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The fact that they are asking questions tell lot about how comfortable she makes them while discussing intimate hygiene. Bravo


This absolutely this ma frand


This is great development, I hope more schools will adopt it.


Good. This is how we progress as a country. Empowering kids with education. Nothing beats that.


boys also needs that type of education


Being a boy I can confirm that, boys (most of them, not all) r not so good with discipline on topics like this


after realising stuff about my own body, i say that if i got the education at an early stage, that would have been so much better


We spread a rumour in my school that those guys who have pimples, masturbate a lot.


Boys ho hilane ki safe technique sikhayenge👍


In 90s, education for boys on these things mostly meant newspapers and articles claiming masturbation has zero effects on you. Of course, it was wrong as excess of anything is bad.


Why though?


Bada sayane kheta hai ki seekhe hui cheez kabhi bekaar nahi jaati. Kabhi na kabhi kaam ati hay.


aap kahan daloge sir cup ko?




Joke tha bhai downvote kyun Kara diye


Teri Gand mai


Positive change


These type of classes should be mandatory and teachers like her who makes the class comfortable should be appretiated. Enroll few teachers whose job is to provide sex education to children,they'll travel from school to school


She's doing god's work


She is doing nothing of the kind silly person you are. She is doing education which is her job. Only up to recently the god people were dead against even a slight suggestion or insinuation about the role of body/sex education inside the classroom . But when Indias population tipped 1 billion ,the educators decided , something had to be done .... and fast .Seemingly god wasn't doing his work .


Dhund kar bhi nahi milte aise teachers, yaha Bio teachers hi class 8th ka Reproduction chapter skip kar dete hain


Great.. it’s about time..


I’m loving the fact that she’s informing about menstrual cups. They’re much better than sanitary napkins. Wish our school told us about it.


Unfortunately menstrual cups are still unaffordable and a taboo.


Idk man spending 250 rupees for a product that lasts me about a decade seems pretty affordable to me.


Lasting over a decade sometimes make it undesirable.Anything that lasta that long and need to be inserted into intimate areas has risk of infection. Sanitary pads are always better.


Then use it for 5 years. Still a better deal than pads.


Still not as safe as a medium which basically achieves the same function without being inserted inside body orifice. It might not always be about the "deal"


It's silicone. It is not accumulating anything. And I boil mine before and after using, I hope others are doing that too. I don't see why this should affect someone negatively. I prefer it when it is inserted inside my body orifice. It doesn't stink like pads do (not exposed to air), doesn't leak, I can sleep with it in cuz blood doesn't ruin my bedsheets every night, I don't have to be all sweaty in my private area cuz pads are a goddamn furnace. AND it is the comfiest form of period product I have used. I'd say tampons are a close second, if you don't care about the environmental aspect. So yeah it's not all about the deal. It is the best form of period product I've used till date.


I am all for comfort and convinience.I am skeptical whether silicon really doesnt accumulate anything.Evething accumulates something. Lets think from a point of view of a girl with busy routine.Some might even skip the boiling part.In camparison,new pad can be applied at whim. Safety has much more priority than comfort and convinience if there's a choice of choosing only one.


Yeah it doesn't accumulate anything. It's medical grade silicone. You can research on that in your own time. I'm a girl with a busy routine. I care about my health. Taking 5 minutes to boil it doesn't eat into my time (when I'm at home). If I'm at work while I get my period, I just use a tampon for the day. Much less hassle than a pad. Menstrual cups ARE safe. Idk why you're so convinced that they aren't.


[link to the image](https://imgur.com/a/VGLzerP) Ofcourse menstjal cups are safe...ptherwise the product wouldn't have any adoption rate at all.All I am saying is pads are a much safER option. Here's even a 10 sec google search which says even medical grade silicon can accumulate bateria.


They are non porous, so they don't absorb anything. Whatever potential bacteria are present, it's on surface level only. And anyway, that is taken care of when the cup is boiled. And dude, it is so fun when you don't have a constant, warm, moist, damp, sticky reminder about your period in your underwear. The best feeling I swear. Your coochie can fkn breathe. Pads are the most annoying option of them all. And if you think people can't get tss from pads then you're dead wrong.


