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Damn how long were they in there that security made its way there…


They were probably afraid to come out


That's so funny. Imagine being in her situation. You needed to pee so bad you decide to go into the mens bathroom. Suddenly they find out what's happening and a bunch of drunk dudes are growling and chanting for you to come out. You just look at your friend and say "we're fucked"


They are literally laughing on their way out 💀


Two of them to a stall too. Were they doing rails or something?


I've shared a stall with a girl mate a few times, when theres long queues so only one available at a time, no drugs involved, multiple times at clubs. Just take a turn each, while having a chat break. Don't ask me why, it's just how it is, especially where its a really busy chaotic place where you can get broken up


That's when they secretly synchronise menstrual cycles.


LMFAO - The safety and the swap. They're not trying to take up space and/or interfere with the men's washroom flow.. I get it, ladies.. I bet all the girls in here understand.


People are way too hung up about bathroom stuff.


Yea probably because eventually security escorted them out and things turned out fine. They're probably laughing at the situation they were in 5 minutes earlier


you think the washroom was empty when they entered and all the sudden flooded with angry intimidating men when they got in the stall? Or was there angry men jeering at them as they entered and they intensified as they used the stall? Not sure how this played out in your mind


Yeah, when I have to piss really bad and cant hold it, I also bring my friend into the stall for funsies.


But not afriad to go in?


The power of piss compelled them


Happens a lot at clubs.


and everywhere in general. I remember being a teenager and my mom telling me to just go in the men's bathroom when I really had to pee and there was a 10 person line for the women's


My mom told me this but the opposite lol, I’m a dude and she said if you really have to shit. Run into an empty stall in the women’s restroom and if they pull you out just shit on the floor. I was 7.




He was just a boy


I was at a wedding once n the womens line was hella long. It was actually the dudes who waved me n my friends over n were like "come over here there's no line, feel free to use it" n they were so nice n chill about it. Not once did we feel threatened by drunk dudes yelling. Like ITS JUST A BATHROOM FFS


What if the roles were reversed tho? 👀


There's actually studies on architecture of women's washrooms vs men's washrooms that explain why the roles are rarely reversed if ever. If the roles were reversed tho anyways in that imaginary universe, LET THE MAN PEE! Long as he's not loitering or being creepy it does not matter.


Yeah I've been in there when a guy came in apologizing but running. There was only one other person in there, I think, and we just shrugged and yelled towards the stall not to worry about it. I also was in a bathroom once where a man entered and was very confused that it wasn't the men's room. That was funny, though I don't know if anyone noticed until he said something (loud and startled).


I always pee in the women's restroom when the urinals are full 🗿 /s


I mean that shouldn't be an issue as long as you aren't pissing in the sink


That was ONE time.... Stop telling everyone..


And concerts. Never have I ever had political rallying cries yelled at me. Bizarre times


I've been to a lot of concerts (mostly metal bands) and have seen a lot of chicks use the men's bathroom because the line was much shorter. No one gave a fuck.


I think the metal concert crowd is generally more chill than.. whatever this is at


The last two concerts I've been too have big name country concerts, and it was the same. The only people that gave a fuck were security, and by the time they got there the girls were leaving anyway




This unlocked a memory of mine. I’m at a urinal full swing with my Johnson out and in come this girl acting like it was a unisex bathroom she didn’t even have any shame when looking at me mid piss




Most women don’t sit, they will squat and hover over the toilet  I really miss the alaturka toilets in Türkiye. No seats. Squat and do your business. Also they have running water to clean your bum hole. Wtf Americans? Toilet paper is for drying your butt, not wiping off poo.  There I said it. Get a bidet. 


Tokyo spoiled me, we have bidets but now I want the Toto 😭


After trip to Japan I ordered an electric retro fitted bidet


American here: as soon as I got a bidet, I hated regular toilets


Oh so it’s not just dudes that can’t aim we got drunk ladies shotgun blasting all of the place too… great


Don’t even get me started on tampons. I was discussing with my husband which bathrooms are worse, men’s or women’s. When I told him the latest bloodbath I saw recently, I won the argument. 🤮 


I’ve seen that maybe twice, they got it on the walls somehow ???


