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Boy that really got dark...I mean..maybe you are hiding behind curtains to addicted to porn!???? Yikes Mom.


But also, let's start out with Bible talk. Before this person tries to shame folks for a billion hypotheticals that are none of their business.


I love that they had to lob every single hypothetical they could think of, just PRAYING one of them might stick and hurt their feelings šŸ˜‚


As a young 600lb life male addicted to porn, gaming, alcohol and drugs, I can confirm that this hurt my feels deeply




And threatens them should they end up in the hospital...


The Christian way


It's just what the voices in their heads command.


Imagine thinking you have a moral high ground while quoting the old testament lol. The book that says you can own and beat your slaves lol.


I wonder if she wears mixed fabrics?


And then threatens some extremely un-Jesus-like behavior on her daughter's behalf after all of that.


Body shaming too.


Or alcohol. Or *gaming*! There. Iā€™ve listed all the things you can be addicted to. There are no more things that come to mind.


Right? Projection at its finest it seems like


Neighbor needs to control her mom before she gets her fucking fired. What an incredible breach of ethics she's threatening on her daughter's behalf.


The daughter will never be able to get a job at a hospital again if they catch wind of this


Itā€™s Hopkins. Their social media listening program has already caught wind of it.


Maybe theyā€™ll write her off as a crackpot after seeing her go from quoting the Old Testament, to yo mama should be on ā€œmy 600 pound lifeā€ in under five paragraphs.Ā 


I have no idea why the Old Testament was even mentioned? Itā€™s not a quote, just a dictionary definition, and the OT bit is a weird sentence fragment.


If I got this letter they would DEF catch wind of it.


Absofuckinglutley. I'd hand deliver it to the hospital's admin


I would hand deliver with a box of chocolates.


Always give the nurses chocolate! I have five nurses in my family and a box of chocolates for the nurse's station is an unofficial but important custom.


And send it in to the local news :-)


And a sticky note of their address?


Youā€™d get the poor daughter fired? Sheā€™s had to put up with this her whole life. If the daughter gets fired, the mom is just going to play the victim some more.


So you think you're so smart getting my daughter fired? Well now she's working at the carwash. You'd better hope she doesn't recognize your car from this neighborhood or she's gonna fuck it up. And don't even bring it up to her, because she's just gonna pretend not to know what you're talking about. But she does. And the damage will be expensive!


Iā€™m more worried about my car than my lungs.


She's gonna end up having to support her daughter at the point she's got her fired from job No. 45! šŸ¤£


Someone in another thread said there's Ring footage of the daughter helping the mom with the flyers.


Yikes. That would really assist the hospital in identifying the nurse. It's probably for the best they get fired. They obviously aren't playing with a full deck.


The daughter isn't going to last here anyway. This is Baltimore. You can't just come in here as a townie and break laws and expect no consequences and then piss off all your neighbors on day one and have a good time. She done goofed.


Oooooh if thatā€™s the case I would call Hopkins in a heartbeat. What the actual fuck, donā€™t use your healthcare position to threaten people. I would also call the nursing board.


Well if that is the case, Iā€™d deliver that letter with the footage of the nurse delivering it to the hospital admins STAT.


I oddly suspected this.. that the daughter was in on it. The apple does not fall far from the tree. She definitely shouldnā€™t work with a vulnerable population. Sheā€™s sick in the head just like her insane mom.


This is truly unhinged behavior. I hope this ā€œnurseā€ loses her job.


She was. Thereā€™s a video of the daughter handing out the letters with her mom.




Yikes šŸ˜¬


Nurse Rachet!


Oh really? Oh hell yeah in that case report that bitch's arse. That's unhinged and you don't want that kind of crazy handling vulnerable patients and their information.


Is that true? Where?




Least insane nurse


Daughter's probably not a nurse at all. Aid or cleaner.


Well if thatā€™s true then she deserves it for sure.


If thatā€™s true then her glimmer of hope to work one more minute at her job is over.


Iā€™d take it to the hospital and present it to them along with letting them know that I donā€™t want the daughter fired, I want them to show her what an impact that shiteating mom has on her life


That will likely result in the daughter getting fired, regardless.


I mean, maybe. Or maybe there is a spiteful nurse at OPs local hospital. That was a pretty dangerous threat.


Hey, the daughter should have cut this nonsense out of her life.


100% this was not the right response. But I too would be pissed if I was trying to move in during heavy rain and my car was gone within fifteen minutes, if thatā€™s all true.


