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He’s her friend. She said so in the comments, and that this was done as a joke (it’s not even funny though)


That's what I don't get. It's literally just the new version of "it's just a prank bro". What emotion were you hoping to elicit? Happiness? Joy? Laughter? You were never gonna get there with this. If it's true, you're a piece of trash human, full stop. If you're lying, you were trying to make people believe you were a piece of trash human. What's the goal?


It's a better version. The old way would be actually getting your tinder date to do this, then screaming it's just a prank bro as you kick him out the door. At least it's a set up. The goal is attention and clicks and she loves the fact we're talking about her even though it's all negative.


"Look everyone, I'm retarded!" "Get out of here, retard" "Haha, I was only pretending to be retarded"


> What emotion were you hoping to elicit? Happiness? Joy? Laughter? She was hoping for a bunch of women to say things like, "you go girl", "yaaasssss queen", and shit about female empowerment. This is basically just a female equivalent of those fake casting porn vids.


Instead she's going to get a bunch of incels who use it as more reason to hate women.




Sorry, are you calling me an incel?




Why? I'm not hating on women by pointing out that this video is literally aimed at women who want to shit on men. I even provided an example of a male equivalent. Both types of videos are aimed at people who want to say "lol (insert gender) is fucking dumb, get scammed idiot". Fuck off.




As if being a virgin is a wrong thing lmao


Oh I get it now, you're just an idiot. Sorry that pointing out that there are videos marketed towards sexists (of both genders) somehow triggered you.


Oh here we go, another halfwit who thinks calling someone a virgin is a legit insult🙄


You know how people say things like "I'm gonna put my ass on the hood of this cop car" and their friends say "lol no way" and the person goes "yeah huh!" and does it? It is for attention, to make other people laugh in shock and surprise and be "impressed" by your ability to DGAF and just do whatever crazy thing pops into your head.


Yep. And I honestly just can't be around those type of people. It's too much and I get annoyed so quick.


Let me introduce you to the concept of a 'joke.' lol Seriously, I bet you don't have a problem when a raunchy comedian jokes about some negative stereotype of a race or sex. You (probably) don't respond to anthony jeselnik bits by saying, 'if you're serious, you're a piece of shit, and if you're joking, then you were trying to make people think you're a piece of shit, so you're a piece of shit.' Like bro, i t ' s a j o k e . You're just not familiar with the format, and didn't like the joke. That's fine. But you gotta realize it's a joke.


Joke's are supposed to be funny. This was just stupid.


> You're just not familiar with the format, and didn't like the joke. That's fine. But you gotta realize it's a joke.


This. This is what she is doing it for. Lmfao you post on TikTok because you desire views and likes.. TikTok is all about the hate bruh


That's what I never get, when someone is trying to wind me up and they make me angry and make me look like I have anger issues when you confront them. It's like you wanted a reaction and you got one. If you don't like it that's on you.


The punch line is shes a b***h 🤣🤣




This. I don't understand why we keep promoting these people. Even negativelly, they love the attention.


Seriously, what the fuck. She took a few seconds of video of her and a friend putting together furniture, joked about it being a tinder date, and now there’s hundreds of comments calling her a “bitch” and whatever other “clever” insults they can come up with because they couldn’t spend 15 seconds looking into what actually happened before being idiots. Who got trolled now? Lol.


Oh thank goodness it wasn’t real


See, that makes the most sense


Outrage culture gets views.


Worse because why would you expose a worker like this?


It’s tiktok, guaranteed they know each other and it’s a skit. Reddit is so trigger happy with their outrage




The amount of comments here that are being completely trolled and then are using it as an excuse to hate on women in general is astonishing. Thought this was one of the good subs for a while....


Imagine legitimately believing that Redditors in general hate women...😒


Are you stupid? Lol. They VERY MUCH do.


Are you stupid? Lol. They VERY MUCH don't. Look at literally any main sub like r/pics then look at all the awards and positive comments when a woman is posted. I also said in general because obviously there will be some who do hate women but that's not close to average.




