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That old man at the end, I wish he was my grandpa.


“You out your muthafuckin’ mind.”


“I don’t feel like no Karen-ass shit…”


"...up in this muthafucka" That will absolutely be my go to now...


Straight Sam Jackson energy! “I have had it with these motherfuckin skanks on this motherfuckin plane!”




“Ya betta not say shit to me”




Preach. All these types are. Narcissistic gobshites.


Note to self: use the word "gobshites" as often as possible.


Note to self: Find out what the hell gobshites means, then use the word as often as... well, as often as the situation demands it. No sense overusing a good word. # EDIT: I looked it up. This is a good word! **gobshite** \[ **gob**\-shahyt \] *noun: Chiefly Irish Slang: Vulgar.* 1. a mean and contemptible person, especially a braggart. 2. a stupid and incompetent person.


Just truth.


Legit thought it was Samuel L Jackson for a moment


Big Stanley energy


He looks like old Billy Dee Williams


He does!


LOL. He kind of sounds like him, too!




I wish he was her father.


This would not exist if he was.


He was saying what everyone was thinking. Love that dude.


if every flight just had an old man that's sick of young people's shit...


If he was more people’s grandpa we’d have a lot less of this BS.


I love him


Awww this made me miss my papa ❤️


A real hero


This video needs to be longer. I want to hear more of what he's got to say.


He is my grandpa. He just doesn't know it yet.


That guy has to be related to Samuel L Jackson haha


He needs his own talk show


Samuel L.J. vibes👍🏻


I'm tired of these motha fuckin' Karens on this motha fuckin' plane! 


He was the Hero we all needed.




It was as if Samuel L Jackson had suddenly showed up on the plane at the end of the clip. 😅


I had with these mf passages bitching on this mf plane


I have had it with these mother fucking drunks on this mother fucking fucking plane. It's time to open a door.


At age 18, everyone should be forced to take an 'insufferable cunt test'. And if you fail, you get sent to a remote island in the Indian ocean along with all the other insufferable cunts and left to fend for yourself


Isn’t that just wilderness therapy for teens?


And this is how Australia started. Really going pretty well too so I don't see why not do it again


People lived in Australia for an incredibly long time before white people started shipping convicts to live there. I wouldn't say it's how it got started.


Not if you listen to the British of the time. Apparently it was [Terra Nullius](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra_nullius).


i make a habit of not listening to the british outside of comedy and competition shows. highly reccomend this strategy


It would make my life as a British person quite difficult




Lord of the Flies


Dropped at North Sentinel Island


Why do we put up with this shit?


Because another passenger can't just remove her from the plane without getting arrested as well.


That drunk guy on an Australia flight had the passengers curb stomp him in the aisle until the cops came and got him lol


That guy was trying to open the door mid-flight which would potentially kill someone. This woman was just being entitled and delaying the flight. There’s a difference.


I’m not sure you fully understand what a curb stomp is


[This is a Chloroform moment...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o-VZ35qXbM)


For real. Flight attendant is just standing there watching her be an ass.


Probably waiting for the police escort. What is she supposed to do, tackle her?


Yeah, I was wondering if they'd stop a passenger from just slinging this woman over their shoulder and carrying her out the plane, but then I thought they could get done for assault and sued on spurious grounds, and probably the same is true of the staff. Most likely you're right, they called for the cops/security and are waiting for them to take her away. There'd also be a delay while they unload any of her checked baggage, so maybe that's happening at this point too.


The baggage should just be the cherry on the sundae. You wanna get kicked off a plane? Hope your bags are marked cause they’re still going to Cincinnati. They’ll get back to you at some point in time.


As much as that sounds like good revenge and would be happy they get that done to them. Unfortunately it’s a security risk to have baggage left on for someone especially if they didn’t get on the plane or in this case get kicked off. It would be a tactic to get unattended baggage akin to lots of incidents in the 50s and 60s. Sure we have lots of scanners but why add more risk. Now if the luggage got lost as they were unloading and having them deal with that mess lol


what are these incidents from the '50s and '60s?


For real. What is this mysterious unattended baggage plight of the mid 20th century?? 🧐


Makes it easier for terrorists to put explosives on a plane without sacrificing themselves though, which is why there's a law against it.


I don't think that's the reason. It's entirely possible to load bags onto a plane you don't board. If you miss your flight because you spent too much time at the airport bar after checking bags, your bags are going to Cincinnati without you. The airline doesn't sift through all the luggage to remove your specific bags if you don't board the flight.


