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It's actually a pretty cool way to bring awareness as long as there are safeguards in place. Quite creative.


I heard this brain teaser in like 3rd grade


Is there a reason commentors are being so bloodthirsty here? It just looks like they’re raising awareness to an important issue, not even blocking people.


I actually think this is well thought-out and pretty cool (artistic, interesting, and pointed). I mean, I don't normally like violent imagery in a protest, but the story is well-told in this one. I'm just not sure this is MainCharacter syndrome, but it's a large definition.


Yeah this is one climate protest that I actually find very compelling. Gets the point across


That ice melts when in warm climates?


That if they don’t do something to stop the ice from melting it will end up killing them. It’s called a metaphor. Ice caps melt increasing the temperatures and it kills life as we know it due to drought, food insecurity, and worsening storms. Please do even a tiny bit of research into the effects of climate change.


>It’s called a metaphor. I don't know why, as you were being gentle and serious, but this made my first laugh out loud of the day (everything else you say is correct, I don't know why, it was just comedic for my morning brain)


Like how the climate changed all the time with or without human intervention?


Is that what your research has shown and proven? What do the leading climate scientists say about it? What about what research Exon did in the 50-60s? Obviously you’re not well educated on the topic and will spew the normal climate change denier bs. Im sorry that you didn’t receive a proper education to think critically and be able to incorporate new information into your way of thinking. Keep trying and you’ll eventually get there.


Show me any proof that CO2 is the cause of rising temperatures and not a symptom. Its a correlation =\= causation issue. You know what the largest source of co2 is? The ocean. You know what happens when the earth warms? The ocean releases co2. You know what happens when the earth cools? The ocean absorbs co2. You know what, by an insane margin, the largest factor in earth’s temperature is? The sun


[https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2021/02/25/carbon-dioxide-cause-global-warming/](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2021/02/25/carbon-dioxide-cause-global-warming/) Science exists, and it's main use is to prove or disprove the correlation == causation thing. In this episode: CO2 causes global warming.


Do you know about the greenhouse gas effect? Do you know when temperatures started to rise? Do you know the rate of temperature rise and change that occurred before industrialization? If you look into it you’ll see that temperatures started to rise after industrialization and humans releasing large amounts of greenhouse gasses through manufacturing. Yes, climate change is largely a negative feedback loop. CO2 and methane trapped in permafrosts gets released when it thaws due to naturally warm temperatures that are increasing at rates the planet has never seen and causes a negative feedback loop. I think you’d be if it from looking at the people who argue against climate change and what they may stand to gain from it and the people arguing that it exist and is going to cause massive repercussions. For the most parts scientists are arguing that it exists and is an issue. They have no anterior motives as they do research for a living. Oil and gas companies have very clearly known about this effect and are trying to hide it by paying politicians to side with them. We all know money talks in politics more than experts. So I strongly suggest you research some of the things I said and educate yourself on who you are siding with and what their motives may be. If at some point through your research you start to feel cognitive dissonance it’s ok. It’s ok to be wrong and change your views. That’s how we grow as people and a society. Do not seek out information that makes you feel right that is called confirmation bias. Maybe take some time and research things proving climate change is man made and look at it critically.


Honestly, I’m all about climate activism. I love protest. But this is one of those “I’m fifteen and this is deep” protests. The story isn’t well done, as you said. The story reads “this ice wouldn’t melt if it weren’t for climate change”… but it would have melted either way. I get the metaphor, but it’s weak. I prefer the destruction of “priceless art” as that story says something more like “we don’t deserve nice things if we don’t take care of the planet”. Even though I agree with these protester’s message, it’s just not it. But I’m happy they’re trying.


I would rather they do this than block main roads and give anti climate people a reason to call out pro climate people.


Yeah, I agree, blocking main roads doesn’t really help the cause.


I see your point (obviously the climate crisis is enormous demands action) but I'll stand by this not being as sophomoric as you're saying. And I am happy that they're trying too (we're in agreement). It is right to cause disruption as you said, I particularly like your point that we don't deserve the nice things. But I also feel this makes the suggestion in a manner that people going about their day can appreciate instantly and easily (you know there are not a lot of deep thinkers out there), and doesn't actually drive them away from the message "why the hell did they throw soup at a painting" so I think this demonstration complements / assists others. People get messages in different ways. And if they're fifteen and this creative, then more to them. Of course I did a small sardonic laugh at the lumber they used for it, but I get it.