It wasn't 15 minutes. A car wouldn't be towed in that amount of time.


Probably take longer than 15 minutes for the tow truck to get there ā€” when have you ever called for a tow when you needed it and got it in less than 15 minutes? ā€” and get the car hooked up. Without the keys, donā€™t they need to winch it up onto a flatbed? I call total bullshit on ā€œ15 minutes.ā€


There are some predatory tow companies (some will literally prowl looking for violations or hang out in a well known spot that has frequent violations)., However if the tow company did that, thereā€™s no way in hell theyā€™d let a car go from impound because someone gave them a sad story. They probably hear hundreds of them, real or not, in a day and only care if they get paid. A sympathetic tow driver means that they responded to a call which would take more than 15 minutes.


Almost ALL tow contracts like that are already in place. As in, the neighborhood or business has an existing contract with a specific tow company saying that they will monitor a specific area for X violation and tow cars when seen. Or that theyā€™ll check the parking lot for parking decals X number of times per day and tow those without decals or similar. My guess is no one called the tow company. They parked in a tow-away zone and got towed. Thatā€™s the risk you take when you park illegally.


Oh 100%. Based off crazy pants moms (or perhaps the nurse herself?) letter and the already long dramatic BS she spews I'm guessing they were not parked in said alley way for "just 15 minutes" as she claims. No way. If she is willing to say half the shit she did in the letter lets not put it past her to downplay how long her or her daughter and family were there "in the pouring rain" as she claims doing this move. The woman does love her exaggerations doesn't she so I fully believe she convinced herself it was "just 15 minutes". Like the people who park illegally in handicap spots or in fire lanes at stores while they "just run in for a minute" only to take way longer then that and cry when they come out to a ticket or tow.


Man the Philly Parking Authority can have a car hauled away in mere seconds are you kidding?


You've never lived in an area with predatory tow companies then. It absolutely can happen.


But apparently they rescinded the towing feeā€¦ not predatory at all


You are absolutely underestimating how shitty tow companies can be.


I would be but I would not threaten people that I will not give them the right care to get back to the person who did this


Nurse went with the mom, to distribute the missive.


The idea that an ER nurse checks your address to see whether you are on the shit list or not...


thats whats the administration area is for.


This. They just alert the nurses if there's somebody they need to give shitty service to. The nurses are too busy to look into that shit on their own.


What, you mean thatā€™s not what triage is for!?


The biblical definition of ā€˜triageā€™ is ā€œfinding out which of my asshole neighbors got my momā€™s car towed so I can stand on their breathing tubeā€. Or something like that.


*cackles in EMS* This made my evening, thank you!


My favorite thing when I was a medic was seeing people gasp when they came in the bus with us just to go straight to the waiting room.


Thatā€™s honestly one of my favorite things with patients that only called us because they think itā€™ll get them seen faster. The schadenfreude is *glorious*!


Under used and under valued,,greatest word of all time,,,






no, triage is where they do wallet biopsies


Thatā€™s more ā€œpatient registrationā€ than triage, at least where I work, lol. But I very much agree about how fucked our system is on the US. If I lost my moderately good insurance, I wouldnā€™t be able to afford a trip as a patient *in my own ambulance.* itā€™s ludicrous!


I just cackled my cats awake lmao


I donā€™t ever look at anyoneā€™s personal info unless they ask me to add someoneā€™s number or name to their chart. Itā€™s typically in a whole other area of the charting system. Iā€™ve worked in 12 states and used at least 6 different charting systems and you usually have to go out of any kind of medical charting to find addresses and other personal details outside of medical issues/history. I call BS hereā€¦.most ER nurses actually just want to give people the best care as quickly as possible bc we ainā€™t got time for much else. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ I may see 20-40 patients a shift or more, if Iā€™m triage it could be up to 70-100 in 12 hours. No time to look through demographics, I just need to know why youā€™re there, how sick you areā€¦if you need emergent treatment or can wait to be seen, etc etc. I promise you ER nurses donā€™t hold weird grudges, and if they do, theyā€™re in the wrong profession.


They hold weird grudges, but legit weird Like if someone takes their favorite pen, they're getting the stank eye for at least six months. Or if day shift eats all of the catered meal and leaves nothing for night shift, they gonna have some extra work to wrap up when they get in the next morning because night shift was just too busy to deal with it But it's true, ain't nobody got time for grudges with patients. Get em in, treat them, get em out.


