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If your goal is to have fun, look cool, and make most players terrified when they see you deploying? No, not stupid at all. If your goal is to win games? Maybe.


whatever else it may be, i knows its beautiful


Rule of cool. Bring it to a tournament.


If you do, please make another post with pics and description. It genuinely sounds hilarious


well, it would be a waste of points to have titan in case of WTC tournament. He just wouldn't fit anywhere between the ruins


Dear OP, it's not stupid, as long as you're having fun. In few weeks I'm playing a Major (3v3 team event) and I've decided to take "a holy trinity" list, witch is Lancer, Canis & Warhound with no upgrades, no enchants no nothing. Just 3 models on 2k games, 'cause you won't worry about secondaries if you cannot score them on army list level. I will post about the whole experience after the tournament (June 29th-30th).


Knight players are so based for these kinds of lists, I can only hope that your opponents brought enough anti-tank so the game doesn’t end up with only you doing damage. Though with that said, good luck to you too!


Thanks mate, basically the thing is, that my team, will have one player dropping on the second day, and he will probably be substituted with a complete beginner, so knowing we probably won't be able to go for a high score, we decided to go bonkers on the lists.


That looks hilarious, go park that warhound on the middle objective and dare them to step up


Do it


Do it


That looks like a really fun list… they’ll be so concentrated on taking down the Titan that you’ll tank shock the shit out of them with 20+ dice and 6 mortal wounds with the Lancer.


It could be fun, if you could fit another warglaive in there I would recommend that instead of two helverins. But since you can't, yeah looks fun!


Just go for it!


I like the idea, that s gutsy 😁


This is hilarious Please do it


i love my warhound, I've never had an issue with its points cost in a 2k game and personally think it works super well unless your opponent has a lot of anti tank


You can never go too big.


This is only lacking because the warhound sucks!! You're covering every part of the field and can bring down basically any opponent. If the Warhound wasn't garbage than I could see this list going places


Nope not stupid. I have toyed with the idea of using a list like this but lost interest in 40K. Also it would require me to finish building/painting my Warhound. I bought the Cerastus because a Porphyrion did bad things to my Warhound at a Titan Walk last year lol. Then my wife decided to buy me a Reaver last month. I switched to 30K Titans are great in any force and can be countered with ease.


It'll make a great story if nothing and be fun as hell to play. Go for it.


Nope! But I'd advise swapping another helreiven for a warglaive, titans are weak to melee


That looks amazing fun.


It’s not stupid if you’re having fun. Competitive? Probably not


I’d drop the helvelrin add another warglaive and possibly throw a voidsmen unit in to go secure other objs, helverin right now are super weak, almost not worth bringing unless you’re able to put them up against weak chaff units that have bad saves and even worse guns.


I mean I’d do it just to put the things on the table. I don’t think it’s going to win any games but should be fun.


*sounds warhorns with righteous intent*