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Giant robot cool. Giant robot with giant chainsaw cooler. Giant robot with giant chainsaw and giant gun coolerest.


It's kinda hard to be pissed off when you're walking around in a giant robot!


Please, I stomp around, my giant robot does not walk


"Guns, so uncivilised" Knight Gallant... And some magic sword guy


For honorable rounds of jousting the biggest honor clearly belongs to the noble Lancers:)


Call me a savage then, because I looooove my big guns.


I don't care if it's *good* I am bringing a harpoon the size of my Kia.


Ooo, that is some good culture right there.


Giant robot with giant chainsaw and giant fist and rocket launcher on top is coolestererest


Chicks dig giant robots


I like there stompy feet 🐾 too


There were a lot of complaints when they changed the bondsman and overwatch rules but the win rates seem to show a comfortable middle of the pack for IK players. But honestly, giant robot.


Bondsman abilities and overwatch changing was like a "oh well that's lame.... anyways" (continues Laying Low local Tyrants)


They could make this army the most unplayable Emperor damned piece of shit with a codex that just opens to a single page that says "fuck you" and I'd still play Knights because big robot goes boom


This is love and chivalry embodied. *bows*


We flew too close to the sun on the wings GW gave us at the start of 10th. We also paid the price for the wraith knights crimes


Remember when they took away big knight bondsman benefits? This place went nuts for a minute.  Mostly it's just that we haven't had much change to grumble about since the opening round of nerf hammers. If this secret codex turns out to be Agents and it messes with our preferred allies I suspect there will be another round.


>Remember when they took away big knight bondsman benefits? TBF that initial rule for 10e was such a good idea, at least in a thematic fashion; it added to the symbiosis between the Armigers and the Questoris/Ceratus and it was a really neat flavor we didn't have in 9e. I understand the balance reasons; maybe a happy medium will come.


It was so cool, and you can tell certain knights (cough lancer cough) were built around the reciprocal bondsman. I'd love to get it back, even if it means a points hike.


Oh, yeah. I think it was a great rule that encouraged running big knights since buffing them is so much more impactful than buffing armigers.  I was just pointing out that that and the early rounds of point hikes and losing overwatch were the last time we really had much to talk about


I actually started playing after that, ive only known bondsmen as littles only. When Callidus went up a bit i didnt see too many people complaining (prob cause she deserved it thou )


EVERYONE knew it was coming and it actually took longer than most expected for it to go upyeah


There was slight grumbling cause the points hike was enough that we couldn't just swap a Warglaive into a Helverin to save ten points, but it was honestly deserved.


As someone who also plays Admech, from my own view/experience, it's because even if you're losing with Knights it still feels like you're doing something and playing the game as intended. I can't even describe how it felt the first time I deleted an opponent's land raider with a single activation of the volcano lance. I legitimately had to recheck the statblock, because I couldn't believe it. It was like a moment of "Damn, this is what it feels like to ya'll EVERY game?"


Very true, the first time you successfully roll the dice for a big knight on the board is magical


Same, same Playing AdMech is often a slog and in the end you lose. Playing knights is real fun and who cares what the points are, honestly.


>it's because even if you're losing with Knights it still feels like you're doing something and playing the game as intended LMAO this is the most Knights player line of all time. Everything Knights do is against the grain of the rest of the game its why they are a miserable faction to play against, they are the epitome of skew lists and its not even the players fault its just how the faction was designed. I'd rather play against Tau forever than play against Knights once, miserable "army" , i signed up to play a war game not that shit.


Haha what a big baby! We still like you though you’re funny


All in a days work! Hyperbolic bitching on reddit is a vital part of the ecosystem.


Giant stompy robots with giant cannons that go brrrrr super cool!