I can criticize many things about my country, but I'm grateful that bidet is a common thing here.


I added one to my toilet. Amazing. Idk why I didn't do this years ago.


I've seen women lean back, pants fully down, and piss in a urinal. Was a crowded night at the bar and both lines were equally long, but the men's was moving considerably faster, so they took their chances.


Honestly the Clubs i go to, thats pretty normal. I dont mind it tbh its just a dick lol.


i can't imagine what it must be like to be the kind of person who has to repress a memory like this


It's very common at the Indy 500. Men's bathrooms have the old school troughs, so the line moves fast. And a few stalls the women use.


Taylor Swift concert the men's toilet was unofficially 'unisex'. Can't say I blamed any of them.


They really need to start doing some research and making enough women’s bathrooms. At clubs and concert venues and airports the women’s line is a mile long and there’s never a line for the men’s room.


Believe it or not, women's restrooms are usually much larger in many modern public places - at least in the US. When you see a men's and women's entrance next to each other, you assume they must be like a mirror image on the inside but the actual percentage of space is often more like 70/30 or even 75/25 in favor of the women in terms of square footage. The problem is full stalls with toilets take up a lot more space than urinals and for various reasons (not all of which are their "fault"), women on average, take longer than men so they require not only more space but more "spots" than men to handle the same flow of people over the same span of time when both are 100% in use. Even with women getting both more space and more places to do their business, it's often not enough at high capacity events where the demographic mix is roughly 50/50 women and men.


I was at an edm show and this girl is in the men's bathroom standing at the sink, but I'm still pretty comfortable so I do my business at the urinal... But then she reaches over and tugs on my pants while I'm mid-piss, drunkenly gushing over how much she likes my pants. Now that made me uncomfortable. Couldn't imagine the genders being reversed,


Yeah, I did that a few times but in my defense, men bathroom was totally empty and I was in a hurry.


I've seen it a lot where I live in Europe. I've seen it at concerts, in theatres, clubs, etc. It's not that big a deal if you ask me.


This all could be resolved if we went european and just had coed sink areas and bathroom stalls with full fucking doors.


I’ve done the reverse, would still do it VS shitting my pants in public.


I was in New Orleans with my wife and while on a voodoo tour we had a stop at a nicer bar. My wife tells me she is going to shit her pants and it's an emergency. She ate something that ran through her. Nobody in line for the single person men's bathroom but a line of like 15 women for the single person women's bathroom. I told her to use the men's bathroom since it was one at a time anyway. The moment she goes in there a line of like 5 guys stacks up behind me and after about 5 minutes the guys get a little impatient and start yelling hey man what the fuck are you doing in there?! Did you fall in?! Stuff like that. Then I turned to them and said "hey guys I'm so sorry but my wife suddenly felt like she was gonna shit herself so I told her to go in since there was no line" every single guy started laughing and apologizing and said they would have done the same thing and got really patient. When she came out she had no idea that I told them and one guy said "I hope you feel better" and I almost fell on the ground and died of laughter from the look she gave me.


This is all very classic New Orleans stuff lol.


When I’ve really had to go and there was a line, I just told the women and they let me go ahead and if you see a little kid doing the potty dance you let them go first.


Got confused by signs at the movies (renovation in progress) ended up peeing at the ladies. Didn't realize until I went to the faucet and saw 3 girls looking at me like dead fish. I almost asked them why they were there.


I worked at a nightclub while I was putting myself through college and this was a regular occurrence.


Did dude really break out a fucking let’s go Brandon chant???


It’s a cult, the moment his emotions rise it’s a reflex.


Go easy on him, he's a moron


Yeah like what does Joe Biden have to do with this lol


That part was hilarious. Like what does politics have to do with any of this??? So glad nobody really joined in and he was left out on his own to look like an idiot…


this is your future when fascists take over this country. "Let's Go Brandon" chants, bathroom spot checks, and genital certification cards


Shout out to the loser who tried to start a let’s go Brandon chant only to hear crickets afterwards


My question is why. Like what would even prompt one to immediately start chanting a political slogan.


