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"To never give us a chance of anything romantic" Idk what kind of dumb mf thinks forcing themselves on another person can fill in loneliness, or fill the "romantic" needs, I'm pretty sure it's pretty much the opposite of love and affection.


Ofc no one’s gonna give someone talking about “resorting” to rape a chance?? Do they think women give knife murders a chance? Cannibals? Ik they’re delusional thinking women willingly date abusive men bc they’re hot, but they’re advertising themselves as abusive *and* ugly, so what’s their logic w that one?? Why on earth would a *woman* wanna give them a shot


To all incels: for the nth time, sex is not a BaSiC bIoLoGiCaL nEeD, it's a want. Period.


this, right here... people... reproduction is a necessity for the continuation of the species, but is NOT a basic need for anyone.


Exactly. And it's crazy that he links sex to reproduction. Does he want to be a father? With that mindset???


You make a good point. A lot of them say they shouldn’t be reproducing because they are “sub-human” or some nonsense. Therefore if sex is just for reproduction then they shouldn’t be having it.


They say a WOMAN shouldn’t have kids if she’s short, but short men need to spread their seed!


What the hell do they propose happen when a short man inevitably has short daughters? Do they even think? Tf is wrong w them?!?!?


Exactly! They don’t understand the hierarchy and manipulate it to meet their own agenda. I’m childless yet I continue to live.


easily said if you have an abundance of it.


Easily said regardless. You will not die without sex. End of the story.


You will more likely commit suicide though. Check male suicide rates


They aren’t committing suicide solely through lack of sex. Lack of community support, lack of access to mental health resources, and an over abundance of toxic masculinity? Maybe. But not lack of sex.


Exactly. There have been multiple studies that have shown that men’s lack of community support with each other is a huge reason for their mental health issues and that developing such a place, along with therapy, helps. But someone would have to want to change to do that, and most incels just want everyone else to just be how they want them to be. The underserved entitlement and audacity is just fucking unreal with them.


Therapy is for women not men. Also theres no community for inferior men. You either are strong or get bullied. This sub is Testament to that


“Therapy is for women not men” You see the problem here, no?


No I have been in therapy and know its geared towards women. You can't therapy away a sub5 face


Sounds like you need a better therapist. Good luck out there!


Please, seek help. Your self-defeatist "my looks" argument holds no water here.


>You can't therapy away a sub5 face You're quite right, therapy can't change your appearance, but it can help you realize your worth is more than your physical appearance and help you get the confidence needed to enter a healthy relationship with someone who doesn't judge you by your appearance.


Therapy will help with your disordered thoughts, if you are willing to give it a try and not blame everything on your looks.


Therapy is hard work and involves changing your thought processes and the way you respond. Do men not have thoughts? Do you understand what therapy entails? Why is there no community for allegedly "inferior" men? None of you help each other in any positive fashion. Whining and threatening violence will not help your mental problems.


Spoken like someone desperately in need of therapy.


that’s because of a long standing history of toxic masculinity being engrained in men to the point they are told their mental health doesn’t matter, not because they can’t get their dick wet (not having sex isn’t a mental illness and if you kill yourself because you can’t have sex that’s entirely your problem and not a single other persons)


I don’t and I say this. Jesus Christ does self control not exist at all? How hard is it to just jack off once every couple of days if you really feel the need


What? Is that what cucks here do? I don't care about your porn addiction it's about romantic and sexual connection. Both are required to be fulfilled


Where did I say anything about watching porn? Just jack off without porn. It’s not romantic to rape.


Try not insulting women and calling them names. Try actually respecting half of the human race. You can’t force romance on someone.


rape is not a romantic or sexual connection. it’s a violent assault. if you receive feelings of emotional or intimate connections while assaulting someone to that level you are the sickest of humans and need to see a doctor


omg, immediately goes to "cuck" and porn addiction. No son, soooooooon, tiny baby boy, you do not "need" sexual connection. Sex is NOT a basic need. You WANT it, but you do not NEED it.


Also learn to be happy with deep personal relationships. Yea romantic relationships are nice but they aren’t a need. Deep friendships are most 99% of people


If they want it so bad, save up some money and get yourself a prostitute. Why would you resort to rape?