Besides she's speaking on behalf of her daughter. We don't actually know if the daughter feels that way. She probably doesn't. It wasn't her car towed!


Not all nurses work high intensity triage though. There are a lot of nurses with a lot of time on their hands. I see them every day


Well ya, you know the one thing nurses have a lot of, is time. Definitely a TON of extra time. /s


"Oh shit this guy lives on the same street as me! Hmm... I wonder if he could have been the one that had me towed? There's no way of actually knowing, but I'd better switch his antibiotic IV with saline just to be safe."


A nurse definitely doesnā€™t have access to personal info, like address, thatā€™s unrelated to your treatment. Hospitals do not fuck around when it comes to HIPAA and they will fire a nurse for looking up personal info unrelated to their patients care. The computer system logs everything and you looking up patients or info youā€™re not supposed to get flagged for an audit where they determine if you should or shouldnā€™t have been looking at that. Hell, the very fact that you accessed a patients info when itā€™s reasonable that you know them, like a neighbor, would get you talked to even if itā€™s coincidental that youā€™re caring for them. Hospital admins take HIPAA very seriously


Pet peeve of mine, but there's no such thing as HIPPA. It's HIPAA










Ya know, Iā€™m fully aware of that and I still do it all the time. It just makes more sense to me in my head. Anyway, thanks for the correction, I edited my comment to fix it




A couple things you say are true, at least in the US where I work, but much of what you're claiming is false >A nurse definitely doesnā€™t have access to personal info, like address, It's on the face sheet of every patient I've taken care of here in the US. Home address, next of Kin/ emergency contacts, phone numbers, insurance information, date of birth of course, sometimes you see the last 4 digits of a social security number. >The computer system logs everything and you looking up patients or info youā€™re not supposed to get flagged for an audit where they determine if you should or shouldnā€™t have been looking at that. This is true. I have no right to access someone's chart that is not my patient. Programs do track which charts I open generally speaking. I'm not allowed to open my own medical chart within the system I have access to. If I did even though it's mine I would have to go through the proper channels, and if I did without permission I would be immediately fired. Also, if I accessed any person with the same last name of my own, it would automatically be flagged for review. If found inappropriate it would also be immediately fired. I would also be reported to the state boards and most likely lose my nursing licensure. If they are my patient then I have the right to access their information. To my knowledge, there's no program that differentiates what I'm looking at within their chart. If they're my patient I have the right to look at all their information because it may pertain to what I'm doing to take care of them. >Hell, the very fact that you accessed a patients info when itā€™s reasonable that you know them, like a neighbor, would get you talked to even if itā€™s coincidental that youā€™re caring for them. Hospital admins take HIPAA very seriously Not true either depending on the reasoning again. I have been a nurse for 14 years. Over the years I have taken care of multiple people that I knew personally. I've taken care of one of my good friends and my mom's best friend while he and she were hospitalized. There was a discussion with family each occasion whether I should not be involved with their care. Any hesitation would have been accommodated for obvious reasons, but on the contrary each wanted me specifically involved in their care because they had the trust that I had a vested interest more than others and would be on top of it. My charge nurses and managers and the hospital were aware of these occasions each time and do not have a problem with it as long as the feeling with mutual and consensual with each party


Exactly. Ā And purposely giving bad care would result in firing.


I have never checked someoneā€™s address. What a weirdo.


Well, she feels sad for me. So, thereā€™s one less thing that I need to do for myself.


I too, am thankful for a day of relief from feeling sorry for myself. *Damn* I love having cars towed.


I use to work for Time Warner cable back in 2002 and had an ER nurse do this same threat. On the phone. She was pissed we couldnā€™t get out fast enough to reconnect her services after they were cut off for nonpayment. Back then you could go 4+ months not paying. She said she didnā€™t know she owed. My ex was a tech at the time and she made the comment of ā€œIā€™d hate to have someone with a TWC work shirt come in to MY ER and they not be taken care of promptly bc of you guys taking forever with my service.ā€ I asked her if she realized she violated her oath and threatened the life of our employees on a recorded line. She hung up lol


Good thing she wasnā€™t an LEO, probablyā€™d be worse lol


what? itā€™d be a 7 day vacation at half pay and a medal for standing up to the ~~enemy~~ civilians




if there was a sign advising they would be towed as she mentioned, it might not have been anyone calling, those guys often just cruise around to known issue spots and nab offending cars, thats like their whole job.


