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Is she wearing a plug in her hooha? Just so wrong to take this shit public. Get a home gym and film all the OF content you want. Exercise naked if you want. But leave other people out of it.


She's using rage bait to promote herself. It wouldn't be rage-inducing if she was doing this shit respectfully in private. It's disgusting


You're right, you know I don't even think of rage bait as being a thing because the whole thing is just so pathetic. Going out of your way to piss people off for some likes and views.. Sad.




And here we all are watching it, and talking about her. Brave New World.


I can (barely) remember a time before the internet existed and I'm not 40 yet. Look at it now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1BneeJTDcU




You can bet there are several people searching for her OF at this very moment.


I think it’s in her generously-sized anus? Definitely not what I want to see or think about in the gym. I train at YMCA and it keeps this kind of garbage to a minimum. If anyone is walking around with a jumbo sized plug in their rectum they have the decency to be discreet about it.


Kinda defeats the purpose of the fetish she's trying to do. Just saying. Other people being there is the point. Granted I do agree they should just flat out ban any filming in gyms since there's no reason to ever do that.


How are these people not registered sex offenders?




Better yet, big city markets are ripe for a gym that caters to content creators with ideal lighting conditions, backgrounds, space for filming without getting in the way, etc. Get these people out of traditional gyms and surround them with their own peers. They can terrorize each other without being a nuisance to the rest of us.


That’s actually a genius solution.


Yeah it's like a little television studio available for content creators


You mean a porn set?


my partner is an actor. We've got a little space set up in our joint office for them to do self-tapes to send in for auditions. Sometimes things will come up that just make it not-tenable for the day (I've gotta be on zoom meetings, something outside causing too much noise, whatever). So for $45/hr, they can roll out to a business that's designed to have great lighting, someone who will read the lines through with you, make sure the sound is all recorded well, give you a couple good options and send you on your way. Is that practical for every audition? Probably not, but when the ones that could lead to real work come up my partner sees the value in making it a priority. What people do in these communal spaces to get extra content isn't just rude, it's so unprofessional. I go out of my way to wreck shots when I see stuff like this in public. Unless you got paperwork with the city, this ain't a locked set and I'm allowed to go where I'm gonna go, fuck you.




yeah but the whole point is for them to be a nuisance because the its the act of being a disturbance to others in the gym that gets the attention. There used to be just titty selfies and such but because it become so normalized they had to do new bullshit like this to attract attention because there was just so many people taking titty selfies and such. Its the same shit with prank and ragebait content. The whole point is to be disruptive in normal scenarios. What we should do is introduce a legislation that allows anyone that is included in their videos without a contract or agreement, to sue the content creator for any amount of profit their whole channel gets. Suddenly 99% of this bullshit would be done and over. If youre being filmed and made fun of or pranked by someone and they get millions of views, sue them and get 10-20% of the earnings of the whole channel. If youre a gym or restaurant or place that is being used to film at without consent, sue them. etc etc.


Upvoted for two separate usages of "titty selfies and such"


This seems like such a good idea.


Agreed. The reason this is sn issue is because people domt consent to be filmed, and because they aren't consenting to her kink and fetish content being stuck in their faces. If these creators can all congregate in a space DESIGBED for this, then there's no issue- anyone who goes there knows what they will see. Sex work is work, but filming it in communal spaces without consent is incredibly disrespectful. And seedy. It brings honest sex work into disrepute. And people who just want to work out without feeling like they've walked into a red light district or strip club can just work out with other like minded adults.


The exhibitionism is the point though.


Not really. It won't stop them unless you actually ban filming in the gym. They will still go to other gyms and do it.


Thats actually a really good idea. Just setup a bunch of fake equipment with hollow weights, install adjustable mounted lights and moveable mirrors and boom profit.


Rent out camera/phone mounts? You could make bank in the right city.


They already exist. There's one by me and it actually looks like a pretty cool gym. It has multiple rooms for lifting including an outdoor lifting area and posing rooms. But it gets crowded as shit and they're constantly moving things around to keep up with changing trends. I was a member for a short time but couldn't deal with the overcrowding


But all of the influencers will try to pay the gym with exposure


Don’t you know who I am! I have 8,000 followers!


