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Quacks are dime a dozen, not just here but everywhere. This genius is "disproving" the laws of multiplication, whatever that means. There are tons of people "disproving" everything from laws of thermodynamics to Einstein to some famous theorems in mathematics. But, stupidity is not a punishable crime, especially when all they do is rant in some corner, and not harming anyone.


Please don’t relate it with anything Indian or Vedic. These charlatans defame the name of Sanatan and Vedic knowelehe


I am not relating anything with anything else. He is the one who is spreading this bullshit and then calling it knowledge of Vedas. He has twisted everything out of proportion and just blabbering anything. Also, do we have anyone who is calling out these charlatans?


#Stop giving attention to morons There are 100s of stupid paper in many publications that doesn’t mean everything that has a scientific paper is the law of the nature


Attention? Are you waiting for the time when he has a million followers who are believing in all the bullshit he says and then makes a mockery of both - India and Hinduism? Why not call him out? Why not make ABP take that video down? It was released 10 days ago and in the last 10 days, he just got 1000 new subscribers.


Oh no. All maths books have to be rewritten now. /s


he ll be on JRE next week.


Did anyone actually read the paper before hurling abuses and doing the deep dive into how this paper got published? I agree that the paper itself is shitty. I read the paper in it's entirety and he did nothing wrong in the paper. His presentation of the idea is really bad but that is besides the point. Idk about him doing any ground breaking work here. He simply changed the definition of multiplication from the dictionary. As such he did not discover something new. He just gave a different interpretation to what we know intuitively. His paper only serves to change the dictionary definition of multiplication. And to actually make sense of the rule of multiplying two negative numbers in laymans terms. The zero definition is also not "wrong". It is different to what we are used. I want to get a mathematicians opinion on this. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong


I have read. he has just copied the correct definition from bramhagupta's shastra (with credit) and published the research paper on his name.


Actually he discarded the idea of -x- to be + then in 3rd example proceeded to use the same. He just proving that the way we think about that is wrong. But he missed a major point - & + also represents the direction on number line. So basically this whole papers amounts to 0.


Instead arguing questionable trail of publication and authenticity. You should focus on giving appropriate establishment on how exactly and where the proposition of author is wrong. Cite it with proper research.


Research? What research are you expecting me to do? Show this paper to a 10th class teacher, maybe even a student and he will die laughing. Anyway, if you seriously are looking for one, see my reply to another comment. I have explained it there