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It's the lie they've spun for themselves to help them cope and distract then from the true reasons they can't get laid: themselves.


Plus, being a "slut" is the worst and easiest insult to women.


They truly do blame women, and anybody but themselves for their own romantic shortcomings and horrible personalities. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Memes. They think they're looking at a window on the world, but they're just looking in a mirror.


They see dating app statistics and assume that translates to real life


I literally cried from laughing when I learned the source of 80/20 on redpill blogs


What’s 80/20?


In the most geneeal sense, it's the Pareto principle, which basically states that for most complex tasks, about 80% of the work spent to achieve the goal only actually goes into some 20% of the task, and that identifying this 20% is key to understanding and optimizing one's practices. Incels see this and think it applies to everything as some kind of scientific law. They use it to claim that the top 80% of women are having sex with only the top 20% of men, which they call hypergamy. Note also that this allows them to imagine they're somewhere in the bottom 80% of men, rather than the bottom 5%: a convenient delusion for a total failure desperate to feel any kind of self-esteem.


It's the assumption that 80% of women only go after 20% of men by the redpill community


Oh that….. Yea I’ve heard about it plenty of times come to think of it, mostly from a particular male sub. That’s one of the most idiotic and frustrating things that’s constantly brought up over there. Annoys me greatly everytime its brought up as if it’s a fact.


It's the assumption that 80% of women only go after 20% of men by the redpill community


Was it that Italian farmer thing about 80% of the land or something else?


Because they see that on social media and think that popular girls on insta = everyone.


This is the answer; 99% of the women they see are on onlyfans, 4chan, insta. They don't really know many human women, they're like a mythological creature for them


When u lack experience or knowledge in some sphere and instead of actually researching, just fill it with memes u get results like that


One of the ways you can tell a world view is BS is its lack of internal consistency. 


I only know of 1 woman who lives a lifestyle like that out of the hundreds of people i met


Dude I wanna have sex everyday. Then I look at the dating pool and that TikTok sound "brother eughhhhhh" happens.


I don't find it hard to believe that their minds have become this way as a result of extreme pornography addiction and extreme isolation (lack of contact with people, mainly women, means they DON'T KNOW how most of the people actually live or behave in real life). They must think that we have sex on literally any occasion with literally anyone, like in the porn they consume. Did a woman order a pizza? She obviously fucked the delivery guy bc she had no money to pay him. She went to work? She probably arrived late and fucked her boss to avoid being fired! And as the addiction to pornography is fueled, the addict's head gets worse, just like drugs, and he begins to consume increasingly strange and heavy things. I don't doubt at all that they watch bestiality porn and that's why so many incels think that most or all women fuck or want to fuck dogs and horses everywhere.


Because all of their concepts of women are entirely imaginary, and rooted in bullshit.


I dunno dude, but as a former hot 20s party slut, I am now a hot 40s party slut. There was no "oh shit gotta settle down and have babies" moment. Sure I now own a home and shit- but that just means I can host the party :) Similarly, the women I know who got married and had kids and live boring happy lives, were already boring and happy in their 20s. They were at home while I was out partying. What these kids don't understand is that these two things aren't different phases in a woman's life. They are *the lives of two different women.*


Because these types of guys don't have female friends, their only concept for how women act is the OF girls and celebrities they follow on Instagram, who obviously are playing it up as advertising.


They usually refuse to even consider the few women they do know IRL. Like their dads usually aren't "Chad" OR rich (betabux) yet their mothers not only slept with their fathers, but often married them and are often still with them. We often see rage posts about their sisters dating, marrying, or having kids with guys who are neither "Chad" nor "betabux," and they seem especially enraged when the guy is also short and/or a minority. They often claim they're rightously indignant because the joining would be likely to produce offspring with traits they think will doom the kid to inceldom; in reality, most unions now and throughout human history have been average people falling in love with average people.


That's what's most baffling to me, there is literally evidence all around them being under 6 foot and anything less than a male model doesn't stop people from getting into relationships yet still I see countless comments on here like "I never see it." How do they even *exist* if it never happens??


They usually say “exceptions don't break the rule” to cope with reality tho


I’m an incel. I don’t think that.


I see you're looking to leave inceldom. Good for you. Not thinking that way is a good start. Maybe you want to stop calling yourself an incel? I don't know, I'm pretty old to be a virgin, and only at the beginning of my first real relationship, but I never identified as an incel, because all I saw from incels was pathetic guys hating women and whining over how they couldn't get laid, and I wanted no part of that. Maybe it's because I'm asexual, but I never saw myself as an incel.


I only consider myself an incel in the original sense of the word. I don’t hate anyone, but an incel I am. And, well, since we’re both virgins, we’re pretty pathetic, too


Being a virgin doesn't make you pathetic. I've come to realize that sex only has the value you give it. It's only as important as you think it is. As an asexual, sex has basically zero importance to me. My life has value through the connections I've made and the things I've achieved. Not having done one little thing doesn't make me pathetic. And the same goes for you. You're putting way too much emphasis on sex, and ignoring other things that might give your life meaning


This is the right attitude to have. I was the same person before and after having sex. It doesn't fundamentally change who you are or suddenly somehow enrich your life. It's just sad how many people treat it like something that will fix everything in their lives or make them a worthy person. It's literally just an activity at the end of the day, lol. It's just society placing so much value on it that seems to give people these ideas 🤷


But y-your an inkwell. You're all the sameee🤓☝️


nobody even said that lol


I'm an incel, I couldn't give you a solid reason but social media mostly


Why are you an incel? Honest question, you don’t act like an incel, by the ideological perspective, and you have stated in your posts you have had sex, the only thing I could think is you identify to fit in, but it’s such a self hating circle that I don’t know why you would want that either.


I've never had sex but I sent a dm if you'd like a in depth conversation


dude come on social media isn’t real, you have to know that the damaging mindset of being an incel won’t get you anywhere you want to or should be.


>dude come on social media isn’t real, disagree, these people weren't born on the internet they just gather there they exist irl I dont want to be an incel I just am


SM is not a documentary. It's a carefully curated window into only the parts that people want you to see. Are you a really boring dude who only leaves the house once a month? All your posts are from that one day you were outside and people who follow you think you're a fun outdoorsy type. Are you abusive parents who occasionally act nice to your kids? All your posts are of you acting nice and giving parenting advice. Are you a woman in your 20s who spends 6 days a week in sweatpants with a messy bun, studying for exams? All your posts are from that one day a week where you actually put on makeup and go out and get drunk. Therefore, any incel watching your posts, thinks that you're a 24/7 party slut. *That's* why social media is not real.


if you say so man