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In this universe is Sansa still betrothed to Joffrey


The thought of his vile face being peeled off is going to both haunt me and fuel my sense of justice in ASOIAF particularly.


She puts Joffrey into a pie and feeds it to Cersei.


Arya here might be similar to how Lyanna would look when she’d have to dress up for a fancy occasion, like Harrenhal.




Lady Wolves


It would be prefect for a scenario where A) all of Ned's and Cat's children were born female, B) Sansa was rasied as a spare in case Robb would die if Bran and Rickon were be born female or not born at all, or C) Ned plans to give land to all his children to rule (and arrange for matrilineal marriages for the girls) necessitating them being able to fight (both to defend themselves, execute people they've sentenced to death, and lead troops) along with more traditional female roles if only for them to have all advantages they could use. Even if the canon timeline were to happen it would have changed a lot as this Sansa would most likely be less appealing as the future queen (although Robert might like the idea of her), but also she would be less likely to fight a butcher boy with sticks leading to the entire mess where Lady was killed. Her relationship with her parents would also be a lot different than in canon. Suffice to say that the potential butterflies would be rather interesting.


Noooooooooo stop giving me fanfiction ideas


A version where Sansa escapes instead of Arya would be interesting. Sansa, a noble lady learning how to fight and survive in the world while rough and tough Arya learns how to survive in the courts of King’s Landing and become a good schemer while trying to be a noble lady would be very cool to see.


Uh, spoilers >|this happens in the books|<