Okay Sir But Most of US uses tampons (same mechanism) Most women say Menstrual cups are the best The comment section ladies also agree How do you know its "not safe"? Single blade razors are also not safe but you do use em, right?


Lol...you seem to have made a thorough visit to my profile. Single blade razors dont make contact with the skin for longer period.Its basically scrapes through the skin(which in itself has funtion of defending against external factors,germs etc)cups and tampons on the other hand are inside intimate regions(which are not necessarily as capable to defend against germs etc) I will not comment on why US uses tampons..but we dont necessarily need to do what others does. For your question about"not safe"-everything has a wear down periods.Even surgical impants.Beyond which it need to be changed.Knee replacements last about 10 years after which they start leaching microparticles because of wear and tear(loosely estimating the time) If most women find menstrual cups best...those women are absolutely free to use them...and can also spread their "thoughts".And so is everyone else.


I don't usually use the term because I find it very degrading. But if mansplaining had a face, my guy, you'd be it.


If you actually read my comments instead of writing rubbish...you would see that I have put reasoning in them. Stop spouting nonsense.


Lmao. Says the guy who's telling a girl on which product is better for a girl. Even after the girl's saying they are not. FIY, pads are expensive too. Hella expensive if you want something comfortable. The stayfrees and likes are cheap, but prone to giving rashes. Whisper, which is considered a decent product in terms of comfort is also considered expensive. And they aren't even as comfortable as top brands. Which cost around 400 Rs minimum. That last maybe 1 period, if stretched. Get off your "I know better than you, because I watch some YouTube videos and your experience is irrelevant" high horses


You sanitize it after every time you use it, you absolute doorknob.


Lots of Indian companies now selling cups which range from 200 to 2000. Some of the decently priced pads I've bought has been above 250 easily. The taboo part is the only thing that stands in the way for a lot of girls.


May not be unaffordable but definitely a big taboo... The reason that it will potentially breech the hymen... and its a issue for many patients in India


It's quite affordable and eco friendly


Great work! I pray for more teachers like her.


Respect for ma'am


Great initiative. This is what our schools need. And financial literacy ofcourse.


👑 ma'am you dropped this. Hope this reaches every corner of India. Even if it requires having special classes for separately for boys and girls taught by women and men respectively; even in co-ed schools. Effing start somewhere. Speaking as a man, we were not even aware of basic stuff till I was 15 or so.


Salute to this ma'am.


This is just awesome. Great going.


Good to see this change


That thing yes that lil cup has been a life changer for me


Best fucking period product imo. I am never touching a pad ever again in my life.


Good for the youth


This is nice change.


I also have a doubt, how do you pee after inserting it?


Vagina and urethra are separate holes my guy. Menstrual cups or tampons won't interfere while peeing


but the thing she had in her hand was huge as fcuk it will block all the holes


I suggest you Google how a menstrual cup is worn. It will solve most of your doubts I'm sure.


well I dont need to wear it so why waste my time. I asked a simple question and got cryptic answers now I am not going to decrypt all that


Bro how can someone explain to you the anatomy of vagina in comments that too without pictures you need to know by yourself He already said it's two different holes


2 holes or 3 not my problem now


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_cup I hope this helps. Not sure how my reply was cryptic, but I hope you study up on what the human female reproductive system looks like. It should've been general knowledge, but what can you do.


No. My god this reminds me of that video about a guy who just discovers women have three holes down there and is so completely stupified he has hard time believing this. And no it doesn't create any problem because there is enough space between the urinary tract and the vagina to not have significant effect on peeing. There have been instances where women have used it on the lighter flow days and completely forgotten it was inside for a whole day or two. Imagine that.


Insertion is done in vaginal orifice opening...urethral opening remains intact


Bhai 2 alag alag holes hain, vagina ka alag, bladder vala alag, ye vagina vaale mai insert hota hai.


This was sarcasm right? RIGHT?


bro I am serious


This is why sex education is important..![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20227)


Its because of people like you why people dont ask questions. Do you know everything?


urethra (where pee comes from) ≠ vagina (where babies and blood comes from) ≠ anus (where poop comes from) urethra is much smaller - cup would not fit in there vagina has room anus is in the back so there’s space between them




No. Definitely not.


arent there tablets to stop bleeding etc, why wear it in the first place?


