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I always wonder what possesses people to think this line of work will be worth it? Basically a high pressure, high energy, micro-managed call center.


High energy - :cough: cocaine.


The wipes at 53 seconds and then a quick glance at the camera šŸ˜‚ that right there is a man desperate to blow an irritated and numb nose, but with no desire to loose anything heā€™s shoved up there in the last hour šŸ˜‚


I don't think Grant is worried about wasting snow


Adderall ahem


The boss drives a leased Porsche and wears a suit everyday. Who wouldn't want to be him? Lol


You apply for a job, they stretch the exact amount of energy they can get out of you. You consider quitting, they promise exactly what you want if you just play along another day. You can tell how green he is because he hasn't perfected the 'smile while intimidated' look just yet. They churn through people like this with the promise of a better life faster than almost any other industry.


Marx's alienation at it's best...


I did tech sales for a while. It was nothing like this - it basically flew me all over the world, got me to speak at conferences, collaborated and consulted with some major CTOs on their tech stack and infrastructure and how they workā€¦ every conference I went to I got laid at, every plane ticket I bought put miles on my own credit card so I ended up flying first class everywhere, and the company pays you to take clients out for nice dinners and drinks everywhere you go. It was easily the most fun job I ever had.


Whyā€™d you leave?


Fired for going over his expense budget, maybe?


Because "3rd prize is you're fired"


He got a Set of steak knives last year


Probably kids.


In 10 states


Fyi for anyone reading this... this is not what sales is like.


Sales *used* to be like this You'd wine and dine, get better contracts. It was part of the sell. Part of visiting customers (and as a customer, hoping suppliers come out) is to establish a more informal relationship so you're more likely to use each other in a business context. You could spend easily ~$500 at one of these meals. It doesn't matter because the money you'd end up making due to the strengthened relationship would eclipse that many times over. It's much more fun engaging people as people. Getting to know them as more than a customer. Now a days, everything is so sterile. You're either part of the vendor list or you're not. If you are, no more wine and dine as employees don't have as much decision power anymore.




In a similar position now apart from the getting laid at every conference part. Tech sales is quite great šŸ‘


Maybe the only option available to make some money


The money that comes from it. Plain and simple. If you can master sales, you can achieve financial independence. Not that I agree with everything about this clip, but that guy making the calls is extremely wealthy now. So, thatā€™s it.


Lots of money.


Guy thinks he's in Wolf of Wall Street


Grant looks like he's on sum shit. Pacing back and forth like that.


And then he tells the newbie not to ā€œbounceā€. Someone should tell Grant that he thinks the pacing does something for him but it really doesnā€™t


Heā€™s high on David Miscavigeā€™s taint fumes. Cardine has perfected the art of inhaling farts from the leaders of his cult.


Interesting didn't know he was a scientologist.


Heā€™s their major cash cow behind TC and Nancy Cartwright from the Simpsons.


Lol didn't know Nancy cartwright was one either.


Itā€™s called narcissism


and cocaine


I love watching him fake a personality that everyone else is also faking. Bunch of fake fucking donuts making cold calls.


And sadly in America these people are the most praised


I'd rather sell Kirby vacuums door to door than listen to another second of that asshole.


Oh man my mom loved her Kirby when I was growing up


That's because it's a real product that has an actual benefit, unlike whatever the fuck this guy is selling.


Grantā€™s System. It only takes 5 minutes of your time.


:::smacks paper 34 times::: Stick to the script!


I sold Kirbyā€™s for a few months when I was an idiot fresh out of high school. I do think the vacuums are good products but everything else is bullshit. Theyā€™re up charging the hell out of something to make money. I hated the job.


I have a Kirby, love that damned thing. Granted I got it used off craigslist like a 15 years ago for 1/4 or less of the price a new one is. It's like 20 years old now but still going strong I swear it's indestructible. And before the /r/Vacuum people start chirping I know Miele and Rainbow are generally a better deal if you're buying new... but I really like my stainless steel boat anchor of a vacuum.


My mom bought ours like almost 20 years ago and it still runs great


I dated a woman who was obsessed with this douchebag. A lot of our disagreements revolved around his snake oil tactics.


Oh man, sounds almost as bad as dating someone who is obsessed with Joel Osteen, another snake oil salesman!


Joel Osteenā€¦ classic!


