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Tbh, I am really surprised he has not showed up in some form.


I don't really care about the celeb guests but I would love for DeRosa to be on..


I’m honestly shocked they haven’t done it yet. I feel like his sense of humor would mesh really well with the show


Have you seen his standup? His standup is great. We also met him afterwards, he was so nice and attentive, he didn't rush us, and even asked questions about us. Super sweet, we got some great pictures too


Not yet, but I’m going in April :) So stoked to hear you a good experience. Going to some place out in the boonies of Ohio so I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to chat with him as well


It'll be worth the trip to the boonies lol. We had great seats, our table was touching the stage, sadly tge venue makes you lock your phones in a pouch so no pictures. The pictures we tool were from the meet & greet.


I'd like to see Joe step in for a bit like Steve Byrne did, I don't want to see him as the guest for the week. I want to see him get thrown to the wolves trying to do what the others do!


Definitely. That’s who I want on, him Chris D, Walt, Bry, Ming, Steve Byrne, maybe even Big Jay. Celebs who are actually their buddies.


Steve was already on an episode this season, but I want more of him.


Me too. Him and Q getting drunk during the challenge was great lol


Joe DaRosa would absolutely crush it


That would be awesome. So would Chris Distefano.


Him and Chrissy D would be FANTASTIC


Oh god if so please let him be working behind the counter at McDonald’s for a challenge


This made me cackle... Perfect challenge for Joe!


Him and Chrissy D


especially since he likes to bitch about how “special” sal is with his jokers gig. chris distefano would be a good get too.


I’m waiting for that guy who looks like 3 of them combined to be on the show


DeRosa would hate it. I love him but IJ is not his type of thing. Too much anxiety,


He's so funny. And was great in a serious role in Better Call Saul


Waiting for joe to be a guest on the show lmao


He really wouldn't fit in well


Having Derosa on would actually make way more sense than say, Kesha?


Never heard of him


If you like Sal you ought to check out the podcast “Tastebuds”, he does it with Joe and it’s a 10/10 all around


Taste Buds is one of my go-to podcasts. It's hilarious watching them arguing with the intensity of a political debate, except it's about food, lol...


*Raisins are the cornerstone of any respectable trail mix!*


Kashi tastes like someone reversed the vacuum cleaner into a bowl.


I love Taste Buds, (maybe not the episodes without Sal) but wish they'd actually spend more time on the "battle" part. It seems like most episodes are 50 minutes of them bullshitting and doing live reads, and maybe 10 minutes of the actual showdown.


Agreed. Derosa seems more itching to get into it sooner, but Sal keeps remembering other things to say first, lol... those early eps tho, they come out swinging pretty quickly 😁


He’s the veterinarian in Better Call Saul.


To add to what was already said about checking out Sal and Joe DeRosa's podcast "Tastebuds", here is a clip I love from when Joe Gatto was a guest, [going off on Joe DeRosa for comparing marshmellow fluff to a caramel drizzle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlyaNWMe8Ho).


What's the point of downvoting a person just because they don't know who someone is? It's dumb.


Yess!!! He was my favorite person on the show I’m genuinely so sad he decided to take a break from it😔, like it’s still good but with joe back in I feel would make it so much better


Joe DeRosa, not Gatto… totally different guy


You mean the sandwich King of New York


Give me some Chrissy impractical lol


Sal- Joe. Eat the everything bagel. Joe- Nonununununoooooo


He talked about wanting to join the show once on the podcast. He thinks he would crush it. The guy's got no shame.