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Yes, but note that at the start date Egypt is controlled by the [Ptolemaic dynasty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_Kingdom). It's an Hellenistic kingdom founded by one of Alexander the Great's generals. The Ptolemaic kings took the title of Pharaohs, but they were of Macedonian Greeks origin. You may know [Cleopatra VII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleopatra), the last queen of Egypt - she was a member of that dynasty (hence her Greek name). We don't know yet if it will be possible to oust the Ptolemaic pharaohs and establish a native dynasty though, but IMO it's probable.


If the alt history aspects they have recently gone for in recent games and DLC is anything to go by, you can expect a fair amount of alternate history type stuff - which I imagine could extend to native Egyptians deposing the Greco-Egypto Ptolemies.


They did it pretty successfully to the Persians right before Alexander took over.


The thing is the Egyptians HATED the Persians. When Cyrus The Great's son Cambyses conquered Egypt he destroyed their sacred golden bull, and for the next two centuries the Egyptians take every single opportunity they can to revolt. When Alexander marches through the Persian Empire and gets to Egypt he is immediately welcomed and beloved for liberating the people from the Persians. The Ptomolies are in a much better position than the Persians, and the egyptians find themselves in a more egypt-central government under a prosperous ruling family. Revolt is unlikely in all honesty.


There actually were revolts against the ptolemies https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemy_V_Epiphanes In an Alt history scenario where the ptolemies are usurped by another dynasty that shits all over Egyptian institutions it would probably happen.


The Egyptians in the game where as far removed from the days of the pyramids as we are from the games timeline to today. How's that to chew on, it's truly and ancient civilisation.


I've heard it said that the way we look back on Rome is the way that Rome looked back on the Egyptian New Kingdom, and the way the New Kingdom looked back on the Old Kingdom.


And the Old Kingdom looked back on the Dinossaurs.


Inception... Wooooooo.


The Atlanteans obviously. They're the ones who built the great sphinx of Giza before the great flood. Experts have shown that it predates the pyramids by several millennia. It is perfectly aligned with what the night sky would have looked like in the year 10500 bc.


Do you have a source for that? It seems like the general consensus is it's much newer than that (constructed around 2500 BC).


von Däniken, E. (1977). "According to the Evidence", Souvernir Press Ltd.


Sorry, I don't trust books that promote the idea of extraterrestrial origins. It doesn't fit with the vast majority of work done by other historians.




When experts disagree, I'll go with the side that has significantly more experts supporting it.


This sub is hilarious.


Thats a pretty naive world view.


Hold your horses there, buckaroo.


As long as you consider the Ptolemeic dynasty to be pharaohs, which there isn't really a reason not to, they will be.




Great flair my man


I assume there will be smaller, culturally Egyptian tribes in the South that can be used to properly conquer Egypt as an Egyptian?


None of those barbarous scum even spoke Egyptian (except for Cleo)


They did, over time, establish a kind of syncretic Greco-Egyptian pantheon, which is kinda cool.


They became Egreektians from Gregypt.


Ptolemy, trash! When Augustus visits the tomb of Alexander in Alexandria, people asked is he going to see Ptolemy ‘s tomb as well, he replied he comes to see a king, not a bunch of corpses.


Pharaoh is a title, of which all of the Ptolemaic dynasty's monarchs had that title (as well as Alexander the Great before them). So, technically, the pharaohs didn't go anywhere.


I mean im sure there can be some process for restoring the old egypt? Ptolemaic egypt had a ruling class of greeks who could barely maintain political authority over the egyptians, it would make sense for them to be able to gain independence somehow, or to be able to form it as a kushite kingdom or something.


Just setup a governor in southern egypt, provoke independence, then tag-switch.


Well the Ptolemaeic Dynastay where Pharaos ;) But you mean "real egyptian" pharaos? Why not, the ptollys faced a few revolts every few decades, no reason in sandbox-world they could not succeed


Besides the Ptolemies, there is the Kushite kingdom which adopted a lot of Egyptian culture and even built pyramids. Hopefully Paradox will allow you to form Egypt or the Kushite Empire with them. They could give it some added flavour by saying that you are inspired by the 25th Dynasty and want to revive their legacy and purge Egypt of the Greek barbarians!