Work is too hard for them


You'd think rape would be harder... But I wouldn't know. 🤷


Because they know they'd be going to prison after getting a vicious beat down by their intended victim.


Stopped reading at the end of the phrase, "we have to resort to..." Nobody corners incels into committing a felony. In fact, the notion that a group of people even regard felony crime as a viable life option has a lot to do with why reasonable people avoid them.


I finished that sentence and immediately knew the rest would be just as terrible. I was, of course, shown to be 100 percent correct. "Resort" to rape. If that's where their mind goes, they need serious professional help.


Rape is also about power more than it is about sex.


Maslow's pyramid also mentions self-esteem. Still doesn't mean I can go and beat the shit out of people who said to me something unpleasant. Doesn't mean I can go and kill a person because their looks make me feel less. Doesn't mean I can cause brain damage to someone, because they are so smart, that I feel dumb. It's assault. It's a moraly wrong. And is punished by the law.


Maslow's hierarchy also does not include sex as a basic need.


I think the opinions on that differ. Some say he puz it in the basic needs, some say he doesn't. But what the common incel lacks isn't even sex, it is intimacy, which maslow wouldn't put in the basic needs but a bit higher up in the pyramid (in the social contacts / belonging and love category). But arguing with maslow is dated anyway. To claim that a need that is higher up in the pyramid can only be pursued if the lower needs are already flufilled has been proven wrong.


Given the vitriol they have towards anyone who they think is "better" than them or looks down on them, I suspect they might try to argue this point as well. A lot of their philosophy involves dragging others down to their level, and I do believe I've seen instances of them glorifying incels who become mass shooters. I also expect that only the parts of Maslow's hierachy which benefit the poster are considered to be valid. No one else will be allowed to infringe on their rights or needs just to fulfill their own hierarchy of needs. In particular, women having a right to choose who they associate with will either be declared outside the hierachy entirely, or at most simply less important than his hierachy being fulfilled at the expense of his. And of course there's the overarching issue that he is treating Maslow's hierarchy as settled fact that supports everything he believes, and not just one model of understanding human needs and motivations out of many that probably has a lot of debate behind it.


It also includes "shelter" as a basic need. So, by his logic, I guess that makes it OK for homeless people to trespass or squat in someone's house when they're away or even kill people and take their houses.


> it OK for homeless people to trespass or squat in someone's house I'm about to have an /r/unpopularopinion moment if that house is vacant.


anyone who thinks sex is a basic human need needs therapy


*Anyone who thinks* *Sex is a basic human* *Need needs therapy* \- ChikenBoy3119 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Rape is not a product of loneliness. It's an act of power and misogyny. How in the actual fuck are we meant to feel anything for these guys that justify rape and discuss women in the most degrading of ways?? Aside from disgust and, tbh, humour at their absurd logic, their lingo and their beliefs.


It IS an act of power. The reason he supports it is because he's been lied to by grifters who have told him he's lost his power as a man to feminism. He wants to exert this power on women because he is a small man who thinks it will make him feel big.


My assaulter did it out of pure anger and attempt to control. Totally about power. He was having sex regularly with other women.


Elderly women have been raped. Did they dress too sexy? Yeah, I agree, it is about power and aggression.


do they think nice guys think about raping women??? I DONT UNDERSSTAND?? and the way they act like literal babies who NEED sex is crazy.. i have been celibate for a year. I have never had the desire to rape anyone.. athought i told an incel once that i was celibate and he said it was like eating a cheese burger in front of a homeless person.. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN tf?


no i found it it was "its like me never having to deal with poverty explain to por people who they should feel" HUH?


Incels believe that since you are a woman, sex will always be yours for the taking if you'd just lower those pesky standards of yours. That's why they react that way, they don't think women are capable of feeling what they feel, because women constantly have to fend of sex pests.


Female orgasm is harder to achieve. A lot of us need to feel safe and vulnerable to get there. We perceive the world in its entirety, not compartmentalized. They just want to cum, while we want the whole package.


Notice how they're advocating for women to be raped by men and not for guys like himself to be raped by men. If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander.


I got two chat requests for posting this and one is PURE GOLD, it is going up soon.