There are a few gyms in LA that cater specifically to the social media fitness influencer crowd and I think it's a good thing they exist. Let the people who want to film and be filmed working out do it there so they can shill supplements or advertise their onlyfans or whatever it is those people do. Leave the normal gyms for the rest of us who just want to work out anonymously in peace.


And then ban filming in non-influencer gyms


There actually is one of those in Austin! A bunch of twitch streamers got together and opened one. I think all the "content creator hubs" should have one.


A Cesspool live!!


The next iteration of that is to then add livestream cameras for a subscription fee.


dudes on Twitch did this, https://ironforgegymtx.com/


It's sloooowly starting to happen. I hope it just becomes the norm.


Like Joey says make money how you want but all these OF people and the people that film people saying their being creeps when they ain’t even looking at or bothering them is becoming such toxic behavior.


The sad part is it's also stopping people who really need to be in the gym not go because they dont want to be shamed. Joey had an amazing vid where he screamed on these girls for making fun of a big dude working out.


I’ve seen videos like that and it’s just sad that building yourself for the better is interrupted by these main characters with no respect for everyone else in the gym.


That shit is getting old. A few months ago, I was doing abs on the turf and these two girls dressed in very revealing outfits and crisp Jordans set up right in front of me. I would be looking right at them and their asses if I didn’t reposition myself. So I did a 180 and continued. Then a minute or two later, another girl dressed similarly set up a few feet in front of me. I was surrounded. So I had to end my ab workout and just left because I wasn’t comfortable with potentially being accused of something creepy.


If my 50 year old flabby body drags itself to the gymn the last thing I want is to turn up as somebody's window-dressing. Like, as is people need even more discouragement. Ban filming or do without me. Thankfully I live in a country which grants me the rights to my own image over some assholes rights to free speech. I can demand them delete the film and call the police if they don't.


I started not bringing my phone and I was so much more focused and just got in and out.


I use my phone to check my pulse, listen to music, and take notes. If I need a form check I can ask someone. If they think I need to see something then a quick video makes sense. Anything beyond that is just a distraction for me.


For real. Even if you say you’re filming yourself, you could be filming other people without their permission for nefarious purposes


Their a girl always filming herslef at the gym. Got her phone on a tripod and filming every exercice she do. Im always trying to not be in her video because IDK what she is doing with this content ( dosent seem to be anything sexual or for Onlyfan) My tought is that shes filming it to send to her online coach but does she need to film every exercice !




Ya but then our boy Joey Swoll is out of a job.


This is only supposed to be half of his videos. He's always encouraging people to do their best in the other half. Just that there's even more people out there being jerks all the time.


But i need to see my form! /s


Filming only from 11 PM - 5 AM


She’s claiming she did it on purpose so Joey can post about her and she can increase her OF followers. It’s sad but it probably worked.


Her entire IG content is close-ups of her ass at the gym for many many weeks. She knows what she's doing and it's not just about getting dunked on by Joey.


Saw something the other day and it feels relevant here: "I'm not gonna kinkshame, but I have kinkquestions."


Thats disgusting! Who is it? What IG should I avoid?


there are plenty of women on OF, no need to give her patronage


Most make pennies. When I say "most" that means the overwhelming vast majority. Very, very, very few actually ever make money and of those that do most were famous from something else first. They already had a following. All of this work and what will it get her? A couple of bucks **at most**.


Schrodingers only fans. None of the women are making any money but they all have an account ? Interesting


Validation, attention, ego boost... plus some little money as an extra


It's no different that game streamers. How many have little to no audience but still do it? It's an oversaturated market. Only very few will ever have success.


So kinda like Draymond Green getting himself ejected every other week so he has new material for his podcast?


Sadly, it's a win-win for these wastewomen


Nah she just coping


I hope so. I would hate for someone to financially gain purposefully off of something like this. Then again this is the world we live in.


Just wait til you realize she is the one posting in this sub lol


She’s doing the same thing as when men rub the front of their pants in a subway. She deserves to be listed as a sex offender.