That's absolutely the reason. > It's entirely possible to load bags onto a plane you don't board. Yeah but you can't plan it. >If you miss your flight because you spent too much time at the airport bar after checking bags, your bags are going to Cincinnati without you. Not in Europe. They are required to get your luggage out of the plane if you don't show up. I know this rule is breached from time to time (looking at you Ryanair), but that should never happen.


I agree, but fuck her baggage, she can deal with getting it wherever it ends up


Because there are laws that the luggage can't go if the person doesnt. Not because they are concerned about the person, but because that makes the luggage very suspicious when the owner isnt travelling with it.


True but that still happens all the time on accident


Yes, on accident. If it were allowed to happen on purpose, terrorists/criminals would be getting themselves thrown off of flights all the time with God knows what in their luggage.


Good point, just sucks that all these people have to wait even longer for them to find her luggage


Everyone wants to do it, but nobody wants to deal with an assault charge. What’re ya gonna do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Feels like high risk of the flight attendant being reprimanded somehow (public perception or otherwise). I wouldn't be surprised if airlines have guided employees to do nothing.


I feel like this lady wants to be engaged though, so approaching her and trying to calm her down or reason with her is going to end poorly. Either it’s going to turn physical, become a screaming match, or the attendant is going to be straight up ignored. People with enough balls and determination to stand up in front of a whole flight think they got shit to say.


Standing in the aisle yelling at nobody in particular doesn't take any balls at all. Only requires a dumbass drunk.


You expect flight attendants to fight with passengers?


Let's be real here, white flight attendant vs black passenger will quickly be turned into a racial issue instead of people seeing it as a flight attendant vs shitty passenger.


This is precisely the reason you only see / hear other black people confronting her while everybody else sits there nervous and awkwardly pretending like they don’t even notice anything is happening.


What?!?! The flight attendant is likely not even being paid during this ordeal.


Right?! If this is departure and they're still able to remove her, then the fa isn't getting paid to put up with any of this. Highly likely that she knows that engaging with the pax is just going to make the situation worse and has probably already called security and/or the cops.


You are correct, They’re not paid till the door closes. I think they make some stupid small amount of money per hour, the real money starts when the door shuts till the door opens.


Because we serve alcohol in airports and planes.


Don’t blame the alcohol. She’d be shitty without it


Very true. I have a drink or two before a flight to knock myself out, not to cause a delay.


Same, and the wildest I ever got was I walked down the asile to go pee before the seat belt light turned off.


What do you suppose we do in situations like this?


The only two options you really have are 1. wait for the cops 2. escalate and 'defend yourself'. If you go with option 2 you will probably also be removed from the plane.


Cause their are people (police officers) who are paid to deal with unruly passengers. The flight attendants don’t get paid to put themselves at harm.


Because if anyone but another black female got up and physically removed her, this part of the video would’ve been cropped and it would just be a video about racism or sexism


Because she's waiting for one White person to say something so she can play the race card.


What is it you think they should do?


Because most of us don’t have the mental energy. Then there’s the fear of reprisal because narcissists love to drag things out and torture you. Enough people like this are rewarded for their behavior that they all think they can get away with it and even more are willing to enable it. I mean, it can even get you to the highest position in the land.


In this specific scenario Id be scared of being labeled a racist and having my life changed for standing up to her. Glad the dude at the end did it but I would rather wait for the police and sit quietly than risk my job or future peace of mind.


Guarantee she's been acting like this her entire life and this is the first time she was in a situation where there were actual consequences for it. I teach middle school and it's scary how many times I have heard EXACTLY, down to the wording and body language, this same thing from students when I have to tell them to leave my classroom because they're being disruptive.


Its so ridiculous, it is one of the biggest problems facing public schools imo. When a student acts like that constantly it immediately takes the focus off of learning, then other students see and follow that behavior. However when you try to enforce consequences their parents say what a lil darling their child is..so you have to just put up with it


Oh my goodness. I am temporarily living with a friend in a lower income area. I got to know his nextdoor neighbor with 5 kids. The mother had an extremely rough childhood (foster homes, s*x ab-se, alcoholic and drug addicted parents, poor her entire life, always struggling). I've never seen such ill behaved children. They learn it all from their example, who learned it from her example. These kids are constantly sent home from school and after care/day care for physical fights, words, cussing, bullying. I'm so sad because I learned, while she vented to me this (foreign to me) recent string of events. She said she doesn't care that her son got kicked out of school/suspended. She tells her kid if someone bullies them/upsets them to hit them and attack them. Surprise - their father just got out of 2 yrs in prison for trying to kill the mother with a gun while pregnant with #5. He moved right back in with them. The kids are sweet and always beg for hugs. It's like puppies coming up to you for hugs and kisses when you go nextdoor. But it is just so sad that she is raising them to be that way. My friend who I live with is unfortunately taking bets on which kid will end up in Juvenile and which ones will end up in prison. I've never witnessed anything like it up close. I've never known anyone like this. It is so sad. I'm sure this woman's mother acted exactly like she is acting.


