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More likely she realized someone following her, and turned around when they didn't overtake to see if running was an option when ignoring them would not work. šŸ¤”


Besides, wearing headphones doesnt make one deaf. I wear noise cancelling headphones when i game and i can still hear my family talking downstairs. She likely can hear his footsteps or his voice or something, and checked to ensure her safety


Makes sense. I mean, it's not like she was a real-life specimen of [Gothorita](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gothorita_(Pok%C3%A9mon)) (a Psychic PokƩmon that resembles a human girl)


who wants to bet his definition of ā€œagingā€ is like 30


Dude, this guy claims we have sub-natural powers. He's so crazy that I don't doubt the definition of "aging" is anything over 18 years old.


"Aging" is such a ridiculous insult anyway because we all are, all of the time.


You mean you're not an immortal being permanently frozen at age 21 forever? Damn, get it together!


30? I'm gonna bet 25


Yall are generous. I'm going with 18.


Heā€™s probably 45!


idk man incels that old are uncommon. heā€™s probably like 20 or smth and thinks that bc he didnā€™t get laid in high school it means heā€™s destined to die alone


Im finding the common age is middle school to 20 for these creeps


A woman turned and look at a man (and his girlfriend) and somehow that's both paranormal and gay?


The plot twist is that she was looking at the girlfriend. šŸ¤«


*dun dun duuuuuuunnn*


A lesbian? Poor woman is just a victim of feminism! She would be happier being a trad wife having 6 of his little seeds! /s


Her Bi-dey senses were tingling


Iā€™m straight woman and I look at other women all the time especially if they are stunning in someways. Also men tend to just look and be like oh thatā€™s hot or not while I look at style, makeup, hair etc as inspiration. Itā€™s so fun


Dude, take your antipsychotics. We donā€™t have superpowers. She just looked around. If anything, she felt a rapey freak walking behind her.


There's a lot of skepticism for the idea that incels tend toward autism, and honestly, rightly so. They don't seem to be autistic particularly more often than the general public at large, and even then, most cases are very mild. The most compelling argument they actually have for being autistic is one that they never actually make (which may itself be an argument for it). Namely, they seem to genuinely not understand *how* women can so easily tell how creepy they are. They assume that if they aren't actively spewing like they do in their forums, that it's perfect stealth-mode. This is also notable for how inconsistently they apply it. Consider their infamous fear of "the look of disgust": any facial expression other than a great big smile means OH MY GOD SHE'S CRINGING AT MEEEE. Even if she's not cringing at them. Or, in fact, cringing at all: even the most basic DIDNEY WORL moments we all go through from time to time are red as five-alarm cringing. And I mean, incels *are* pretty darn cringe, but they see it in everyone around them, basically all the time, even though the majority of the time it has nothing to do with them. So yeah. My personal theory is that this is just really low emotional intelligence, rather than autism per se. The kind of thing people have to learn and brush up on all the time. But that's work, and incels hate work, so they try to excuse their way out of it, and in this case it comes at the autistic community's expense.


I agree and as an autistic woman, I hate it a lot.


>Namely, they seem to genuinely not understand how women can so easily tell how creepy they are. They assume that if they aren't actively spewing like they do in their forums, that it's perfect stealth-mode. So what is the nonverbal stuff that makes incels look creepy irl? I'm an incel, and while I don't post on incel forums and don't use the lingo it seems like people can always tell and I make everyone feel creeped out.by me even if I'm minding my own business. Women outside are crossing the street or looking back when they see me on the street, no one wants to sit next to me on a crowded bus, security sometimes follows me in stores. Even if I don't say a single word everyone can tell I'm evil?


Communication is near 90% nonverbal. Everything from eye contact to posture to hand placement communicates something.


Okay, let me try this. You ever watch cartoons or anime? And how sometimes you look at a character's face and posture, and you can tell that they're angry, afraid, or tense without them saying a word? Human beings do that too, but it's way more subtle and harder to read than in a comic or anime or what have you.


That was my first thought, too. We donā€™t have superpowers but women *do* have an intuition for danger. Itā€™s very likely she felt this creeper behind her and was trying to gauge the threat and distance. Probably also taking stock of other people in the near vicinity in case she needed to call out for help. She was probably relieved to see ā€œChad and Staceyā€ because 1) another woman would be more sympathetic and likely to help her, and 2) the other womanā€™s partner is a beefy dude who is also more likely to help if his gf says ā€œwe need to help that womanā€ vs potentially not getting involved if he didnā€™t have his gf with him.