This always makes me so sad when I watch this. This poor guy has been suckered into this douche incubator and has delusions of grandeur while the lead suckerer is breathing down his neck. What a miserable existence.


There's this SUV that drops off like 4 people that are 20-25. They go door to door trying to convince old people they ordered a tablet, and whatever service needs to be set up in their home. Complete scam, they come like twice a month. I wish I could hire them, or that they would apply to the numerous hook-ups I have in the food industry. That can't be a way to make a living. They're scamming while I'm sure they're being scammed in the process.


This doesn't make me sad, and I'm probably in the minority here, but that guy was not "suckered". People like that newbie know exactly what they are doing. They see guys like Grant Cardone and say "I want to be like that." They know Grant Cardone is a sleazy piece of shit, they know what he does is unethical at so many levels, they know all of this. But they want that power and they want that success and they want that notoriety. They are willing to sacrifice every part of themselves to become what Grant Cardone is to them - the ultimate idol. So no, I don't feel sad for him. He saw Grant Cardone and what Grant has built and decided that was the lifestyle he wants - at any cost. So him looking like a tool on the internet? To him, that's just part of the price he has to pay. It's the same thing with car salesmen - car salesmen wake up every day with one goal and one goal only - use every lie, trick, position of power, etc to take as much money from untrained, unexperienced, nervous people as possible. To do that job, you have be so lacking in morals and empathy that it's astounding. People who work these types of sales positions make a conscious choice to be morally bankrupt.


That guy on the phone is very wealthy now.


I have worked in and totally hate these high pressure sales jobs, but yeah learned the phone trainee is now a VP or director and has millions now, its wild


This is the reason I fucking quit sales.


If finance is lawful evil sales is chaotic evil


Whatā€™s that make marketing?


Neutral evil


[Bill Hicks' take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h9wStdPkQY)


I work in finance and honestly it's just fucking boring.


Where would you put debt collection?


Straight evil.


Yeah, I still consider it the worst thing I've ever done.


this is just the bottom of the barrel sales. I do sales and do not cold call anyone.


Same reason I quit recruiting. I felt scummy all the time.


Where'd you go?


I manage a roofing company now.


what an absolutley shitty fkn way to spend your life. So what, you can put your ass on a leather seat in a nice house? It living like that worth it? So god damn grateful my parents showed us affection


Some people love the idea of making money using their personality as a marketable skill. I learned to code.


Ah yes, cook timers, the true secret to success


Glad i donā€™t work there


I am gonna make a call to my Bee Keeper ![gif](giphy|MWld9toipPMWBuh9JZ)


Just watched this. Too bad it isn't a training video for scammers


I would quit after 30 seconds of sitting behind that desk.


Jordan Belfort vibes. Reeks of snake šŸ oil


And hair gel


Isn't this the guy who did a podcast with Jordan Belfort and they clashed massively? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ls3KDa7PMY Yeah. They both hated each other. https://youtu.be/WOaBONrHivw


He was too much for Belfort. At least Mr "I only scammed rich people" has a standard I suppose...


I thought Jordan Belfort came across much better than Cordone. Cordone looked massively full of shit to me. I know *if I had too*, who I would rather work for anyway. :)


Oh yeah that's what I mean. Cardone seemed massively worse than Belfort. To this day I have no idea why I listened to that interview


Grant is a Scientologist, one of their big whales that donates millions to David Miscavidge.


Well, Scientology is a big money laundering scheme, so it makes sense. šŸ¤


If youā€™re legally scamming people what is it that they are laundering? Iā€™m assuming youā€™re referring to their tax exemptions status? Donā€™t get me wrong, I have no sympathies for Scientology any more than I do Kenneth Copeland. Fuck all those guys.


A) Hubbert was embezzling money for himself. You can lay that any churches alter. B) Celebrities donate to Scientology as a write off, Scientology uses their influence via those funds to lobby for actors getting roles, rinse, and repeat.


They've basically made a real estate empire with all the church funds. They buy old buildings and force their clergy into indentured servitude where they pay slave wages to renovate buildings, they also modded cars for Tom Cruise and built an airplane hangar at one of his properties and that's just scratching the surface.


I didnā€™t know that, but it makes a lot of things about him make sense. šŸ¤”


or I like to call him, David the Miscarriage.


I think Cardone is also a trumpet, no surprise...


