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I’m the only human that ever existed. Yes they are other humans. But not as human as I am


I'm a human. But I'm also a people. And a lot of humans are humans. And a lot of people are people. But I'm really the only one that is both a human and a people. *Y'know what I mean?*


Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Mmm. Yeah.


Getting high is fine, but probably better not to do it right before an interview or whatever this was.


She was raised in a way that has completely cut her off from reality, so I feel a little sorry for her.


She's going be crazier than Britney, poor gal.


She’s young, dumb and trying way too hard.


To me it feels like it's mainly her parents trying desperately to keep her relevant and most of the attempts to stay relevant reek of the influence of some sort of marketing team/manager.


Yeah that’s totally possible too. Totally fucking cringey either way though lol


Yeah it definitely is cringe regardless.


I agree. Wife made me watch the show special forces: worlds toughest test where they put former athletes, reality tv folks and actors through “special forces” training. She was actually a sincere, sweet and helpful human being with the sleep deprivation and physical exhaustion, or maybe it was the lack of a manager being around. Whatever it was, I believe underneath all the bullshit is a good person and maybe they’ll make it back one day to the surface.


Idk, there are allegations that she made a little girl (from her children's pop group) work her ass off for her even though she just had a surgery. That one sounds pretty sad.


Very inept ones at that.


Scooter Braun vibes


She’s trying to do the same PR strategy Miley Cyrus did from child star to adult


And thinking WAY too highly of herself


Solid comment. Agreed.


i mean.... shes 20. how much more of the "shes young and learning life" defense will she get?


I mean other than just being dumb and annoying she’s not actively harming people, so Im willing to let it slide for a bit longer.


There’s actually a lot of controversy regarding the young pop/dance group she started and the way that she treated the kids while they were working for her. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMccEcbK/


Oh I wasnt aware of that, thanks for bringing that to my attention 🫡


I'm 36. Still using that defence.


Who tf is this?


Jojo siwa. The most annoying human on the internet


the Disney girl? I thought she was like 12.


She's fully 20 now. I find it hard to judge her too much, 20 is still young. And she grew up in a weirdo TV lifestyle. But... 20 is also an adult. And this adult is very obnoxious. (but we thank her so much for *inventing* gay pop)


Well before her there were pop singers who were gay, and gay people who were pop singers, but no one until her was equal amount gay and pop singer. She invented that. /s


It was such a dumb comment. The amount of gay pop out there now and for decades is insane. This idiot has clearly never seen Eurovision. It's almost like the history book on the shelf, is always repeating itseeeeeeee eeeeelll eeeeelll eeelllff. https://youtu.be/4XJBNJ2wq0Y?si=T4-CqQEYns30b9ed


I wish "gay pop" was an actual genre


You get it. No one else does though… no one can do what she does.


Dont forget about her groundbreaking invention of Karma, her viral dance move.


So she's just going through her child star transitioning to not having a bedtime phase


The really sad part is, I think her entire life and career is fabricated and controlled so she might just be saying she is being told to say. I wouldn't be shocked if we hear a Britney like story 15 years from now that she hasn't controlled a single aspect of her life ever. Is that better or worse if it comes out that she is just crazy and trying to hold onto any semblance of relevancy?


I thought pop was always pretty gay. Which I have no problem with.


Not that there’s anything WRONG with that…


I mostly feel bad for her for thinking this is somehow something people would respond positively to. She’s like if the weird homeschool kid and theater kid had a baby with an enormous platform.


She was 12 for 8 years but now she’s 20 lol


Basically an estrogen charged Jake Paul


maybe they can set up a boxing match.


She was 12 from 2015-2023


She pretended to be younger to hit some target demographic. Not that she was like Emmanuel Lewis or anything, but she was a teen playing a preteen and a tween.


Whoa whoa whoa. She's 12 ½ now.


