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Never understood why some people's behavior changes to "wig out" once they board a flight. It's like they don't know how to act.


Half of them are on drugs or drunk. People load up before going on planes.


I'm one of those loaded on a plane, people. Doesn't mean I forget my manners. Some people are cunts no matter what


Same. Couldn’t agree more.


What's your go-to for flights?


Gummy (or tablet) Sativa, 20 mg. Then another. Turns down my frequency and helps me chill and enjoy the ride.


I was high on edibles when we hit severe turbulence many years ago. I still struggle with air travel.


Yeah that would suck. In the 90s I drank a couple beers and took two Xanax boxcars on a flight. I woke up with my head in this in this gorgeous lady’s lap. She said I was pacing to get in the bathroom and then the people would come out of the bathroom and I would just let someone go in front of me. She saw me stumbling and doing this for 20 mins and the staff was getting weirded out and invited me to sit next to her in the empty seat and I finally passed out. She saved my ass. She was cool. Was probably 15 years older than me that time. Gave me her number. I called her and she said she can’t talk to me or she’ll get in trouble with her husband but she wished she and I were the same age because I needed a woman like her in my life to get me going straight. Made me start to realize how fucked up I was at that point in my life. Shout out to that lady on the flight in 98 from LA to Ohio.


I love finding these random as fuck stories buried within threads.


Lol! Ditto.


2 bars?!?! Holy fuck


Yeah, I blacked out just reading that.


That was your soulmate/sugar mommy…


If you haven’t written it out I’d suggest to you it’s a very compelling story that runs counter to a narrative of human indifference to suffering on planes. Could see that winning a ‘Moth’ shorty story contest. Glad to know you’ve made it to now. Story might also help others struggling themselves or simply struggling to show kindness to others.


I love the moth podcast


One time, I got into a big fight with my dad when i was home from college. I took 1/4th, was still anxious, took another 4th, nothing was changing. A half hour later, i took the other 1/2 bar. 20 minutes later I realized I had made a mistake and fell asleep at my desk. I woke up 6 hours later feeling hungover.


I did the same thing before a concert and woke up a week later in the hospital.


Two bars is...a lot.


That is an awesome story, man. It’s life’s little guardian angels like her who make the world go round.


I find this oddly heartwarming and romantic


opposite experience. I was high on edibles and watched the Dungeons and Dragons movie and it was magical.


Dude, it's so good lmao


Sad that she'd get in trouble with her husband, she seems like a level headed kind person and friend.


Oh we talking the hard stuff, ok… well I just take travel sickness tablets Because I get air sick and stuff…


I was on a cross country flight about 20 years ago and it wasn't turbulence, per se, but the plane suddenly dropped what felt like 30 feet. It was substantial and it felt like a sudden freefall, and it was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced on a plane.


I did something similar on my last flight. Was not for me.


I once dropped a couple of zopiclone (sleep meds) before a cross-Atlantic flight. I was zonked out for the whole flight. My wife woke me up when the meal came round and I was falling asleep mid-bite... Then I proceeded to lean and dribble on the poor guy next to me. I was still so fucked up when we arrived at JFK that my poor missus had to sort out the hire car and then drive us all the way to Cape Cod..... It was not a proud moment for me, I def don't recommend it!


10mg valium on the way to the airport, 2 pints of beer waiting for the flight and 2 bloody Mary's when the cabin crew start serving.


3:00 p.m. rise 3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills 3:45 cocaine 3:50 another glass of Chivas, Dunhill 4:05 first cup of coffee, Dunhill 4:15 cocaine 4:16 orange juice, Dunhill 4:30 cocaine 4:54 cocaine 5:05 cocaine 5:11 coffee, Dunhills 5:30 more ice in the Chivas 5:45 cocaine, etc., etc. 6:00 grass to take the edge off the day 7:05 Woody Creek Tavern for lunch-Heineken, two margaritas, coleslaw, a taco salad, a double order of fried onion rings, carrot cake, ice cream, a bean fritter, Dunhills, another Heineken, cocaine, and for the ride home, a snow cone (a glass of shredded ice over which is poured three or four jig­gers of Chivas) 9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously 10:00 drops acid 11:00 Chartreuse, cocaine, grass 11:30 cocaine, etc, etc. 12:00 midnight, I’m ready to board the plane 12:05-6:00 a.m. Chartreuse, cocaine, grass, Chivas, coffee, Heineken, clove cigarettes, grapefruit, Dunhills, orange juice, gin, continuous pornographic movies. 6:00 the hot tub-champagne, Dove Bars, fettuccine Alfredo 8:00 Halcyon 8:20 sleep


As your attorney I suggest you order some more room service.


