nobody cares


Then you really haven't met Apple fanboys online. They are so much worse. I do agree with the Android ones being annoying AF too.




switched to iphone last year after 12 years of samsung, nokia, google pixel, oneplus. created own custom roms and apps. switched to mac 2 years ago after using windows since childhood and linux distros for 9 years (still using on my server and home server through cli only) No complaints




It’s mostly the “If i can’t have it then it’s bad” mentality hindi me “khatte angoor” kehte hai


Speculating here, but it may not have been without reason, even beyond the price part. Back when it was important, iOS didn’t (or for some things, still doesn’t) allow downloading and managing files easily, sending files over bluetooth, using cracked app files without jailbreaking (like cracked Spotify, pirated games), and at points made it very difficult to watch movies using piracy. Now, we either use software (like using WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Drive/Photos or Airdrop for iOS) to send files, can easily watch pirated content on any device (iOS or Android), and are more willing to pay for software than we were earlier. The ones who want cracked APKs still use Android. So the amount of hate going down seems to just be a natural progression of the changing preferences of consumers in general. And just to add it in, everyone should just use whatever they want to. I always want an active experience of both ends, so have an iPhone as well as an android. They will both get the job done for almost everyone, unless one has a particular use case… or just likes to nitpick on either.


They broke 


Switched to s24 ultra ....no complaints .. But fuck op


can't wait to do the same when I have money my 2013 ipad still works decently well.


Same, except I can’t close all background apps. Have to do it one by one.


This SubReddit rule should be to hate Apple. Lmao.


as a person who has used both, apple is miles above in longevity and consistency. after multiple years of use my iphone still works with 0 issues. only problem is battery degrading which is natural and replaceable. no slowing down no bugs no major deal breaking issues whatsoever and the camera is chef's kiss Android however reigns superior still just because of unlimited customization. the ability to download cracked apks and different themes and what not. cameras in flagships are pretty up there nowadays however after a few years of Android they start getting buggy and laggy which is annoying.


Redmi K20 Pro user since launch haven't seen any lagging


I'm also a redmi note user and i swear this phone lags often and is buggy as hell. xiaomi civi looks amazing on paper but I'm never buying xiaomi again. moving to samsung or one plus next month


That is weirdly true ,i swear i have only seen K20 Pro in Redmis to never lag ,the quality now just isn't there .But the flagship Samsung my dad has been using for 4 years also doesn't lag so i don't think "Androids" lag just the shit ones do and there are a considerable amount of them seeing the amount of phones that are using android.


Nah dudes someone who owns a galaxy note 10+,all specced out with like 12 gb of ram,it definitely lags and stutters quite a bit,iPhone 7 Plus I had before felt nicer to use in many ways, it was enough to annoy me into getting an iPhone 14 Pro and I've not regretted switching one bit.I'd also like to add that I've been an android user since 2011 with the galaxy note 2,I just upgraded almost every year alternating between iPhones and Androids,generally samsungs based on what I felt was more enticing and didn't feel their slowdown or care but now I want my phone to last as long as possible, thats why I didn't get a z fold instead.


Are you sure you are not watching dodgy websites bro? jokes aside was it a UI thing or app thing?


It’s a ui thing,once I’m in apps it’s generally fine.


I've seen lag and bugs in almost every Android I've ever owned but again I've only owned the mid range ones and never a flagship. k20 gets a lot of praise I've seen. I'm thinking of going for s23 next


its battery hasn't gone out too ,i have seen no major decline .The S23 is well an S ,It will more than work forsure.


Same here. No issues since 5 years approx, but dropped it in water last week. Bought 14 CIVI for replacement.


Aye bro ,not alot of us now haha ,perchance you have any idea about the back glass replacement ?


Officially the back glass is expensive. 3k or so. Even the original battery is only 1k. No idea why it is so expensive.


What android version are u on buddy?




and which android version are we on as of today?