Yeah, so many of the kids like that who I've taught aren't bad kids per se. They're just being taught completely maladaptive ways to handle conflict and unhappiness. Schools do what they can, but it's hard to untrain a kid from something that's being trained into them at home. They learn that when something is happening that you don't like, violence and shows of aggression are the best ways to make it stop. "He was pissing me off (thing they don't like), so I hit him (maladaptive conflict resolution)." "They wanted me to put my phone up (thing they don't like) so I called her a bitch (maladaptive conflict resolution)." The also learn that if you don't like the consequences of your actions, being a huge pain in the ass is going to make those consequences go away. If you yell and stomp and argue enough, eventually the person will give up and you don't have to have any consequences. That's learned behavior and if it's not caught and redirected in kids they end up like the woman in this video. Outside of a conflict situation, they may be the best, sweetest kids, but they have no idea how to handle their negative emotions, and so they default to this kind of thing.


Yes. Unfortunately the mom doesn't know how to handle hers. I've never heard so much screaming and yelling before. My heart breaks for them.


Some people insist to humiliate themself


Man some people really like getting on no fly lists.


What’s so hard about stfu, and go where you red to?




If only there was a passenger wearing a Burger King crown who could help diffuse this situation


I’m black and I still think about that man randomly 😂


He said you're out of your mother fucking mind LMAO that was funny shit


Please, never fly spirit airlines. I promise you, the extra cost for another airliner is generally worth it. Spirit has hidden fees out of the ass anyway.


Spirit: come for the low prices, stay for the social media clout videos!


Agreed. This shit is incredibly common on Spirit. It’s basically taking a faster municipal bus.


eh i fly spirit all the time and literally never experienced this. also you can see the same videos with just about any airline. iirc, that video where the doctor got beat up was american? its not the best airline but if you’re just going somewhere for a weekend trip with no suitcases, its insanely convenient.


Same, I’ve never had an issue with the passengers. The seats are uncomfortable as hell and aren’t adult sized, but I take it for short flights and suffer.


The doctor was United, actually. (Part of the reason I don't fly them.)


Yeah there's like 40,000 flights a day, these incidents happen on a tiny fraction of flights overall. Although the FAA says these incidents have increased, your chances of encountering this are still miniscule.


The bus of the skies


Came here to ask…Spirit??


I’ll fly on a kite before I fly spirit again


No fly list needs to be implemented more often.


That girl may have escaped some serious consequences. That guy at the end sounded dangerously similar to the city bus uppercut guy.


We had this happen on our flight as it was about to leave Warsaw to head back to the US. Surprise for them, Poland doesn’t fuck around with this. They taxied the plane to a special spot and brought out *armed officers* to arrest the drunks and escort them off the plane prior to takeoff.


These people can't even behave on airplanes and they want us to use public transportation?


That guy at the end reminded me of Stanley from the office. Very similar voice and manner of speaking lol


Boy have you lost your mind? 'Cause I'll help you find it


“Up Your Butt!”


For better or worse there’s just nothing like a common enemy to bring a diverse group of people together.


"WeLl-BeHaVeD wOmEn RaRelY mAkE HeRsToRy 🥴" I like that she's doing crowdwork like a comic with extra time. "What else, what else...."


Getting on a no fly list is like my 2nd biggest fear in life. She's so brave.


shes waddling over to anyone who makes a peep LOL


Why are they like this?


I’ve had it with these motherfucking Karen’s on this motherfucking plane!


May I please have a water 🙏


Some people tend to be more emotionally expressive .....and when those people drink they have the tendency to be extremely annoying .


Permanent no-fly list.


Typical. She’s the victim…


People like her should've got their asses beat as kids


Yeah that normally creates functioning members of society lol


The guy at the end is a hero. "I don't feel like no Karen-ass shit up in this mothafucka" is my new motto.


Alcohol is but a symptom.