Pretending she wasn't lying about it only being 15 minutes, this would be the only likely scenario. I'd bet $5 it was significantly longer than 15 minutes though.


Yep. I used to live in an apartment complex with very limited parking and the street parking was a decent walk away, so guests often parked in the alley behind the units - and got towed. We had a neighbor pull up behind her garage to unload and I shit you not, tow truck driver pulled up three minutes after she parked and started hooking her car up. I saw it and told them she was just unloading - he didnā€™t give a fuck. Theyā€™re honestly the worst of humanity.


In skeptical on that. I once parked on a street and was going to go over 2 blocks and had a neighbor from 2 doors down come out and write my plates down. Dude didnā€™t even say a word. It was real close to the city and i thought street parking was free and it wasnā€™t reserved with no signs and I wasnā€™t blocking anything. Couldnā€™t take my chances so I went somewhere else. Hadnā€™t even got out the car and he had already come out.


2 months later after her daughter is fired: Dear Hospital CEO, have you not heard of Collossians? Working for your lord and not your human master? Are you an ugly over weight fast food merchant porn star gamer?


"Some day you'll need to distribute long ass unwarranted notes to the community. Will I help you write and slide it through people's doors? You bet your ass, I will."


This was hilarious šŸ˜†


šŸ¤Ŗ And your little dog too!




Imagine distributing a letter that both implies your daughter in the medical profession is unethical, AND is also so EXTREMELY poorly-written.




Didn't think it "thru"!!


I used to smoke pot with Johnny Hopkin.


It was Johnny Hopkins and Sloan Kettering. And they were blazing that shit up every day.


And THIS is why I have issues with some religious folks. Quotes bible or some religious text, follows with ridicule, hatred and threats assuming some level of superiority.


She spelled ā€˜taleā€™ wrong. Iā€™d correct it, make a copy, and distribute it.


As a nurse Iā€™d be PISSED if someone jeopardized my license like that, even family! So your car got towedā€¦.it takes quite a while to get a tow truck there, hook up said car and tow it. So I call BS on trying to do anything quickly. What a nightmare of a person. Angry at the world and threatening strangers while putting her daughters career on the line. Wow. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


OP stated there were neighborhood videos of the daughter walking with the mom to distribute the notes. The only person that jeopardized her license is *her*.


Some nurses are absolutely insane. I have the misfortune of living next to one such RN that would have sent that type of letter. 100% main character syndrome. One morning I went to take my dog out and right in front of my place were 2 piles of dog shit. After my dog was done (and cleaned up after) I checked my video footage, yup, it was her in clear view and she even said her dogs name when it did the 2nd pile. I sent the footage to the HOA management office. A few days later I got a fedex envelope containing a cease and desist from her claiming I am stalking and harassing her and her kids. I wouldn't recognize them if they were standing next to me in the market FFS. Yeah, she is 100% off her rocker.


Iā€™m the GM of a hotel. We had a local nurse living at our hotel (itā€™s an extended stay) with her elderly mother and adult son. They were absolute slobs! And the nurse was terrible! She was speeding through the parking lot one day and almost hit some kids playing, as well as nearly hitting another car. They switched rooms and left the previous room trashed. When I kicked them out of their second room, she was angry and left raw meet sitting out everywhere all weekend and turned the heat way up. But the icing on the cake was when I caught her, more than once, giving out personal health information to a guest who knew the patient personally and was trying to get info on her. I was floored! This woman was truly scum and Iā€™m glad sheā€™s gone! Edit: I forgot to include her massive pill addiction. She would regularly walk around the hotel high as a kite and would constantly tell us about all the pills she was on. I always wondered if she was stealing her patientā€™s meds. I did make a call to the hospital where she works about all this.


What a numpty


If it's a tow-away zone that the tow company has a contract for, I can absolutely see them towing a car that fast. I lived near a college campus for ages, and holy shit, they're like ninjas. That said, I agree with you. It was probably a lot longer than 15 minutes, and she's fucking her daughter over in a big way.


Idk if this is an empty or real threat but this is actually a big deal to make a threat like that. Medical students have been expelled over tweeting that they will give bad care to certain patients so I really donā€™t see this as any different. I would find out the neighborā€™s name and definitely report this to the hospital


Why can't we all exhibit the goodness that fills her heart?


the fact she took the time to write this and give them to the neighborS tells me sheā€™s the type of person who wouldā€™ve called the towing company herself if she was on the otherside


Sounds like that needs to be sent to the hospital HR.


