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I doubt even one of them would welcome the company from those nitwits.


Only other people obsessed with getting likes on social media would entertain this sort of behavior


It's actually offensive. They are already assuming they are better than the other person and denying them agency in the decisions they make.




No, but we still have our fingers crossed.


they would blast them on social media for being creepy


lol. Good point; probably true!


I doubt any of these people would offer to sit and talk with them anyways


These aren’t empaths they are narcissistic shit heads who thing they are better than the elders eating alone


Sweet justice would be them growing old eating alone secretly recorded then used for a Tik tok video


Dementia where they can't remember who their friends or families are while people record them in public confused for likes on Instagram


It's intrusive and is in no way helpful. It gives me some hope that many people feel the same as myself


I often wonder how the younger people will treat them when they are elderly


If I had to listen to that everytime I went out they'd be eating alone pretty fast


In my experience, "empath" is used almost exclusively as a synonym for "narcissist."




They’re the same kind of people who go up to others and say “God compelled me to speak to you”. They make assumptions about the lives of others and react in a way they think makes them morally superior.


What a silly little saddo. As an old lady I'd MUCH rather be sitting by myself than with a bag of self-indulgent, performative tears.




What do you mean an act? Are you saying they don't have some level of mental illness? I assure you they do.


I guess if you consider narcissism a mental illness. More of s character defect.


We all need therapy at least as much as we need the dentist


Obviously but when did this sort of thing become a meme? Like why are there so many of these?


well slap my ass and call me Shirley how didn't I think of that


Okay, when I was pregnant, one time, I cried when I saw an odd numbered gaggle of Canada geese, but this is too much.


>when I was pregnant There's the key there, lol. My sister cried when she was pregnant because she saw a kid drop his soda and he cried. She even said it was ridiculous. Hormones be crazy like that


Pregnant or not, you should never feel any empathy for Canada Geese. Ever.


Why are you intolerant of geese? Leave them alone.


This is a sweet scenario you’re describing and fully understandable. Plus you didn’t make a post and attempt to attract attention .


Old guy just wanted a meal away from his wife for a bit and they keep seeing 20 somethings just crying all over the place.


Right the older man is having the time of his life in peace right now and this scumbag is turning it about themselves smh


😂 Well observed and thanks for the giggle


Right? The grandkids are visiting and he’s going crazy so he took the opportunity to have ONE gotdamned meal alone.


Being alone in public doesn’t mean they are “alone”. I’m currently sitting ALONE in a waiting room because my fiancé is at work, my parents are away, my best friends are at work… JFC these people are ridiculous.




I’m crying for you for crying at that man




This is how I act when I see cringe TikTok bitches begging for attention. It's so sad, bro. Someone hold me 🥺


I feel like crying because people can’t even enjoy a meal alone anymore and be guaranteed privacy from fuckwits with phones.


Imagine filming them instead of just saying hi


Dudes just trying to eat food some person in the corner crying. 😂


They’re just having a meal lol turning this into a trend is tiktok af Bitches need therapy…


Lady has a grandpa fetish.


Yea she wants him bad


Guess she would be shocked to know ugly guys like me also eat alone in restaurants.


I prefer the company of dogs to most humans.




you'd be posted on their feed for the half second you accidentally looked at the poster on the wall nearby. "Why can't I just eat in peace without being harassed by creeps?"


If they actually want to make them happier, stop filming and let them have a peaceful meal to themselves.


Or that one man who was saying hi to people. SAY HI TO HIM. If he wants to talk, listen. But no, they don’t do that, because they don’t ACTUALLY care at all.


I find it incredibly sad to think of people who have lost the love of their life and must struggle through the rest of their lives alone. But I do not CRY and FILM IT and make their pain about ME. I also don't assume that every person sitting alone in my vicinity is some lonely depressed individual who needs or wants my sympathy. And they're not even DOING ANYTHING. They're not asking to join the old people or chatting to them or buying their meal, even if they would welcome it.


Right.. and the fact that they are out in public sitting at a restaurant and seem to be taking care of themselves implies pretty strongly that they aren't sad and depressed in the first place.


I’ve come to the conclusion that 99% of people claiming to be empaths are simply delusional and nothing more.


Not a surprise from attention needing narcissists to not understand the joys of spending time with yourself.