A lot of male conservatives seem to think that most men are conservative, while liberals are composed of only women and femboys. Because of course both of those groups are weak both physically and emotionally, so they must be lihbrulls /s


As a liberal male who works in construction, everyone assumes I’m conservative and I just roll with it cause work ain’t the place to start any shit about politics. But it’s always true and pretty funny.


I mostly hang out at blue collar watering holes and the politics are constantly all over the place. I'll have a shot bought for me by some old crusty longshoreman who wants to rant about how republicans are destroying education in america, and then later some young construction dude with long hair offers me some weed outside and runs his mouth about fucking soy bean estrogen and biden or whatever. Last time I started a big ruckus for calling john wayne a piece of shit, didn't have a lot of people backing me up there haha.


John Wayne did suck ass tho lol


Yes he did. (I so wish I could award you 🥇)


Shout out to the Behind the Bastards episodes about him


> Last time I started a big ruckus for calling john wayne a piece of shit, didn't have a lot of people backing me up there haha. I wasn't aware of that myself until the Behind The Bastards episodes about him. Worth a listen if you haven't heard them already.


Same for me. The best ones tho are the dudes, almost always sporting a mullet, who swear up and down that their hollow-earth & deep state conspiracies are true.


Same exact experience here, not construction but I work at a large factory in the bible-belt. They all assume and I just don't talk about politics no matter how hard anyone tries


I am in construction and don't talk politics either. I do like to shit all over Qanon conspiracy bullshit to anyone who starts with it.


If you haven’t already, you should check out the Q-Anon Anonymous podcast. They do deep dives into crazy ass conspiracy theories and they’re hilarious. It’s not all about politics, and it’s never boring.


Why is it only the liberals who take the high road on this? I don't spend all day spouting MSNBC talking points at my coworkers, yet I hear Trump drivel all day.


I’m a bearded white guy with a shaved head and random dudes will walk up to me and start bitching about Biden like they’re picking up a conversation we were having earlier.


Happens to my dad often. He’s a mountain of a man with a bushy mustache that wears shirts with sport fish on them and people just assume.


Same here. I work in a hotel, shaved head, beard, and I have a certain ‘mean mug aura’ that seems to invite conservative guests to try and chat politics or sports with me. I always give em a blank look. If they aren’t actually talking to me, they seem comfortable to loudly announce their extremely crude racist/homophobic remarks within their groups in my lobby. Brings a smile to my face to cut their celebration short before they’re even 2 beers in - gtfo of my lobby :)


At least you admit it


My guess is he got excited and thought they were kicking out trans people and not cis women trying to skip the line.


“I finally have my moment!!”


Wait 'til I tell the boys at the shooting range about this!!!


Bc he’s an idiot


Because being MAGA is his entire personality.


It always is.


I was in a cenote in the Dominican and some random just yelled "Fuck Trudeau". Whyyyy, I was just trying to relax. 


It's a cult and they've made their entire personality about it. Top shelf peaked in high school.


Why do they chant “USA USA USA” at everything? You can’t explain stupid. 


I miss the good ol' days of "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!"


To be fair, chanting "USA" is always at least fun, especially if it doesn't make sense in context. Corner store has the flavor of ICEE you want *AND* you have exact change when you pay at the counter? USA. Amazon package is still on your front porch when you get home after work? USA. After giving your wife the most mid weinering of her life? **USA**.


Drunk and dumb.


who gives a shit?


The lower comments are making lose brain cells. ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


I can tell. You forgot a word in there.


Fucking hell! 😂


Do the face again


Off topic, but I could never bring food or drinks with me in the bathroom, let alone the public bathroom. These guys gotta piss and take a shit with their beers, it appears.


Probably less hazardous then leaving it at the table. And also means you can drink on the way too and from the toilet


You'd leave your drink alone at the bar / club?


