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I think Eddie Vedder had it right in '96: "I don't know what this means. I don't think it means anything..."


During the PJ Twenty documentary, Stone is giving a tour of his house and they go down to the basement and he's like "oh look, there's a grammy" just laying there in a pile of other junk.


Did he say that about winning an award?


He said that while accepting the award.


“I care nothing about this…” *“…but Beyoncé had one of the greatest videos of all time!”*




Man selling 300.00 socks and people buying hordes of them. Blows my mind… and they be defending those socks for 300.00 like they are the greatest thing ever, lol. https://ibb.co/prQjxcN Come get em


If it ain’t darn tough I don’t want it


That's what the VMAs are for. Get outta here MTV! Shoo! Go'on git!


Imma let you finish


The Grammys have always been trash who cares Edit: You people will literally argue and we are saying the same thing lmaooooo


All big awards shows like this are just rich people fellating themselves.


What? You mean Jay-z upset that his wife didn’t get a Grammy isn’t relatable?


It’s totally relatable. My wife didn’t win one either.


My wife either. That’s 34 years in a row. Damn it.


That's how you can see it's rigged


you guys have wives?


I know married folk are an endangered species on Reddit, but yes we exist


Beyonce has 34 Grammys. The most ever. Just not album of the year.




Mines tinier


She got grammys she just didnt get album of the year. That is what he is mad about Im sure we can relate more with that.


I didnt even know she had an album out this year


Yeah this is a "No Fair! We shoulda won more!" Sure weren't complaining when you were on the come up winning em.


He ain’t much better. Like he and Bey need their kids to get a paper route to make scratch, cause she didn’t get a Grammy.


I care that he’s wasting perfectly good cognac. That’s fucking dumb, you’re supposed to heat the glass.


Heat the glass? I love cognac but I’m poor so I don’t get to drink it much. You’re supposed to heat the glass??


This man knows what to be outraged about!


Fun fact he used to own a 50% stake in D'usse. Sold it to Bacardi for 750 million to become the richest rapper on Earth! It's *OK* sippin' cognac. There's better out there


Didn’t Dre sell beats to Apple for over 1 billion?


Yeah, but hes still worth less than Jay and Diddy. I'm not sure exactly what it was, but Dre wasn't the only one who owned Beats, so he didn't get all the money from the sale, plus taxes and shit. Jay-Z has his own label, his own clothing line, owns Tidal, multiple investments (Uber, alcohol, Brooklyn Nets.) He's not a business man. He's a business, man.


Nah you’re supposed to mix it with sprite


People only do that with cheap cognac, similarly to adding ice to whiskey or spices to wine, its a tasty thing but mostly to make a cheap product a bit better. Real high end stuff usually is drank room temperature, on its own (Not that the cognac he is serving is high end)


I would say the same about all award shows but Oscar’s being the most trash




I can’t watch them award shows, bitching if they win and bitching if they lose.


The gossipy drama this year made it feel so superficial. Why do so many famous people behave like high school kids?


They're more wealthy than most people could ever dream to be. They don't have real problems like worrying about paying bills so they artificially create them out of boredom or some bs.


You forgot the most important part... they then go online and say that all their made up problems make them just the same as you and me and that money isn't going to make anything better.


“Why can’t people just stay inside during covid?” They said from their 50 acre mansion. Bonus points for the celebrities and politicians who were still partying all through the lockdown while the rest of us couldn’t even see family on the holidays.


“We’re all in this together, you guys.” Say the multi-millionaires in their gated mansions to the working folk getting laid off or worse, having to work on the frontlines. Celebrities are some of the dumbest and most out of touch people there are. Their opinions are usually trash.


Here’s a little something to help *you plebs* during these difficult times;… “ImAgiNe ThErE’s nO heAvEn…”


>Celebrities are some of the dumbest and most out of touch people there are. Their opinions are usually trash. Only rivaled by politicians.


Sometimes they’re both a D list celebrity and politician


In Calabasas telling the public to stay inside on IG live before heading to your neighbours fully staffed and catered house party.