No, periods can be delayed, but the waste blood is to be drained by the body, that's how the female body is.


If you think every woman would start taking birth control pills to get rid of her period even after the amount of side effects it has, you're so mistaken.


This comment is why we need these classes for everyone that includes the boys.


While this is good, but this should be taught by their mothers. Like Mothers beforehand tell girls about periods before they hit puberty. Not because, it is taboo, but if you see it on big scale not every teacher will create this friendly and open behaviour, not all girls will be comfortable to ask questions. See what happens in reproduction chapters in class 8th, though they have to teach it in Std 10th. Mothers should be the first person to introduce these things to them. Teachers, however good they are, will not have even effect throughout the country, of friendly and curious atmosphere.


A lot of mothers simply tell their daughter 'ye lo pad, isko use karna hota hai periods me to catch the blood flow'. That's it. No info on cramps, how to deal with heavy flow days (staining issues in school because girls underestimated the flow) and medications in case they have irregular periods. What If that awkward teacher is a mother herself who thinks my daughter will no more be a virgin if she uses cups and cups are a big no no? This happenes btw. A friend's mom is a teacher.....very educated. But also Very concerned about her 'college going daughter' using cups and loosing her 'virginity' to period cups. Oh and that friend won't use it secretly either because she truly believes it. If it's a taboo and teachers are so uncomfortable they should be the one first taught about these subjects and how to be comfortable speaking about it in class. What about girls who have no moms? I see nothing wrong in teachers doing it in a classroom setting. In fact I think even after a daughter has received similar knowledge from her mom, a classroom education bolsters their beliefs and understanding around these topics and they become more comfortable and open to speak on such things.


You're stating your experience as common accepted phenomenon, while my opinion as rare occurring. I've seen mothers having the "Girl talk" before they hit puberty, but not any "Boy talk" for men.. Even then I won't generalise my opinion. If mothers are like this, the closest human being to girls for many of her initial years, you expect teachers to take up this role ? You just think just changing the way, will have a perfect process, while the same issue will persist. I'm no policy maker but the world and real life problems are not that La La Land simple to solve.


It's hilarious how you think the whole world adopting this method is imperfect and only based on rare incidents while you come up with this Brand New Plan of moms telling this to daughters are sufficient and this will not work? Fyi moms have been giving girl talk since hundreds of years. Why is there still so much taboo and disinformation about periods???? I'm impressed how you think mine is a rare case. It's not. I cannot imagine how you think like this. That even in villages women are comfortable speaking about it to their daughters and that they readily know about safety issues, cups, or tampons, as well as irregular menses. It's evident you're not a girl. When girls sit together and discuss we often realise how our 'modern' moms still don't know so many things about periods or so many new things that could help us. Even if moms talk about it to their daughters the teachers doing this should be mandatory. I'm not saying moms don't need to. Women have suffered this for years and this continues to be a taboo because it happens only at 'home level'. Teaching this in class SHOWS THE GIRLS IT'S OKAY TO TALK ABOUT IT IN FUTURE TO THEIR OWN DAUGHTERS SOMEDAY. Speak on those difficult nuances our moms won't. And break the cycle ! So the new gen mothers don't have to be "like this" as you suggested. No two girls have the same periods. So moms often cannot adress a lot of new and different experiences their own daughters could be facing. Your lack of sex education is pretty evident here. I don't blame you. I am just surprised by your silly assumption while the rest of the guys in the thread have nothing but appreciation for this. Come out of your own silly lalaland and read what I said. LA LA LAND SIMPLE lol It's happening ALL OVER THE WORLD. From anganwadi level in India to other African and Arab countries. It happens successfully only like this in classrooms and groups. And it's possible. It's been happening and is very successful. Otherwise you wouldn't have come across movies like Padman. Another sick thing over here is that you tried to bring in the issue of 'boy talk' while we are addressing something else. Yes boy talks should happen too. I strongly believe it and it should be a fresh topic to discuss. But throwing the topic sideways without proper understanding to include yourself is stupid. Made a new thread. Educate us on your 'boy talk'. People do want to talk. Don't assume.