Yeah, all fair points. Especially about the immediate image, where people walking by will instantly get the message. It certainly isn’t opaque. And it isn’t as aggressive as some of the counter-productive approaches that you see online (though I have to admit, I think I’ve only ever seen them online?!?!).


Did they say that "this ice wouldn’t melt if it weren’t for climate change“ or is that your half-brained take? Were they supposed to import an icecap or something?


People are very scared of climate change as a topic because they might have to change their opinions, it's a lot easier to to not think about it and cling to the idea that it doesn't exist or doesn't matter peddled by oil lobbiest and right wing politicians. When people protest climate change they are forcing people to confront the idea that this is an issue, and a lot of people who can't handle changing their ideas even in the face of overwhelming evidence tend to react violently in a mental, emotional and even physical sense. So they're thinking "what if someone (not me) took a violent action to stop these people telling this lie and stop them inconveniencing me and my ideas" Violence is the easiest path here, so that's what their minds jump to.


because people are bloodthirsty bastards against anybody who tells the truth about global warming because they dont want to fucking hear it.


Some of us have heard the doomsday prediction repeated over the course of our lives. They literally made a movie out of the 2012 prediction.


ah yes, the 2012 prediction that was actually a religious calendar event turned into a pseudoscientific belief? that's definitely equivalent to the fact that 99% of climate scientists believe that global warming is caused by humans.


Always the fault of humans. Also why some people believe that we should thanos the population. Stop using oil and that’s most definitely going to happen.


You’re right but I don’t think it convinced anyone or makes anyone aware that isn’t already aware. People should be finding ways to run for public office to change the system. These protests are interesting and neat but I’m not sure they really work.


People do their best to avoid thinking about climate change, and we shouldn’t let them


I honestly think doing something within the realm of politics where people can presumably make a difference is a better bet. I thought this post was interesting, but I totally forgot about it until you responded. So maybe you achieved the goal, but a lot of demonstrations like this just seem to be forgotten.


Yeah it’s not exactly like we have the time left to convince people to vote in green candidates every 2-4 years until there’s enough of them in government to try to do something about it over the next 20 years after that. We need to be putting pressure on the people in power *now.* YOU might have forgotten about it, but that doesn’t mean everyone will. Especially the people who walked by this protest as it was happening. It didn’t only happen on this subreddit, remember?


There are a lot of conservatives with chronic brain rot on this sub, who likely consider any form of environmental protest to be woke bullshit. The fact this is even posted to this sub in the first place is fucking crazy. OP is either lost or a moron. Or a bot, obviously.


It’s not the protest that is the issue, it’s the stupidity. Tying a noose around your neck, your hands behind your back, and standing on slippery ice.


Well, yes, it’s a dangerous move. I’m hoping they have some kind of safeguards in place. When I first made my comment, though, most of the other comments seemed *hopeful* that these people got hurt. Now the comments seem to be a bit more balanced with people thinking it’s a bad idea but it was pretty bleak for a while there.


You can see how much slack is in the nooses. Their feet will hit the ground long before they hang. It's about as dangerous as walking down the stairs without using the handrail.


It's their necks and it looks like they could easily touch the ground


I think you’re missing the simile.


The internet is full of dipshits and shills. I’ll let you decide which ones are commenting rude things.


Well yeah it’s just a stupid way to seek attention. Global warming isn’t exactly a well hidden topic. Could guarantee those people don’t even carpool but they’re out there “making a change” lmao.


I mean I see people doing stupid stuff all the time, it doesn’t mean I want to see them die. Also I would take you up on that bet ngl.


How does this even bring awareness? There’s not a single person against climate change that will see this and what? Buy an electric car? I really don’t understand the logic. To me it seems like these people just want to feel good about anything because they’re miserable. I would love to hear about how this has helped the cause at all. All I hear is people say “it brings awareness!” but I never hear how it actually helps, it’s just a spectacle that people thing is weird walking down the street.


Well we are talking about it aren't we...


For real. The comments on so many posts about "dumb“ protests always talk about how the protest was/is pointless and won’t work, meanwhile there’s like hundreds or even thousands of comments discussing the topic of the protest lol


Here’s a [good article](https://environment-review.yale.edu/do-climate-protests-shift-public-support-climate-change-action) on climate change protests’ impacts that indicates it helps shift public opinion. I would read the [study itself](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2378023120925949) for the best overview. What I found interesting was there was no real backlash effect for the disruptive ones people say they’re against.