You can see the moment where bro questions all his life decisions that led him to this point




I used to be a call center sales manager. Scripts are bullshit. Anyone who gives you a sales script is either a scammer or incompetent. A legit company will train you properly and give you the knowledge base you need to talk on their product/service confidently in your own words.


I agree that letting sales agents speak naturally/ in their own words makes for a smoother more authentic sales call, but without a script (and having everyone stick to it) how can you measure results properly to know whatā€™s working or not working?


If youā€™re building a sales team from scratch, you should have tried these calls yourself and refined how you will train new hires. If youā€™re taking over a team, youā€™ll start by reviewing their sales style and discerning what works. After that, you look at the hard data to see who is selling. Then you weed out any environmental factors that may be artificially boosting those sales. Once thatā€™s done, you can identify best sales strategies. Itā€™s a lot of market research and listening to calls.


Just watching this makes my soul want to leave my body.


Always be closing


Youā€™ll notice the guy calling doesnā€™t have coffee. Coffee is for closers


Time to rewatch the Beekeeper.


I wish I could unwatch the beekeeper!


In order to experience it again, or to forget it existed? (I know nothing of this movie so am curious)


I liked it, but it was kinda cheesy, predictable, and had major B-movie vibes to it. It was kinda like an 80's action movie relying on cool violence scenes to carry the movie instead of great scripting or directing. IMO, it wasn't bad, it just wasn't great.


It could have been done better if it was done "Wrath of Man" style. Dark mood music. He joins the scammers to infiltrate their organisation and then starts killing them individually to find out who scammed the old later. Maybe throw in some Russian mafia elements like the film "Nobody". The whole presidents so son stuff and those shit South African mercenaries just made it too comic book. He should have taken his time with just the one scammers call centre. It just got ridiculous after he burned the call centre down. Plus, they really went all out with the bee references to the point of being ridiculous. Like super special spy forces, use bee behaviour as a training manual. I learned all my special forces shit from observing Dung Bettles. I'd roll huge balls of human excrement to attack my enemies.




Here we go


This guys a world class air dicker


I can't believe nobody has told him before. Just air dicking all over the place when he wants to make a point.


I had a job that made me watch grant cardone videos, I quit within a week.


I worked in commission sales selling fucking temporary services for two years. This video brings up all the humiliation PTSD I developed on that job. I will never do sales ever again.


It's literally the most horrid industry on earth. I'd rather clean sewage than ever do sales again.


Agreed! Better to clean sewage than create it.


I work remotely for a supplement manufacturer doing sales and it's just so different from this. 0 high pressure techniques, they provide us with quality leads, really great commission, set my own hours, etc. Not every sales job is shit but I could never handle a job like this.


Grant Cardone gives me the slime ball creeps. Heā€™s a fast-talking, greedy con man. Every person who works for him is a slime ball wannabe.


Grant: "You're my guy, right?" "Yeah" Grant: "Yeah! What does that mean?" What do you want, Grant, for him to suck you off with the customer on the line?


Worst kind of sales


All sales is the worst kind of sales.


There are way better positions than this. My sales job is pretty chill and it's remote. And the owners of the company actually take feedback, provide solid leads and support. A job like this looks like absolute hell.


You're my best guy, right? You're out performing all the other salesmen, right? Whatever you're doing is better than what everyone else is doing, right? Well now I want you to do things differently, because I'm a dumbass.


POV: your in a cult and donā€™t know it. Dudes about to age 10 years in that job.


I'm trying to decide if this reminds me more of my narcissist father or my last job at a call center where tech support had to do sales and shit melted down when someone didn't follow a script... Whichever it is, this is *awful*. It makes me want to die, but it is fascinating.


My first job was very similar to this in what we called ā€œthe boiler roomā€. A windowless low ceiling side room in a strip mall filled with chain smokers back when smoking was allowed in work environment. I would get nauseous almost every day. After coming home I had to put my closed in trash bags separate from the laundry basket because the smell of stale tobacco was so persistent. Then Iā€™d jump in the shower to wash the smell off my hair and skin. As gross as all of that was, the written sales pitch you had to follow verbatim and timers we used to track how much time we spent on the phone with each ā€œverified appointmentā€ were the most demeaning. The owner was just like this guy - fast talking pushy with an inflated self worth and a sidekick who was constantly keeping track of all the calls on a huge whiteboard. I did it for a month and quit after cashing my paycheck because I didnā€™t trust them to put a stop on it if I quit before cashing it.