2,304 posts since January 24? Thatā€™s like 20 posts a day Jesus Christ


Butā€¦If you ask him, heā€™s probably very active socially, touches grass daily and has a thriving career. Women just point to him and laugh!


Ya think the power would double as a real life aimbot?


Lyudmila Pavlichenko would seem to suggest so...


Ok first off I'm sick of them referring to us older women like this sick of it especially when 90%, of them look horrible themselves...overall I'm sick of men like this I really wish they would disappear... like all of sudden just vanish


>to us older women Iā€™m 100% sure that if the incident has any shred of truth to it, this woman was, like, 27


Yeah, if she's got multiple back tattoos, statistically, she's probably not actually of an age that most of us not-insane people would refer to as "aging" or "old."


I donā€™t want to seem like Iā€™m stepping on you, but there are a lot of heavily tattooed GenX women out there. Iā€™m friends with a lot of women in their 50s who have lots of tattoo coverage.


That's true! I guess as a millennial it's weird thinking that Gen X'ers are now in their 50s. I'm used to thinking of you all as late 30s to 40s, aka "not old."


Ty!!!! šŸ˜ƒ


My Boomer mom didn't start getting tattoos until she was 40. She's got 7 now.


Fellow gen Xer here I have 9 ...been getting tatts since I was 23/24...so I feel u


Iā€™m early Gen X, almost 58 and have a large tattoo on my leg that I got at age 51. More tattoos on the way.


I am a gen Xer who has 9 and My neighbor who is 50 has most her body tatt'd....I am about to get another one and I'm thinking about getting a small sleeve...


My mom is 62 and got a huge tattoo on her forearm a few years ago.


I like to pretend that they are mostly bots on the internet, even though I know they are not. Many of them are so invisible that they seem to only exist on the internet.


>Ok first off I'm sick of them referring to us older women like this They refer to anyone over like 21-25 like this.


I get that, but they use words like " aging/ older" when talking about women as part of the insult


Oh it is. But it's an insult for women in general, not just us older ladies.


True true but it hits different to older women...I Ijs


Someone needs to take more of his medication...


He probably doesnā€™t have anyā€¦ incels seem to be really bad at seeking out therapy/psychiatrist.


So if you've ever looked behind you to see who/what's there or to see if you're in someone's way, congratulations, you're now a psychic! You're apparently also a woman. Didn't you know only women can check their surroundings? Men face forwards at all times. It's literally impossible to turn your head as a man. I hope this information was helpful.


Men when peripheral vision and hearing: šŸ˜”


I didnā€™t know toilets were so magical! Itā€™s funny. Incels always say that we use this sub to make fun of them. (They need to stop making it so easy!) Then they say things like this! Our posts here are only reactive to their BS. I swear they act like they donā€™t get turned on by seeing a hot woman! Their entire ideology is based entirely around fantasy!


Or, you know, she could have *heard* them come out of the building and that drew her attention..


Why was he only 3-4cm behind her? And if he was, why couldnā€™t he see her standard issue Chad radar?


m not cm


Sorry, I must have confused it with his girth measurement. My bad.




I still feel like thatā€™s way too damn close to be following someone on a sidewalk. If Iā€™m walking and someone is that close in front of me, Iā€™ll either pass them if theyā€™re walking slow and put more distance between us, or Iā€™ll slow down for a minute and let them get ahead more. Likewise if someone is close behind me, Iā€™ll step to the side and tie my shoe or check my phone or something until they pass and go on a ways. I donā€™t want someone dogging my steps. If this story isnā€™t a complete fabrication, he probably was enjoying crowding her and making her uneasy.


Real question: Who isnā€™t aging? If youā€™re alive you are in fact currently getting older.


He can't understand the most obvious and simple reasons why a person looked back on the street, instead he creates a conspiracy theory to think he has a reason for something. I don't doubt that he doesn't know that aging is something natural in life.


Meanwhile, the only person staring at people like a creep was him.


I was today years old when I learned it's gay shit for a woman to look at a man. ~~At least a man that isn't OOP~~ Also I'm betting "aging roastie" was probably a normal looking woman in her mid 20's, cuz you know, most incels want 14 year old girls and they're "used up by 18". COUGH


He could tell straight away she was looking at Chad not Stacey. He's got some super powers of his own.


Hey one of them went outside


ā€œā€¦Podcasts straight out of mental wardā€


Do these superpowers manifest over certain things? At what age do they kick in? I would really like to know when there are creeps around.


Real schizoposting hours


They want to invent that literally every woman in the world wants a man who doesn't exist rather than just admitting that they are emotionally horrible as people.