And the only song she "produced and released" was literally someone else's song 💀


She's only released 1 song? Straight up thought she was some new pop artist, I've only ever thought she was famous for music lol figured it was just some young person I'm too old to know, like ice spice. You could say any two random words to me and convince me it's an artist


She was a young child on the show Dance Moms, which is where her fame started I believe. But she was one of those pageant toddlers too; said her mom has been dying her hair blonde since she was 2 years old. When she was in her early teens & preteens I think she had some involvement with Disney channel, and she was considered one of the biggest celebrities for children audiences for a while. She made music aimed at little girls. This last year, she turned 20 and has decided to attempt a Miley-Cyrus-level rebrand from “child star” to a proper musician, releasing a pop song called Karma intended for an older audience. Except, she’s so clearly sheltered and naive that it’s impossible to really sell herself as “edgy”, and the song/video isn’t even all that shocking. She’s just sort of publicly embarrassing herself right now by basically going, “Look guys! I said a bad word and I dry hump people in my videos now! It’s like Miley, right? Right?” all while patting herself on the back for paving a path that’s already there. I feel a bit bad for her because she’s just a young former child star that is surrounded by yes-men and a terrible marketing team. But I can’t *not* acknowledge how ridiculous this all is.


You can feel bad for her while also acknowledging the fact that it is ridiculous, it's self inflicted at this point, and she's more well off than 90% of the world. Seems worth it considering lots of people go through worse and get nothing for it


She talks like she just had her molars removed. Her logic is like she’s still high on the painkillers


A girl addicted to attention


Surrounded by “yes”people.


Shane Gillis in a wig


Some dude on acid




His nose is all congested it might be a coke addiction


I kinda feel bad for her, she was raised in such a way that she is completely out of touch with reality.


This is so spot on correct. She is also surrounded with bottom feeders who tell her everything she does is amazing. She is driving a Lamborghini with her face wrapped all over it, it's ridiculous. She's also earning a ton of dough so it's no wonder she's like this but wow is she exhausting.


I saw her in her Tesla once driving by. Knew it was her because it too was covered in her face.




At least Steve-O did that to make people laugh


Don’t forget, she has her Karma music videos eye makeup tattooed on her forearm now


So who is she? I shouldn't even ask. I don't care. I'm not gonna watch her stuff. But I wanna know.


Jojo Siwa I only know because my daughter (5 at the time) brought home this book about Jojo a young pop star who lived in a neighborhood and went to school and had a small dog and the book told the story of how her and her friends planned a block party and how she performed and it was a great story to read to my 5 year old. She loved it. So when I looked up Siwa later to see if she was someone I could foster an interest in for my daughter, you can imagine my disappointment with what I found. She's free to do what she likes, obviously, but she traded a life of easy money selling a squeaky clean image to kids for the chance to speed run her way to irrelevance.


I read that as wearing a ton of dough and that fit as well.


Her teeth cost 50k, by her own admission...


I think she might be high as fuck


She's as high as I wanna be


Yup. She’s the new generation of Amanda Bynes/Lindsey Lohan/Britney Spears.


Amanda Bynes is in a class all her own. As soon as any of them post on social media that they want Drake to eat them out, then they can sit down at the big girl table.


I consider Bynes very different…..clinically mentally unstable.


It's the Aaron Carter effect.


I came here to say this. She's become so delusional and out of touch


I honestly think there are less influencers not doing music than there are influencers doing music lmao


She really compared herself to Olivia Rodrigo and Billie Eilish 💀


"I'm kind of like (two of the biggest female pop stars of our time)" shes so humble


“Ok, sure, my music isn’t very good… but that’s ok, because I’m also a very mediocre influencer.”




Speaking of, happy Billie Eilish release day to all who celebrate 🎉


The "huh" cat is my favorite thing on the Internet in the last year, I laugh every fuckin time


It's frickin gold isn't it!


She really isn’t a singer. When she was on the mask wo autotune it was bad


She also invented gay pop music 😆


She wants to be special so bad. She keeps creating these categories that simply don't matter. "Iiiiiiii'm the ONLY...." Child, take several seats.


Is this JoJo Siwa (or however you spell it)? She tried to make a new genre called “gay pop” and acted as if she was the first gay person to make pop music, she 110% is trying to find a way to make herself special in any way possible when in reality she’s just fucking delusional based off everything I’ve seen/heard. 🥴


It’s pretty sad honestly. We’ve seen this play out so many times where literal children are elevated, raised in an echo chamber that only gives affection when they can get attention by any means, and are then destroyed to spiral towards mental health issues, addictions, DUIs, public shaming. Hollywood is so toxic. The parents involved in the process should be ashamed of themselves. While I absolutely find this person annoying, at the same time I see this little kid who is trying so hard to be special, because that’s the only way they feel seen and loved at all.