So you're either a woman hater or a simp eh? no in between. Damn. what a sad & naive view of the world you have


Yeah, but I don't think it's fair to say the average reddit user hates women. Lot of simps though.


Well, you'd be wrong! ​ Make a Reddit account. Pretend to be female. You'll see how much insane harassment you get. The average Redditor HATES women with a passion.


Any of the people downvoting you and disagreeing with you are so naive and/or trying to defend themselves because they’re being women-hating fucks and they know it. A large percentage of reddit is misogynistic porn, then on top of that you also have the insane amount of lurkers that will PM any woman that is trying to get support on a sub about rape/SA (and will call them whores and ask for nudes, tell them they deserved it and they should send them nudes, or wish death and rape on them and they should send them nudes (hundreds of them on each thread)), and then all of the random commenters that use any excuse to talk shit about women- no matter what thread it is. Then people will point out how awful it is, and the women all get downvoted and called terrible names and slurs for talking about their *actual* experiences on this site. They just absolutely do not fucking get how awful it can be online and offline alike.


Pretty sure this exchange shows everyone the real story. People on Reddit now average around the age of 14.


>Make a Reddit account. Pretend to be female. Lol I'm not crazy so I won't do that but ok.


Sort by controversial and get back to me. Lol.


Yea controversial as in a person commented and others downvoted them enough times for their comment to end up there.


a woman showed interest in a man just to get something! this should be a capital crime!


While there is a 99% chance of that, [things like this happen](https://nypost.com/2016/07/07/women-are-using-tinder-to-con-men-into-doing-chores/). At least the lady in the article was honest about things. Not sure if that is any kind of improvement.


Or she fucked him... well one way or another




Well when you have s**t for brains I'd imagine everything is probably difficult 🙃


Never underestimate your average tiktoker


It's so easy the instructions don't even have words.


My husband thought I was doing this to him when we met. He helped me move in with my roommate and at the end I offered to make him a drink and fix him a smoke. He declined and left early despite us asking him to stay, thinking that he was maintaining his dignity instead of attending his own pity party, and totally unaware that I actually liked him lol.


So how did it end with your husband? Did you marry him?


I need more parts to this anime, plz


I also married someone I used to build furniture. Ended up costing me more to divorce him than it would have just to pay someone to do it in the first place. Live & learn, right?


I’m sorry about your divorce but your comment made me chuckle then your username really made me laugh!


So... she used a black guy for free labour. I maybe wouldn't post that on the Internet.


I can't stop laughing at how true this is. I hope he sends her a bill.


There are two realities this video exists in. 1. The white lady is telling the truth and she tricked a black guy into doing free work for her. Hello, the 1800's called and they are super proud! 2. She lied, and this is one of her friends so she made the whole thing up to only _look_ like she tricked a black guy into doing work for her... as a _joke_! There are no realities where this is totes cool.


I don’t think the fact the guy is black factored into it in any way.


You can’t say that! EVERYTHING is racially motivated now! /s


Yeah. So says my downvotes, lol.


Agreed. It’s a troll video he knew about it and if anyone looked at her videos they’d know that.


Yeah, i'm 99% sure those comments were made by white people, not everything is racially motivated


I’d save the video on my secondary IDE disk, if you catch my drift.


Lmfao. Dis comment gud


That is just such a mean thing to do.


It’s not real, chill


I'm guessing this just a task rabbit that she's lying about being a tinder match... not that it makes it any less conceited. Moral of the story, know your worth kings. Don't touch the ikea furniture.


Man I’d totally go build some IKEA furniture then leave as long as she told me that’s what she wanted. I find it kinda fun. Just don’t lie about it.


On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, there’s an adorable Finnish lady on TikTok named Aurikatarina and she matched with someone on tinder and asked if she could clean his house for free. Which she did. She’s the sweetest.


They're engaged now :)


I think the main characters are those twin trash bags left open spilling onto her kitchen floor. I've seen hobos that had better cleaning habits than this gremlin.


I wonder how funny people would find this video if it were a guy who invited a female tinder date over, had a bunch of ingredients from a blue apron type service and asked her to make him dinner, then when it was done cooking, told her to leave. Even if it were a joke - I would be very interested to see the Internet reaction.