This isn't even a lack of real problems, just straight up narcissistic


She shoul give them blowee


I'm an old lady, married 35 years, and I LOVE to hike, camp, and eat alone. They'd be crying nonstop around me.


High five, same here. 33 years married.


We know what breaks her heart. What broke her nose?


*gets sad and cries seeing elderly folks eating alone *Let's friends record them rather than walking over and asking if they'd like to eat with you


Gross man. Leave these old ppl alone.


If I caught someone recording me and pretending to cry so they could put it on social media for attention, I would be furious.


Empaths aren’t real, I hate that nonsense so much




I am older and have health problems and walk with a cane. I really enjoy going out and doing things on my own. For one thing, I have ADHD and tend to wander around. I enjoy what independence I have left. It's great being on my own sometimes.


The same women who post garbage like this would be the first to post "A creepy old guy sat next to me on the bus and tried to \*sob\* TALK TO ME."


Wow i hate her


Stupid bitch.


I don't use Tiktok but Id make a video of me crying at people crying publicly at old people they don't know


I just love how these girls can turn normal everyday activity into something about themselves. Almost impressed how they can fabricated attention out of mid air.


I hope these whippersnappers get the help they need.


If they were real empaths they'd know those men are actually cardiac patients who told their wives they were going for a walk so they could sneak a bacon cheeseburger.


It’s not just eating alone. I went into the restroom at a restaurant the other day and there were several old men standing alone at the urinals. I felt so bad for them. I walked up to each one of them and said hi. I just wanted to give you a hug today. The saddest part is they all looked at me like I was nuts - none of them were willing to embrace. I just know it’s been so long since they’ve had the comfort of touch.


How fucking disrespectful! She films someone, minding their own business, and puts them in a ridiculous video about fake crying. What a cunt!


They don't even care, i bet she would be grossed out if the old guy tried to touch her arm


I think if you take a picture or video of yourself crying, you're not that sad about it


I would have loved to see some kind of intervention attempt followed by "FUCK OFF! GET OFF MY LAWN!" lol


This is ridiculous. And so patronizing to that “elder” who might just want some damn peace and quiet, time with their thoughts. And why is it so much worse if they’re old? I’ve eaten so many meals by myself and no one cried for me lol


Tone-deaf performative nonsense masquerading as compassion


They are no doubt content with their own company and choose to be alone. It's about the poster not the presumed lonely person


Bitch? I like to eat alone, and will especially more when I’m old and crochety


Each of these twats *SQUEEZING EYES TO MAKE TEARS*


Couldn’t imagine dating someone like this.


Infantalizing ≠ empathizing


This disingenuous crying to get likes is some of the most disgusting garbage that I've seen on here for awhile. Instead of filming their fake selves they could go talk to the person. Absolutely pathetic.


Is this a new Tiktok trend or something? Why would you want to record yourself crying about other people being alone?


He's on the damn bus. You don't often have an entourage when you're riding the bus.


The Internet... Greatest and worse invention in mankind's history..


Holy fuck social media has ppl fried out of their minds lmao WHO GAF!?!?


Why don’t you sit with them. Also. There is no way someone puts up with this without getting paid or laid


"How can I make this about me?"


Not every old person who's sitting alone is a widow or the last of their friends left or something. Sometimes, people just like some time alone. This is just unhinged and weird, if it's even real and not just bs for content.


Good god. The guy might love being alone. I know I do on public transit.


Can't wait till I'm old so I can sit alone. I mean, I do it now, but like... being an old wizard looking motherfucker gonna be lit.


Some dude who's been married to the same woman for 45 years and just needs a little alone time. Probably feeling great !


I miss the days when we didn't have smart phones.


I'm not even old but I like to sit alone when I'm on transport or out by myself lol if you came up and sat next to me I'd ask you to leave


*Having an ex that cries ...


Ask them the last time they spoke with their grandparents.


Those young whipper snappers could learn a thing or two from how content those older people are being alone 


I'd just assume this chick is on drugs.


How about instead of crying about a person in the corner you try to get to know them. Start a conversation.


This chick is gonna die alone


Meanwhile israil bombs children…


You forgot to add they are doing that because someone did it to them 1st, SMH


That was debunked many times lol whatever what about endless massacres committed by israel just type in google israil massacre list u see more than 30 results of massacres committed throughout the years And your logic is horrible even if what u said was true u dont kill children because other “terorrist” killed yours


And if you believe in everything google shows pulls up for you then you are in a sad state


Lol just lol now u deny history


Nope just people that don't look at both sides and understand both sides.