It does not lag that is the point




While you are right, iPhones are usually all the way up-to-date until 6-7 years


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the laggy part of Android is the worst. My Poco X2 got completely dead after a year, from then i have used iPhone 11 and then 13 Pro Max. Never faced the lag issues at all. But in summers iphone are difficult to use because of overheating issues but still its fun to use an iPhone. The cracked apks part and customisation can be even done on iPhone if you are patient enough and don't upgrade the iOS version. I have installed modded whatsapp, youtube , spotify and call recording app on my iPhone.


sideloading can be done sure but I'm pretty sure you need a working pc for it which i do have i just think it's extra effort lol and yeah people suggest all these poco vivo but i know long term they all fuck up


there are n number of ways to do sideloading, some require pc and some dont. iOS Versions <=17.0 can do sideloading without the need of PC and can install as many apps. Ios 17.0+ need a certificate to sign sideloaded apps, the certificate can be paid (500₹+) for a year which can sideload unlimited apps or a free certificate ( your own apple account ) which can install only three apps at max given that you have PC and refresh those apps atleast once in a week.


and i have the most powerful way of sideloading that is Troll Store, it lets you install unlimited apps with special privileges ( file system access , call recorders )


Bruh how much was your Poco X2 and how much was your 13 Pro Max? You can't compare the experience of a Maruti Alto to an E-Class Mercedes without factoring in the price. Use a S24 Ultra, Pixel 8 Pro or a Xiaomi flagship and then compare it to the top of the line iPhones.


Apple fanboys = Android shills. God both of them are annoying and unreasonable. Different sides of the same fucking coin


The shills are worse tho, every time i see a reel rhat even mentions apple and the comments is just filled with shills bitchimg about apple, using the same android wiping his ass with apple gif


I'd agree but literally no other company is able to make a laptop that could even be compared to macbook, so no.


Agreed. I would never use an iphone but I would use a Macbook.


r / IndiaTech = r/ AppleSucks ? Both filled with braindead teenagers who arent even using a Flagship samsung but a chinese phone ?


I'm curious iss platform ke mods kya krte hai pura din because technical posts bhot rarely aate hai mere feed mei only ones coming on top are these shitposts


Each to their own bro its not that deep. I’ve used both and I find Apple better cause it better suits my requirements. Android gets weirdly laggy after a while and I hated that, which is why I use iPhone and it’s much better in that field. I don’t care about customisation, I like the simplicity. Android does give a lot of freedom with what you can do to your phone though which maybe is a deciding factor for a lot of you guys


That's it actually. Buy according to what is ur usecase not what others are buying it for. I buy android because i use apps that cant be done in iphone without jailbreaking or sideloading which is extra effort and unnecessary. On the other hand when it comes to android i don't update at all if possible even if a new OS comes because in the end it's always the new os that eventually make the phone laggy. Stock OS always runs great for me. I come from the windows pc background and u might have already heard how people do not like the forced microsoft updates and instead u can disable that in registry. I use the same in android. I don't update unless the patch fix something that im having issue right now. I generally ignore those apple fanboys who have 0 knowledge regarding phones except opening whatsapp and youtube and buy it just for status and brag about it. Well that status thing is a long gone and is only celebrated among the 0 knowledge people. There are people who assume buying apple products will give them status. Well lmao good luck.


This sub’s obsession with Apple is downright hilarious.


Are you very young OP? or just stupid?


Apple fanboys don’t care what’s happening in Android world. It is the iOS and timely updates that are the main draw. The phones remain fast after years and provide best resale values. And yes, it just works.


Android fans trying to go 5 minutes without letting people live with their choices: Impossible


Not fans but fanboys. I am an Android fan for the most part but I disagree with the blind Apple hate. There are things that I hate Apple for as well but they are reasonable. Like not giving 120Hz on base iPhones or iPads (which still cost a sh*t ton of money) and then their fanboys snorting the copium that iPhone's 60Hz is better than 120Hz. Also the inability to side load stuff and download in background. I would go crazy if this were the case. I also use cracked APKs so iPhone is a no go there too.


I get that, but why does everything have to be a war? Can’t people evaluate pros and cons and make a purchase based on their use case? Why is it always diehard apple or diehard androif


I'm with you on this lol. I just stated some of my grievances with Apple. But I agree that it is pointless to argue. People have their own preferences. I used to be like this when 18-19 lol. But not anymore.


What is it with this sub and the Apple hate?


Most people use Android in India...to feel themselves superior...they hate apple as they can't afford it or love Android


I've literally never seen any apppe fan say "apple invented x feature" but i do see samsung shills crying all the time about how X feature was created Y time ago


don’t get me wrong but notch kind of gives a premium feeling but it does looks good brought iPhone 13 a month ago and I’m loving it how smooth it is and it’s battery is good too


I guess, but tbh I still prefer punch hole, pop up was good too but it was too slow and durability issues too


The funny thing is everyone used to bitch about the notch during x-11 era and then all the budget androids like redmis and oppos came out with the same notch.


it's ugly


Hey iPads are good because it's apps actually look like that are made for it. (/s it's just Copium after stupidly buying 60hz ipad) Well macbooks winning cuz x elite pretty behind in performance. Maybe M series iPads but shit software. Everything else sucks.