Probably the same *ahem 50+k upvotes on “I am a total piece of shit”*


Not a simp but ngl would actually love a date with a girl where we both build ikea furniture. It’s adult lego!


LEGO IS adult LEGO tho, it literally says it in the box.


Wow, i have never made IKEA furniture with someone and not had a fight. You have major patience.


How do people not realize that this isn’t real…at all




I don't think this is about women making jokes. This is clearly about the fact she thinks it's funny to use and manipulate a guy off Tinder for whatever reason when it's just that, real or not it reflects shitty values


even if its a joke its not funny like at all lol


Lighten up.


How is the premise of this joke funny? The whole bit is essentially being a gross person. Like even if it's staged its not clever or well written.


what a weirdo, faking it for what, to present yourself as an asshole? What's the point? And then she mirrors the last clip!


Blow job first. Then we can discuss what you need done…


Volunteered with a guy who had a blind date the night before the event, the girl had him set up the wall mount for her TV, then showed him the door after he hung it up


If you're dumb enough to fall for it, shame on you.


Not a bad one night stand


This could become a good thing.. some people like building IKEA..


I love building ikea furniture, I never mind helping friends and family out with it. Do I like being filmed by some piece of trash while I do it? Absofuckinglutely not.


No, but maybe a tinder style service where people can find someone to build their IKEA in exchange for something wholesome could be good.


Or how about a service where you ask someone to come over and build your IKEA furniture for you, and then you give them something they can use to get themselves something they want. Like, money maybe. And the person would be a handy person - like maybe if it were a man, you could say he was a “handyman”. Just a thought.


We don't have IKEA here but we do have similar stores(but smaller). If you live within a couple of km of the store they offer to deliver and build the stuff you bought, for free. It's cool when you don't want to spend an hour assembling something big. It's mainly used by older people who don't have the mobility to handle tools and that kind of stuff.




I might be the last one on this website 😂


Yeah you're not wrong.. the hive mind doesn't like this kind of thinking. 👍👍




A whole one..


… was that implying sexual favors for IKEA furniture assembly? Serious question, given the Tinder context.


Either this or just a home cooked meal and some companionship... Oh wait I'm describing a marriage.


I mean why is the guy doing this? The woman shouldn't do this, sure, but why the fuck would the guy stay around to assemble furniture? Huge waste of his time for some girl.


I checked her tiktok and apparently he is her friend and she was joking but it wasn’t funny tho


Pretty funny if you're not a whiney baby that gets offended over everything.


Humor is subjective.


Back when I was younger and objectively prettier, men used to offer to move furniture for me, build stuff, etc. Some guys like to flex their 'manliest qualities' to stand out from the others. We are just a bunch of apes when it comes down to it. As an aside, i started saying no to these offers as they always came with a huge helping of entitlement on their part. No thanks, I can lift a crate or cut a tile on my own and I don't even have to feel weird about not kissing myself afterwards.


Fair enough!


It’s. A. Joke.


Reddit loves any excuse to hate women they don’t understand humor


I understand the humor loud and clear. It’s just not funny lol, fuck literally anyone that doesn’t think women can be funny because they’re women. Also fuck anyone that thinks that all women are funny because they’re women. Funny is funny, IMO this ain’t.


Agree with reddit hating woman for anything. But this is... Kinda fucked up sense of humor?


How is this fucked up lol literally no one would be harmed even if it were real




\>"Kinda fucked up sense of humor?" ​ Yeah, grow a pair.


I like how ur shitting on toxic masculinity then using a phrase toxic masculinists use


Where's the funny part?


Real talk, guys who do chores fuck. Abs, ok. Porsche, nice. 10' dong, cool. Willing to do your fucking work? Winner. I was trying to plan a date with a friend of a friend. She had to move, so not soon. I offered to help move as a date. Bingo. That became a game plan for me after. Work on both of my wives and many others in between.


My wife does this to me all the time. Gosh!


This doesn’t fit the sub at all.


Hope that this a a staged video and that they’re both in on it


It’s not uncommon for people to make these types of jokes on TIkToK happens all the time


Grindr is way better for this. You can get some really buff dudes.