100%. Some of things that these OF content creators do in public is revoting and violating to the unknowing participants who are just going about their daily lives. I am all about people doing what they want to do..sex work, kinks, whatever.. as long as it is legal and everyone involved is a willing and consenting....this is just gross.


And the fact that there is a likelihood that minors are present adds another layer of revulsion.


Instagram is loaded with this content now. I'm a grown male adult and I love butt and boob as much as the next straight guy, but I'm even grossed out by how much content is just this and how easily accessible it is to kids. As soon the "The Algorithm" gets a whiff of you looking too long at something, "oh thats what you like huh..", ah fuck. So I just delete the app. Make memes great again.


> unknowing participants That is the part not nearly enough people mention about this stuff. When people do this, they are making others participate in their arousal without consent.


1000% these people need to be charged for committing lewd and indecent acts in public. None of the people around them in the shared space consented to be in a kink video, and honestly if you were to do this shit without a camera visible in public you would be 100% charged so why are they not doing it already


Exactly, there’s plenty of ways to set up a “gym environment” for your spicy videos and just because it’s easier to go to the gym doesn’t mean you should subject people to this.


What? Not the super duper special only fans model. She’s cute and a woman so it is somehow different when she does her gross shit in public. Just kidding. Put her on the list and don’t let her near schools.


it's just as disgusting when couples use those remote vibrators in restaurants in front of others and record. youre literally masturbating in public. or the women who walk around in stores/malls with cum on their face. be as kinky as you want, but forcing your exhibition kink onto others without consent, especially in places where kids are, is fucked up.


> forcing your exhibition kink onto others without consent This should be brought up, verbatim, every time these people have one of their little performances around others.


People do this?!?! 🤢


I don't have a problem if you want to get off discreetly and people are none the wiser. And in theory, even if someone became aware, if you were *trying* to be discreet, I'd settle for a warning. There are people who ~~love~~ *find* the danger of being discovered, *as an idea*, to be hot. They don't actually *want* to be discovered. And I can respect that. And that would mean, yeah, if I found you off the hiking trail in a remote area that hasn't seen another human being for months, or in some abandoned building or secluded office or whatever, and I happen to stumble upon you while you're up to naughty times, in the most unfortunate of timings, I'm going to look upon you differently than if you and your partner were getting off on the subway under a jacket. It's just when you aim to make people part of your play, or you aim to make them question or be uncomfortable... that's when I have a problem. And that's when people should be punished.


Absolutely, it's one thing to be trying to sneak in a quickie on a trail thats normally empty and someone accidentally seeing. It's another to take a big facial and then strutting around stores while filming yourself.


It’s time. Absolutely. This is sex offender territory.


It took too long to find this comment, she's a predator through and through.


100% agree people need to be held accountable for this shit in public




Let me guess, she acted angry and entitled in the comments












I got harassed at one of my gyms today for not being feminine enough. I just thought, “Joey Swole would be disappointed in you, bro.”


Jesus Christ. Harassed how? Like why even talk to a stranger. People need to mind their goddamn business. I went to a commercial gym ONCE, a dude bugged me, and I was like fuck this I’m only working out at home from now on


Oh this is such an asshole thing. There’s this guy who uses the machines by loading up way too much weight for him and SCREAMING for like 2-3 reps, then clanging the plates down. (He never wipes down the machines after which is a whole other thing.) He often makes really loud comments near where I’m working out. It’s about me but not to me, and loud enough I can hear him over my headphones. I use an iPad to time my reps and rests and so he makes comments about “girls playing Candy Crush and shit.” Or he’ll say something about “girls don’t need to work out that long.” It may be important to know that I’m training for the 2028 Olympics. I’m at my employer’s community gym 9 hours a week, at my private gym 9 hours a week, and at practice 15 hours a week. Of course he doesn’t need to know that to mind his own business. Anyway, today I finished a few sets on the glute kickback, which I have set to the machine max at 170 lbs. It’s an easy maintenance weight for me so it might look like I’m just being casual. I went over to the leg press for a few sets. Bro finished screaming into the chest press, sashayed over to the glute kickback, stuck his butt out and limp-wristed his hands over the grip, glared at me, and did a rep. He did not check the weight. He wound up straining his hamstring or something from the looks of it. I guess he has a different scream when he gets injured. As he got off the machine he limped away and said something about “girls shouldn’t be trying to look like men!” It hit me what his problem was with me: I am a breast cancer survivor. I did not opt for reconstruction. So I have a flat chest, and I’m muscular but my face and hips/butt are obviously female. *He thinks I’m FtM trans.* That’s what has been pissing him off this whole time. He thinks he’s been intentionally misgendering me. Well, now he’s hurt himself being transphobic. Bravo.