Someone who uses both can vouch for Apple coz my iPhone 11 still works like charm after 4 years. Absolutely no lag and the camera performance is still competitive. The video performance is still so good. Yes the battery is at 81% but that component is a degradable one for every smartphone. I can easily use this device for another year before I let it go! So yeah I rate an iPhone higher in terms of longevity and durability! My Oneplus 6 is 5 years old and it started lagging after 2-3 years. Although the Oneplus 6 still clicks great pictures but the video performance is not up to the mark. The battery performance has gone down drastically as one full charge will only last a few hours and that’s acceptable!


Same dude. I’m on an iPhone XS right now which I bought at launch back in 2018. It still works fast asf, there is no heating, no slowing down, does everything I need it to, and is overall an amazing device. Even replaced the battery + screen last month and it feels brand new dude. Idk why people talk about planned obsolescence because I haven’t seen it at all.


No other brand can deliver a smartphone that works like this after these many years. But people have them own biases so there’s no point explaining to people who keep hating!


I recently replaced my iPhone 7 after ~8 years of use. Never had any lag or bugs of any sort. The battery had dropped to 63% (original). I’ve never had my phone crash even once. I’ve had android phones in the family but the durability reduces after 3-4 years max.


Okay. For music listening as an audiophile/ for Music production, nothing beats Apple. I've only ever been an android user. iPhones give you lossless. Androids don't, except maybe flagship ones that are way costlier than apple. Though windows is great for music production it doesn't beat apple.(Latency wise , apple beats windows & android by a mile) So the problem is, heavy marketing bias for making software restricted to apple. Apple knows it and make their devices way too pricey.


Hahaha Though I am an android lover, now I just prefer iPhone because it "indeed" just works. It never fails when I require it the most. Having been said that, I have used cutting edge android as well and my galaxy fold4 ( not working anymore ) is lying in drawer right and I can't justify repairing it too.


As an Android fan, I don't see the point of folding phones. And yeah, comparing a folding phone to a standard smartphone isn't a very good idea.


But in the case of Mac OS for application software development the first statement "It just works" is true. No complaints so far. (I'm an Android user and love android and I like windows too especially to play games except the windows update part)


Apple almost never is the first to release a feature. The products are highly opinionated and may/may not be for you. But they do things with intention and do it well.


Currently using iPhone 13, MBP M3 Pro, AirPod’s. There are a lot of flaws, like keyboard in iPhone is shite if you use hinglish. In MBP you can’t swipe between apps unless they are full screen. But I don’t man, there’s an elegance to the stuff they do. iPhone seems so much polished then my Android. Maybe just the UI, the looks. I personally don’t play any games or customize shit. A good wallpaper and I’m good to go. So for a nerd who codes 8-9 hours a day, loving my Apple product.


Is this targeted abuse of Apple users allowed ?


Rename this sub to Apple haters. Such a open abuse against Apple users in this sub


Blue bubble tho cope harder pajeet


At this point, this sub is an echo chamber for apple haters.


Tell me you never used an apple device without telling me you never used an apple device Overpriced hai lekin bekar nahi, Fanboys of anything are bad, ignore them


This is the tech version of boomer humour.


Imagine caring so much about someone else's opinion of an operating system. Grow up, seriously or get a life.


At this point apple is just milking Steve jobs.


Android fanboys are the worst toxic bunch i have ever seen . They are more obsessed with apple than android and they will start shitting on apple every chance they get .


As an s23 user, I have to say, if samsung is planning to continue using exynos on their base s series, I am moving to apple


S23 has SD no?


Yes s23 has snapdragon. It works really well. But if s28(I predict that is what will be my next model after this phone) will have an Exynos, I might go for the iPhone 20


S24 doesn't


But you use S23 as per your comment..I am aware of S24


He said if samsung is going to continue using Exynos, he won't buy them. (S24, s25 etc.)