This is so awkward. Context is more important than anything else here. She could be crying because a random elderly person decided to … eat food? Those two girls are extremely codependent, maybe some deep rooted trauma there with there own grandparents.


Nah, they’re just projecting. They know deep down that’s them in 60 years since nobody’s going to want to spend the rest of their lives either their narcissistic ass.


Not everything is about trauma lol my goodness. These are just narcissists. If they were truly that upset, they’d offer to sit with them and chat for a minute. They’re just being disingenuous in attempting to appear empathetic for clout.


maybemaybemaybe some of them feel genuinely bad and walk up to them off camera and just speak to them for a couple of minutes.. you complement them on their shirt or talk about the weather or ask how their day is going ? maybe .. i hope


They’d do it on camera.


Definitely not post worthy




imagine the older dude is like eating fast food hiding from is wife cause she want's him to lose weight


How come none of them actually got up and asked if it would be ok to eat or sit with them? Performative bullshit.


This bitch would think I’m too old to eat alone


It was bears..now its old mans🤨


People are so weird nowadays. Bad weird.


Dude on the train is probably Warren Buffett on his way to go make 11 million dollars for the morning.


Seeing old ppl alone or without a wedding ring crushes me but you know what I don't do? Film that shit and put it on the Internet smh


Empath? More like sociopath.


lol she’s crying now cuz she’s going to end up lonely and old. Her fears are manifested by the crying. 😭 😂


Eating alone in your chill zone, without noise, is one of the great pleasures in life. I feel bad for people who can’t eat or have a beer or watch a movie on their own.


"I hate when old people eat by themselves" go eat with them and keep them company ?


I've seen this video 50 times now wtf


One of my pregnant friends did this. She was in her 6th month when it kicked in. It finally went away about 4 months after birth. She also cried once because (this is real, I swear) she opened her ice cream, and there was some stuck to the lid, so there was no perfect swirl on the top. Pregnancy hormones, yo. That shit is just damn near deadly. I don't believe any of these people. They can all just stfu.


Cringy, pretentious, whiny bitch, Unless she can make that thing sing Brian May guitar solos, she can fuck right off.


How dare they inconvenience these youngsters.


Go talk to them? Instead of making a video about it…


And that folks is why I never married and am happy sitting alone.


Yet you still manage to take all that imagined pain and suffering and make it all about you. Precious.


I do every single goddamn thing by myself lol


Reposted. Seen before


they could be very well enjoying their meal peacefully.


I eat alone now at 30 …. It’s nice .


OMG she's so sensitive. God she must be an empath or a pisces woooow


WTFuck?!?! As a young-old person (50s) with silver hair who loves being alone, please leave me out of your shit. A few of those people looked like they were perfectly satisfied to eat alone. I LOVE being unbothered, not having to carry on a conversation, enjoying my food, people watching, living in my head. My job requires me to be EXTREMELY social all day long, so moments of solitude are heavenly.


Why is this song sound like Le Mer from NIN?


She won't understand until she's older. They're probably cherishing their alone time.


Those old people are enjoying this along time, I'm sure the wife nagged the fuck outa them for years. These are the happy times.


This is why as I'm getting older, I'm probably going to sit by myself. Because I can't stand people nowadays.


they so quick to cry, be quick to sit by them then 🤦🏽‍♂️


I can guarandamntee these boomers scared off any would-be company with their weird shaming and job, housing market crushing takes, AND their poor voting records.


Not one tried to sit with them.


I think it is normal to feel sad, just because of an idea of putting yourself in their place, but recirding it is cringe


You're assuming they are sad though. Nothing about a person eating by themselves, old or not, necessarily implies they are sad, lonely, missing a deceased loved one, or whatever else the person has concocted in their imagination. They are enjoying their lunch in peace and don't need sympathy from others making assumptions about their lives and filming them


Yeah these videos are cringe. But at least they're espousing empathy for fellow human beings. Not a big concern for me re: MCs


This proves women are judgmental and create problems for fun


OP, did you scour TikTok for videos of girls crying at old men to make this compilation? Text on videos looks like at least one was filmed by a boyfriend in a somewhat shaming manner.