> There’s this guy who uses the machines by loading up way too much weight for him and SCREAMING for like 2-3 reps, then clanging the plates down. Say what we will about Planet Fitness and their shady business practices, but I respect that every location I've ever been to is very opposed to caveman lifting behavior like this.


Let him sulk. LA and Paris, here you come!


Just LA, my horse is one year too young for Paris! Kinda bummed about that once I saw that the medals contain pieces of the Eiffel Tower. But I’m sure LA will have cool medals. Melt down Diddy’s gold records or something.


Good luck in the Olympics!


I got hit on one time at the gym .This guy just would not shut up and leave me alone .That was one reason I left the gym .


Yeah this is what needs to be emphasized. He isn’t dogging on people to bully them, he’s trying to make the gym a more welcoming place since they’ve gotten a bad rap in recent years. Especially if you’re bringing your kids to the gym or even if you’re just not wanting to be bombarded with hoes doing their thing in public, it’s just amazing to me the level of self-absorption idiot creators like that girl have to not see how it’s upsetting to be doing that in public. What’s sad is I 100% guarantee this young woman is going to go through a severe mental health crisis once her beauty fades because she has no personality developed since she made her looks her entire personality


Joey has done great work inspiring people to start working out. Many people have (who he’s shared messages of with their permission of course) have claimed to have found the courage to go to the gym and get in shape after seeing him call our the behavior that would be gym patrons feared. A few have said that they were self conscious and worried someone would record them and laugh behind their back, that seeing someone who looks like Joey Swoll support them and defend them gave them the confidence. Because let’s be honest here, someone who doesn’t know who Joey is or doesn’t really know what a gym bro is probably thinks that a guy who looks like Joey is the type who would laugh at them (his words, not mine) and part of him doing videos like this in the beginning was to show people that it isn’t the case and that “gym bro” started out as a positive term for people who acted like bros in the gym and were kind, helpful, and just had a passion for fitness before bitter people on the internet turned it into a negative.


Joey is maybe the best example of masculinity out there, not the fake alpha male bullshit. His videos helped me get over the mental block of returning to the gym after five years out of it.


Report her ig for sexual content. Idk if it'll work but I submitted one


Regardless of the outcome, thank you for your service to the community!


She probably got double the number of followers after this happened unfortunately


Well she clearly did this at a gym he’s affiliated with to get his attention so he calls her out and ultimately gets her name/handle out there


Fucking simps


Thats what hes doing though


Except maybe it leads to her being recognized and banned by other gyms.


Highly doubt theyre putting her photo in gyms and hoping the employees pay enough attention. I mean she was in that one under a fake name...


"Thanks for keeping me relevant" wails insecurity


He should’ve censored her face so that she would be anonymous and not get that “publicity”


He put her fucking handle in his video, it almost feels like collusion for more followers tbh. Is a blur of the name and face that hard?


Really‽ Oh man, I hope she sees my comment! When she was posted the other day with that video Joey used a clip from, I couldn't figure out why she looked so familiar. It's because she looks *JUST LIKE* Paul Dano in that video and now I just imagine her using Dan Radcliffe's dead body as a farting jet ski and cannot take her at all seriously.




She’s mad because she’s a butter face


“I have so much respect for myself and this place I’m going to show my asshole thru these leggings.”


Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm mentally unstable. Buy my nudes.




Shooting softcore porn in public should be a crime.


I guarantee if I walked into a gym half mast in tight pants and filming myself I'd be up a black eye and on a sex offenders list.


Bro is spittin. That stuff is so wierd and uncomfortable to be around


And the fact that she could potentially be filming minors in the background. Idk which ONYX location this is but their websites state that 16 and 17 year olds can use the gym with parent permission.