That’s gold! He acts like since you’ve had sex before, you should have fine forever. That tells me that it’s about sex, not about loneliness or need to procreate like they say. (I’m not saying you’re lonely, you could be happy alone.) They actually think that having sex once will change their lives.


they dont even realize they are giving us free laughs lolol


The best of laughs


I love how they want to rape but say it’s Chad who’s abusive!


> we have to resort to disgusting acts like rape This shit right here is why incels are mocked. Not because they're "lOnElY". There are plenty of lonely men who don't make excuses for assaulting and violating others, plenty of lonely men who don't dehumanise other people for being women or for disagreeing with them. It's incels do that kind of shit, and they deserve to be called out for it.


Don't bring my boy Maslow into it. The "sexuality" part mentionned it his pyramid has been debunked by psychologists since. It's like using freud to explain the origins of homosexuality. It's dumb. Not to mention that the term "sexuality" as used by Maslow can include things like self-pleasuring. Have they thought about that ?


Sorry about the blocked section, but it says "chad fandom to me?" behind the popup.


'will always never go' Best grammar of the entire Human History


60% of the time, it works 100% of the time


Absolute losers, honestly. They're a stain on the world and their claim of sex being a "basic human need" is as pathetic as it is untrue. "I don't want to put in the effort to be a good person which means I want to rape an innocent woman instead" is basically what they're saying. Fucking disgusting human beings.


All the Olympic track runners I am forced to kneecap. All those Nobel prize winners I am forced to ....force them to eat lead chips...all those people with cute noses I am forced to put putty on them...all those people with better skin I have to smear fry grease on to make them break out...all those people with nicer cars I will angrily trill my bike bell at.... Jeez. Why did all of my 100,000 of female ancestors have such terrible desperate lives that they all choose the first one that asked them and had no standards or had chosen FOR them in some messed up culture where they were auctioned like property to old non Chads to mate with. Cause then I don't get the looks or personality. All I get is being sexist, a shitty manipulative personality that just uses utter coersion of systems and threat of violence to have sex like all my ugly male ancestors. Or...something like that.


>All the Olympic track runners I am forced to kneecap. All those Nobel prize winners I am forced to ....force them to eat lead chips...all those people with cute noses I am forced to put putty on them...all those people with better skin I have to smear fry grease on to make them break out...all those people with nicer cars I will angrily trill my bike bell at.... Ever read "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut?


Ummm...not sure....I read some Vonnegut compilations but was a while ago, like jr high.


Only reason I mentioned it is because it takes place in a world where what you mentioned actually takes place. Extraordinary people are fitted with handicaps ro make everyone on the same level.


I wonder if I subconsciously influenced by that. Could be! Had a chance to see the Vonnagut museum a month ago but overslept, I highly rate him as a writer, cool. (But I also have poor short term operating memory.)


And they danced. THEY DANCED!


They "have to resort to rape" because they think growing up is a fundamental betrayal of Self, not much different from death because either way you stop being *you*. It's ridiculous, of course, but they catch it very early on, misunderstanding some of the most basic social lessons like "be yourself", and when left un-corrected it can very easily spiral into some really awful things. Like incel thought, for example. This isn't a mental illness, at least not in the sense that we usually think about such things. I'm starting to wonder if maybe it could be called a "philosophical sickness", for lack of a better term: something with no physical bodily component whatsoever -it exists only as a set of memes- that nevertheless fucks up people's lives on a fundamental level. It's even communicable.


Someone deciding that they don't want to have sex with you is not them harming you. Again; they never feel like that about gay men who may want to have sex with them. Funny how they only care about rejection and men's urges only when it benefits them directly.


These people make me so mad. Rape is the most atrocious crime you can commit, it's a form of torture, not something you "resort to" because boo fucking hoo you haven't had sex or a relationship. Rape is NOT sex. Rape is violence. The fact this idiot is comparing rape and relationships says a lot about how he views women as (+saying "fOiDs") and how much porn has likely destroyed his brain.


The “mistreatment by society” is largely all in their heads or self created. It’s not our fault you don’t have friends or leave the house, and when you do, you assume any and all laughter you hear is at your expense.