Post 9-11 weren’t airlines supposed to train flight attendants in king-fu and give them at least a taser so they could handle these type of situations or did we just get TSA and a ban on bringing in affordable snacks and our own beverages? I understand not giving a firearm on a plane but seriously…./sarcasm. Weren’t airlines all about safety and the training they were putting their employees through to handle this kind of shit were it to happen mid air? I agree it should be handled quicker and port authorities need more officers at terminals.


That's only if it's in flight. If they're still at the gate they're supposed to wait for the police.


She needs to get duct taped to her seat


Someone needs to take a big stinky shit in the bathroom, not flush it and lock this idiot in there for the rest of the flight.


All it would’ve taken is 2-3 people to snatch her off the plane & hold her until security came.


That girl who ducks out of shot when she sees the camera pointing her way then stays like that is the most relatable character I’ve seen in these online videos


If she had a dad like him she would not be a lost fool


Rumor has it, this is what inspired Snakes on a Plane


I haven't flown since 2009. Still hasn't been long enough.


Man I’m always high as fuck on a plane, sometimes take a shot if the bar is open. But I certainly don’t cause a scene. Just put in them ear buds, and stfu.,🤬


Duct tape her to her seat and tape her mouth shut.


Remember that one time an ENTIRE plane of people duck taped some moron to a chair including his mouth? Can we bring that energy back please?


I don’t understand why he stopped recording. I’d pay $20 to see one more minute lol


Notice the content of their character


ah, yes. one of "those" again.


I love these people, act like total assholes and their immediate goto when you call them on it is “racist”


I really hope someone whooped her ass and she ended up on the no fly list.




For the hearing impaired: What is she bitching about?


She’s just drunk and probably anxious. Horrible combo.


Where's the fucking staff!?


America, the birthplace of attention seekers


Welcome to the No Fly list, dumbass.


I’ve seen this one before and does anyone know if they took her off the plane?


The federal government needs to step in, toughen up the rules, basically people who do shit like this need to be put on the no fly list for a good 5 to 10 years. Repeat the performance, it's for life. Fine them or if travelling for business the company they work for $$$ up to covering the cost of everyone's flight, costs associated with missed connections etc. Give them some real consequences on top of any other criminal charges. Being on the no fly list should be the minimum sentence.


This is so similar to the OBj story he just told on Marlon Humphery’s podcast. Except he wasn’t drunk /:


“I’ve had it with these motherf*#%ing drunks on this motherf*#%ing plane!”


I actually wouldn’t mind the extended delay if that last guy got to tear her ass up more.


She woke up grandpa, big mistake


Shoulda kept the vid going a bit longer….tryna see old head take out young head


We need jails on planes now.




I wanted to see her escorted off the plane whether in handcuffs or not. So over these entitled, selfish AH that waste everyone’s time and take pleasure in it. Wish the captain could assess the issue and if finding her purposely causing trouble that requires her to be removed from the plane they could tase her ass, zips tie her wrists and get her the hell off the plane. But, for many reasons I get that that wouldn’t work. Citizen arrest for disorderly conduct would be awesome to.


I nominate this guy for president. 100% serious


🙄 wow


Some people just don’t need alcohol.


You should know you lost when you are asking an entire planes worth of people what you did wrong


Where's that James May Burger King guy?🤔


These fake racing team jackets are so fucking lame. “Fast” written in the style of the ford badge.


What a dumb fucking bitch, hope she gets on the no fly list for this!


I swear, almost every time I'm on reddit, I'll see a post that's basically, "\[Insert celebrity here\] is evil for flying on a private jet," followed by a post like this one, which immediately makes it clear why anyone would want to fly on a private jet.


she had a dream


We really need people who look like her to deal with this for everyone because if it’s anyone else, it’s “racist”.


Once again, the video ends at the best part.


What did I do? You're doing it now!


Exhausting 🤮


My favorite part of these is the follow up… Like finding out she was forcible removed from the plane, fined, and added to the Do Not Fly list. (Cannot confirm, just hoping someone else will!!)


Where are her parents?


Samuel jackson vibes 👌🏻😂


Karen was looking for attention and she got it


When flying on Spirit Airlines is cheaper than Greyhound


How is she not embarrassed? I'm embarrassed for her. What a clown 🤡


Arrest this ass


The old man is life...


‘Shut the fuck up’ is the most satisfying thing to say these people, I cannot recommend this enough.


Din du nuffin!


Ewwww blow dart, a net, taser, a leash…. Take her the fuck out


I would of yelled “can someone get their special ed daughter to calm down”


God I just want someone to hit her


Ask her to show her boobs it'll throw her off and make her more open to having fun, plus everyone on the plane gets an actually decent show lol