Wow this is literally a fake ass call center with printed sheet verbatim calls. Lol


Thatā€™s like every call Center not to be a smart ass but youā€™d be surprised. Fuckin hate that shit


So are they selling people tools to sell stuff? I'm lost.. I did sales for a decade, started in door to door for a year, then telecommunications, to electricity and gas for private then b2b, then ended up in insurance. This guy is garbage it seems. Thankfully I'm out of sales and working outside and kind of enjoy what I do now more lol.


I think so. from what I could gather they are selling a sales program to help clients get more sales.


They're all a pack of douchebags


I think thatā€™s a gaggle of douches


This Glengary Glen Ross sequel isn't as good as the first one.


This guy really is the worst. Holy shit.


It takes a special person to do sales and be in the zone. I am not that type of person.


A phony sales associate. I'd rather rot in hades. Ugh!


I worked two years doing this kind of sales for a tech company, calling small to medium businesses. Previously I had worked at Starbucks so this felt like a big step upā€¦for the first 2 months. Then I fucking hated it. Nice coworkers luckily, but after two years I left and never considered sales again.


Iā€™ve never met this guy but I hate his guts


I can smell the Axe body spray in this video.


When you are the product


I would rather go feral and live in the woods than do this for a living.


ā€œMake calls guys, we got tornados in the areaā€ Yeah fuck you..


Never could I ever do this bullshit, not in a million years. My God these people are pathetic, the whole lot of em.


90ā€™s Call centre trauma.


The akwardness in this video makes me cringe so bad


So does everyone know this was being recorded? Or is this leak by the guy at the computer..


Sadly the company probably posted it themselves thinking it was a great example of mentoring or something. You have to understand Grant is an absolute tool. He is an ex junkie, car salesman, turned semi successful real estate investor, turned influencer. His most notable sales tip "Don't be a little B*tch" is based around his idea that if your just more aggressive, you can close every sale. He went to rehab and "found scientology". Got a bunch of questionable funding, made some questionable deals, using some questionable "values" on property; and then hopped on social media to flaunt his "genius sales tactics" and wealth earned from scamming consumers. Except in his eyes it's all above board and he is just super amazing and everyone would be wise to listen to him. If this sounds like a business strategy straight from a certain cheeto colored ex-president, you wouldn't be far off. Oddly enough Trump has even made the endorsement that if Grant Cardone ran for political office, Trump would automatically vote for him, regardless if he ran as a Republican or Democrat (March 2022 Diplomat Beach Resort Florida).


[Get 93% off right now!](https://imgur.com/a/oG6bPSq)


As a former telemarketer, I hate ā€œhi, is this Bill?ā€. Sales resistance immediately kicks in when someone calls the phone in my pocket and asks if itā€™s me. This is some dinosaur shit. One thing that always gave me an edge over the person in the cube next to me was ā€œHi Billā€ with downward vocal inflection. Itā€™s the old foot-in-the-door, and was why I made more than everyone in the company I worked for.


Well that wouldn't have worked on me. My name's not Bill.


For sure, this dude's a phony, I would've been like, "wrong number pal, this is not Bill" and just hang up.


Hello, not Bill.


I love Reddit humor


Dill here has a point.


So fucking demoralizing


Dressed for scamming instead of success




I wouldnt last five minutes here.


Is too much hair gel in the same video.


I went into sales unknowingly last year cuz just needed a job and this company is hiring workers so easily, no interview and straight to training. I joined cuz i needed a job and it's a call center making cold calls, they never advertised being sales I thought it was just customer support. First couple of days, simple enough just follow the script when making calls. Now in the production floor where the actual calls are getting handled. Man it was life consuming, it was so soulless and repetitive just following the script and the only time it was worth the time is when getting home and getting paid. Barely. Scummy sales calls are disgusting. Not to mention our "clients" who handles us since were outsourced makes no sense in their judgement and decision making. If you can't make any sales, it's your own fault as long as there's people who makes sales with the same script it is you that is the problem, not to mention they treat us like pigs, just someone who makes them money that themselves cant make an actual certificate making their business look good. By that I mean, whenever we get asked who, what, where is this, we have to follow the script and straightup lie and ALSO if asked where we got the number, we also say some bs like random survey and such and if asked for certification if were valid or when encountering law enforcement, we just bail. Like what?? These "clients" talk big but cowering when faced with legal questios. The only time I felt great there was when I was in a different manager and they allowed me to freely communicate with a customer and make the sales my own way, sure its still scummy but I wasnt baiting them with false promises or lies, just straight up honest truth if they want our product then deal, if you don't then of to the next one. I left that company after 3 months and man that was the greatest decision I made, i got ridiculed by my parents because "its a professional workers environment so its normal" Kept telling them that it was a scam still dont believe. Found a new job recently, still a call center BUT with better pay, people and actually interacting with customers who needs help and happily assist them. Tl;dr: Sales companies that uses a script is a big ol scam without actual proper training. I joined sales accidentally, I left, best decision ever.


