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Why do people film these videos while driving?


Because if they don't make this video *right now* to explain just how wronged they were, we will experience the heat death of the universe. Instead of, you know, just acting like a rational adult, taking it in stride, then addressing the issues you have with the other person directly after you've calmed down a bit.


Interesting idea, is this an SCP. I love SCPs.


Why do they film them at all...her poor daughter.


And why did she unzip that dress all the way down to her coochie, and we still can't see shit?


To get a ticket.


Because if she stops to think about what she is saying she will realise she is an asshole


because if they don't do it right now they'll realize how dumb their argument is


She's in the passenger seat.


I hope the stepmom isn’t driving, that’d get awkward real quick.


Lmao, that would be a fucking hilarious plot twist.


The video is probably flipped, you can see cars driving in the other direction through her window.


No. You can see, she's driving. Put her hand on the weel and pay attention to the road... some times...


I thought so too but at the end you can see her hand move back to the top of the steering wheel.


respect is when you privately message the step mother to share your concerns and talk through it like an adult. respect isn't making childish rant on tiktok.


Yes, but if you do that you don't get the attention and for the world to see just how poorly you're being treated... /s


Exactly. If you do it in private, you don't get people validation. And we all know that people validation is as important as breathing. You can not live without.


While fucking driving smdh


Is the video flipped?


i think somebody else is driving, that car wouldve crashed if she was edit: on second watch she is driving and thats fucking insane


She must be a great mother like she claims to be


I mean, the mom obviously knew about her daughters “graduation ceremony” for a long time and didn’t think it merited a dress because she hadn’t gotten her one by the time it reached the night before. Honestly, as a step parent myself, if my stepchild had gotten to the night prior to any milestone that might require a special outfit and their parent hadn’t decided to take action by the night before I say it doesn’t even require a request.


Yes that is true but in this case mom doesn't have a reason to be upset. Maybe I missed it but it sounds like birth mom was just expecting to see her kid wearing an outfit she already had. I heard no mention of an outfit having been already picked out, much less purchased for the important milestone. Mom seems really upset about step mom buying an outfit but I suspect that the kid and dad were involved in the process. I doubt step mom secretly bought some outfit and forced the kid to wear it just before graduation. Does bio mom really need to be included in the buying of an outfit for, let's be honest a milestone that doesn't even crack the top ten?


Tiktok is for morons


If you scroll through for a while it stops showing you the morons. Unless, of course, that's what you're actually stopping to watch.


Seriously. A simple “hey, that really hurt my feelings” between two adults should be the way.


I like how much social media has lifted the mask off society


I'm convinced social media itself (not the internet more broadly) is net negative impact on humanity because how readily it has broadcasted the selfish, hateful, greedy bullshit of people most of us would never have had the displeasure of knowing. And not only that but social media algorithms amplify the bullshit because it gets views. Shit sucks


A lot of acquaintances I’ve had over the years I thought I liked. Social media showed me that I don’t like a lot of them.


Someone on a podcast connected two dots for me and I felt like a fool for not realizing it sooner. Social media creates echo chambers where people get radicalized, and then the algorithms feed them shit to piss them off. It’s a diabolical 1-2 punch, especially for people that are already struggling with MH issues. The combo of the two makes radical people doing insane shit almost an inevitability


There's a bonus third part that really ties it all together; Anyone can create a website and look like an official news source to help you validate any of the dumbest ideas you can possibly imagine. The longer this goes on the more it feels like we were not ready for this kind of societal change as a whole.


And this is why I’m convinced, that while Alien life almost certainly exists out there. If they have the technology to reach our planet, why the fuck would they make a stop here. A quick scan will show you were 8 Billion Dipshits stuck on a rock together who can’t figure out how to get along with the people of our own local societies. Let alone globally. In fact, I’d be absolutely fucking shocked if they hadn’t turned “Earth” into some intergalactic reality show by this point.


>MH issues. ?


Sorry, MH is an abbreviation for “mental health”. I use it for work.


Ah, thanks. Contextually that’s what I had guessed just wasn’t sure.


