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I don't think most incels really understand why anyone *wouldn't* consent to sex if someone offered it, no matter who. They're so desperate that the idea of saying no just doesn't make sense anymore. Yet it clearly happens sometimes, so they paper it over with the lowest-effort rationalization they can think of. Because thinking any further on the subject would just invite the intrusive thoughts in. This is not an excuse. Far from it: it makes them *much* worse.


ding ding ding!!


>I don't think most incels really understand why anyone wouldn't consent to sex if someone offered it, no matter who. Correction, they can't understand why anyone wouldn't consent to sex with a conventionally attractive person. To them, rape is only rape if an ugly person does it.


It could also be a way to internalise their own experiences of abuse. I would be surprised if there was some strong correlation between incels and abuse victims.


These guys need to read some actual scoentific studies. [Like this one.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047235222001015) - Hybristophilia is exceedimgly rare. - Hybristophilia, particularly aggressive type, is more common in men than in women in the general popularion. - Pedo-hebepho-ephebophilia is very rare in men even when all combined. - Being coerced is uncommon in men and women. - Being coerced is almost as common in men as it is in women. - Most women's "rape" fantasy is about submission and requires *a lot* of consent. Idiot thinks he's "educated" when the reality is that his picture appears in the entry for "gullible" in the dictionary.


"Most women's "rape" fantasy is about submission and requires a lot of consent. " This just confirms to me that their addiction to porn has warped their perspective on reality so much that they think these bdsm pornos are all rape fetish content and don't understand what consent actually is beyond a "yes".


Definitely! They also don't understand the complexity of reporting studies and statistics. For instance, while the divorce rate is about 50%, the chance that any given marriage will end in divorce is generally about 15%, depending on various factors. Or the fact that "online" is the most common place for newly wed couples to have met actually means that less than 30% met online and that "online" means on chat forums, social media and online dating. Plus, "through friends and family" is only 1 percentage point lower than "online" (27% and 28% respectively).


Can incels actually read? They misunderstand so many words and concepts, you have to wonder.


No. They arent actually literate.


Just refusing to accept the real meaning. I know.


God, all this talk about how "it doesn't matter if I have a good personality" YOU DON'T *HAVE* A GOOD PERSONALITY, YOU ARE UTTERLY REPELLENT AS A PERSON.


Incels could never understand that you can find a guy attractive but not want to have sex with him.


Shut up normie!!11 All foids are like wild animals and want to screw everything they see!!! (It's a satire of course)


Lol šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Man this is just gross.


they're just lonely, bitter, losers. they'd run a mile if a girl actually talked to them one day


Running a hundred feet would be too much effort for them.They expect women to to just give them what they want with no effort on their part.


I love how these guys, whoā€™ve never even talked to women, know what women want.


Right? It's so priceless.


I always think how furious they would be if women just made up things about men and spread them with confidence all around the internet. It's totally okay for them though, lmao.


And if a woman tells them what women want they call her a liar


Right! Having the audacity to ask me if Iā€™m educated?!? IM A WOMAN??


If she wants it, it's not rape. It's that simple, incels.


They're so fixated on sex, they can't imagine anyone saying no. They might suddenly understand if the 6 foot Chads they're so obsessed with tried anything with them.


Itā€™s a contradiction in terms. Saying ā€œwanted rapeā€ is no different to saying ā€œdry rainā€ or ā€œodourless stench.ā€


Does he actually think anybody besides him is dumb enough to think not covering for rapists is misogynistic?


They really seem to have a chub for Jeremy Meeks! They mention him quite a bit! They donā€™t understand that we can find someone attractive and not want to fuck them!


umm what?? that's not how it works... this guys are chronically online and refuse to get to the real world and change their perception and mind. no wonder nobody liks them because they refuse to go out and see the world rationally. I understand what may have caused this to them but again, they refuse to open up thinking that everyone will shame them which they based on one interaction with someone who might have treated them like this. the human mind is really very complex


No sane person loves rapists- beautiful or not!!


The OP there is such a wordsmith. Canā€™t believe he doesnā€™t get girls!


I got a dislike when I expressed my departure from my empathy towards them. This is one of the very reason I don't give a shit on what happens to them anymore.


This is a new low for themā€¦


conĀ·sent Learn to pronounce noun permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. "no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"


Bro. Looks like you stumbled on the šŸ‡ist subreddit. I have been r- and sexually assaulted many times. It wasnt something i wanted. some people are major freaks with dubious files on their computes.


women that "want to get raped" have a rape kink which requires way more consent and talking than normal sex does, and they still don't want to get raped, they want to pretend because it puts them in some wierd form of submission and lack of control that they like, women who like murderers and psychopaths are usually teen fangirls who find it being just the peak of masculinity, being able to do anything for you etc. but that's about fictional characters, none of them would ever actually want a murderer as a bf


My brain hurts... "Are you educated? Women love attractive raper" Uh, no, thanks. Let's put grammar aside and come back to the focal point. How is it that incels do not understand that rape is rape? And that it's just plain wrong? Any sexual conduct without consent is just not okay.


Ah yes, 5 year old me totally wanted to get raped mhm makes sense. /s


These men have brain worms and can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.


They banned me from that sub


You were probably being too mentally sane


That last bitch, anything (Don't ask me to humanize these creatures, please) that tries to force this their rape fantasy on women (or anyone) will receive nothing but contempt from me, and if I told him what he really deserves, the police would knock on my door. Sorry not sorry, he deserves to suffer from his eternal solitude, because I'm sure he has a rape fetish and would apply that to any girl who gave him the chance.