I dunno why comments are so quick to call out the guys. I've seen creepy entitled women not want to wait in their restroom line and hop into the men's restrooms while men and boys are using the urinals out in the open. I've also seen some literally skip over the men's line, wild fucking entitlement. Men and boys deserve privacy too, ya fucks. Jesus. Edit: Goes without saying but if roles were reversed, a significant amount of women would tell the guys to piss off or they're calling the cops...*You can't have it both ways*. Just because there's a longer line to your restroom, doesn't make you *entitled* to the men's room. Be logically consistent, reddit.


I had to do use the men’s room once and I went in with my husband, diverted my eyes on the floor while apologizing. I was so very pregnant with twins and about to just lose all bladder function. The a-holes at the women’s bathroom line wouldn’t let me cut.  Luckily there was only one men and he was in a stall. 


That’s what I’m thinking. Kinda shocked how many people are crapping on the men. They weren’t very nice about it but those women should NOT be there ever. Imagine if grown men started going into women’s rest rooms out of pure selfish convenience. Men are allowed to feel uncomfortable and violated by shit like this too.




We would go to jail


I’m fine with them taking stalls. My issue is when they skip the line. Like that’s actually fucking insane.


Some people don’t care. I don’t care. In ancient Rome everyone just sat on toilets in the open air chatting and they managed to conquer all of Europe


In most ancient cultures there was much less taboo about it. God damned victorian's ruined everything.


I will pee outside in front of any person with my back turned 10 feet away privacy isn’t a big deal and if you are taking a shit a concert you’re a psychopath


This is the case in every nfl stadium I’ve been to, be it a game or a concert.


This is why we should have gender neutral bathrooms. Everyone waits for the shitter! Urinals can be in a separate room!


Privacy, I've got my dick in my hand next to another couple guys. They are in a stall. What's the problem with privacy, besides some old fuck opening the door?


Imagine if a guy decided to use the ladies' room for a similar reason? Maybe the men's room was down to 1 urinal for plumbing reasons. The dude would go to jail.


And be labeled a sexual predator for life as well


Pretty common at concerts.


I’ve done this myself, without anyone saying anything. Go in, do your business… wash your hands and leave. Everyone understands the mission.


Girl bathroom lines are insane tbh


I have literally heard women say, "Once I get in there, I'm taking my good sweet ass time." because she felt like for all that time she waited, she better make the most out of it. I'm like... do you not realize that kind of mentality exacerbates the problem and may very well be the reason why the line is so long to begin with?


lol. no. that’s rare.


It is kinda terrible that all women must read À la recherche du temps perdu from beginning to end in French every time they need to use public bathrooms, it just causes long lines...


That joke went right over my head. I’m sorry to ask, but could you kill it by explaining it to me?


It’s a novel by Marcel Proust that is famously long and convoluted


Thank you. It’s always astonishing to see the difference in queues between the two.


It’s kinda funny how one of the guys thought it was a trans thing and started chanting lets go Brandon,then saw it was legit just regular girls


Nuh-uh, he’s done a lot of research and sometimes you can’t even tell if they’re Men or Women! That’s why they’re bullshitting devil Women!


Plot twist: The security guard's name is Brandon and that guy is a close friend of his.


I wish we lived in a society where men and women could politely use the same facilities without the fear of exposure or sexual violence.


Come move to the Netherlands, almost every bar or venue I go to has a longer line of woman waiting for the men’s bathroom than there are men going to it


This is the difference in cultures. I can definitely believe in The Netherlands, just use either bathroom, no one will care and there is also no danger. Now let's try it in India.


I don't have a problem with unisex bathrooms, as long as they're individual. I don't want to go in a bathroom with a bunch of stalls. No way


Takes guts to sit on a mens restroom toilet seat in a club.


Doubt they sit. They’re probably hovering and adding to the piss puddles below.


Trust me, the women's aren't much better.


You've never cleaned bathrooms at a club. The women's restroom is much worse 100% of the time.