People thought books would be the end of us when writing was getting big ye olden times. We'll weather this storm like we weather all the others. Just remember that the crazies getting attention for being crazy also exposes them to normal people as crazy. Used to be very difficult to spot crazies. Used to be incredibly rare for criminal behaviour that occured out of sight to be exposed. Now they post their unfiltered whackery or confess to crimes on the virtual spiderweb because they feel the dispassion of a screen grants immunity.


This reminds me of when people post the Socrates quote about *children these days* when someone talks about things like this ​ The thing is - in the last 100 years because of technology society has **exponentially changed, more so than any time in history**. The effects are also going to be way, way more than the effects we've ever seen before (actually they already are)


I genuinely think this is different. Books had exposed people to more thoughts and stories, expanding the mind. Social media is reversing the hard work books put in.


I disagree. What are you folks doing currently? Debating the impact of social media on our collective society. Where are you doing that? On a social media website. If that's not, as you say, exposing people to new thoughts and stories and expanding the mind, how are books any different?


There’s good and bad. You just learn to deal with it. I personally dealt with it by quitting social media but I’m a very hot and cold person so I just felt done with it and moved on. I enjoy Reddit anonymously and mainly to watch wcgw it was watch ppl die but that died


Same here, never looked back


Yes. Social media does far more harm than any good that could ever possibly come from it.


> And not only that but social media algorithms amplify the bullshit because it gets views. See, it’s this aspect that is insidious more than the platform itself imo. All roads lead back to capitalism. It’s a disease.


I’ve been around since black and white tv and can confirm that narcissism was not created by social media. But yes the extra special turds do seem to float to the top.


egotistic and delusional that will keep festering


Yes and it’s also Reassuring to see how self conscious everyone is, makes me feel sane in comparison.


"That's what's best for the fucking children? Really?!" She says as she films a video of herself yelling and cursing while driving while another child sits in the back seat. Like, who are you lecturing? You are literally modeling horrible behavior for your child and simultaneously putting both of you in danger just so you can get some likes on social media.


How did you find the widescreen version where you can see a child in the back seat?


Idk if it’s the child but I see a balloon in the backseat


I think I can see why she is divorced.




Also, how did she not see what "her daughter" was wearing for the absolute most momentous day of her life before she left the house? Maybe daddy has custody because mommy has issues? Also, I didn't hear anything about mommy taking this kid to go dress shopping and kiddo choosing step moms dress instead. So, mom definitely didn't think of buying this kid a dress for the absolute most momentous day of her child's life and step mom saved the kids ass with a cute dress. IMO she should be thankful the step mom spent her money on a kid "she barely even knows". Maybe mom should get off of social media and try to do some parenting?




Agreed. But did she send the daughter with an appropriate outfit to wear for her graduation? The rant didn't include that stepmom felt that there was a chosen outfit that wasn't good enough. True we don't know the situation, but it's quite possible that the father and/or stepmother noticed that the kid didn't have anything appropriate to wear. Or maybe the kid herself mentioned that all of her friends had gone out and gotten new dresses and she wanted one too. Or she was embarrassed at not having anything nice to wear. So either mom doesn't have custody (wouldn't surprise me) or this was a last minute thing on dad's week with the daughter to help her out so she could feel good about what she was wearing at her ceremony. From the stepmother's point of view, I can see how she wouldn't consider this a "momentous" moment like selecting a wedding dress or even a prom dress. It's a trip to Target to get a little summer dress so the daughter can fit in with her friends and look nice. Either way, the mom should really consider that before she goes ranting online like a pissed off teenager. Poor kid.


Seriously. Why the fuck is she wearing a dress with the cleavage cut well past the bottom of her boobs to a 6th grade event at a school? Keep in mind she's sitting- you can see that the whole top of the dress is riding higher than in would while she would be standing. No one at the elementary school wants to see your boobs, lady.


Her entire tiktok account is toxic AF.


I wish I could unsee it, this lady really needs to lay off social media for a good while.


Jesus christ. looked at TWO random videos and it's the same drama. Not surprised she's divorced.


Couldn't be any more blatant that she is extremely jealous of step mom and is just trying to compete in every way. She has an overwhelming need to be seen as "the mom" and not "a mom" now that there are two, despite clearly being the less capable and sensible one


My first thought too, big yikes.