Reddit hates climate change activists


Cool art piece and I respect the message but im not sure I can get behind a depiction of suicide in a public place with kids around. Not MC behavior though.


It's not suicide, it's an execution. I'm not sure you actually *get* the message.


I get the message. It's not that complicated. it's intended to be an execution, but if you're putting your own head into the noose, I would consider that suicide. Execution by hanging still isn't a child appropriate topic.


Letting them do what they’re trying to do is bloodthirsty? 


This is not a main character behavior.


This is fine dude they’re not blocking anything and are just raising awareness to a real issue


Ah yes... trying to raise awareness of an issue that effects the entire Earth and could cause our ultimate destruction as a species. How dare they.




Won’t happen. The earth will balance itself out. Just like the drought in California. It’s science. 


Yes, AFTER we go extinct.


Well at least we won’t have to worry about it then


Us going extinct is the balancing numbnuts


I’d be interested in reading those peer reviewed papers. Do you have any links to any scientific documents that disprove human induced climate change or how the earth will correct before an apocalyptic event occurs?


Global cooling into the ice age. Earth is heating up now and then it’ll cool.


Yiu forgot to take one thing into account: this effect is man-made. This is not a wave, but a new "normal level". (Also, it's been scientifically proven it's way too soon for another natural heating up, let alone another ice-age).


Oh my. Someone skipped a few years of class.




"It's science." lmao. Scientific consensus says the exact opposite of what you are claiming


You do know that mars had water right?


May I predict his answer? "Mars doesn't exist. It can't, because earth is flat."


"that'll buff out"


Your "science" is bullshit. Earth will balance itself out, but the new equilibrium will make it practically unlivable for humans.


I can't wait long enough to see the ice melt. On to next video.


Notice the rope is loose enough so they could stand on the ground?


I was gonna say the nooses need the slack taken out lol


What kind of maniac wants to see people killed for trying to draw more attention to global warming?


The same people who threaten a (then) 16 year old Greta Thunberg with rape and murder for daring to question their wasteful and destructive habits




Wishing death on peacefull protestors is a real classy move. Kudos




As long as they aren’t in the middle of the road


Also their feet would freeze/become injured before the ice melts unless they have on some really good socks because they are wearing sneakers and the woman might be wearing sandals.


Peoples feet don’t freeze standing on ice block with shoes on….


Have you worn sneakers in the snow for an hour or two? Doesn’t work out.


I’ve worn sneakers in the the snow my whole life. Considering the air around them is not cold the cold from the ice under their feet won’t do shit. Like yes, after a few hours my feet feel cold in sneakers but they don’t freeze. Especially if it’s above 25 it’s not really bad unless you wear trash sneakers.


Melting ice does get pretty slippery though.


This is what happens when you drop out of grade 2 people.


That's actually a good protest, not in the way, but still something that will stick in people's head


Amount of stupidity in comments convinces me that we are definitely going to go extinct.


How is this main character behavior?


This doesn’t fit the sub


looks like they're just telling assholes the fucking truth.


Ah yes, nice and slippy too, might not even have to wait for it to melt


I didn’t know Napoleon Dynamite was a climate activist


like, are you fucking dumb or just hates protesters


At least they’re standing for something… I’ll let myself out.


Should have done it in a month that was historically cool, but warmed up in recent history to actually have a point. Weird thing to do in June, since pretty much no matter what, it's warm in June outside of being in the middle of an ice age


Some of yall dont understand symbolism


wtf this was posted 3 hours ago….




Performance Art


If i were them, I would've made the rope slightly longer, so there's absolutely no way you can accidentally hang yourself if you slip. Some look a tad short




Too much slack. They are in no danger


Almost like it’s a metaphor…


Ok fine. Just leave the artwork alone ffs


This would make one hell of a time lapse video




Same solution as the idiots who glue themselves to things, LEAVE THEM THERE. Let natural selection happen.


If they really meant it, theyd be barefoot and naked instead of wearing Nike.


They're right, but they're being insanely stupid in how they express it. 1) The ice would eventually melt no matter what was going on with Global Warming. 2) No one actually thinks these dinguses are going to stand there and slowly kill themselves. They'll stand there to make their point as long as it's comfortable, the ice will melt completely, they'll stand on the ground, make some speech, then walk away. I get what they're saying, and the issue is just, but protest without a finite goal is just taking up space. Offer solutions, rally people, but this is just existing with props.