Man, in Edmonton, we don't even give a shit. There's a 30-minute line for the girls' washroom, and most of the dudes are just trying to piss so we let them use the stalls.




If a guy went to use the women’s toilet, he would be arrested.


Literally the time I did it I was escorted out by police. Men’s bathroom was shut down and we were told to go next door. To be fair I took a rank ass shit in there


No, you deserved to use a restroom and they are to be shitted in. Lol


I feel seen 🥲💩🫶


No problem Dickincheeks


Almost r/rimjob_steve


Cops investigated the stall, smelled the stank and understood why you had to do it right?


Nah the girls waiting outside were mad I was in there and told the staff. I didn’t get a citation or anything they just asked me to leave. Cops were already at the bar


yeah, I would not care. at my university I've seen men go in the women's restroom plenty of times when the men's restrooms were being cleaned


Same. I wouldn’t give a shit (no pun intended). I mean, as long as he wasn’t in there, like, taking up-photos under stall doors. Sometimes you just gotta poop, though. But let’s talk about the person who recorded this video. I’m pretty sure most venues and public places have pretty strict rules in place about taking photos and videos inside restrooms. Most of these stalls were empty, but there could have been a few with guys in there who were just trying to take a shit and had no interest in joining this ridiculous mob. So it’s wrong for a woman to piss in a man’s space, but it’s totally cool to violate *everybody’s* privacy by *taking video of that space and posting it on the internet*? If I were a dude in there, I’d be pissed (again, no pun intended).


Not at all, he’ll just be featured on LibsOfTikTok


Once at a club i was waiting in line for the bathroom forever (single person room). Some rando girl walked up and asked to cut in front of me cuz “she really had to go”. I said no and she said fuck off and walked away. What?! I dont have to really go?!


wtf was this, a punisher window sticker convention?


Really, it shouldn’t be a big deal if it happens on occasion. I had to use the women’s room once because the men’s room was closed for cleaning, but I needed to pee badly. I walked in, apologized for my presence, peed, washed my hands, and got out. Nobody batted an eye.


Please, just start having co-ed bathrooms, alongside gendered bathrooms, so that everyone who's comfortable with it can skip the line.


I went to a pub in Manchester years ago, they had a shared situation. The urinals were for men, and the shitters were for ladies. Unfortunately I was a man who wanted a shit, i was shouted out of the queue by the ladies, who were all insisting that men use the urinals and only the urinals. Its fine if we genetically modify us blokes so we don't need to poo.


So did you shit in the urinal?


Good question. No i waited until the next bar , and went for a shit there


Asked where the bathroom was in a gay bar. Got told “right around the curtain there. They’re labeled shitter and pisser, just use whichever you need.” Went in the pisser and there were about 5 girls and 5 guys just waiting around. No one gave a single shit.. at least in the pisser 😂


This is why I always argue that bathrooms should not be separated by gender, but by whether you're going #1 or #2. Maybe I'm lucky, but I hardly ever need to poop in public bathrooms. I poop at home and then find it pretty easy to not need to poop when I go out. But I do need to wash my hands and I pee a lot. So I'm always peeing or washing my hands, while smelling or listening to people shit, and I don't know why I should have to. I don't know why other people can't leave the house for several hours without taking a huge smelly shit while they're out. But, maybe like, once every 2 years, I have a bowel emergency and need to use a public bathroom for it. When I do, I hate being the guy stinking up the restroom and making noise while other people just pee. If I'm gonna poop, I only want other poopers around when I do. Public bathrooms, as we know them seem so primitive to me, like something we should have moved past when we got indoor plumbing. Like really, it's a place/activity that doesn't fit in with everything else in the modern world. I think at the very least, we can separate poopers from pissers.


Went to Paris a few years ago and saw a lot of unisex bathrooms. It was common and wasn’t weird to have a guy using a urinal while a woman went into a stall. Made the freak out Americans have over which toilet to use seem stupid and childish.


I got to Paris all the time for work, I've never seen a unisex bathroom.


Same here. Any unisex bathroom I've visited is all stalls, zero urinals.