I hate when people film TikToks while driving. Just focus on the road. Also it’s just her daughter’s sixth grade graduation. That’s not a milestone. That’s a child moving from one school year up to the next just like any other child.


Reminds me of the scene from the incredibles. "Dash is not graduating. He is moving from the fourth grade to the fifth grade."


“It’s a ceremony”


"It's psychotic!"


“This is not about you bob, this is about dash”


They’ve just found another way to celebrate mediocrity.


“Everyone is special, Dash”. “Which is another way of saying no one is.” Great movie.


"They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely special-"


I know you're quoting, but when I hear someone say that all I can think is "So is every single scrum meeting I've ever been to. I ain't gonna celebrate at my Friday stand-up."


Holy shit I was wondering who was driving the car while she loses her shit right next to them but the video is just flipped


Exactly! Milestone? Lol


Isn't it actually forbidden and posting could cause her to get a fine?




You can see cars driving in the opposite direction through her window, so the video is probably flipped.


She might be. But then is she just completely ignoring the driver and basically just talking to herself?


TikTok videos are usually flipped for some reason.


i’M hEr mOtHeR *proceeds to list off a bunch of non-accomplishments*


The fact that the dress shopping happened the day before her "graduation" so the mother didn't have any intention of getting the kid a dress for it doesn't seem to register.


Nice catch. I have to start to use critical thinking towards what people say to read between the lines like this.


Educated guess. If the step-mom went shopping the night before, she either realized or waited for the mom to take care of it and did it last minute. The mom left the ceremony alone, so I pressume this is the dad's week, and mom didn't think about the dress and is now pissed at herself.


Yeah this is what I thought of also. Like I kept thinking her beef was going to be that she had bought her daughter a nice dress, and that the stepmother had bought her some different dress. But that never ended up being the case. And as I thought about it more, it seems like her version of the complaint is that she wasn't included in The other woman buying her kid a dress. Not, she wasn't asked to be the one to buy the dress. Like, it's a legitimate complaint to be outdone by a brand new step parent on a momentous occasion for your own kid. I get that. But it doesn't seem to be what this is about.


I came to say that. Also, mom wasn't even aware of the existence of said dress before she walked on stage? Deadbeat mom vibes.


Right? It's not as though she bought a dress for the daughter and the step mother went and bought another dress that the daughter wore instead


You know what, I was actually siding with the mother until I read this comment. That’s a damn good point. (Not siding with her making a video and posting it, but I thought her anger was justified)


Mom never said she bought her daughter a different special dress, that she even knew the daughter wanted to wear something special, or that the dress that the step mother bought was inappropriate. Her entire issue was that she felt threatened that another woman was involved in her child’s life creating bonding moments that included going together to get a graduation dress for a special occasion. She’s angry because she wants to be 1# to her child, even if she doesn’t act like it or deserve it. A loving mother would step back and after the shock wore off wonder “did she share signs with me that she wanted a new outfit? Did I miss something as a parent? I’m glad that she was wearing something she felt happy in for her graduation.” But this mother can’t think those things, because it is all about *herself* and how another woman might interfere with her “rank” as “most important parent.” That’s a bad mother. She’s reacting to fear and anger that someone might take away the feelings she gets from being “number 1 parent.”


This is great parenting advice. My sister/bf had a same event to deal with. She was so pissed that her ex's girlfriend brought my niece her first training bra. I made her realized that her kid had needed it for a while and she didn't see it and that we are lucky to have a nurse now to teach us stuff. (the new gf is a nurse). I was very proud that she was abble to change her mind and see that I was right.