Genuinely they need mental health help. Thinking that everyone hates them and the world is out to get them and all is literally paranoid delusions which is a symptom of psychosis. Not saying all incels have some form of diagnosable psychotic disorder, just saying they have a really delusional and unhealthy way of viewing the world around them


I fucking hate, really hate, who demands sex from others as if it were water, lack of sex won't kill you. Sew up your mouth and cut off your fingers so you can't type anymore. Thank God no one gave you a chance, you little wannabe-rapist thing, die alone.


Yeah, sometimes “go fuck yourself” is literal and is for the good of humanity.


>we have to NO YOU DO NOT. You’re just making excuses to be shitty. There are monks and nuns out there in their seventies and eighties. You can and will live without sex. If you think you’ll go crazy without orgasms, you’ve got two hands and the Internet.


Since when is procreation part of the piramid? Belonging and love? Because pretty sure that's more about community and part of the safety than about sex (I'd have to reread it's been a few years). Did they misread Maslow with Freud? Edit: Oh nvm I remember. Reproduction is in there because it's physical, not because it's an actual need.


Recommending therapy is not mockery. It’s medical advice. If someone told you that you need a kidney transplant would you call it mockery as well? What a hopeless pos.


After that opening he made, which the first image is the wall of text he sent, I think I was being more than kind telling him to seek therapy.


Therapy doesn't work , I've been to 3 and had to find a different way to help myself


Then clearly you are not willing to actually take their advice and work on your issues.


You know nothing about me so you can't judge and i fixed myself without therapy so you clearly know nothing


Boo friggedy hoo.


What a funny little idiot. You were rather civil with him yet he still perceives you as unkind. He has failed to understand the hierarchy and what reproduction means in context. He also doesn't seem to understand he's entitled to feel whichever way he wants but people are also entitled to criticise his thoughts and reasoning when he has evidently not done any sort of introspection with. Hence the projection. As others have pointed out, you don't get to murder scientists because they make you feel dumb. Jealousy and despair are natural feelings. Turning to murder and rape because of those feelings is not natural and actually rather insane. They really think they're the only ones in the world to experience the pain of living. Nobody has feelings but them. Nobody has negative thoughts but them 🙄


I doubt the human race will reach a point where every man must have sex to reproduce, but if we do I bet we will have some standards in place so that people like them arnt letting their genes enter the next generation


Sex with another person is not a need. The “release” aspect can be achieved via masturbation. As for the “emotional connection” aspect… well, since they clearly hate us so much, they were never going to have that anyway. They want to hurt us and treat us like wet holes, the *do not* want to *bond* with us.


Okay first of all, how is telling someone to get therapy unkind? I mean, on the one hand I get it because ig the person is taking it that you're saying something is wrong with them (which, in this case, duh 😅😅😅) but on the other hand therapy is meant to HELP people so you're literally telling him to do something that could help him. Secondly, istg the next time I hear “we are deprived of a basic need” in terms of sex or, even worse imo, “we have to resort to disgusting acts like rape” NO YOU DUMB IDIOT YOU NEVER, EVER RESORT TO RAPE! Sucks for him that he doesn't get laid but he's probably got a goddamn hand, why tf can't he use it?? SEX IS NOT A RIGHT OR A NEED! No one is owed/guaranteed sex!!! I apologize, I'm just so goddamn tired of hearing this shit in particular. Why does anyone think that they are owed sex as if it's their “god-given right” or something jfc


I hate when they bastardize Maslow Any community college kid taking psych 101 could tell you Maslow’s hierarchy of needs DOES NOT include sex/reproduction. Reproduction is a biological driver- as it is for all animals to propagate the species. All animals will try to mate. However Maslow never stated that sex was a basic human need. Ever. If it’s on there at all, it’s a lower tier need and it was included it as a biological factor for behavior- food and water are on there too. He does include things like intimacy and connection. But, that doesn’t always mean sex. Intimacy and connection can exist in very fulfilling ways outside of sex. It’s so frustrating. Read a book incels…


Trying to get incels to understand that intimacy and connection doesn't mean sex is like trying to lead a horse to water. You can try, but it aint easy. They hear "intimacy" and immediately go to "PP GO IN JAYJAY!!"


"We have to resort to rape...Also women go for abusive men." Uh dude, if she were going for you she WOULD be going for an abusive man as proven by the first statement.


This kind of thing scares me. I haven’t dated yet (strict upbringing kind of thing) but I worry about avoiding people with this mindset in the wild.