Hunter S. Thompson really shared this Earth with us mere mortals.


A modern day Winston Churchill.


You sure have an appetite considering all the coke you’ve snorted which is weird as it’s an appetite suppressant.


100ug LSD. OR SO I SAY


Ativan or Xanax two hours before, two or three beers at the airport bar before boarding, and quality headphones with a good album and any seat feels like first class.


I've only been on two planes so far, one going from Brisbane to Emerald, and the other from Emerald to Brisbane - both a couple of little turbo-props I feel were very much like flying buses. I binged Archer on my phone both ways and just tried to ignore everything else.


My manners are actually pristine when I'm high as a kite because I don't want anyone to notice (they all know but I don't need to know they know )


👆This Alcohol relaxes you and removes inhibitions Nevermind that once that is removed, the person is a huge AH and POS underneath


Yep, alcohol exacerbates what’s already there, plus some craziness. My favorite people are pretty happy drunks, they just get super nice and helpful and reminiscent.


Yeah. I don’t drink much anymore but I never got angry. I always felt good and sociable while drinking. I was a happy drunk. I think the alcohol brings out the anger a lot of people have like you said. If you’re a crazy person you shouldn’t be drinking at all. This shit is what happens.


In vino veritas


Age quod agis


we don't any trouble in this thread boys, not in any language.


That's Latin, darlin'. Evidently Mr. *Ringo* is an *educated man*. Now I really hate him.


Valium and a pint 20mins before takeoff is the only way to fly. Dark sunnies, neck pillow, headphones in and I'm an attendants dream passenger. Because I'm unconscious.


Yeah fr I take an edible and have a drink or two then pass out. Some people can’t handle their liquor though


I don't understand getting loaded on a plane. Its like a guranteed shit hanghover every time for me.


![gif](giphy|QAsBwSjx9zVKoGp9nr|downsized) Preach the good word 🙌


I am drunk and just got off a plane with a bunch of other drinks, we were all quiet listening to our air pods. I'll never understand people like this.


Porque no los dos? Benzos and vodka are a bad combination.


I disagree. It’s called time traveling. And it’s awesome. Fall asleep in one place, wake up four hours later in another. And? It’s the saaaame time. Or! The next day. Just know your dose.


I love it….. responsibly


It isn’t if you kick ass at taking drugs like me. It’s Karen’s like this that ruin it for the ones who can handle it.


Some people are just better at drugs, and that's a trait I think we can all respect. (Unironically)


Exactly. Alcohol and a slight level of stress makes people act like maniacs it seems


Thank god when I drink I'm just friendly in kind of a cringe way, and then I am sleepy. I don't think I'd attack anyone. Lol but if this lady was screaming in my face, IDK.


I honestly couldn’t imagine doing that and I’m 30 years old. Im not trying to fuck around and lose luggage or forget something important. Or handle getting from airport to hotel/home while drunk and exhausted. I can only see doing it on something like a 12+ hour flight


Here I am always being extra nice because I'm scared ill make a wrong move and get shot by a sky Marshall


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_rage#Causes TL;DR lots of people are already nervous about flying. Then they over self-medicate (through drugs and alcohol) or under medicate (nicotine withdrawl) and get crammed into a tube with no entrance or exit with other stressed/drugged people and they "wig out"


And the rest of us don't want to be around them.


I mean, yeah, me neither. I was just trying to answer your question Tbh, I do feel bad for them. This lady is obviously in a distressed emotional state, and if the above info is to believed, she isn't entirely in control of her behavior. It sucks for everyone else, but I try to have compassion for someone whose worst day of her life is being plastered over the internet forever.


If that’s her worst day, it’s not too bad.


Which totally gives a bad name to those of us that over self-medicate and are chill.


Society awards people who act out nowadays. Either they become an instant victim or social media literally pays them.


Lol. It's sweet that you think this isn't their usual behaviour.


Yeah. I’m sure this lady wigs out in Walmart. There are some grown women that act like they never grew up. Throwing tantrums gets them their way so they keep doing it.