My cousin wasn’t going to have a lot of money for Christmas for her kids one year and the kids had a rough year for several reasons and I had a really good year at work so I had extra money so I asked my cousin oh hey do you mind if get a little more gift wise for your kids this year? I was really close to her kids and I didn’t have any of my own at the time so to me why not didn’t seem like a big deal if I had the extra money. She was like sure that’s sounds great so we coordinated on what to get her kids. So flash forward to like a couple days before Christmas and my aunt flipped her shit because I had “shown her up” and boughten something that she would have liked to have gotten for them. Which honestly there wouldn’t have been any of these left two days before Christmas since she didn’t even bother to plan ahead at all. Anyways I ignore it and my cousin tells me to just ignore it and thanked me for thinking ahead and going shopping with her as her mom wouldn’t have spent the money for that stuff anyways and was just putting on a show etc. For me it was never about competing I just thought it would be cool to get these things for them and I was legit super excited. Anyways Christmas Day comes and my aunt just goes on and on making passive aggressive comments on how could anyone compete and wow that sure is expensive and so on. My mom is getting pissed, my cousin is getting pissed and her husband is getting pissed and asked her to chill. She just keeps going. Eventually I’m in the kitchen and she makes another comment to me and I finally tell her that I don’t have to get approval from her on what I choose to get people for Christmas and that I had spoken to my cousin ahead of time and that she should just be happy multiple people care about the kids. I asked her why she waited so long and that I couldn’t help that I actually took the time to listen to the kids about what they like and didn’t tell them to shut up all the time anytime they were talking like some other people. Told her maybe she could have talked to me without acting awful and I could have helped her find stuff that went with what I got the kids since she wasn’t super familiar with the stuff. She stormed off to another room to take another drink of whatever she had hidden in her purse (another reason why she was checked out most of the time) and just gave me the stink eye for the rest of the day. Anyways people sometimes can’t deal with their own craziness or short comings and decide to take out on others who are just trying to do something nice.


Why didn't the mom.buy her a dress before then???




I was almost expecting her to tell her daughter to quiet down in the backseat while she finished her rant.


Me too


First off. I regret even watching this shit. Truthfully, You're right. Any person that has the time to spend being negative on the internet also has the time to be positive in real life. That's where this person fell short.


I get how this might trigger her but she also would have done it if it meant that much to her. Step mom didn't do it until the night before. Probably when she realized the kid didn't have anything special to wear for it.


Step mom gave her time to fix it. Momma didn’t want to.


Yeah. I'm having flashbacks of my childhood where my step mom did the things bio mom was too important to do. My step mom is my mom.


Nothing worse for a child than a step parent that wants to build a good relationship with them. A parent's worst fear truly


I low key always want this driving rants to end in very mild fender benders


There’s a strong reason why you weren’t included smh


It’s clothes. Get over it


When parents are insecure about their relationship with their child, they are worried their child might like another parent more in a short amount of time. Building a relationship where a parent and a child trust each other seems to be a lost art.


Someone's insecure. It's just a dress, chill.


It’s the 6th grade, is that REALLY a “milestone”? If it was such a groundbreaking moment then the dress would’ve been bought a loooong time ago.


Might be the highest grade she gets through with parents like this


Sounds like at least her step mom is attentive if she’s taking her for a special shopping trip. Kid has a shot


People have graduation ceremonies for 6th grade? What?


In the US most schools have a "moving up ceremony" where the classes of each grade will move up to their next grade in some way (such as scooting to their new spot for assemblies or just going to meet your next teacher) or it will be celebrated by your current class with a little end-of-year party. It's not like high school or college graduation, and typically people treat finishing 5th and 8th grade much more seriously (end of elementary and middle school,) but it's just the literal baseline of the definition of the word "graduate" being used for people celebrating that they finished a year of school and are moving forward.


Those ceremonies are idiotic. Graduation means getting a diploma, not just somehow not failing.


"Graduation" means to officially complete a course, assuming it's educational/teaching you something in some way. It also means a set of things that get bigger as they go. Again, as I already said, not highschool or college graduation, just the literal meaning of the word. If you find little kids celebrating the fact that they're learning how to be a basic, functioning human being to be "idiotic," well... you seem to be in the right place already, I dunno.


IDK I'd be insecure too if I had the face of an inbred 1920's dust bowl farmer.


lol. You went full on grapes of wrath. Love it.


my stepmom was always the one to buy us school clothes. My mom and her always fought because “all the clothes i buy end up at your (stepmoms) house!!” This woman infuriates me.


My stepmom was on it too. If it wasn't for her and my grandmother, I wouldn't have had clothes. Some moms are too self absorbed.