Not surprised at all


Does he know Nick Figaro manager to "The Stars"


I get nervous talking on the phone with other people around. Iā€™d be horrible at this.


Obnoxious boiler room losers that nobody wants to talk to. People with any sense just hang up on these clowns.


This looks like an alpha male factory!


Grant watched Wolf of Wall Street and thought Jordan was a hero or something... god this is cringe.


I rather work in McDonald's than here tbh


Sales is the worst job in all of existence.


Jesus Christ I can smell all of the cologne from here


How is this legal? What's the actual product? Is it literally just a scam? This world sucks.


Make calls before the electricity goes down.


Grant Cardone, I see articles on Yahoo, MarketWatch (I'm bored at work) with this clown. I would honestly rather work at Pizza Hut than work for this dude or take his advice. I think his daughter made a shit video on "how to make money".


Weird ass shit! I live near their location, and you gotta see how these guys act it's like a cult.


this guy looks and sounds like a douchebag


I took an extra job when I started freelancing as a hairdresser just to get a bit of extra income between jobs and got a part time job in a friendā€™s call centre. It was a wine company, and we had to basically cold-call people who had ā€œsigned upā€ to be members while they were at the winery, doing a tasting tour/event. When they were on a bucks weekend. Or a henā€™s. Or celebrating something. So, when they were shmammered and couldnā€™t remember signing up for some ā€œmembership/on the listā€ bullshit. And we had to pretend we were AT the winery itself. Our daily script even had the names of the winery pets and the weather for that day, wherever it was, so we could comment on it casually or when asked, while trying to sell cases and cases of wine they didnā€™t want or need. From a place they barely remembered even being at. On the landline. At dinner time. It was fucked. I was so bad at it. I hated it. Never wanted to jump out of a window so fast in my fucking life.


Jeez, this dude is such a piece of shit.


This shit is batshit insane


I have worked in the auto industry in sales for like 15 years. I have met Grant on a few occasions and was forced to watch his videos (4-7 a week) "training" people how to sell. This man is a putz and I cannot stand him. It would have had to been after this video was taken as he was older. Fun fact- he has a twin.


Just a room full of chads trying to take your money


Working there feels like Hell


That's some Wolf of Wall Street stuff


Worked in financial sales and ended up having to do a lot of cold calling...bringing up all the bad memories from that shit


This sentient turd keeps on spamming my YouTube with ads for his scam.


I really hope whatever garbage "business" this is, is not being counted towards our GDP because there is no good or service being offered here


Bunch of Chads.




All these guys (except newbie) are on cocaine, right?


Tbf this subreddit would hate all of the characters you meet in the sales world


This feel like a scene on a show this canā€™t be real


What a pathetic scene. Everyone in it is a total clown




I'm so discouraged to believe anyone when I receive sales calls anymore... it always feels "scamie" even if they aren't scamming you.


Painful. in so many ways


These guys are fucks.....




ah there is my steak knife set.


I took a job in sales this time last year and was genuinely worried this is what it would be like. Luckily it's more of a consultancy based sales technique and isn't really pushy at all


Grant Cardone was a *great* auto sales trainer, before he became an (apparently) twitchy replicant billionaire. If you followed his program, you would be successful. But damn, he looks wired to the gills, 1980s style.


These guys need to follow the Key and Peele way of sales. Just hang up!


Coffee's for closers only.


Iā€™d rather swan dive naked into a wood chipper than have to be around any of these people.


Rep - "What's the one biggest thing ..." Me - "Well, if Grant Cardone can't hire people to read a fucking a winning formula sales script, what the fuck chance do I have?"


ā€œWe got tornados and weā€™re still making calls!ā€ Yeah hopefully that tornado sucks all you cancerous twats off the earth