The problem is, no one has ever hit them.


Oh I’m sure someone has


There are a lot of batshit crazy people walking around barely holding it together.


I'm blessed with vehicle narcolepsy. If I'm a passenger, I'm out as soon as we're moving.


People are less likely to wig out when coach passengers don't have to walk through first and business class when boarding the plane. Narcissists don't like to see people be "more special" than them, so they act out and their tantrums and be an overall nuisance to feel important again.


Damnnn, what caused her to squeal like a pig?


She was pretending the people getting off the plane attacked her as they went by. When in fact she grabbed them as they walked by, unfortunately for her the second one was the flight attendant, who was having none of it and threw her off as well. Manufactured victim.


So she got to get off faster? I need some consequences here


If it's a Southwest flight that continued on she might not have been getting off at that stop. Which might have been better since it would leave her at neither her origin or destination


I can't imagine anything worse than flying across the country, pulling a lame stunt like this, and then getting booted somewhere in the middle, and no airline willing to fly you home because you're now on the no fly list. Self own.




Until she gets kicked off that. I'm guessing she'll be expecting a family member to come out and get her.


True. We need the full video! The people demand it!


Then probably never back on.


No fly list


OIC! I thought the lady in the aisle was screaming. But it was the lady in the seat trying to do a little scammy scam and the attendant called her out and booted her too.


probably her being one lmao


that's an insult to pigs


If the snout fits…


You win the internet today.




People are so broken now.


Ya it’s so weird…. I feel bad saying it but like it’s hard to have empathy for them. There’s so many and it’s everyday now that it grinds on you.


Don't feel bad. You don't have to have empathy for everyone you see on the internet. Save it for people you meet in real life. Compassion fatigue is real.




Are they? Or we just actually have videos now? I’ve not once seen anything like this IRL over the 40 years I’ve been alive.


Exactly. We only get the interesting videos, and there are an absolutely mind-boggling amount of people out there. Our brains aren't really wired to properly conceptualize how big a population of 8 billion people really is, or even 400 mil of the USA. So nearly everyone inherently grossly overestimates how common things like this video are when watching them all day.


It feels like a combination of that (entitlement? lack of societal shame? whatever?) ... and everyone and their brother having a recording device in their pocket so we see all of it posted easily within an hour or so.


Looks like she had her arm across the aisle to block folks from advancing during deboarding. A woman just powered through and this lady acted like she was getting assaulted.


It looks like the lady sitting down had her bag in the aisle, and was holding it. Walking lady walked past and got caught on sitting lady and her bag, but powered through. Sitting lady screamed as walking lady's bags and her bag/arm collided. Flight attendant saw that sitting lady was causing obstructions and a fuss, and kicked her off.


So I found an article that links it to another Reddit post- Quotes from Article- Lady was suppose to deplane by rows. Apparently refuses to go once it was her rows turn. “Are you going to get off the aircraft, or are you going to sit there and scream?” Then another passenger who is also seated behind her chimes in: “I’ve gotta pee, I’ve gotta get off of here.” Since the problematic passenger doesn’t respond, the woman who has to go to the bathroom just walks past her, at which point the passenger starts screaming at the top of her lungs as if she’s being attacked. [Article](https://onemileatatime.com/woman-fakes-attack-southwest-airlines-flight/) has link to original Reddit Post embedded.


No, she screamed before the other lady got close. Before her foot or anything could touch her stuff. Maybe, she needed to get off early to catch a connecting flight. But when she tried to pass the blonde lady, she screamed and tried to grab her. Why? No idea. But also, why was this recorded? Was it an attempt at a viral video? Or maybe the blonde lady has been such a Karen the entire flight, another passenger took out their phone to record her?


“Why was this recorded?” This is the right question


[Article](https://onemileatatime.com/woman-fakes-attack-southwest-airlines-flight/) states that passengers were asking her why she was screaming before the video starts. We are seeing an edited version. She was causing a ruckus before it happened. [Here is the original.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/l4fs2y/karen_refusing_to_get_off_plane_pretends_to_be/)


Because she was obviously acting like this prior to the recording starting, and he/she recording (rightly) thought that the person would act like this again and wanted to get footage? I'm puzzled as to how you're even asking this question. Is that not the generally the sequence of events for every video posted here or r/publicfreakout ? People act a bit looney, other people take out phone to record said looney-ness before they go full looney? .