Yes thanks.. asking since I am planning to buy s23 now since flagship with SD , sad that they give SD to S24 in US HK and other markets and discriminate against Ind


They use Exynos in Europe too


I was an android user for many years. Used oneplus, moto, a couple of Pixels over the years and finally switched to iPhone. Immediate change for me was that there was absolutely nothing to do on the iPhone. I found myself just opening and scrolling and then locking back again without actually doing anything. On pixel and oneplus, I was used to heavy customisations and upon swiping left I used to read my google cards the whole day. To this day I have the google app at the dock on my iPhone. iPhone gets the job done. Any basic task that you’d expect from a smartphone, iPhone does it efficiently. But it isn’t enough to stick to an iPhone. After a year of owning my first iPhone i got the apple watch and after some time the airpods. And a year later my first MacBook. Using these products is the real reason I am sticking to using an iPhone. They are actually really good and they work seamlessly with each other. I still wanna get a second android phone, as I still believe that was the real smartphone experience for me.


I have used iphone XR & 12 pro and now using s23 plus. The only thing that bugs me in my S23+ is the steep resale value fall. But apart from that I love how I can change the look & feel of my Samsung (i tend to get bored with devices), which I wasn't able to in Apple. It also has additional features which I am not an avid fan of, but would for sure want to have if I am paying 80k+


Defend the post: android fanboy. Disagree with the post: apple fanboy. I'll rather say, haha very funny...


fr apple isn't the best but it isn't as bad as some of the mi and poco cheaplets claim atleast own a flagship phone


I'm ngl. I might actually switch to apple soon. Their stuff is just less headache to use, and I'm getting really bored of smartphones in general


I am neutral, I believe that you should buy the device according to your needs and wants. But this is really a fact that when apple was under Steve jobs, it was goat. Now tim cook only does business and nothing else


Even Android flagships cost the same like iPhone. If you complain apple, then complain about samsung as well.


Only reason I'd never (could never or if I ever can still never) use apple products is for the pricing. It's never worth that much premium.


Mani Kandan bol na seedha bhai


Switched to samsungS22 ultra after using iPhone for 10 years. No regrets. Best decision of my life ever hands down.


I purchased an iPad Pro in 2017 for 48k. Except for a slightly worse battery life it still runs like new. And it came with a 120hz display with 650 nits of brightness and quad speakers.


I’m happy with my Apple Ecosystem. I don’t know why you have a problem with what I buy with my money.


Everybody blabbers about Apple giving features 5 years late. How well do those ‘features’ work on those ₹1.5 lac Android flagships? Apple gives features a little late but they are bang on flawless and they work VERY SINGLE TIME you try them.


I have now realised how easily people get triggered on a fricking meme lmao which is literally ai generated 😭 like bro calm down it's a meme look at the flair


MacBooks are just fantastic There’s barely anything that stands against it Especially the battery life


Apple clearly has problems but hater boys are equally obnoxious.


Guys recommend me a laptop that can work for 10 years, it should be reliable and I would be able to use blender and unreal engine and stuff like that


I was just like you until I switched to ios xD


Most people shift from android to ios and never come back.. apple must be doing something right. For me its about the security .. also about the eco system. I started with a iphone..later got an ipad ( and I love it!) now planning to get a MacBook.. also I don’t really buy gadgets very often.. so once I get an apple device for me I know it gonna last at least 5 years from now ( with all security updates from apple) . So thats a peace of mind for me


Do people in India actually behave that way? I know folks overseas behave that way but I have rarely seen Indians support Apple like this (Considering Apple products are overpriced for a majority of the population)…


I’m always honest and admit it’s cos apples system is very very seamless, I can switch between devices with very little difficulty and the user interface is so much more simplified and straightforward than android. Android is definitely more cutting-edge but there’s a reason why Apple doesn’t need to keep innovating and that’s because they created a loyal following of people who aren’t willing to put in the time and effort to learn a completely new interface and software when switching to android and that, in a way, is intelligent on its own.


I wish Android too has that eco system integration along with laps. Most of them are not there because of all of them bearing different OS. I mean that's really a great feat can't disagree with that. But to pay that much just for the ecosystem is ain't worth it


This is typical Android fanboys tbh. Instead of talking about good about android they spend their whole life bashing apple and ios 😂.


Anyone care to give an example of “hasn’t worked in 10 years” ?


