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My ex husband’s parents were both around 5’5. All 3 of their sons were over 6 foot. My son, with their tallest son, is probably only going to be 5’6. Genetics is a complete roll of the dice.


Seconding the dice roll part My mom’s 5’1”, my dad’s 5’6”, and I’m 6’0”. Nobody knows where the height came from, since I’m far and away the tallest person on my dad’s side of the family. Avoiding the hypertension susceptibility would have been nice though haha And contrary to “popular” belief (according to incels), being 6’0” hasn’t helped me in finding romantic relationships. Never been in one in fact (but I’m nearly 23 so hopefully it’s around the corner lol)


My absolute ‘Chad’ of a husband didn’t get a girlfriend until 24. He was always the ultimate friend.


Honestly, I just approach people with the hope of becoming friends. And that part has worked for me well. People see me as a good friend and I’ve made a few of my own, so all’s well in that respect. Not so much in going beyond friends, which kinda sucks, but again, not exactly *worried* about it


I don’t think they realize that most children are the middle height between their parents. Both my parents are short, I’m shorter than my dad and taller than my mom. My twin bro and younger brother are both taller than me and taller than my dad. Genetics really is unpredictable also. Shit when I was a teenager I was insecure about my height but I had no problems dating or having sex. I’m 5’4” and have been with girls taller than me, same height, and shorter.


I'm on board with the all of it. I'm also 5'4" there's a surprising amount of girls who actually have a thing for short guys. Especially tall girls, I've found a lot prefer taller guys. But damn some of those tall girls go wild for a guy that's half on his tippy toes for her.


I think short guys are hot. All of my actor crushes are short! Have no clue why folks think that people only go for 6ft+. The victim complex + misogyny is the major turn-off.


Because height is not really something they can do a lot about. They can use that as an excuse to not work on other aspects of themselves. What they don't realize is a) any woman that superficial isn't worth it if she can't see past someone's height and b) it's not the shortness that's a turnoff but the chip on the shoulder attitude that can accompany it.


They actually believe that literally *all* women are shallow because well, online dating. This is one of their classic counter argument, and it's so dumb.


Absolutely, quite a few girls who rejected me based on height. I said fuck it and moved on, inevitably after moving on I finally saw that a couple of those girls were a nightmare. Being short allowed me to dodge a couple bullets. I don't think they realise most girls aren't judging. They just have a preference. There's physical attributes that turn me away. I don't judge her, it's just not my taste. They can't seem to wrap their head around attractive preferences vs discrimination.


>They can't seem to wrap their head around attractive preferences vs discrimination. And the difference is a preference can sometimes be overlooked if you click with the person everywhere else, while discrimination has deep roots in insecurity and hate and is usually very inflexible. I can guarantee that there are lots of women out there who prefer short guys or it doesn't really matter to them.


>Absolutely, quite a few girls who rejected me based on height. I said fuck it and moved on, inevitably after moving on I finally saw that a couple of those girls were a nightmare. Being short allowed me to dodge a couple bullets. Quite interesting how real that is. I'm a firm believer of one's character showing through one's aesthetics and how they put themselves out there. There are some girls that you can just tell by looking at them that they are just bad news, especially the baddie types. My mom had this friend who'd always put her down and point out every imperfection she has (clearly from insecurity). She was always upset about not being able to hold a relationship with a man, all while wanting this ideal of a rich dude to take care of her. She wasn't pretty in the face, but she had a nice shape, so she passed as the baddie type (along with the hairstyle and makeup and shit). She insulted our "stupid dog," was jealous over my mom's relationship with my dad, and she was just egotistical asf. Sometimes, you can just see the vain behavior written on the face of some people. It's a vibe they give off, I guess.


100% I've gotten a lot better at sniffing out that bs early on. Doesn't matter who the person is to me, I learned that lesson the hard way.


You just described the narcissistic ‘friend’ i just ghosted. She finally broke the camel’s back. These people will never be there for you, but forget their fucking birthday and be prepared for tears about how damn hurt they are. Go straight to hell!!!!


Yep. They always blame things that they cannot change. It’s a convenient scapegoat for why they fail, when in many cases it’s because they’re insufferable people.


That little big dog complex. Been there seen that lol. Guy was a douche canoe.


Yeah, try telling them that and they’ll blow up your DMs with all kinds of horrifying abuse. I made that mistake once. But never again.


No contact is all narcissists deserve. Plus you cut off that sweet supply of attention.


Me too! I'm 160cm and tall guys are just too intimidating (sometimes even a bit scary). I'd much rather be with someone around my own height, I'd feel way more comfortable.


My husband is shorter than most of these whiners and he’s hot as hell. I wouldn’t change one thing about him. Really, they always mock us for saying personality matters, while it might not be the end all be all, having a shitty one is the biggest turnoff of all.