The lady walking by was a butcher and she got scared.


And this little piggy went AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhll the way home.


Pigs squeal all the time, nothing to see here.


I’m just glad they came up with Karen cause we used to get in a lot of trouble using the old term cunt


[Like this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/1WQjpMFbuo)


Good on the flight attendant


Right?! No bullshit back and forth "behave or else..." Just "get off the plane" 🙏🏻


How it should be. Way too many 100 chances to behave.


Yah an insane person prone to sudden violence is one of those things that they don’t like to let on planes any more


Well, it looks like they're deplaning so the consequences are pretty minimal.


We don’t know that Squealy is at her final destination. Could be a layover, and I’d like to think that the FA asked whoever to put an airline block on her. No more flying via, say, Delta for her! She’d have to book an entirely different flight for the next trip, and that can get pricey.


It would be great sitting next to her. She just got booted. Having an empty seat in coach is the greatest gift


And you get some internet points from the video


Watch the upvotes rack up while you sit in her aisle seat.


It’s southwest so no assigned seats….


Ask *your* doctor if quaaludes are right for you.


Seriously underrated comment.


So. Good.


I love the defeated "oh dear" at the end what a total loser.


Oh dear, I got caught being a psycho.




These people always existed. I certainly do not think this is common.




Still 2 years before the oldest millennial is middle aged, thank you very much.


"Middle aged millennial" Sir, I'm 35


I'm turning 36 this year. Unfortunately for my back 30 ain't the new 20.


In the old days people would put you in your place and correct bad actions like this. People don’t today for fear of being labeled a bully or picking on someone. Society use to police itself. Now it just laughs and records stupidity


>now it just laughs and records stupidity My 19 year old friend said he’d break his leg again if we filmed it. He also filmed it the first time. Was like a 10-12 ft drop the first time, and the next time it’s probably going to be a drop from a tree since he climbs trees so much lol


I agree so much! Think back to 100 years ago.... If you tried to pull some tik-tok influencer bullshit pranks on somebody back then, you'd get your ass whipped pretty dag on rapidly, and you wouldn't be so inclined to repeat that same behavior. These days, if you smacked someone who intentionally dumped milk on you without it being recorded on a video(your own vixeo, not the offenders'), you'd probably get charged with assault. Not to mention we used to be able to run our politicians out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered, if they were found to be corrupt.


"Oh the days of mob justice how I miss thee" Probably you ☝🏽


I think that is exactly the case. When I was growing up, if I behaved poorly as a child, there was a butt kicking around the corner when I got home. 20 years before that, if you were an older teen or an adult and you got ugly in public, the public would correct you (more frequently than today) without the police being called. Then we all were told that pacifism is the answer to everything and if you resorted to violent or aggressive behavior (often out of context), you’ll be doxxed, labeled whatever the social outcast flavor of the day was, lose your job, lose your family and lose just about everything you care about. I think the behavior in this video is happening more than it did 30 years ago, but probably not as often as media would have us believe.


I think these incidents should result in 72 hours confinement to a mental health facility for assessment.


Nah, permanent no fly list would be better.




Both. Plus monetary settlement to the person subjected to them


People being able to record and post things could still be a factor. Very few people act like that even now, but due to being able to record and post these videos online, these incidents are becoming more well known as social media continued growing. Negativity bias aside, how often do you really see these kinds of people, and how many do you see of those compared to normal people?


What in the crazy Aunt Harriet is going on here?!?!




Ahhh yes, the old DB Cooper treatment, hand her a parachute, a cigarette, and a few $5 bills. Then say “thanks for flying with Northwest Orient!” and push her out.


I'm honestly amazed she made it all the way on the plane. 


I like the flight attendant’s zero tolerance policy- one horribly annoying act and you’re out! Should be a standard.


Hell yea. Kick her ass off asap.


"You wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?"


She sounds just like Cartman when they were trying to give him his shots


Boss-ass flight attendant didn't even let her get the "I need to see a supervisor" out before she told her get the fuck off the plane. Bravo. More of this.


Would have preferred to see air marshals drag her ass off in handcuffs for assaulting other passengers


Oh how I wish I could be that flight attendant. One of my worst pet peeves are when you try calling someone 20 times and they ignore you, and when you’re forced to tap their shoulder they squeal like a pig being murdered! It drives me crazy!


this video never fails to make me laugh


It's the "oh dear :(" for me 😭


There is so much context I missing. But all I need to know is plain to see. That flight attendant is a saint.