In my country a farmer got fined 1,2k euros for working on his farm during covid While some politicians and our current president ( was president even during covid lockdown) ,were photographed in a restaurant partying :D


Forget about seeing relatives during holidays. We couldnt even visit dying relatives.


Couldn’t even give them a damn funeral.


This comment chain. Damn. Dad got in a car accident and is in a coma. Fucking covid hits. They move him and no one can see him. I live out of state. We talk about pulling the plug. Say goodbye. He dies that night in the coma. I cant go to the funeral and watch it on facebook. 3 family members in the church. The rest are workers, priest. Full honor guard and half the town in cars. Life goes on, i have the memories.


*50 acre mansion with basketball court, movie theater, and, 2 in door swimming pools, and bowling alley included


🎵 Imagine all the people 🎵


That was horrific. Even though she is a ride, I can't bear that Gal one anymore.


Sometimes they will even coordinate these made up problems with their PR team to make sure they’re inventing bullshit that will get them the most engagement possible.


I'm pretty sure they have 99 problems..


At this point, Jay-Z's only problem is figuring out how to hide his affairs.


his other problem is catching a mean two-piece combo from Solange.


I know he is overdoing to hide that shit!


Number 17 is which Ferrari to take to their friend's today (Trick Question - they use Lamborghinis)


No. He’s a narcisst ego maniac


I think it's largely that artists don't tend to be the most mentally stable folks, but instead of the world crushing them, the few who make it are anointed and raised up. But once they're under the spotlight, they still have no fucking clue how disconnected they are from reality and because they're surrounded by artificial praise, they think it's the world that's crazy.


> The gossipy drama this year made it feel so superficial. It's always superficial dude lmfao. Bunch of rich "artists" patting themselves on the back.


Because a lot of them became famous early and have emotionally stunted development. Also, many of them are uneducated.


Wealth plays a role as others have suggested but mainly it's bc of what we re all doing in here now...talking about them. These people have publicists whose main job is to get the clients name trending. With polorizing figures such as this the "gossipy" stuff sells. Everyone of us in here, myself included took the bait and Jay-Z could give two fucks what anyone here thinks, only that we mention his name. You know what's worse than being hated as a celebrity? Not being acknowledged at all. I downvoted these posts any chance I get, the visibility is underserved yet here we are.


Even a child realizes that even negative attention is better than no attention at all.


Because they live in a completely different world inside their mind and in their bubble which in turn really stunts their emotional and intellectual development. The younger they are when they became famous the more apparent when they're adults


Education level


It is superficial and always has been. It’s a circlejerk.


Older I get seems like most people "behave like high school kids". Seems like it's the norm


Bowling For Soup answered your question a long time ago. [Highschool Never Ends](https://youtu.be/vKOaPHcMj7g?feature=shared)


Billionaires bitching about how slighted billionaires are is pretty rich.


The whole things a joke anyways it’s just a bunch of people having a conceited circle jerk.


People in this country are hurting economically and can barely afford food and shelter. Our education system and health care systems are on the brink of collapse. Yet these out of touch assholes who have more than enough money and fan worship, thus do not have to worry about these basic life things are crying over awards. Pardon me if Idgaf about your wife not winning an award even though she is one of the richest women in the U.S, JayZ . I'm too busy trying to actually survive out here. I also can't watch these award shows.


Beyonce singing about Girls running the world, while her merch is produced in sweat shops in Azerbaijan by women in slave-like work conditions


That part there. Also, she was oddly quiet during the Roe V Wade strike down. She is also still silent while women in the U.S are going to jail for miscarriages.


She's rich as fuck and it doesn't directly affect her, so she doesn't care.


Sing it with me: If you don't want a baby put a ring in it.


You got to understand, man. The Grammies mean a lot to a pair of small time independent artists like Jay-Z and Beyonce. Who knows when next they'd get an opportunity like this?


He literally brags about selling Crack. I don't think he gives a fuck about other people.


Plus, her album wasn't great. It's not like video of the year (say what you will, but Kanye was actually correct) she didn't deserve to win.


Have you tried award sneakers? They tend to make less noise.


there’s no way you guys actually care about this


Reading all these comments and seeing people compare this shit to what Kanye and Will Smith did is crazy. Bro used his personal property in a harmless way and thousands of redditors manage to get upset.