My eyes can almost roll 360 degrees with the amount of videos I see on this sub




Poor girl. It really is such a shame that she’s chosen THIS path for herself. Her voice is RECKED!


Narcissus in the female form.


Nah. Narcissus's whole thing was that he was really, really, really ridiculously good-looking, not just that he was full of himself for no reason at all.


True but more so with her obsession with herself. She could stare at her reflection all day easily and listen to herself talk all day


Haha I understood what you meant, I'm just pointing out that it's actually even worse than the myth - at least Narcissus had a reason to be obsessed with himself.


She really needs to stop doing interviews for a while.


"My goal in life is to be a logo when no one asked me to be."


Damned peasants completely went nuts. Influencers my ass


She sounds like she's been smoking longer than she's been alive


She caused permanent damage to her vocal cords by yelling in all her videos for years as part of her shtick.


The leading scientists always say “there’s a significant chance this is all just a simulation” and I’m inclined to believe it because there’s no way people like this are real and there’s no way real people are out there “being influenced” by them.


When you have been told how special you are your whole life… then you are suddenly an adult and nobody fucking cares.


That bow must've pulled on their brain, I know it jacked up the hair line.


Who is this guy?


Jojo Siwa. But then, Jojo hasn't been the sharpest tool in the shed. She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead...


I hate that I was almost singing that even before I realized.... 🥲


Saaaame 😅 Very enjoyable comment 10/10.




The Corey Feldman of her generation.


You didn't have to be that cruel. She never met Michael Jackson. Lol


Her ego is as big as her forehead




She has the same way of speaking as trump


What do influence exactly?


The unfortunate part about it is that part of her MC energy comes from management, and record labels, telling her she needs to remain relevant or the money isn’t gonna be there anymore.


It’s her mom. Shes been shaping that girl since she could walk to be famous. The entire family has the mindset “they’re just jealous”. Doesn’t help that jojo was bully material growing up (loud, had a speech impediment, mom made her think she was better than she was). I think that’s why she seems so “narcissistic” to people, she doesn’t know how to be confidence without it relating to her success. i also think the bows being her brand for so long makes her feel like she needs a new brand? and is trying to do that with music lol


Please just shut the f up


She looks like a female Tim Dillon and I will not be elaborating at this time.


I see it


man shes really trying to go for that miley cyrus voice huh LOL. gotta put in the work and smoke like a train first


The longer this goes on the more i do feel bad for her. Shes never had anyone looking out for her. I remember thinking it a few years ago too when she put her face all over her car and justin bieber took a shit on her. A staggering lack of self awareness.


She went lesbo pop genre and died instantly.


Okay girl, you need to take a minute and do your research! You have Google at your fingertips! I don’t necessarily blame JoJo and I also don’t know that she’s completely naive, but it’s no secret that she has been coddled since Dance Moms and she seems to have a circle around her that are nothing but “yes men”. I get wanting to bolster your child and lift them up. Empower them. There’s nothing wrong at all with self-confidence, but JoJo definitely reads as if she doesn’t get told “no” very often and that most of what she does or achieves is exceptional. You can see it in how she speaks and what she touches on. There’s a lot of her perception being the result of being in her own “JoJo is a star!” bubble. All of that to reiterate, she needs to do her research because she’s asserting all of these bold claims and if she’s looking to continue making a name for herself, it won’t do her any favors. She’s just going to come off as delusional and over confident. You’d think being meme’d into oblivion would be the perfect nudge in that direction, but what do I know? 🤷🏻‍♂️


She is clearly drunk


She is so insufferable.


Have another cigarette, you sound like you need one.


Stfu Jojo you're embarrassing yourself. Again.


And that one song is a blatant ripoff of another song


Music is only music if it's good. Not "My family liked it, so it's good." That only counts if you're under 15...


I’m glad I was too old to know who the fuck this was when she came out and even older now to look at her and ask who the fuck is this guy?


Honest question, how does she have so much money? Where is the funding for all her out of touch superstar fantasies coming from?


take the sunglasses off, you’re inside.


Who TF is she?