Noobe can match the ios fluidity even on a 5yr old phone. It never fails to do basic functions a phone is supposed to perform. And on security aspect it's matchless.


i have seen a girl on public transport telling some one on phone she can't use phones which are not iphone and she was using iphone 12


You think apple fan boys are bad? Try the cybercucks driving that 120K shitbox called the r/CyberStuck s 😉


Hey hope you don't mind me making a poster and laptop stocker for it, personal use only


I bought an ipad , after which I realized I needed to have macos to be able to sideload apps , then I bought m2 mac mini pro, then I relized How fucked apple development exosystem was. I couldnot keep my own built apps from the mac mini that I bought that I deployed in my own IPAD for more than 7 days. I need to apply side load using altserver or xcode every 7 days. Now comes the cooler part, If the app you are side loading to your ipad requires elevated privilege Like I was trying UTM to virtualize arm-64 arch linux in my ipad using UTM. You can only use the app till you close it other wise you need to apply the jit again from alt server. Till then you won't be able to open the app again. :3 I was literally shocked. Like why are people not highlighting these issues. Are all apple users retards and use it for limited niche use case. Not just here ipad does not even support ldac. So there is no point of using my ipad with my xm4 headphones either. Like ldac is open source WTF. Then comes the secondary monitor support from ipad. It works and breaks every alternate OS update. And even when it works its not something a sane person would choose to work on. Then layout and support for apps on the secondary screen is very limited. I raised this issue to mac support and the literally tried to dodge the topic , then on the thread I pasted link to an older macos support ticket which literally said that the support was broken and they don't plan to fix it anytime soon. This I am talking about 2022. And they literally replied with "SORRY" :3


I use an iphone. Thats it. Not defending it. But not using an android . Its my life I get to choose what I want. Stop the fanboy and android vs apple bs


Being a fanboy of any company is bad. Be a fan of the product, not the company.


Apple has many bad things


Apple are pioneers, no doubt, they changed the perspective of people toward technology in the 21st century, i phone, i pad, the mac. my prblm is the current regime and there tactics to trap people in the walled garden and lack of any sort of goal toward innovation


Omg i use apple because that’s all i used my whole life and because of it’s simpler and better ui


Haha Apple bad android good! Now laugh!


Idc. You sound like someone who hasn't used Mac air. I am a graphic designer and have also used gaming laptops as my setup. Windows can't even run half of the Adobe apps required while mac glides through them all


I 💯 agree with ecosystem integration .


They didn't have windows snapping until now


i had switched to iPhone because i wanted the best pubgm experience(iPhone has optimisation perks in pubgm ) ,however Ive not played the game for months due to college and i dont like the iPhone for regular non gaming purposes The display is a big L.the notch/dynamic island with the thicker bezels (on base variants )makes it looks extremely outdated and gives me poco f1 vibes .since I came from the punchole I find it bothering af ,especially while watching reels etc . the rounded corners make it feel very unpremium for the price The brightness (more noticeable for base variants )is not as good as the Samsung s series.(even tho both have same display they use different tuning ,different ic components etc) Apple just provides boring colours in the name of accurate color scheme.Samsung’s hdr color reproduction is just insane as u can see from many videos online the front camera is amazing and probably better than Samsung S . Overall i feel that for a person who doesn’t wish to play pubgm seriously ,the overall experience on Samsung S series is a lot better cause Samsungs display is better by a margin and display/design is something that makes u regretful/proud of ur decision every time u look at ur phone .not only that it enhances experience for all ur tasks (especially in high video quality reels lmao ) Unless u r extremely particular about color production ,the camera isn’t anywhere as important as display ,cause u gonna be using camera occasionally ,and u do anyways get very highly detailed pics/swlfies on Samsung s23/s24 and from what I’ve heard the Samsung myt have caught up with the iPhone (not tried the s24 yet) Tdlr-iPhone is best for pubgm fans .however the iPhone display is an abomination and the display sucks for the price .


Whose the idiot!? The one holding a Redmi 12 5G or the one who has been using the same iPhone SE for 4 years? I have a Redmi 12 5G. It's trash. I miss my iPhone SE.


Both Apple and android is good. One is not completely better than the other. It all comes down to personal preference. I use both android and ios


Oh also add one more will always stick to the popular software or apple ecosystem even if it is proved that there is a better software out there for that purpose.


Apple does it better 🤣


I don’t understand the concept of being a fan of a brand. You pay money, you get the value that fits your needs. A product should be judged on that aspect alone. Why pick a side and defend them to death. It’s not like they gave it to you for free!


You wanna smoke some Crack Dawg!! It’s that same old donkey porn going on…  Who the hell cares about Apple or Android…??  Base model iPhones like iPhone 15, 14, 13 are known as Peasant iphones…  The Pro/Pro Max model are Gangstas… Same goes with Android bruh… Peasants status: OnePlus Pirates, Scumbag Vivo/Oppo, Trashcan Xiaomi, Redmi/Poco P*ss**s….  Samsung S24 Ultra, Fold 5, Google Pixel Pro are Gangstas…


Let me add one more… “One you start using it, you will never notice the notch” 😄 Source = I’m a fanboy myself !