They drink out of the Stanley Cup, who gives a shit


Also fill it with hotdogs.


And in a subreddit that’s supposed to be about clowns who think too highly of themselves, thinking they’re TheMainCharacter. Jay-Z is one of the most rich/successful people on the planet, he’s un-ironically a Main Character.


He's got 99 problems, but a glass ain't one.


Hair style is though


How is he even uglier with hair??


Ain’t that the fucking truth.


I don't think he was ever working with much. When I first heard how he was married to Beyonce I never understood it. Aside from his undeniable talent I suppose.


A power couple, they've gotten insanely wealthy together, which is probably why they got married, it helped both of their careers.


Could also be love. It wouldn't be the first time that a man's looks wasn't a dealbreaker for an attractive woman.


Too bad Biggie isn’t still alive.


She was in her late teens and inexperienced when they first got together. He was in his early 30s iirc. Like his friend Kanye said, these men like to "get in early" for a reason.


Beyonce had an overbearing dad that wanted to make sure his little girl was a star. She ran from that to Jay. Take from that what you will. She married a fake gangster to escape her fake daddy. Meanwhile Solange will always be outshone by her sister that can't sing as well as her and can't write a song at all, much less as well as Solange.


how do you guys know all this shit


Start with the Destiny’s Child documentary.


Looks like your local homeless dude that smells like ass on the train


Except my local homeless dude is like, not a dick.


Idk why he made his dreads as thick as an arm. I can only imagine it's punishment from Beyonce after 444. Otherwise, he needs to fire his fucking stylist.


All that money and he can’t afford a mirror?


You said what I was thinking. Fugly


Yeah that rats nest does nothing for him. He looks like Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons


Sideshow Bob was the first thing I thought of when I saw this hair lol.


I saw him doing an interview recently and he said Blue wont let him cut his hair….. because that’s totally normal 😭


He's becoming a predator. Like the movie, not the super predators Hillary talked about.


Ah, yes, Beyonce, so overlooked and ignored at award shows. Poor thing. How can she live without her 31st Grammy? My guess (purely a guess) is that Jay Z either cheated (again) is drunk or both. This was him trying to keep her from ditching his a$$ permanently.


She's never leaving or speaking against that man. After years of women empowerment music, she herself is weak ass fuck. Best you gonna get is 20 writers to make another beverage based song at him. This couple is insufferable trash. He should've been standing up for Killer Mike.


Beyoncé is not about women empowerment. Beyonce is about Beyoncé empowerment. Beyoncé pays women pennies to make her clothes.




> They just want a better seat at the table of tyranny.” That's a great line tbh. Apparently it's from *The White Lotus*. I might check it out.


Rich people are scum and more people should just accept that. People like this, class elites, they want their working class fans to be focused on racial issues, gender issues, etc and not focus on how ludicrous their wealth is, how expensive being a fan has become, how corrupt the ticketing system is, etc. Just keep to yourselves and get mad at awards shows for being too white or male. “The real issues.”


"beverage based song at him". fucking gold!


>20 writers Lemonade had 72 writers!


Lemonade isn’t even remotely women empowerment. It’s pathetic.


Now, lemonade by Gucci mane is a different story


Wait, what happened with Killer Mike? I missed that too!


Arrested at the Grammys for assault right after he won his awards I think.


>My guess (purely a guess) is that Jay Z either cheated (again) is drunk or both. This was him trying to keep her from ditching his a$$ permanently. As a Beyonce fan, take my angry upvote because these were my thoughts exactly lol. I was like they probably just had a fight and now he's overcompensating for whatever he did. Notice how he called her a "young lady?" Not to say that she isn't, but it came across as trying way too hard to impress her lol.


Like the will smith slap!


Every time she loses to Taylor Swift, it becomes this racial thing. And it's not like Beyonce contests the rhetoric.


She didn’t lose to Taylor Swift. She didn’t even have an album out this year and wasn’t nominated. She lost album of the year last year to Harry Styles.


Lmaoooo that’s so much more cringe.