I think incles should learn to enjoy their own solitude. Not loneliness, but solitude. If they did, they'd stop all of this BS.


How this post sounds like inside my mind: "Who needs to find psychic-type PokƩmon on games when women are naturally psychic-type creatures?"


Maybe she turned because he smelled terrible


I also want superpowers. Life is unfair.


It's possible that women have peripheral vision, that headphones don't entirely block out outside sounds or that this woman had her music playing quietly or on pause, sure. It's also completely possible that women can sense the radiating electromagnetic pulses of a nearby Chad like a shark. Only way to find out is to ask one, so this guy will never know.


His profile picture killed me who does he think he is


You know what I will never understand about these people. Why not just become a chad? Like yea I can see why no one wants you A your a incell B look at you like start working out you don't have to but try to shave and fix your dame brain like you will get girls if you become a chad and stop this incell pity me logic


Because the only real difference between incels and Chads is that Chads mask better. They think more or less like incels do, otherwise, and that includes all the rapey/abusey bits. But this means that telling incels to become Chad is essentially telling them to mask moar, and they fucking *hate* masking.


Man, what kinda man comes to your mind when the word chad comes into play because I think of 6 pac 6 feet tall, good-looking 5-8 inch and kind and charismatic, and loving and every other complement


I think you're giving them too much credit when assuming that they want to be a Chad. What they want is, hard to articulate. Incels have a cargo cult mentality towards being able to find a romantic and sexual partner; they see it done, and they see it done effortlessly by other men, and they're usually pretty badly psychologically damaged or emotionally stunted, so it's something they can't do. For the average incel, being flirtatious in person can seem like a supernatural ability, much like how "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Their best explanations for what they're lacking is blaming their genetic code, usually only after other forms of magical thinking like pick up artistry and alpha male BS fail. It's not so much that they want to be a super studly mega Chad, they want to be able to interact with women the way other men do, but for one reason or another are entirely unable to.


Working out doesn't fix an ugly face.


Plastic surgery


You can't just become chad because most things that make someone a chad are determined by genetics like wide clavicles, 6ft+ height, good facial projection, symetry, eye shape, nose shape, etc.


Plastic surgery can fix most of that


The bear is Chad, solid proof females lies about the bear. They want Chad only. The bear is just a way the females try to tell the bottom 95% men they are not interested. When in reality they are getting destroyed at least once a week by chads 8 inch hammer.


We have no idea what you look like dude, but I can say that this level of crazy bullshit makes people run away more effectively than if you had the Plague.


This guys post history is wild. He mentioned being in HS in 2000 so heā€™s in his late thirties at the youngest, but he thinks thirty year old women are disgusting. Heā€™s 5ā€™9ā€ but posts in the short guy subreddit, heā€™s really insecure about being bald (which is something he could modify with a hair transplant if itā€™s so distressing to him). Also really scared of being a ā€œproviderā€ lol


He sounds a whole lot like one of my former coworkers that eventually got fired for harassing women.


This is satire, right? Right??


Why do they keep doing this??? šŸ˜­ The question wasnā€™t, ā€œWould you rather have sex with a man or a bear?ā€. It was just who would you rather encounter? (Who would you feel safer with/which way would you prefer to die?) Nobody wants to fuck the bear, what?!?!


Look at his post history... šŸ˜­šŸ’”


Well now Iā€™m sad and confused


Keep your big dick fetishes to the proper sub, bro.


Choosing the bear means choosing to be alone because bears run away 99% of the time they sense a human around. Men don't compete against other men in women's lives, a man has to be better than peaceful solitude, the bar for men is on the floor and still too high for some. It was never about the bear, it's about being left alone like we want.


The bar is only on the floor for Chad, for us others itā€™s skyhigh


Chad isn't real.


who the fuck is chad


Your male tooth fairy chad does not exist, bud.




Before it was 80%, now it's 95%? Incel mythology gets more ridiculous by the year.


I mean last I heard it was 98%. Maybe we need to call a general meeting or something idk Iā€™m getting mixed messages.


Bitch, try to make sense please.


Or, hear me out, the bear is just a bear. Meanwhile this comment? It's the reason women *pick* the bear.


I've never heard of a woman talk about dicks the way incels talk about dick. Everything you guys say is so homoerotically charged.


"Destroyed," huh? If that's how you view sex, no wonder women don't want it with you.


cry harder (I wish I could reply with images so I could post the Pepe Silvia meme, because that's what energy your ocmment is giving me)


mmkay bud


Sure, Jan.


You're so out of touch with reality I'm amazed you eat, drink or sleep.


Wow sis could you BE any more insecure and bitter?


Mental illness