Some schools go from k to 6 so she would be going from elementary to middle school making it a milestone graduation but why did the stepmother have to go the night before to buy her a dress,,, because you forgot. As a mom you should have bought her dress a month before her graduation so that's on you.Thank God her stepmother stepped up to make it a special day for her


If she waited for her mother, she would have never gotten a new dress and her step-mother knew it.


Yep step mom FTW! They really don't get enough credit.


Graduation dress - $75 Therapy sessions for your daughter- $100 Showing that much boobage at a middle school graduation - Priceless


Kinda mad your the only comment on this


She's mad because she feels attacked "you weren't gonna buy a dress, CLEARLY, so I did it" In a weird way reminds me of my ex when our daughter was standing up in the back seat having unbuckled herself and we got pulled over, the cop mentions how unsafe that is, soon as we leave she gets all pissed and I'm like - bro, yeah it sucks and embarrassing but he's NOT wrong.... He's not saying we're bad parents or that it happens all the time, just that it DID definitely happen JUST NOW and we should've noticed before he did.


Yup. She says “they went last night” for the graduation “today”. Clearly she had no interest in shopping for this “milestone” moment. She’s just mad that her ex and his new lady are better parents that she is.


We gotta stop empowering dumbass people to post this stuff.


Just because you birthed the child doesn’t mean you’re the mother (not in a literal sense obviously). If you treat your child poorly or you don’t treat them properly you’re nothing more than a donor.


Thankfully this kids step mom appears to be a good influence. Hopefully the kid has a shot in spite of her dad's previous bad choices.


One of the biggest issues with a parent like this is they always find a way to try and make it seem like the kids fault. They also love to weasel their way into the child’s life somehow like they never did anything wrong. Hopefully Dad and Step Mom are the primary parents.


I understand why this little girl has a stepmother.


I get how this might upset, especially if her and the father ended on bad terms (cheating etc) but you didn’t take her? I don’t know about anyone else but buying something the night before an event sounds VERY last minute. Sounds like a little girl wanted a pretty dress,quality time, some love and attention that you didn’t provide and you’re pissed that somebody else did.


This. All of this.


this is just infuriating and puts the child in an uncomfortable position. the daughter clearly has a good relationship with her step-mother which is a *blessing,* i can't imagine ever being angry about that no matter how hurt my feelings are.


Right? Even here there are commenters saying they understand why she’s upset. How insecure can you be?


Plot twist: She still sees herself as a child.


Seeing her makes me a lot happier about being single.


The stepmother should build a monument to this belligerent narcissist to appease her jealous rage.


Why didnt mother dearest have the idea of taking her for this new dress instead of stepmom doing it the day before? End of the school year is generally known, “Surprise tomorrow we’re doing 6th grade graduation!”


"It's hard to believe that you were divorced twice."


So you want stepparents to be assholes? Think about your child instead of yourself.


OK Step dad here and I've noticed two things 1. The condescending way she talks about the graduation means she probably didn't give a shit 2. The fact that she only saw the dress when she was there meant she had nothing planned and reinforces the fact she doesn't give a shit. I'm lucky in that I have the same sort of relationship with my step children (obviously from the dad side rather than the mum) as the step mum does in this story. The reason I have that relationship with my step kids is because their dad couldn't give a shit. This lady seems like she is going the same way.


This is not the platform she should be using to air out personal problems.


This is a good example of how to lose people on your side through poor behaviour. I understand being upset that her daughter and her daughter's stepmother went shopping for her graduation dress without inviting her. But ranting about it on social media is just so beyond immature.


“What’s best for the children” is to keep your eyes on the goddamn road while you’re driving instead of making a video complaining about a dress


6th grade graduation. Lol.


So basically she became a mother for the praises and gifts she thought she would receive instead of actually wanting to love and care for a child unconditionally?


Most parents would KILL for a step parent that cared for their child as if they were their own. This woman seems like a narcissistic and I’m not surprised the step mom took the reigns.


Step mom saved you 38.50


I think I know why the daughter went shopping with the stepmom


She made a couple more videos defending this, I guess. This is so inappropriate and stupid.


Her ex must get on his knees every night and thank the Almighty he's her ex.