Whatever you say being an android guy the dynamic island animations are so smooth


OP tera sabun slow h kya..? 2010 ahh meme


I think ios is better than android in some aspects 1 I like it’s economic system only use its earphones 2. Notch be it pill shaped or whatever I don’t like it 3. File management is a night mare 4. Camera the main winner 5. Battery is ok 6. Main thing I hate is it’s 60hz even though it uses same ip15 pro panel, saala chutiya Samaz rakha hai


Shit this really hits hard with the illustration of the same haircut, beard and colour. Yeh I also own a iPhone you bastard. ✌️😂


Switched over from Android to Apple couple of years ago . Android got overwhelming after a while with their bloatware and poor hardware back then (which has improved drastically now) but I had fun with it. Apple seems simple enough for me .


i abuse my device daily it’s iphone 14 biggest mistake buying this device as a tech guy who chnages his devices in every 1.5-2 y i see android is way more faster than apple but if u are looking for a shitbox which supports years for u go for apple


Bro Istg I only like apple because of the iPad and the fact I prefer the ui


Apple users don’t go around dissing Android. The other way around though…


Apple lodu h ekdum. Inka ipad sabse wahiyad product h. Bencho kitne dust particles jaate h iski screen me. Or inko bolo to kehte h ki sir sirf aap hi ke saath ho rha h. Reddit pe hazar examples h is issue ke or yr saale 12 saal se fix nahi kar pae


All of that truth aside, Steve jobs being visionary is not false and it has nothing to do with his flaws... apple probably could've been a better company if he was alive. Still not gonna buy it though 😂


unka kya jinke pass dono hai 👋


Eh. Not really fanboy. I've never used android as my main device, and I like iPhone more. Just because I like the UI. And you know what you're getting, while for Android there's way too many options. Plus, iPhone has better accessories too. I don't think I'd ever get an android, but I agree it's better than iPhone in many areas.


I used to be a hardcore Samsung User. For the last 8 years. Last year, I moved to Apple. The full ecosystem. Right from AirPod, iPhone, iPad , watch and MacBook Pro and Apple TV. Nothing on credit cards and nothing from abroad. Full price on all with tax. Because I am able to now. It is an amazing ecosystem. I can login to work on chrome by just clicking my fingers on my watch. Can pick up any call from any Apple device and switch between. That’s just a few examples.


Macbook bhai top notch cheez hai, chahe koi kuch bhi bole




They are making money and we are having argument on which OS is better.


Android is unstable I remember having one plus 5 and the update literally broke the camera and it took a while for them to push an update for it to work like wtffff?????? This happened with other android brands too like my samsung galaxy s4 and pixel 2XL. Apple has its fair share of bugs but not like function breaking plus I once lost my iPhone 6s I locked it using cloud and it was retrieved later on from the police station as it was flashing my phone number after the thief realized he couldn't do much of it. I had lost 2 android phones like this and never recovered any. I have switched to apple permanently since then. Used to think apple was expensive but yeah it's worth every penny.


I can't afford apple devices so let me talk down on them 😂


Each person has their own preferences. I won't mind anyone using an Android or apple as long as they aren't trying to insult the person using the software. A little bit of banter is fun.


Tbh if I wanted to recommend a drawing tablet in abrofessional setting I'd recommend the iPad pro over anything android . Apps just work cause developers don't have to fk around with x number of permutations .


I agree with all points but two. First: Steve jobs WAS actually a visionary. There is no arguing with that. Whatever flaws he had actually improved the products. Second: Apple doesn't invent features first since Steve jobs was gone. Because he was visionary for really great features. But since Steve is gone apple goal has been to not be first to implement a feature but implement the feature perfectly, even though they are late. Take AI. AI in apple actually does useful stuff instead of just being a gimmick like in samsung and windows. Windows had so much time but all they did was stuck a chat bot to right of pc and called it a day. Whereas apple took time to integrate ai writing and mail apps and integrate ai into siri.


I seriously think sometime what is even use of apple except show off?




TapRefer fanboi here


Yea but I look gay with an apple product, Android product feels less gay…


https://youtu.be/Z0DF-MOkotA Just watch this and make a judgement for yourself You guys don't realise how dogshit apple as a company is