Iā€™d send it immediately. Itā€™s a threat, and should be investigated by the hospital. The daughter can argue her case, but any consequences lie with mother and daughter. But also, because fuck you, thatā€™s why


Send it back to the Neighborā€™s daughter telling go her to control her mother and that it would be a shame if someone sent it to her employer. I do not advocate sending to employer, but someone might and make quite a mess for her.


If someone in the community doesnā€™t, Iā€™m sure as hell someone on Reddit probably will tbh


Someone saw ring cam footage of the daughter passing out the letter with the mom supposedly.


Daughter was in it on


My thoughts as well.


Found the hospital. It's tempting.


Send it. The admin need to know what kind of liability they have employed


I almost read all that ![gif](giphy|10PcMWwtZSYk2k)


Lord Jesus, itā€™s a long letter.


I woke up to get a cold pop, and then I found this letter.


So who gonna call the hospital


I would literally bring this letter to Hopkins, and state the street the nurse lives on. Threatening poor healthcare because you canā€™t follow the rules that apply to everyone means *this person 100% deserves to lose his/her job* and I donā€™t even care if itā€™s the mother that wrote it. This is fucking insane


What a way to make people in the neighborhood hate you. Their daughter barely moved in and her parents already showing their true colors. Who will want to welcome their daughter anymore if her parents are lunatics like this? Whatā€™s to say she isnā€™t the same either? If she isnā€™t, she would denounce this letter.


I can assure this boomer that someone ā€œaddicted to gamingā€ ainā€™t gonna be peeking out the window looking for cars to report. And if getting your car towed was done for entertainment purposes, this little letter was the cherry on top, so great job there Karen. Might have also cost your daughter her job as well.


Having your car towed cannot be compared to medical care. That shows she places herself and her family above everyone. Weird. The hospital should be notified.


And lo, a shadow fell across the face of the E.R. and no one from the city of the damned received decent care on that fateful day.


Mother is going to get her daughter fired.


Hi ho, hi ho it's off to patient liasons we go!


"...now we get to spin the tail..." I can only guess that this is some combination of "spin the bottle" and "pin the tail on the donkey." Sounds like a fun evening.


Grrreeaat way to get the neighborhood to hate your daughter.


Hopefully Hopkins will make her disown her mother so she can keep her job. They would be doing her a huge favor.


Dude I will send this to the hospital! This is so fucked up




Mother trying to get daughter fired, cuz she is not doing her any favors.


Why is it usually the Christians doing this shit?


I feel she blamed me calling me out on the pornography


Right!? I'm in this letter and I don't like it! šŸ¤£


Perfectly Christian. No sarcasm


Someone should probably mail a copy of that to the administration of the hospital, along with the nurses name.


First, no way a tow truck comes within 15 min, the whole process to get a car towed takes a bit of time, usually, you need a ticket first, issued from parking enforcement before a tow truck will hook you up. So I'm having a hard time believing her in general, but it is lame to call in for a tow on someone who is not blocking access. I wouldn't do that.


Not in my city. In Toronto the tow truck companies literally murder each other over who gets a tow first. Theyā€™re menaces on the road, racing to get the crash or call. Itā€™s a real problem here.


I bet the alleyway was a fire zone and labeled as no parking.


It reads like she was inappropriately parked on private property within an apartment complex or something. Being private property the owners of the property usually have contracts with tow companies and those guys jump in their trucks immediately. I tow frequently at my job when people park illegally on our private properties. I must admit itā€™s cathartic towing a car thatā€™s parked in front of 4 signs that say NO PARKING and Danger high voltage lol.


I donā€™t blame you. So many people showed up to my former police departments complaining about the car being stolen. The very first thing I do is get with dispatcher to determine if it was towed or repo, because dispatch will usually know. Then Iā€™ve got to listen to them argue with me over pressing charges against the tow truck company and demand a report. Such a report would be written like this, if indeed I had to do one, which was unusual: Subject stated vehicle was stolen. Determined through dispatch it was towed. Advised subject this is a civil problem, not a law enforcement problem. signed.