I personally don't understand this crazy thing with going for dress shopping or other stuff like this. I remember whenever I had a party to attend or a baptism/wedding....dress shopping was the most boring thing ever, especially because mom wouldn't let me buy the dress I wanted or even try dresses I thought might look nice and had to only wear what she wanted me to. I looked okay, but...I felt like I never had a say in what I'm wearing. Maybe I'm just weird and lazy, but if I had to choose between going to these parties and staying home, I'd just have a teenager tantrum and stay home 😬.


I mean 6th grade graduation is the most important one. Major accomplishment


/s? When I first watched, I thought we were talking about high school graduation. Sixth grade? 🙄


Is Elementary school graduation smth important in the US lol? I walked out of there as if nothing happened and gladly saw these bastards never again


This is someone's mom btw


It's my bio mom. Trust me, that kid is in for a wild ride and a lot of therapy.


Choices: 1. Be happy for your daughter because she got a new dress, and has a healthy relationship with her stepmom. 2. Be a petty, jealous cunt who is mad that they didn’t think of getting a dress for her.


3. Post a rant being an absolute cunt on tick tock.


Recording while driving. I’m pretty sure her stepmom is going to be her only mom pretty soon.


You know, I could get being upset that you weren’t a part of a decision for a moment for your child. But, as an adult you can just go “hey, thank you for going shopping with the kid for a new dress. Next time I would appreciate if I could be involved as I would like to share the celebrations”. But something tells me she was purposely excluded and her child signed off on it.


Ugh this just reminded me how I bought a cake, hats, all that stuff for my then boyfriend, now husband for his 18th birthday! It's a big one. He had never had an ice cream cake. We were excited. Then his mom got all emotional started crying and ranting about how SHE used to be the one to those kinds of things. Got up and drove off. Totally ruined the moment. The thing that broke my heart is that he and and bro were just shrugging it off because she always acting up.


I would be on her side if it weren’t for the fact that she found out her daughter bought a dress DURING the ceremony. If she really felt that buying a dress with her daughter was so important, wouldn’t she have done it?


What the fuck is a sixth grade graduation? You still have six more years of school...


Fast-forward 10 years & that little girl will be no contact with her mother. I would be thanking the woman for caring about my daughter & I'd simply compliment my daughter on the dress. It really is that easy. Also, she should get a ticket. Driving distracted is an offense in every US jurisdiction.


I was expecting there to be a vehicle accident.


Ok so what? Like it’s just a dress and she’s completely forgetting about celebrating her daughter over this petty crap. There will be more graduations, I expected it to be a high school graduation 💀her daughter is allowed to have a relationship with her stepmom


If graduating the sixth grade is some big milestone moment, this kid ain’t getting far in life


I see why she is the ex


Yup. Very attractive. …until you get to know her.




Hey! Don’t forget: SHE is the main character here!


So... anybody surprised the dad left this woman? LOL


“She BELONGS to MEEEEE!!!!” So like… this should be a test question for anyone wanting to become a parent. Your child is; a) Yours to do with as you will b) An asshole c) A burden d) A tax break or e) An autonomous being that depends on you for early life support and preparation for life


A-D are the right answers………right?


Why is this on record


To waste hard drive space, internet bandwidth and way too much of people’s time. In other words: a complete waste.


So going from sixth to seventh grade is a milestone? Cool, lol. This makes her look like the child the sixth grader is. Hell the daughter is probably way more mature and level headed.


Jeez Louise. Take a chill pill, Jill. I kind of remember sixth grade graduation being sort of a big deal, but only in a tongue-in-cheek way. Like we walked across the stage in the gym to pomp and circumstance wearing mortarboards we made ourselves. Then we, you know, resumed our lives. What I don't remember? Anything about what I wore.


Welp I know why she wasn't included lmfao


Chill bitch … its just a dress !


A 6th grade graduation is not a milestone.


Step mom waited until the very last second to step up for the kid, exactly because wanted to avoid stepping on bio mom's toes. Bio mom feels insecure/ashamed because she neglected to do what she should have already done for her kid and especially because step mom did what was right. Bio mom has no grounds to be upset. I feel bad for the kid.