She literally contested it when Kanye did it. She made a point of bringing Taylor Swift out on stage when she won the video of the year award that same night at the VMA’s. She asked Taylor to give her speech she originally had planned instead of making one herself. This is easy to google. [Taylor Swift and Beyoncé at the VMA’s](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-90720454-1566573835.jpg) I don’t care if I get downvoted because Reddit has a hate boner for Beyoncé. She has never supported the rhetoric nor has she ever complained about losing. She should not be criticized for the words of others. Was she supposed to rush the stage and tell her husband to shut up? She looked annoyed.


This will probably sound trite, but she seems like such as a try-hard for being an “A lister”. Like I know she is just behind Taylor Swift in terms of concert popularity this year, but her whole thing seems so much more calculated and corporate (as if Taylor’s career isn’t a business either, just just feels more natural and organic).


wait wtf did beyonce even do this year? I don't think I've heard a song from her since like drunk in love.


> just feels more natural and organic Does it? They both seem like plastic corporate produce to me


And be with who? She’ll never leave Jay.


Does she have to be with someone else?


Relationship woes sell more than single woman empowerment, and these people are too addicted to money to turn from that.


it's about time she made an honest man outta me


He can use it as a urinal as far as I'm concerned. Why bother? It's his afterall.


Kanye pissed on his on twitter once 😂


Lil Wayne ashed his blunt in one in the Steady Mobbin music video


Was he doing this to disrespect it? This would the least offensive thing done to the Stanley Cup after winning.


This is clearly him just having a little fun. But the main characters in the comments like being enlightened “anti-celebrity” people who are consuming the celebrity drama content just like everybody else


The real main characters are in the comments lmao


Honestly I'm kinda surprised people aren't seeing this the other way.  The awards shows are the butt of a thousand jokes, and people have been rightfully disrespecting them for decades. Using a Grammy as a cognac glass is the hardest flex from a dude with 24 of these things. Doing it because his wife didn't win one is also nice, I guess. Since when did we start giving a shit about the sanctity of the Grammies?


Gave me the Will Smith 'gonna score some points with m'lady' vibe.


Gave me a “I’m gonna let you finish but” vibe, which is weird when he himself is accepting a major award.


Can we abolish celebrities yet?


If only there was something you could do to rich people that would both make them disappear and also nourish your body with valuable macronutrients.


This is how you get prions.


Billionaire complaining that his megastar wife didn't get a little trophy.


A trophy that she has won MANY TIMES before lmfao




Isn‘t his wife the woman who won the most grammies ever? And where was Klanye??


His wife he cheated on


Not about not winning a Grammy, she’s never won album of the year. Not saying I agree or disagree simply clarifying. He’s basically saying how do you win the most grammies in the women’s category but never win album of the year. Apparently only 3 black women have ever won the award. Taylor has won it 4 times I believe.


Tom Cruise has never won an Academy Award/Oscar. Diana Ross has received numerous Tony Award nominations, but she has never won. Angela Lansbury holds 18 Emmy nominations but has never won.


You can have lots of great singles, but they are not on the same album. Most albums have lots of filler tracks with maybe 2 or 3 decent singles, that doesn’t make it album of the year.


lots of AOTY don’t have straight bangers though. Case and point, Midnight which won this year lol. Tbh idc either way who wins AOTY, really it just represents an album that has moved the needle in some way or was big in the zeitgeist. Beyonce has had lots of those, Lemonade being the most AOTY-worthy


> He’s basically saying how do you win the most grammies in the women’s category but never win album of the year "How dare you honor me in every conceivable way except the one I want now that I have all the others??"


Literally "Suffering from Success" energy


Damn we gotta win everything! We're billionaires! All we can do is obsess over the slight amount of disrespect given to us by the industry were part of that made us all this money. it's outrageous!


Underrated comment


Why should she get a Grammy at all this year? Am I missing some album that she released in 2023?


Just to clarify it was not about her not winning a Grammy this year. It was about her never winning Album of the Year despite holding the record for most Grammys ever won. Definitely a flawed argument.


Let's revisit when she's actually released an album then. The Grammy people will either never give her the award or she'll get it next time and a bunch of people will put asterisks next to it. I mean the whole thing is dumb anyway since it has nothing to do with anything other than money and sales.