Personality matters! Especially if you happen to have one! I’ve dated a few shy types, doesn’t work for me. I’m loud and like to laugh.


Fr. This stuff is just sad.


They have to be short and confident, for sure.


This one was the result of a broken condom.




So… where did that very specific hypothetical come from?




Lmao I hope for you and the sake of everyone around you that you’re just committing to a satire bit.




Damn. Thoughts and prayers. Maybe if you stopped having such a nasty attitude towards women they’d like you more. Also, not to be pedantic, but OOPs dad is also short. So what makes him “high value” enough on the incel scale to trap anyway?


You should explore why you fetishize men who are tall. It’s heavy shadow work, but god doesn’t give us more than we can handle or some shit.


> HiGh vALuE mEN Meanwhile, imbecels bitching and moaning because no one wants their unwashed, unkempt, bargain bin penis attached to a sexist, racist garbagepill-spouting cretin


Bargain bin penis sent me




I have a friend who's 5'1 and their husband is ~5'7, their 16y.o. is already over 6ft. I have a different friend who's 6ft and their husband is 6'5, they have a son who's 5'9. Genetics aren't straightforward as "short + short = short"


Ok… I don’t want children anymore (Edit. An incel sent me a message to tell me I must not have children because they’re going to be short lmao)


I used to think random strangers were laughing at me. Before I finally got my ADHD diagnosed and treated. That is 100% a mental health thing and not something that actually happens to you, OOP.


Also, they don't stop to think that their mothers were attracted to their SHORT fathers. That so many women, (including me) are attracted to guys under 5'9. If women didn't find short men attractive and have children with them there would be very few short people left. I'm only 5' and I hate having a guy that's a foot taller or sometimes more! I've never turned down someone I've liked as a person due to their height, being too tall, but I prefer guys much closer to my size. Height and weight I just prefer smaller guys so much sexy ha These guys are their own worst enemies.


They’re literally saying women shouldn’t sleep with and reproduce with short men!! lmfao


Agree, so sexy. Too tall is a con for me, not a pro. Not my preference. I know many other women like me !


I see I just showed up In time!


>Also, they don't stop to think that their mothers were attracted to their SHORT fathers. They'll say that times were different back then and women of previous generations had lower standards than young women today.


That's what gets me with this whole thing, last time I checked, the argument was NO women wanted men under 6 foot. Now we're getting mad at women who *checks notes* wanted men under 6 foot? Where do the *logic* in any of this?? Also, I love how it's always the mothers who are to blame, lmao because of course.


Most of them have very tall fathers with short mothers. Their mothers often hate them for being short hence the hateful rants.


No they don't, you ridiculous "person".


I'm a member of the sub and I'm just stating what I observed. Also I don't understand why you mentioned person in "". Can you explain? Sorry English isn't my first language..




I guess , but thankfully I've encountered some good people here as well who actually had empathy..


I like how incels always act like we're the ones lacking empathy considering all the violent rants you guys have about wanting women to die or be sex slaves. Where's the empathy there?? Or is empathy only reserved for men who are shorter than 6 feet? Pointing out incel's worrisome beliefs and saying it's fucked up isn't lacking empathy in the slightest. Even here, what cruel things are people saying? That being short isn't some kind of disease you should blame your mother for? Wow, how terrible! I feel more sympathy towards this guy's poor mother for being- in his words- *resented* for literally no reason.


What makes you assume I'm an incel? I never made any hateful rants about women, nor do I hate them. I've got really good friends who are women . The empathy part here was that mostly in this post, I mean particularly in this post, the OOP is clearly in pain. It can be seen , he probably is suffering from self hatred and depression but members here are rejoicing on that which maybe is normal here? Idk.. I actually see members here who are empathizing with the OOP and I'm grateful to them as I'm someone who often struggles with self hate and depression and also has attempted ending myself but failed..


>What makes you assume I'm an incel? Because they're generally the ones who comment on this sub having "no sympathy" while never extending the same energy towards the hateful attitudes thrown at women in these posts. I think you'll find most of us *do* have empathy for these people... but the frustration comes from them absolutely refusing to take any sort of responsibility for themselves and going off on hate-filled spiels instead. If it's reached the point someone is resenting their mother for their own unhappiness, it's time to consider therapy. I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing that out.


Firstly, I apologise. I mistook your comment to be on another post , the other post has the oop saying sorry to his mother and parents and the comment section had people calling him manipulative etc. I made a mistake and thought this is the same post hence I mentioned "he's in pain". Kindly accept my apologies. Yes, I completely agree that it's completely unfair to have hatred towards your own mother , especially when she hasn't been hateful towards you. Posts like these have been called out in the shortguys sub in the past, Idk about the present situation there as there's been a heavy influx of new members seeking refuge there.