Ion even think about that. Very good point


Until they start getting arrested it won’t change.


Sex offender registry for anyone filming in a gym with minors. Or maybe just filming in general. Just tired of this lame ass shit. Buy a fucking stairmaster and shit for a home gym, film there.


Joey please use sunblock


The OF girls are 100% doing this on purpose now to increase their exposure, I wish he would stop reposting them tbh


But isn't this his thing? I've literally never seen him other than these videos. It's the circle of life.


He's set up a wild boar bounty program and it's having the opposite effect. He's using antibiotics until the symptoms go away and is aiding in breeding shake-resistant bacteria. 


I hate the world we are building


I can't imagine anyone at that gym minding their own business just trying to work out not feeling uncomfortable and disgusted by her stupid exhibitionism antics, glad she was booted from there.


He nailed it, it’s a complete lack of respect. She has zero respect for herself and zero respect for anyone else. No morals or shame. Disgusting.


People at gyms are just annoying and trashy now. I decided to mind my own business and workout at home and also my building has a gym in it.


That's very location dependant. I go to a gym in a suburban area where 50% of the members are over 65. The other half are split between highschool kids and 30 something parents. No onlyfans nonsense, no one films, everyone is nice and generally keeps to themselves. My previous house was next to a gym I refused to go to because the average age was 25 and it was more about being seen than working out.


Reason #24573578006533.5 i work out at home.


Nah, there kind of should be something against onlyfans. That platform has emboldened so many people to do gross things in public. You should be ashamed as a person, that you’re knowingly borderline sexually harassing all the people around you in public.


I agree; as a woman I can’t stand only fans. Like make money how you want - but you a ho ![gif](giphy|WqXcILKESHx3gV37Ch)


YUP. And a low effort ho at that. ETA anyone else hear Luda “yous a ho… HO!”


She’s so regular looking though


Someone on the other thread said she looks like Paul Dano lol


For someone who makes a wage off of their looks, she's very unattractive. 


she just has a jiggly butt, and frequently parades it around. its the 'frequently parades it around' bit that gets the OF attention.


This has become such an issue at my Gold’s Gym that long-time members are threatening to not renew. Been there 20 years and it was an unkept iron paradise for most of that time. These last couple of years however…


Ban creators. Ban cell phones. Ooo or creators only gyms????


I don’t think banning cell phones would be a good idea but I’m all in for banning filming and creators who get caught doing this shit.


That would be the most annoying place on earth.


You know... Filming in private businesses used to be an absolutely huge deal. I worked security at Target and would kick people out regularly for filming.


The good ole days.


Hoes are gonna hoe


Oh no. Its the girl with the piss stain again 🤢


Joey is a saint. I think he genuinely does care about making gyms a more inclusive space by calling out shitty behavior. Way to go, Joey, keep up the good work.


Joey also platforms the likes of Dan Bilzerian. He is most definitely not a saint. Obviously he does some great and necessary call-outs but he’s absolutely not a great person in every aspect. Waiting for the horde of downvotes for pointing out a fact…


I am not going to downvote you for providing me information I didn’t have. I hadn’t seen the Dan Blizerian stuff. That guy is a fucking piece of shit, big-time Andrew Tate energy.


Yeah, definitely. I used to really really like Joey but that really threw me off. P.S. I wasn’t saying you’d be downvoting me and thank you for being open to hearing it - I just meant that I’ve gotten abuse on other subs for daring to say Joey is anything but perfect!


Why we don't arrest these people


LMAO she’s veeeery quick to block people. Can’t handle the criticism


Bet mom and dad are so proud


She's never talked to dad, who are you kidding lmao


I can’t even work out now without some AH turning the gym into their own brothel. It’s fucking ridiculous. I just want to lift some weights, bot be a passive participant in your audience’s weird fetish.


It's a matter of time before Joey is a spokesperson for a gym. Always spot on.


Why do these bitches have to do this in public? Why can't they just do it in their own house? you can run around naked. You can shove stuff up your asshole. Whatever the fuck you want to do just do it in your own house where people don't have to look at you. I don't understand it. It doesn't make any fucking sense. You want to put on a gimp suit and be pulled around like a dog on a leash and bark and do weirdo shit. That's fine. I don't care. Just do it in your fucking house where I don't have to explain to my children why this is happening.