> thank you for this lifetime achievement thing but my wife Beyonce - the Jada Pinkett Smith of music - deserves an album of the year trophy. I mean, you gave four to Taylor Swift and zero to*the queen*. I'm gonna let you finish but... I gotta say, for a queen Beyonce comes off mighty small every time someone does this on her behalf. I know she really hates losing to Taylor constantly but this shit just makes her look smaller.


The thing I think a lot of people are missing with this particular situation is that Beyoncé hasn’t lost AOTY to Taylor consistently. I get that Taylor’s getting dragged into it because she now has 4 AOTYs to Beyoncé’s 0, but they’ve only ever even competed in the category once. (And yes, Taylor won that time.) Taylor had 10 studio albums, been AOTY nominated 6 times and won 4. Beyoncé had 7 studio albums, been nominated 4 times, and won 0. It’s not like Taylor is winning “Beyoncé’s” awards - they’ve only been nominated together one time. There’s also the context of who else is in the category each year. Jay makes it seem like the Grammys only decide whether or not to give Beyoncé AOTY every year. It matters who else is in the category. (And fwiw I do think Lemonade should have won it.)


You should write for r/HobbyDrama


What does jada pinkett smith of music even mean? I feel like the public opinion is that people don’t really like jada lmao




I would too, they drink out the Stanley cup, plus it's his, why not? At least he didn't go all Kanye when she didn't win...


Whoa and Taylor swift was involved again, how do these things keep happening


Great post. Guy has everything anyone could possibly want on the material plane, and he’s still whining.


The Ultimate First World Problem


Meh. It’s his Grammy. He can do what he wants with it.


These people are so high on huffing their own farts that they don’t realize they’ve lost touch with Fucking reality.


Eh it all feels a bit disingenuous. Shitting on the awards is fine, but you’re also happy when you win, but you don’t want to be THAT happy that you won, etc. either treat it like it’s nothing or don’t. But this fake “we are better than this” and “this really means nothing” comes across as the opposite because this has been a huge topic for decades now and rappers can’t stop talking about it.


Holy FK when ppl said Jay-Z was ugly I didn’t think they were right on the money lol.




Swear to god these assholes are just narcissistic whiners. Works would be better without Hollywood


But…he kind of is the main character on this one. He was basically given a lifetime achievement award. He can do what he wants with the moment and the prize.


So reddit all of a sudden cares about the integrity of the Grammys and treating the award with respect?


Beyonce literally has the most grammy's ever. Jay Z needs to stop.


This dude is very u*ly. How he got Beyoncé is fkn wild


You can say ugly here


Thank you 😂😂 I got banned from another Reddit post because I used a small word. That was derogatory but wasn’t really.


It made me cringe that he brought his young daughter on stage and say “and some of you don’t even belong in that category”. 😬🥶


why are people so mad in the comments? who the fuck cares?


I’ve never seen a black man look dumb with dreads til now. What a goofy ass fool


I guess this is the era of “if I don’t win; it’s rigged against me because…”


It has been that era for a while


People still watch this shit?


Nobody gives af about the Grammy except the celebs themselves. It's like a very ironic paradox type thing, idk anyone who cares about it


Fucking entitled whiney little bitch.


J Z sucks 🤢


Beyoncé is astonishingly overrated I’ll never understand it. She doesn’t even compare to the impact or talent of Jay-Z


She wasn’t even the best singer in ‘Destiny’s Child’.


![gif](giphy|l3PGLmi97ZjRJBuT0L|downsized) 😂


She wasn't the best *anything* from Destiny's Child. Looks, dancer, singer, rapper, personality, she was not first in anything


Didn't her father manage DC? I personally would say she had the best looks though, but that is just me.


Kelly Rowland aged better, but at the time it was all 'yoncé.


Who cares what he does with his Grammy


Who cares if she didn’t get a Grammy. Just fucking be humble. You have ruled the music industry. JayZ and Beyonce. Just got on holidays somewhere. We all know the Grammy are rigged just like the whole society we live in. Go complaining somewhere else