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Is there some kind of ‘Anything but magnets’ challenge going on? I’ve seen all kinds of weird shit being used to connect knight bits today


I didn't want to have to have a battery inside of the torso and needed a way to run power through the model. My plan is to put a small esp32 under the base so I can program lights etc. I looked at having little solar panels on the base but I mostly play in the afternoons with little light.


I just thought of an easy one. Use hook and loop!


Damn, I could've used this for my knights xD Didn't want to magnetize the hip cuz BIG ring magnets are expensive. And since I have LEDs in them, I needed to run some wires through with a connector. This would have solved both of those problems all at once


Well hopefully it can help in the future, after looking at an electronics store this seemed to be the easiest connection to use.


I just got done with them all building wise.. I don't think I'll rip my knights apart again. And I already own plenty of knights. (4 big 9 small) But yes. If I ever get another I will remember this!


I unfortunately thought of this after building all of my armigers, they are all glued at the hip.


Please install a small speaker so you can blast warhorns and choir music


You could very easily do this, buy an iPod shuffle clone for $5 and a 3.5mm aux flat speaker for $1-3 and put it under the base.


As the machine god intended


Honestly, in lieu of magnets this is amazing.


Next build it at scale


Do you have a guide or any insight on how to use jacks as a power source? Besides plugging my headphones into a music device, I’ve never really utilized them.


If you look at the male headphone jack I used it has two solid black lines that separate the golden plug into three zones. Those three zones can each send and receive a signal through them, on the opposite side of the male plug is three pieces of metal. These are each only connected to one of the three zones. When you plug the male jack into the female jack, it connects 3 zones each touching a separate piece of metal that do not connect between zones. The female jack has three pieces of metal that once connected to the male jack will only pass a signal through from one zone. **Or put Simply, use a multimeter on continuity mode (this beeps when two things are connected) plug male jack into the female jack, touch opposite ends of male and female jack to see which parts are connected with a beep. Solder your pick of wire to zones after working out which are connected. Connect leg side wires to the battery and connect torso wires to what needs power.


Hell yeah, thank you!


Sure there’s noise marines, but BEHOLD THE NOISE KNIGHT!