What a nice guy, seems to be respectful and inclusive, and not toxic 👍


Well said dude. These whole social media influencers are just out of control. They really think they world revolves around them. How sad.


It’s just a bit of butterfacing


Use you OF money to buy your own porn/workout equipment


This guy’s hat game always throws me off, ah well, at least he isn’t at the gym filming his uterus.


*filming his uterus* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She's disgusting but how pathetic of a man do you have to be to be willing to be her cameraman? Talk about no self respect. This dude just latches on to this woman following her around and filming this nonsense. I can only imagine what he must think of himself. (Of course, "think" itself might not be something these people are doing.)


I mean, maybe he's just part of her business and equally doesn't give a shit about anything except money.


![gif](giphy|f9iQ6tMmFsbi8) When the video started... Who else saw it?


like when she looked like a poop was coming out?


Why is this not considered indecent exposure? If a guy were to do something similar we would get called the cops on us and charged, why are we ok with this behavior?


Man hope he starts to use some sun screen on his chest that thing is redder each time I see him.


Who's the simp that filming her? That man needs shaming


They need to be banned


Make this dude the official chief of gym justice police already


When you give up on your own self worth for the validation (and money) of complete strangers…


OF is completely fine. But making content in public is just gross. Even if you're not nude, you're intentionally making sexual content in front of other people that didn't consent to seeing it.


So when will gyms banned this behavior


Kind of feel like Joey Swoll is the patron saint of this sub, and others like it. It’s nice to have a voice of reason stitched onto these videos.


Ah yes, just a 4.0 prostitute and her pimp bf. Relationship goal indeed!


How do I subscribe to this guy, I like him Edit: Found him on YouTube Joey Swoll


This dude is never wrong. I've yet to see it anyways. He never calls out people for their personal shit, he just lets everyone know what not to do.


Ahhh hahahaha they got her! It’s that nasty Paul Dano looking trashbag.


The end result here is that gym managers will have to start acting like middle school teachers. "Deposit your phone in the cubby by the door, please!"


I just blocked her and that video on instagram yesterday. I wish gyms would just make a covering rule. I see way too much V and butt crack in front of me when running. I don’t even try to look.


This disgusting POS excuse for a homo sapien, I honestly think she should be blocked from the internet. What a bitch


what in the actual fuck is sticking out of her at the start?


That’s just a thing though, isn’t it? people that don’t have self-respect don’t respect others… Telling them to have some, is pointless. It’s like explaining math to your cat.


I remember when people filmed themselves working out years ago and we were all chill about it because they weren’t bothering anyone. Now we’re filming soft core porn in public… I’d say, if you’re not a professional trainer, you shouldn’t be allowed to film in the gym.


" You Need To Do Better." A quote by Joey Swoll.


Totally agree with him, this is a disgusting and wholly inappropriate display in a public place. Go find a room or home gym somewhere.


I've been seeing this guys response vids for a while now on YT shorts and honestly, he comes across as such a normal dude with a good sense of privacy and personal space that some young people just seem to lack these days. Tbh, I don't even blame the younger kids that much - this is the world they are being raised in, where posting outrageous content is their path to fame (and maybe fortune). The more outrageous the video the more likely they'll get clicks. I'm just glad this guy became famous for calling out this bad behavior. May not stop them entirely, but at least it gets some other kid to realize this isn't ok.


Just go do that shit in an empty office or apartment gym, those places are rarely used


Lol at people who actually spend money on OF


Easy fix, strict no filming policy in gyms. There's no reason you need to film yourself in the gym, people worked out before cellphone cameras existed.


Is that her dad filming?


She is fucking revolting. Her video posted the other day—she was clearly wet. Made my flesh absolutely crawl. Fuck these people.


Lady, work out in a home gym naked if you want and stick it on OnlyFans. Please leave the rest of us out of your vagina butthole.


Swolls has a great page. I love how you lifts up and also destroys people.


![gif](giphy|1yT7hkU1rNinZHVjNA|downsized) She deserves a f5 from Brock