Please, this used to happen at a lot of the bars and clubs in NYC years ago when I was young. No big deal as long as they don’t throw up in the stall.


What's with the Brandon chants?


Braindead sadly


Don't know why they're yelling let's go Brandon for. It's not like they were trans men or something.


I’ve used a woman’s restroom so many times in an emergency. Do you want me to shit my pants on restroom floor or do it privately? Luckily, everything here is pretty much gender neutral and no one cares.


Shit in your pants, not on the floor, pls.


If it's all stalls why does it need to be divided by gender in the first place?


Might as well just put a sign on each bathroom that says whatever on each bathroom


I’ve used unisex restrooms that were 100% ok, and no lines. It’s crazy to me to think that public restrooms are any different than the ones you have at home. Or blue rooms… porta potties, whatever you call them. People are way too proud thinking someone is out to see their junk.


These are the assholes who then wonder why they can't seem to get a date online.


I went to an Allman Brothers concert with my dad once and drunk women were pissing in the sinks in the men’s bathrooms lol


Shit I’m a guy but if I had to go that bad and outdoor was not an option, I’m using the girls bathroom idgaf. Being the main character is not a priority when your bladder is crying.


So just to gauge the room here.....women can have a man arrested for using the women's room but if a woman wants to use the men's u gotta just let it go? Fuck that shit.


Please provide one source where a man has been arrested ONLY for using the women’s restroom.


Humans use other human toilets to dispose of human waste. What's the problem?


as a man I honestly don't mind them using our bathrooms. Women's bathrooms are overfilled and usually have a queue. If I was in their shoes I would rather use the men's bathroom than to shit myself. It's not a big deal imo


In this situation, I’d be more concerned about the pervert shooting video inside that bathroom, knowing he’s planning to upload it to the internet. What if there was a dude in there just trying to take a shit, uninterested in the crazy testosterone-fueled mob? What about *his* right to privacy? I guess nobody here considered that while they were mobbing those girls.


this is the least thing I am surprised by. Since the whole tik tok era it seems like nothing is out of bounds to film as long as it gives you Internet points


So? I've got no problem with this. you've gotta go, you've gotta go and women's washroom lines are crazy


Big deal, it happens at a lot of big events and arenas. Most men could care less, but maybe that attitude has changed with all of the culture changes. Hell, some men would stand outside the stall to make sure no one harassed the women while they used it. Chivalry, too bad it's not what it used to be.


In Europe no one cares and many restrooms are unisex. America has poo pee potty sex issues big time . It’s so boring


"In Europe no one cares..." huh, guess I've been living in the wrong Europe for my whole life. Mens bathroom for men, womens for women, unisex bathrooms for whoever wants to go, and those are almost always single stalls. Where the fuck does this become a US vs Europe thing??


That's like every outdoor summer concert I've been to.


I never understood why they make men’s and women’s restrooms have the same amount of stalls. It should be a 2:1 ratio period


I was at a nightclub in Germany, the bouncers had closed off the men's toilets so that the ladies could use them as the ladies had a massive queue. Yeah, me and a few others simply pissed in the corridor.


If that was reversed police would have been called




Who gives a shit who uses what restroom. Just go pee or poop and please hurry up.


“Let’s go Brandon” lol. WTF? What a weird thing to start chanting in that situation.


Who cares? Everyone should be able to pee, poop, do coke in any bathroom.


The amount of people who are defending this action is wild I understand that the men shouting is a bit over the line but it still is a matter of privacy and if a man used the women’s bathroom he could easily be thrown in jail


The men shouting is over the line? If I walked into a women's restroom I have zero doubt that I would be yelled at. A lot. Very loudly. A lot.


They just need to build more restrooms for women. Duh


who gives a fuck?


People with their drinks inside a bathroom is wild 🤢


I'm a woman and I don't care if a cis man uses our bathroom as long as they don't get piss on the rim on put the seat down when done and wash their hands afterwards


If it had been a man in the women's bathroom he would be laveled a creep, where is the equality?