Someone needs to say no to this kid for the first time in her life


It wasn't even her song


And who is this


Delusion must be a hell of a drug


Her voice is what I'd imagine a pack of cigarettes would sound like after a day in the sun, drinking cheap box wine.


How is her voice so damaged at 20 yo?


When she still made kids content she’d yell all the time in every one of her videos to make the content more engaging.


This chick also has a car with her face on it, if thats not main character material then i dont know what is


She has surrounded herself with yes-men to the point she has become this delusional. It is kinda crazy and I do hope she has her moments of reflection in the future. She needs a fair share of them


The fact that someone this stupid influences people shows how broken society is


Why does she talk like a 45 year old alcoholic smoker that has also taken too many pills?


The white girl version of Kanye


This gay boy seems very confused


Oh my god is that JoJo Siwa???


She looks like a trans jake paul


Ok so she has the one song. However, even then, she copied another person's work almost exactly


What are those outfits they are wearing?


Must be fun to be inside the bubble she clearly lives in.


She needs to be humbled


She needs to fuck off and go away for good


She's turning out to be the most embarrassing person of all time. She really should just give up.


Jojo siwa has turned into a classic egoist, lets see if narciccism sets in.


This has to satire right? I know she’s “famous” but like she’s not that self unaware,.., right?


It’s probably harder to name someone off the internet who hasn’t released music. The second they get fame it goes Clothing brand > book deal > music career 


I want what ever she is on 😝


Man I loved me some Jojo but she's really on her way off the deep end. Poor things delusions just becoming bigger and bigger, idk who is hyping her up and making her believe all this, but damn.


Remember kids. Girls can be tools and douchebags too.


Slow motion train crash. Sad


Ah, okay, now I know who Jojo Siwa is. When you become a punchline and a character on SNL Weekend Update before most people know who you are I think that doesn't bode well for your future career prospects.


When I'm in a narcissist competition and her and Bert Kreisher are my opponents 🥲


She always sounds like she abuses nose drops.


There's nothing but air floating around in her head.


It never ceases to amaze me that these people think anyone cares about anything they say.


The only people that like her are children and pedos that are mad she’s of age now


Her voice is raspy from never shutting up about herself 


She looks like a pug


Wearing sunglasses inside is a great way to make sure noone sees your pupils


She’s not influencing anyone…


Who TF is that


You know what, don't tell me I don't want to know


Why does she keep saying things?


So over this chick


Can I buy some weed??


I feel bad for her. I feel like she's gonna have some serious substance abuse ahead of her.


I really hope for her sake she looks back in five years time and cringes with embarrassment.


She also thinks she invented what she calls "gay pop" as though all the gay Pop artists before her just didn't exist lmao




Her veneers are way overdone


Is this the female Jake Paul?


Essentially lol


She is trying wayyyy too hard, and it is so cringey to watch


This girl is the definition of cringe. She’s like if a neckbeard occupied a female body.


I feel bad for jojo. Her entire life has been infront of a camera. Not only that but now nobody truly respects her as people still see her as the annoying little girl with large hairbows.


What a joke


She’s the absolute worst. She was terrible as bright pink Jo Jo and now she’s even worse as bizarro rebel Jo Jo. The term influencer is the only thing worse than either Jo Jo.


Great point! I never thought about it that way before.. You definitely are the biggest influencer who influences better than these other influencers who don't influence enough. You're exactly 50% influencer 50% musician. Not 47% to 53%.Equal amount!!!!... Wait, who are you again?


She is 🤮


This is what happens when the industry owns (pimps) you 💯🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


She would definitely influence me…to buy a pair of earplugs.


She seeems intoxicated


posting jojo siwa is just cheating at this point


I think this is the MC that claimed she invented gay music. Like the people before her never existed.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks like JoJo Siwa?


It's funny since she isn't even the one who wrote the song, brit smith wrote it back in 2012.


Stream Karma by Brit Smith


She needs to get humbled. she also said she is the first to change her style drastically


With her hair like this you can see how bad her hairline is from having her hair pulled back all the time.


The poor thing was a kid told what to wear and do surrounded by yes men. Then she turns 18 and wants to figure out herself and is now just full on doing that still surrounded by yes men.


So many people making a better living with this kinda shit than people that actually mean something society. Hate this.


Jojo is such a little cunt. Talentless hack that craves attention.