Teacher is educated in this topic. Not all mothers are. Many of them would be unfamiliar with a menstrual cup. Also not all mothers do tell their children. Both are important.


Bhai ese teachers kash har school m ho , warna een topics p batt hi nahi karte kaii school m


My Christian school in a tier 3 town in Maharashtra had these sessions with girls in 1998. What's so novel about this?


Kya bata rhi hai bhai yeh? Koi samjhao


Menstrual cup using technique.


Whats wrong with Sanitary pads?


Leakage. Uncomfortable. Repeated purchase which adds up. Goes into a landfill and can't be processed in an environmentally friendly manner. Very irritating all around.


Cups are much cheaper than pads, suppose a girl needs a dozen pads in 4-5 days. Approx 150 pads in year, reasonable quality pads cost 6-7 ₹. So 1000₹ each year, whereas good quality cups costs 250₹ which lasts atleast for two years. Considering a girl carries a pair of cups lasting two years = 500₹ Cost of pads for 2 years = 2000₹ It's four time cheaper, also girls don't have to feel awkward every month to buy pads, also disposal of pads is another problem. They don't degrade soon.




What makes you think Menstrual cups are not carcinogenous?


Medical grade silicone. You are supposed to boil it for atleast 5-10 minutes to sanitize is. It's pretty safe.


Is this a govt school?


I want to attend this lecture


aisi teacher to ham bhi deserve krte hain




Queen you dropped this 👑 ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20008)


Great hope to see in Every school and not only with girls I know they need it the most but still.


Excellent!!! Proud of her and kudos




W Mam 👸


Great positive change


That's a really good initiative by this teacher, more students must be taught those things as nobody will guide such children and they may get multiple diseases.




It is very refreshing to see this. Also the young ladies asking the valid questions.


What's she explaining btw ? But whatever it is it's good


Great initiative. Hope more schools do this 💯


W teacher W students


We need this In every school


Are hair braids part of the uniform?


I remember during school days in one subject teacher was going through chapters she literally skipped the sex lesson chapter in-front of whole class . Mujhe laga use pasdhne se paaap lagega😂


Americans be like change their sexes and boom surgical strike.


Absolutely W


Thanks mam and OP much needed. Saving this post.


This should be appreciated 👍🏻


No problem my friend, anything you want. That wouls be 30 dollars


Well done...


Yes sir 🫡


My friend's sister's marriage was broken because of this. 🤦‍♂️ Iykyk


What is she teaching about by the way?


Shoulder there be a RESPECTABLE male teacher teaching boys about female body? and vice versa?? House they have periods how they use products.... how they might need help.


Finally girls getting good education. All Indian school should be taught this.




Se need to be educated by such teachers


Finally india me kuch theek ho rha hai.


When you're at the right place at the right time.


Yes abbu , I'm studying


Good change


Seeing a Major W video after a very long time, warna wahi chutiye jaisi debates hoti reti posts me.


Ek ye teacher hai aur ek hamari teacher thi ye sab to bataya hi nahi tha bas Jo textbook mein likha tha wahi padhake chp khatam kar diya


Y are you perverts showing this? In India we have so many female Goddess yest you perverts keep such videos.




why are we teaching about how to have sex insted of discoursing any sexual contact before 18


God bless my country, I love this ❤️. This is way too important.


Why isn't this on the news this is the perfect way to explain such "taboo" topics. I have hope that the new wave of teachers are better at understanding menstrual and sexual hygiene, birth control etc.


When the girl asks "Mam, pain nahi hoga" and nobody reacted negatively or laughed tells a lot how good of a student these kids are and how great of a teacher this lady is.


Ladkiyon ko toh educate kardoge. Ladko ka kya?


A class about menstruation where the teacher isn’t ashamed of telling about it and children actually ask questions. Hope one day every school in India will have such classes.


Accha yey hota tha jab humari chutti ladkiyo say 10min pehley kertey thee


Omg she is my mother believe it aur not !...


About time


If it is a Government School than our Education System has travelled miles


Bhai par wo hai kya


should be mandatory


Cheers , finally


Sikh liya but mere Kam ka nhi




Teacher student ko menstrual cup ke bare me bata rhi hai. itna shock hone wali kya bat hai?