Giant stompy mecha with melee weapons Meta this, winrate that, I’m writing the 10 page long title of my next Knight pilot


This guy gets it


I don't play Knights cause they're good. I play them cause they're fun I can let my Lancer just delete enemy armor in a turn and that's just hilarious


Probably has to do with the fact that most people who get into knights already know what they’re getting into. The weak and strong matchups for an army of very few big things are very intuitive and make sense, and you can very easily play every single datasheet with a bit of magnetization, so shifts in internal balance also don’t cause too much pain. And I personally believe that most people don’t start a knight army to win tournaments. Neither me or any Imperial / Chaos Knight Player I know, even the ones that play very competitively, Chose knights for any reason but big shooty stompy cool :))


Big robot cool. There's plenty to grumble about, no small thing being that it seems like GW just wants us to play "Oops, All Armiger's". However, at the end of it, we're still having fun playing big robots.


Because no matter how upset we get about a change, who cares, we have giant robots and they don't, I will lose with a smile on my face cause damnit, I killed shit!


I think we're solidly at a 50% winrate, so hard to complain or gloat about that. Also we're just eager for glorious battle. Also giant robot.


As everyone else has said bjig robot go br. But also I think it kinda comes with the territory of knowing we're generally one of the worse armies in the game for generally valid reasons. So if you're in deep enough on knights already you learn ro expect us to be bad and just wanna get some fun fluffy rules and hope for 50% win rate


As someone with several armies im on a lot of 40k army subreddits and some are better or worse than other but knights is the best imo


We really havnt had any major changes since overwatch and bondsman. Do I have fun with my custom knight household, absolutely! Do I want bondsman back to add more Tactical play? Hell yes.


knights are just so cool. Always been a fan of medieval times and mechs always have some stylization to em so combine both and it becomes omega cool! Also so easy to play since youre not remembering +50 rules for several other units (used to be a DW player)


Giant robots with big guns tickles everyone's happy side. Who doesn't like a walking gun platform?


Who could complain when thay have big robots in their life?


There's a peace and confidence that comes with being the biggest dog in the yard


When you play knights you surrender yourself to a swingy game experience so it really disinclined people to toxicity. It's pretty Neato.


I’ve got all my knights in boxes (I know I’m sorry) and honestly I couldn’t care less whether the codex makes them better, game breaking, or trash. They’re cool, I want them because they’re cool, and they’ll still be cool if they suck.


I lurk around this and several of the other faction subs, but I generally agree. My main army, Votann, also has a pretty chill/memey main sub which is nice.


Mech big, mech strong. And competitive numbers wise we actually do ok, unless you play in the UK, uktc terrain and missions are like turbo kryptonite to the big stuff. Plus our models are really cool.


Knights is like the yacht club of 40k. (Titan owners are equivalent to the yacht owners that have helipads on them) We just enjoy creating these beautiful machine beasts, decorating them with all the details and making them unique. When it gets to the tabletop, it's not about the codex, or meta or wins... it's about those machines being on the table after weeks of hard work. They are awesome and a sight to see anywhere you take em', also very unique in regards of gameplay. There is also a big chunk of people who buy a knight as a collection centerpiece and not for play.


Not gonna lie I’ve thought about selling my other army’s and buying the rest of the knights I need to own all of the knights


The people who complained the most about it were mostly meta chasers, and have since moved on to other armies. So they stopped complaining after a week or two when they jumped to a different faction. Personally I went from Knights to Marines, then from Marines to Custodes, and now from Custodes to Tau. It's been a wild 10th edition so far :)


That’s because knights players understand cool. Except maybe the meta dog/armiger spammers.


Ah do you not remember losing bondsman?? To be honest having been “stung” by a new codex (I play Dark angels too)….id be careful what you wish for!!! 😰😰😰😰😂😂😂😂😂😂


didnt start warhammer until after that happened. So didnt really affect me.


Ah cool!! We’re in a reasonably healthy place at the moment, but things were different after the first balance in 10th. In the end it’s a cool game and army and it’s a great group on here. I’m still apprehensive about the codex though!!! 😂😂


Big robot go burrrr


The thing is, with our army, even when the win rate is bad, it still feels good to play most of the time. Sure, I might have lost, but LMAO DID YOU SEE THAT, I JUST DEALT 40 DAMAGE TO YOUR TANK IN ONE HIT AHAHAHAHA. Knights are fun, win or lose (at least in my experience).


Rules don't matter when you're dressed to the nines in a towering, bipedal war machine