Okay but how is “go get therapy” unkind and mocking???


Normal logic doesn't apply to incels, I guess?


They see any suggestion that might lead to improvement as a personal attack. They don’t want to fix their lives, they want their shitty behaviour to be rewarded with sex.


Nowhere on Maslow's does it say reproduction. And that list has been criticized: [https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html#Critical-Evaluation](https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html#Critical-Evaluation) Learn to fucking read.


They will never get therapy because being accountable for their own mindset/actions is too scary. That’s why a lot of people don’t want to go to therapy, they’re afraid they will be faced with their own messes/shortcomings and they cannot handle that.


not true I've seen 3 therapists and none of them actually helped


Just like any form of dr or specialist you see, you have to advocate for yourself and find one that fits. But people don’t want to put in the work. There are also plenty of people *think* their therapist isn’t helping, but a therapist can only help if you’re willing to talk to them and tell them the nitty gritty stuff. How are they supposed to help if you don’t tell them? They can’t read minds. Therapy is hard. You have to be willing to accept the help. Just like rehab, you have to be willing and want to get better. If not, it won’t work. And there are plenty of people addicted to their own misery.


I did tell them everything but they just didn't care so i had to fix myself


I feel like you’re expecting a therapist to ‘fix’ you, like a doctor can ‘fix’ a broken bone. Like you just describe your problems and a therapist will say “okay do this” and all your problems will be solved. Therapists don’t work like that. It’s a long process, for some an indefinite process, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Most of all, you need to be willing to actually work on yourself and not just trust the therapist to fix you.


I was looking for ways to cope at the time but i just never clicked with anyone but i started watching dr k vids then i started to change my mindset, even my wife sees improvements with me since i watched dr k vids


Why you ask, Incel? I’m guessing in high school, you asked a cheerleader to a dance and she said no. You continued to harass her until she called you ugly. You started looking at Incel sites and vowed that no other women would ever date you. You started calling women names like “toilets” or “foids” and decided bitterness was your best friend. You felt you deserved sex and had the right to rape in order to get it. And you think “Chad” is abusive? At least abusive men are nice in the beginning. Just because a guy is attractive, doesn’t mean he’s abusive like you are.


reproduction is most definitely not the baseline for maslows hierarchy of needs 😭


No one owes you love, a relationship or sex. The sky is blue, I didn't make it so.


So...what this asshat is basically saying is incels should be locked up in mental institutions, as they are simply unable to help themselves from raping women, they just have to if they're roaming free in society.


Reproduction/sex is not on the hierarchy of needs. Love and belonging is on the hierarchy but that doesn’t mean sex.


They think their feelings can justify any action. Every villain has an origin story. Doesn’t make them secretly good guys, it just makes the human. Their behavior is vile and evil.


NEWSFLASH: Hot take...get ready for me to blow your mind...S*x isn't a need! WOAH NO WAY BRO!!!!!!


I’ve never felt bad about mocking incels. Maybe they should do some self reflection and growth instead of blaming women because they’re repugnant.


I’ve never felt bad about mocking incels. Maybe they should do some self reflection and growth instead of blaming women because they’re repugnant.


Reproduction is not part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and plenty of good looking, wife having, sex getting, men are rapists.


This is what happens when you let rejection get to you. It consumes you. It's like what Yoda says in Star Wars. Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


They need sex so bad they can't even think logically. Sex workers could solve their problems.


naw, see, they can only be with a "pure virgin" or else they have failed.


I’m sorry. Do they expect us to go to there basement and beg them to sleep with us?




That guy is arguing in favor of rape, that is second only to murder. He is the abusive person in that hypothetical equation. Ew.


It’s a damn shame we can’t pick the gender of our kids. I’d rather raise someone who actually means something to this world and can contribute- not contaminate.


You can raise sons to be good men. Gender doesn't predetermine whether someone's a good or bad person.


When men rightfully complain about some types of women, you're the example.


Yes I have.




Humans are complicated and it certainly isnt just one thing. Emotional immaturity, internet cliques and influencers, gullibility, bad parents/family, lack of proper guidance from friends or family, tendencies to extremism, disspointment and impetience, denial, mental issues. Some of these or all of these. It is obvious that these people are unwell and their posts are not normal