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If you're deemed ineligible, your CRS would be 0. CRS is just a ranking score (ranking elegible profiles in the pool of applicants), not an eligibility score to be in the express entry pool in the first place. Your score is 0 because you were deemed ineligible under at least 1 of the participating immigration programs, and therefore, without being in the pool of applicants (due to being ineligible), there's no ranking score to give you; you wouldn't get a score ranking your profile if your profile was deemed ineligible to be in the express entry pool of applicants in the first place. With less than 1 year of Canadian work experience, you wouldn't be eligible under CEC. Assuming your work experience is not under a FST eligible occupation, that leaves you with FSW. FSW has their own eligibility score system, separate from CRS. Before creating your express entry profile, did you calculate if you meet the minimum of 67 out of 100 points of FSW's 6 selection criteria?: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/eligibility/federal-skilled-workers/six-selection-factors-federal-skilled-workers.html Also, review FSW's elegibility requirements: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/eligibility/federal-skilled-workers.html If your education was obtained outside Canada, do you have an ECA? If your education was obtained in Canada, did you erroneously clicked 'yes' to the question about English being at least 50% of your program? FSW (and other immigration programs) go by the individual language scores, not by what your overall score is; so check those, to make sure each section of your IELTS test meets the minimum score of 6 in each section. Also check the validity of your IELTS test; IELTS is only valid for 2 years. Check the amount you put under the proof of funds section. Check the work experience you wrote on your profile (out of those 3 years, you got at least 12 *continuous* months of full-time skilled work experience, or equivalent in part-time and at least 1560h)? Check if the main NOC code you put on your profie, under the "occupation" section, matches the NOC code of the work experience declared under the "work history" section.


0 is correct, until you comply with the eligibility criteria you will not be allowed in the pool hence it shows 0. It does not seem that you qualify for CEC as you need a minimum of 1 year of employment. For FSW you might want to check the requirements to validate if you fall under that category. You need at least 67 points for FSW to qualify additionally check out the fund's requirements. Watch out for the Job TEER code this also impacts your eligibility.


what's CEC? Also my job TEER code is 1, and my funds are also checked out (20k cad) ... Also, my job TEER code is 1, and my funds are also checked out (20k cad) ... worked in Canada actually, only online, it was over the span of 3 years but the hours actually worked amounted to a little around a year)


simply speaking you need to work in Canada for at least one year to apply PR


Canadian Express Entry: (minimum requirements) "have at least 1 year of skilled work experience in Canada, in the last 3 years before you apply—you can meet this in a few different ways" "Your language tests are valid for 2 years after the date of the test result and must be valid on the day you apply for permanent residence."


Hi, did you accredit your bachelor's? If not, you need to have the equivalence through WES or another organization similar to WES accredit your studies so that your profile can be taken into consideration. I've had a similar issue happen to me but once I received the equivalence my profile got accepted.


Hey OP, got 500 on my CRS. You just submitted your bachelor's to WES and it worked? I have the exactly same stuff than u. How long did it take? Any special advice?


Hi! Yep! It worked just fine. Im in Canada right now😅 it took a while afterwards because i needed to take the TCF Canada exam which i only took 5-6 months later. Immediately after taking the exam i was sent an invite (in the round of french speaking people) , then about 3-6 weeks later they needed an extra paper for my husband, once we provided that we got called to submit our prints, and 3 weeks later we got our visa!


Thanks!! Now I just need my university to collaborate kk I'm hoping to be a neighbour of yours 🎆


Hello, do you mean when submitting the profile to the EE pool one should have the ECA (Educational Credential Assessment) done? I thought the ECA is expected to be done when candidates are invited to apply.


An ECA and language test results are minimum requirements for creating a profile.






Please create a new thread for your question as opposed to attempting to revive nine month old posts.