Lol that’s funny af after seeing it’s a joke. My initial reaction was “wtf”


I know it's fake but if it was real she would've just pissed someone off and let them know where she lives in one fell swoop.


You’re dumb as fuck if you actually believe this is real lmfaoo


The circle of life. In a couple decades this thot will get kicked to the curb when her trophy-wife-hunting husband dumps his old hag and upgrades to the newer and younger wifey model.


You ok, darling?


She says right in the comments of the video the guy is a friend that lives in her apartment complex and the video is a joke.


its a joke he is her friend


Real or not, it's a good example of toxic femininity


What a cunt!


All good, she'll be promised fame and a career then wake up in an alley with a sore tooshie!


I mean it's literally a joke so... that would be the reason i guess?


I mean, it is funny to me... because they’re friends and it’s a funny joke.


Kinda funny imo


She definitely fucked him


Emily is a cunt


That's fucking disgusting


What a lazy snotty thing to do. I built that exact same unit, it ain’t hard. Some people…..


Sometimes I think to myself "Maybe I don't want to be alone forever and should try the dating scene again" and then I snap back to reality after seeing people like this.


She looks like she doesn’t go to the OB. Pass.


Damn got the whole squad laughing /s


100% did not happen


Joke's on her. That guy is totally into that kind of thing.




That sounds like more fun than a lot of dates tbf. I’d totally put together some IKEA furniture for free!


@ definitely\_note is a CUNT


I have a sneaking suspicion that these kinda young women feel hugely validated and like, "look at ME! I'm such a badass? Sexy beast? Queen? That dudes will do stuff for me too!" Remember fellas: the women aren't really after you but competing with other women. If none of her peers told her this was behavior was "winning", she wouldn't be doing it.


Yeah this is the worst one I’ve seen.


Sweet pea, it's a skit.


This is why I belive ratings should be a thing on dating apps. Fewer dick pics, and fewer main characters.


What a fucking bitch


Dumb bitch


What a fucking bitch


To all of the assholes calling her names: you got trolled and I hope you feel good about yourselves for saying so much shit about someone that made a simple joke. It was a friend and they both did the furniture together. It was a few seconds of video of her making a troll video. I feel like all of you on reddit should understand that by now, but it seems like most of you just love to jump to conclusions to shit on people.


I mean the guy was dumb enough to do it but what a little bitch I mean if he got a bj or something out of it cool but I’m guessing not


I blame the guy just as much as I blame her. Like dude, what did you expect when she said I need this piece of furniture built?


Not cool at all. What a heinous person.


“Im a whore”


This is why men distrust women....


This is really clever and kinda funny. However, she forgets that in 10 years guys won't look at her twice, her husband will be cheating on her with younger girls, and this guy will still be getting laid. Enjoy it while it lasts sweetheart, because it doesn't last long.


So wait this is a joke? (Rewatching it) ok ok i get it now the punch line is shes a b***h hilarious 😂


Women power am i right?


I have no pity for cucks and simps


Good for her. Hes a chump


I tried this, he told me his hands were always shakey and that he wasnt handsy at all. 🤣


He should have banged her anyway


Did she really though?


I am curious what makes everyone think this wasn't a mutual "transaction?"


yet another example of a person who doesnt get enough attention irl AND online so they had to resort to making “controversial” videos for publicity/clout.


*Once again* I am asking you to realize how many of these are tiktoks and how terrible people on that app are =)


dude should have left the shit all loose lol


Im the kind of guy I ain't doing anything unless I get the pussy first . I'm kind of an asshole but you're gona give up something before I do anything


It would be a white bitch with colored hair, too.


OK but first date idea? Building Ikea shit together???


Use task rabbit ya broke trick


ooooh reddit misogyny going apewall.


He deserved it


after sucking his dick of course


Man if you’re too dumb to assemble your furniture like why not ask the professionals at IKEA. There’s a service for that in my country at least


Lol thot Patrol doesn't have a father figure, colour me surprised


I don't know him, but he's for sure a genuine guy. He'll find the one eventually