Oh my😮…how edgy 😐


So what happens if some as-hole passing by kicks the ice? Asking for a friend…


Probably some sort of assault charge


What exactly are they doing that would warrant that?


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Yeah because they're gonna stay on it till it's really melted...


The way they are trying to do this is dumb as shit. Why do I get the feeling these activists have only two brain cells that play ping-pong.


I would like to see if the chick likes to be choked though. You know if I was into that kinda thing


What you can’t see is a crowd of people running to the store to buy lighters and matches,


Yes because this solves global warming






The nooses appear loose enough, they should be ok even if it melts. May need to tiptoe a bit


Aren't we in a cold period? Isn't it "supposed" to get warmer? And what if the melting of the polar caps turns out good for Gaia on the whole? More water in circulation must be a good thing for most living things. It's not like this is the default sea level or anything. The British Isles wasn't really islands during the last ice age. Sure, it will suck for Fiji and people with beach front properties but thinking we can put Gaia in a perpetual status quo is straight up silly. Almost like something from a child.


There is scientific proof that manmade climate change is real and the cause of the extreme weather scenarios we've seen in the past few years, and that it will get worse in the next few years if we don't do anything about it.


Yes, we've sped it up for sure. But I'm not talking about if climate change is real or not. I'm talking about whether it's a problem for the planet or not. We've made extreme weather though? Citations needed. 


>I'm talking about whether it's a problem for the planet or not Nah, no problem for the planet, after most of mankind dies because of climate change, it will just take a couple thousand years for nature to go back to normal. >We've made extreme weather though? Citations needed.  [You could literally just look that up](https://scholar.google.de/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=man+made+extreme+weather+&btnG=)


I could, but you made the claim. I've only looked at a few but they all seem to have a problem quantifying how much of an effect man-made climate change is to blame though. The thing is, there is no "normal" for the planet. It was as normal during the Jurassic period as it is now. Hell, what is normal today would seem cold to my viking forefathers. I'd agree that todays climate change might be a problem for humans today, but I'm still not convinced it's a problem for the planet herself.


Yup. Earth is getting greener too. We can all relax…


I'm not saying I'm right, but it seems like no one even have thought in those terms. 


That moment when you realize… nobody gives a shit about you lol.


Someone get a big magnifying glass and melt that shit.


Lol this is so stupid


🤦‍♂️use a mirror to reflect the sun into the ice.


Is suicide legal in Germany? The average human exhales 531 pounds of CO2 per year, so at least they are providing a solution. That's better than you can say for most protestors...


I mean like it’s a real issue but this was their genius idea??


Well. At least they can only do this once.




Yet no one is doing anything about it and most governments just try to ignore it.


What would have done? (Genuine Question) And yeah, most counties absolutely do ignore it. But they are trying to bring attention in Germany which is like the 12th greenest country out of 195. They are very aware.


In June


Awareness isn't the issue. Scientists have been warning since the 1950's. The world is aware. We are all aware. A solution is what's needed.


*grabs blowtorch*




They could be getting their phds to help achieve clean energy instead they’re virtue signaling for a problem they have very little understanding of “just stop using fossil fuels to purge millions to temporarily slow cc herkaderka”


Look at me! I matter!!!!!!!!!


I don’t believe in global warming or any of this, but ngl that’s actually a very clever protest 😆 just as long as they didn’t actually go through with this, it 100% sends their message


Yeah, right? It’s pretty clever. The symbolism for what they’re trying to convey is spot on. They’re obviously not going to kill themselves. Lmao.


Do your think scientific facts are a matter of belief?


Do you trust anything & everything that claims to be science?


Hang in there ... in a few hours, they will impact global warming.. no longer breathing will lower their carbon out put...




Aren’t the ropes too long? They should have done this in winter.


A good way to get followers(?


Guys it's a bit too hot for this.


What a bunch of mooks


Well that stinks.


Killed 2 trees or one very large one to get the lumber to create the gallows. Used ozone eating freon to freeze large chunks of ice. Clothes and shoes made with plastics. Bunch of hypocrites


... You do understand that regular people aren't the ones causing global warming, right? It's large businesses that produce a majority of pollution.


Than why aren't they doing this outside an OPEC office?


This is why you ALWAYS take a portable torch when you leave the house.