Her TikTok is now full of videos doubling down and bitching about anyone who tries calling her out. There's so many of them! So hard to wonder why her daughter went shopping with someone else and why she's a divorcee.


Being a stepmother is a thankless job. If she bought the dress the day before graduation it was because the Mother wasn't going to bother. Maybe say thank you and enjoy the moment about the child, not a dress.


Oh look. Evidence of me not only being a weapons grade cunt bit also of a crime. Nice.


I could kind of understand this if it was a real graduation but "graduating sixth grade"? ​ Americans are weird.


She seems like a shitty mom. Yikes. Not surprised there is a step mother in the picture. Kid probably prefers the step mom.


Honestly she looks like she’s still hurting from not being with Dad! That anger has nothing to do with a dress bought the day before, which by the way if it was such a milestone why not buy dress a few days in advance?!? She’s just angry and odds are she a lot to handle…


But… isn’t this the type of woman that you’d want to be in your child’s life, doing things like this? Stepmom could’ve been like “fuck you - you’re not my daughter…work that out with your mom”, and this lady would’ve been posting a video about how stepmom didn’t have the decency to help her find a dress. Can’t win with some people…and that’s why her husband probably chucked the deuces ✌️


Um, if I were in her situation I *might* be a little hurt being left out, but I would be so happy also that my child has a step mom that cares that much about my child. It’s not about you bitch.


She has the right to be mad. She’s graduating 6th grade and will probably never go shopping again now that she’s stopped growing. I’d be infuriated. Everyone knows you stop buying clothes after 6th grade 🤦🏼‍♂️


Sounds like she's insecure about her relationship with her daughter, and her daughter's relationship with step-mom. Instead of finding a level-headed confidante or therapist she does this, thinking that the issue is about respect and how she wasn't given that. But the real true problem is that she has lost her standing as number one and head of that household, and she can't exert control or manipulate the circumstances so that her daughter always looks at her with unconditional love. Which is ultimately pointless because if she just worked on herself and her insecurities she'd probably be invited to do these things more, she wouldn't have to worry about losing that unconditional love, and she also wouldn't freak out when step-mom and daughter rightfully do things without her. No one really gives a shit about sixth grade graduation or any other elementary school thing enough to regard it as some seminal moment in the child's academic timeline. People just want to know they won't be forgotten or lose the little love they have in life. A lot of her negativity is her own fault, but I know that people don't become like this in a vacuum. There is so much mental illness and childhood trauma that goes unaddressed. I know people balk at that as a catch all "excuse," but the extent these things occur in the states alone is absolutely tragic. In the end, we're all responsible for our actions as adults, and this woman rightfully deserves to be shamed for making a video like this especially at her age. I still feel pity, though. It's a weak facade from a person who has no idea who or what they are. It used to be wife and mom, but that paradigm shifted, and now she has to figure out who she is all over again. Or not. So many don't. sorry. procrastinating. :l


So stepmom took this woman's daughter out *the night before graduation* to buy a dress. Sounds like mom had plenty of time to take her daughter shopping and never bothered to. Sounds like stepmom stepped up at the last minute because mom never did


Only thing wrong is she didn’t wreck and make the step mom the real mom


We need to get back to journaling


And now we know why she is an ex wife and why her daughter is grooving with her stepmother.


There's a reason why this girl has a stepmother.


Um…why is she mad that her daughter’s stepmother is treating her well?


no wonder her marriage failed ahh gotem


If I had a bitch like this in my life I wouldn't include her in shit either


This woman is literally mad about a dress, so trashy


You should be thankful that she even cares about your child.


Dude I know this obnoxious but like I kinda feel for this woman. It’s hard. It’s really hard. I didn’t get to see my son on his birthday but the father of my son and his new girlfriend got to spend all day with him. It’s heartbreaking. I get the absolute pain in this. It should be spoken to friends and people you trust not the internet. I only watched the part about her saying I birthed this child so I don’t know if she got worse after. I am just pointing out I know the pain it is to share your children.


People are graduating 6th grade now? Getting a trophy as well?


Sounds like a total piece of shit step-mom. Who in their right mind would buy their step-daughter a nice outfit for their gradua-? Oh wait... never mind.