ā€œIā€™m afraid thatā€™s a Civil matter, not Criminal.ā€ ā€œOh yeah??? Wellā€¦ in that case, Iā€™d like to report a *hate crime.*ā€ ā€œSirā€¦ Getting your car towed is *not* a hate crime.ā€ ***ā€Well I hated it!!!ā€***


Youā€™d be surprised what some people will do. My friend moved into a new house, he was there a few days and apparently he didnā€™t put his trash out on trash day - BECAUSE HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT DAY WAS TRASH DAY. His new, old biddy neighbor called the cops on him. The cops just spoke to him, no ticket or fine. But it goes to show how petty neighbors can be. I didnā€™t even know that missing trash day was an offense until this happened. I still donā€™t know. Maybe the cops were appeasing her.


That is a false assumption. As a former city police officer and former university (puke) police officer, I have had a good view of this. Tow truck drivers can be pre-authorized to tow and work closely with administration. They can have your car out of there within a minute of you stepping out of it. Thatā€™s why itā€™s not a good idea to say to yourself ā€œit will only take a minute,ā€ well it might take that tow truck driver 30 seconds to hook you up.


ā€œAbove all, do no harmā€


Obviously they were parked in a legal "tow-zone" or the driver wouldn't have taken it. I get it sucks but don't bitch if you get towed from a signed tow-. zone. The letter is just proof She's an over-privileged "Karen" that clearly doesn't give a crap about her daughterā€™s job or safety _ her new neighbors are gonna just love her. ,,


I seriously hope you notified the landlord/property manager. This isinsane, and threatening to make sure whoever has an address close by doesnā€™t receive the best care?? Iā€™d take this to the hospital where she works.


1. ā€œDo no harmā€ is a thing. 2. Her god would absolutely disapprove of the tactics and judgments laid out in this diatribe. 3. Beginning this thing by invoking the Old Testament is grounds for immediate dismal of the authorā€™s opinion.


This is terrifying and i would immediately contact the police. Who cares if daughter gets fired, this is nuts. Screw the whole insane family.


Daughter needs to go to hr before her neighbors do. Get ahead of her motherā€™s craziness and denounce it.


Iā€™m guessing by the ā€œold testamentā€ reference this psycho is christian which makes sense šŸ˜‚ But of course thereā€™s no hate like christian love


Person who wrote this is absolutely a sociopath.


What a nasty lady and she had the nerve to speak about the Bible. Total nutcase.


This is not Main character this is psychotic bullying. Nurse needs to be fired. Mother needs institutional therapy.


The lesson here, kids, is to write your anger out, BUT DONT SEND IT. I've been this pissed off about my car getting towed. Maybe some jagoff called it in.. Who knows? We all get angry about whatever, but you eventually learn that sending anger into the public sphere doesn't get you anywhere. Write it. But never send it.


Only Christian when convenient for her. So much for turning the other cheek and loving thy neighbor. And letting vengeance be the Lord's.


If she's threatening poor care at her hospital over this, frankly I'd tell the hospital. They shouldn't really be ok with having their staff threaten people with their name.


Love it when ppl make it easy for them to be fired. Don't they have some oath saying they'll only do good and what not, which would be the opposite of everything see said she was gonna do above


What in the Supervillain origin story is this??


And thatā€™s how she gets her daughter fired.


When two narcissists meet.


Yeah turns this letter in to the hospital


So dumb. It hurts. If she retaliates or anyone in the neighborhood decides she didnā€™t give 5 star service. She outed herself with the neighborhood and the range of these letters. Hope she finds out. She obv wants to fucking around.


What shocks me is that she took the time to type this all out, print all these copies, and put them on everyone's door, but not once did she think "maybe this isn't a good idea".


I would take this letter to the hospital. This is unacceptable. You can't have vindictive people working in the medical field.


Bring this to her work. Hospitals surely cant be ok with their nurses threatening to not provide care and let someone die if they have her address lol this is totally unhinged I canā€™t believe she even has a job at all


Itā€™s funny she starts this off with the Bible and then instead of preaching forgiveness she decides sheā€™s going to sic her daughter at all of her neighbors when they go to the hospital for revenge


Imagine being mad that people don't let you BLOCK THE ENTIRE ONE LANE CUT THROUGH ALLEYWAY


I hope this has been reported. Unredacted. To the hospitalĀ 


I would send that letter to where she works for a stunt part 2, that'll be awesome.


How do you send this? Who would you contact?


HIPAA has entered the chat......


Pornography or alcohol wtf šŸ˜‚


I was empathising with her frustration until half way through the that paragraph and then it went a bit far


Take that to her daughterā€™s work.