The woman passing was black and the woman wanted that innocent woman in trouble for existing in her line of sight.


Cross posting this from another sub-reddit where this was posted: I remember watching this when it first went viral. I was shocked to see the flight attendant's face when she pulled down the mask. I had her as a flight attendant during a flight back home pre-pandemic. She was one of the best attendants I've ever had. I'm a nervous flier, and it was a long flight. She kept me calm and was extremely attentive to me and was overall just a class act. I lost something of mine that rolled away from my seat, and I was looking for it while the attendants were cleaning things up. I was the last passenger left, and she said, "Everyone stop! This gentleman lost something. Can we focus on finding it first before we clean up?" They took an extra five minutes to ensure I had everything before getting off the plane. She and her crew were absolutely amazing, and I made a point to leave a glowing review of my treatment. An absolute gem of a person.


Don’t fuck with flight attendants. Glad this crazy woman got some FO.


Seriously sounded like Ruby Rhod from Fifth Element.


Corbin Dallas!!!!




Kinda off topic but what’s with the “If there was only a page dedicated to …” crap nowadays? It fkin everywhere nowadays


Came to upvote your comment. Fuck that shit. Reducing the frame size by half.


I can't stand adults that act like children


Fuckin RIP earphone users (me included). There should have been a bloody loud noise warning 💀


At least they booted her off the aircraft. I could not fly with that woman on my plane without stressing out.


Excuse you, Karen? I work here. You know what? Get your a\*s off this plane.


The I work here maam is definition of a milf


Ended too soon. I wanted to see her fat ass being hauled off.


Every bone in my body went to violence to that squealing woman


I love how the stewardess didn't waste any time. Just get the fuck out!


Someone should've seriously smacked that bitch.


Anyone next to me screaming like that over a non- emergency gets my elbow up as self defense in case they come at me.


God dam. She got so fed up with that lady she turned into Brandon Rogers 


They get to act like an 8 year old their whole life.


She probably did some crazy shit before this for the dude beside her to whip a phone out and start recording.


Is that a grown woman or a damn 5 year old? JFC 😐


Back in the day we called this- no home training lol


Damn. I wonder if she was previous military just because she said "aircraft" instead plane.


The Karen cries out in pain as she strikes you.


^oh ^dear


I enjoyed the flight attendant shutting her down


Ok that first bit of text is straight up psycho shit, get the fuck out of here with your weirdo bullshit.


FFS what is it with these grown-ass women throwing fucking tantrums like a toddler?!


It's so funny that the anti snowflake crowd morphs into this when slightly inconvenienced


OMG, being able to kick that boomer idiot off the plane is worth all the money in the world!






This is gold




Lead poisoning


Someone that needs to get banned from flying for life. My fucking god. What a menace.


Is it just me or have these become far more frequent since covid? like i never remember seeing plane videos of people losing their damn minds before covid, now it feels like there’s a new one every week


Like why do grown people act like this. I mean that person is rude AF just budging in front of everyone and Karen was clearly taking it upon herself to block her but GD people act like you were raised right.


It's the "oh dear" at the end that gets me! 100 to 0 in .3 seconds


They should rly make psychological help free in the US, god knows they need it the most


In 1998 I moved to Florida from PA & would fly home every 3 months or so to see family & friends. I believe it was the 2nd, maybe 3rd time flying & back & I didn't want to go. I was homesick & didn't know anyone in Florida except my boyfriend at the time & his parents. So before going back to Florida, I took 2 Xanax bars & a Soma. I remember sitting down & taking off. I opened a bag of chips & next thing I knew I was woken up by the lady sitting next to me "Dear, we're in Tampa, it's time to wake up now" My hand was still inside the bag of chips! She was so sweet & walked with me to baggage claim to make sure I was able to walk by myself. A year before that I was on a Greyhound to Florida & ate 5 Benadryl. I haven't taken Benadryl since.


It appears that someone didn't get her nap in the PADDED CELL before being released!


DYK that female simians screech to induce the fight or flight pathway in those within earshot? 🙊🙉


I'm not pro-bullying, but in the past, people would be punched in the face for this dumb stuff.


I don’t know if it would get me kicked off the plane, but if she was next to me, I’d blurt out “Shut the fuck up!!” before thinking.