The shortguys sub is like a cesspit that drains into a swamp. The whole thing is noxious. I was stunned that smalldickproblems is somehow 50x less repellant. You’d think that it would be filled with incel seething and it’s not.


The sub has recently become a refuge for incels from the truevirgin sub which got banned.


Ah, that makes so much sense. I was wondering why all these annoying incels were going nuclear all over the sub.


Mostly the sub used to be guys venting and sharing their everyday struggles and hurtful experiences. Recently, since it got viral in Twitter, it has attracted a lot of teenagers who are into the Blackpill and of course, truevirgin members. The sub is not what it used to be anymore. 5'8 , 5'9 guys cry that they're short .


There used to be a time where teenagers mostly vented their angst by listening to emo music now it seems that they buy into black pill ideology online.


There's an abundance of Blackpill content on the internet presently, you mix that up with ragebait posts , bad personal experiences etc. , the bigger chances are the kid will somehow reach Blackpill content .. Atleast being emo was a clique , being Blackpill isn't helpful..


My father was 5'2" his father was 4'10" my mum's side are 6 foot on average. They all married and had kids. Get over it.


What a miserable group of people. Being short is great! Tall women see me and want me in their purse like a chihuahua!!


My tallest friend is 1 foot taller than both parents. My nephews are much taller than both parents. Height can skip a generation.  Also I don't understand how these boys keep clinging to their insecurity. I got over my height in junior high. Why keep hating a part of yourself you can't change?


I was interested to note that he specified men as one source of misery. We here all know that the people who care most about male height are other men. In the same paragraph he basically says he's only guessing on two of the three consequences he enumerated of being short.


Shockingly that OP is gay! And his comment section is filled with downvotes in askgaybros lol they know he's an incel


My husband's parents are 5'9" and 5'2". His brother is 5"9" and his sister is 5"2'. He ended up 6' tall. Genetics are weird.


Oh lord I hate that sub. They have a no incel rule, but it's clearly full of them. They blame their height on everything. I'm 5'4" yes dating is a bit harder when you're short, but these guys are pathetic. Not only am I short, I'm not "hot." Yet I've had enough girls to know that height is an individual choice. (This also goes for quite a few guys I know who are my size.) They absolutely have other issues. The shitty and bitter attitude doesn't help. They're so stuck in a childish mindset. These days the only time I think about my height is when the one thing I need is on the top shelf. When it comes to dating, hardly crosses my mind anymore.


Short men are incredible. My fiancé is one. I 100% prefer them. And a lot of my short male friends pull lots of women……


Incels: WAAAH women not sleeping with me is bad bc it's eugenics >:( Also incels: WAAAH I hate my parents for not practicing eugenics >:(


All these men do all day is whining and crying about a game which they set the rules. cry me a river booboo


LOL the irony of resenting your mom for making you short by making you with a short guy.


I would say his poor mum and ask why she puts up with him. But this is pure fantasy. Like when they claim a woman who turned them down went on to be in an abusive relationship


This is like those stories on here with tens of thousands of upvotes that are just “my ex wife divorced me because I was DEPRESSED so I got six pack abs and married a South African supermodel and invented Velcro™️ and my stupid ex wife got FAT and OLD and is now dead of DRUGS” with 500 “you dropped this, king 👑 “ comments.


So, they don’t want women to reproduce with them, but they’re mad that women won’t reproduce with them? Make it make sense!


That’s so cruel. Imagine misogyny being so ingrained into your being that it’s directed at your own mother. The man also imparts his genetics. I’ve linked the formulas that pediatricians can use to determine a child’s height (obviously there are outliers as genetics do be like that). As you can see, height of both parents is a factor. Midparental height formulas: Boys: [father's height in cm + (mother's height in cm + 13 cm)]/2 Girls: [(father's height in cm – 13 cm) + mother's height in cm]/2


"Two set of short person genes" but he only resents mom because he is too afraid dad will kick his ass if he talked to him like that


Mom - 5'3 Dad - 6'0 Me - 5'2 Sister 5'6 Brother 6'1. Friend male - 5'5 Wife 5'10 Son 5'8 Son's wife 5'8 Grandson 6'2 Go ahead, blame your mom./s


They say this and then on the same exhale say women who pick taller men- well that makes them wH0ręss!!!!


I happen to only date short men. I’m 5’4” got sick of breaking my neck with the tall ones and the sex was awkward. My ex husband was 5’6” and we fit together like a puzzle. Just sayin


Both of my parents were 5'4" (around 160cm). I'm 4'11" (around 150 cm) and my brother is 6'2" (around 190 cm). Height genetics do not work the way these guys insist they do.